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1、传统作文之保护传统节日英语作文传统作文之保护传统节日英语作文保护传统节日英语作文【篇一:中国各传统节日英语作文】 dragon boat festