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1、新视野大学英语第三版电子教案Book2Unit4Unit 4 Dance with loveUNDERSTANDING AND LEARNINGOverview:Unit 4 is designed to let students navigate their college romance. Text A tells a love story about two college sweethearts, while Text B presents an image of a college girl who is in love and wants to initiate the first

2、 step to date a boy. The two texts have the same theme, but the dating practices are somewhat different: One is more traditional and the other more modern. Though the rhetoric modes used in both texts are narrative, Text B, however, is also more like an exposition, with the girls opinion about datin

3、g being clearly stated: what kind of date is most beneficial, who should initiate , and who should pay. The teacher may want to expose students to the elaborated description of the girls inner struggle. To let students find out what kind of date they really want and how they can deal with it properl

4、y, the teacher may start with a class discussion, based on the pre-reading activities, and then proceed to a story-telling activity on the topic of “love just happens when you least expect it”. The activity contains two layers: from oral to writing.Section A College sweetheartsBackground information

5、Campus romance in the 1960s in the United StatesThe 1960s in the United States are often perceived today as a period of profound societal change. Attitudes to a variety of issues changed, sometimes radically, throughout the decade. The urge to “find oneself”, the activism of the 1960s, and the quest

6、 for autonomy were characterized by changes toward sexual attitudes and practices, particularly among the young. These changes to sexual attitudes and behavior during the period are often referred to as the “sexual revolution”. The sexual revolution was often seen to have been centered on the univer

7、sity campus, among students. While the term “revolution” implies radical and widespread change, this was not necessarily in the case. Even in the “liberal” 1960s, conservative and traditional views were widely held. The love story in Text A coincides with what happened in that particular historical

8、period of time in the United States. From the story students can see the main characters, college sweethearts back then, were actually following a more traditional pattern of dating, romantic but conservative, a clear stream on campus in the 1960s.Detailed study of the text1. I smile at my two lovel

9、y daughters and they seem so much more mature than we, their parents, when we were college sweethearts. (Para. 1) Meaning beyond words: Married to her college sweethearts, the author now is happy with her family and two grown daughters.2. Linda, whos 21, had a boyfriend in her freshman year she thou

10、ght she would marry, but they are not together anymore. Melissa, whos 19, hasnt had a steady boyfriend yet. My daughters wonder when they meet “The One”, their great love. (Para. 1)2. Meaning beyond words: Her two daughters are at the age of just dating, but they seem to be very mature wondering whe

11、n they will meet their true love.3. They think their father and I had a classic fairy-tale romance heading for marriage from the outset. (Para. 1)Meaning beyond words: Her daughters consider their parents marriage a typical conventional romance because they think it aimed at marriage from the very b

12、eginning. classic: a.(usu. before noun) admired by many people, and having a value that has continued for a long time 经典的The Coca-Cola bottle is one of the classic designs of the last century. 可口可乐瓶子上是上个世纪的经典设计之一。Usage NOTEClassic, classical1. Classic 用作形容词表示“经典的;精彩的;一流的”。例如:Death on the Nile is one

13、 of the classic Agatha Christie. 尼罗河上的惨案是阿加莎克里斯蒂的经典作品之一。口语中也会用到classic这个词。 当你看到一场精彩的演出时, 就可以说 “Thats classic!” 来表达赞美。Classic用作形容词也表示“典型的;标准的”。例如:London is the classic example of the scattered city.伦敦是标准分散型城市。Classic也可用作名词,表示“文学名著;经典作品;杰作”。例如:We have all the standard classics of Hayao Miyazaki at hom

14、e. 我们家有宫崎骏的所有经典作品。2. Classical不能用作名词,只能用作形容词,表示“古典的,经典的”。例如:Classical music is music written by composers such as Mozart and Beethoven. 像莫扎特和贝多芬所创作的音乐称为古典音乐。莫扎特和贝多芬所创作的音乐属于古典音乐 (classical music), 但这些古典音乐经久不衰,有永久的意义和价值,所以这些音乐也可称为经典的音乐 (classic music) 。反之,在前面有一例中说可口可乐瓶子的设计是精彩的,一流的,所以是经典 (classic) 之作,但

15、很明显可口可乐瓶子的设计不是古典的 (classical) 设计。所以,经典的 (classic) 作品不一定就是古典的 (classical) 作品。 romance: n.1) C a story about the love between two people爱情故事Youll be in the joy of creation when writing a childrens story, a novel, or a romance. 当你写一部儿童故事,一部小说,或一部爱情故事时,你就会感受到创作的喜悦。2) U love or a feeling of being in love

16、爱情;恋爱Many people believe that marriage is not an ever-lasting romance but like a business. 很多人认为,婚姻不是一个浪漫的结合,而是一种商业的行为。 head for: go or travel toward a particular place, esp. in a deliberate way (朝) 前进;(向)去The ship was heading for Cuba, an island country in the Caribbean. 船只正航向古巴,它是一个位于加勒比海的岛国。4. Pe

17、rhaps, theyre right but it didnt seem so at the time. (Para. 1)Meaning: My daughters perception may be right, yet our romance back then was actually not like what they have assumed. 5. In a way, love just happens when you least expect it. Who would have thought that Butch and I would end up getting

18、married to each other? He became my boyfriend simply because of my shallow agenda: I wanted a cute boyfriend! (Para. 1)Meaning: Love comes your way when you dont really expect it. No one thought that Butch and I would finally get married. He became my boyfriend simply because I would like to fulfill

19、 my shallow wish: to have an attractive boyfriend in college.Meaning beyond words: here is the suspense of the story-the author gives a broad hint that she will tell us how she and her husband got married at last. cute: a. very pretty or attractive漂亮的;可爱的Mathew is so delighted because hes got a real

20、ly cute baby brother. 马修如此高兴是因为他有了一个很可爱的小弟弟。6. for him I think it was love at first sight. (Para. 1)Meaning: At the school dinning hall that important night, we were introduced to each other through my roommate. I met Butch just out of curiosity, but he seemed to fall in love with me as soon as he s

21、aw me.7. “You have beautiful eyes,” he said as he gazed at my face. (Para. 2)Meaning beyond words: The author was obviously attractive to Butch since he tried to please her by praising her eyes. gaze: vi. look at sb. or sth. For a long time, giving it all your attention, often without realizing you

22、are doing so (常指无意识地) 凝视,盯着看He spent hours gazing out of the window when he was supposed to be working. 在应该工作的时间,他却茫然地凝视着窗外好几个小时。 gaze at: look at sb. or sth. With ones eyes fixed at sth. often without knowing (常指无意识地)凝视,盯着看He was standing on the bridge gazing down at the river beneath. 他站在桥上,双眼凝视着桥

23、下的河。8. He kept staring at me all night long. (Para. 2) stare at: look at sth. or sb. With eyes widely open for a long time without moving凝视;盯着看In many cultures, its rude to stare at people. 在许多文化中,直愣愣地盯着人看是粗鲁的行为。9. I really wasnt that interested for two reasons. First, he looked like he was a really

24、 wild boy, maybe even dangerous. Second, although he was very cute, he seemed a little weird. (Para. 2)Meaning beyond words: She wasnt interested in him because she got the impression that he was wild and strange, which illustrates that she didnt know much about him at the beginning. Therefore, its

25、not true that their romance was heading for marriage from the start. weird: a. (infml.) very strange and unusual, and difficult to understand or explain古怪的;奇异的We were a little afraid when we walked into the weird old house, full of creaks and groans. 这座诡异的老房子到处嘎吱作响,我们走进去时有点儿害怕。10. Riding on his bicy

26、cle, hed ride past my dorm as if “by accident” and pretend to be surprised to see me. I liked the attention but was cautious about his wild, dynamic personality. (Para. 3)Meaning beyond words: She understood his little trick: trying to see her by manufacturing excuses. Though she was happy to be the

27、 focus of his attention, she was also very alert to his wild and dynamic personality. by accident: in a way that is not planned or intended偶然;意外地The trigger of the gun must be locked so that it cannot be fired by accident. 枪的发射板机必须被锁住,这样就不会意外地擦枪走火。 pretend to do sth: behave as if sth. is true when i

28、n fact you know it is not假装;装作I didnt pretend to be an expert on the subject because I must be honest. 我没假装我是这方面的专家,因为我必须诚实。 cautious: a. careful to avoid danger or risks小心的;谨慎的;慎重的Many scientists are cautious about interpreting function and behavior of “Black Holes”. 许多科学家对如何解释“黑洞”的功能和活动都持谨慎的态度。 dy

29、namic: a.1) full of energy and new ideas, and determined to succeed精力充沛的;有创新思想的;志在成功的He seemed a dynamic and energetic leader. 他似乎是一个充满朝气和活力的领导者。2) continuously moving or changing不断移动的;不断变化的Markets are dynamic and companies must learn to adapt to the constant economic changes. 市场是动态的,公司必须学会适应持续不断的经济

30、变化。11. He had a charming way with words which would charm any girl. (Para. 3)Meaning: He knew how to please and attract girls because what he said was always pleasant to their ears. charm: vt. attract sb. and make them like you, sometimes in order to make them do sth. for you迷住;吸引Almost all of the y

31、oung women in the room were charmed by his boyish manner. 房间里几乎所有的年轻女性都被他那男孩子气的举止迷住了。n. C, U a special quality sb. or sth. has that makes people like them, feel attracted to them, or be easily influenced by them魅力;魔力;吸引力;可爱之处These lovely old towns have a charm you couldnt find in the big cities. 这些可

32、爱的老城镇有你在大城市找不到的魅力。12. Fear came over me when I started to fall in love. His exciting “bad boy image” was just too tempting to resist. What was it that attracted me? (Para. 3)Meaning: I was in an awkward position: I started to fall in love with him, but I was also afraid of that. His bad boy image was too attractive to resist, but at the same time it was somewhat fearful. So, what exactly was it in him that attracted me? come over sb: if a feeling comes over yo

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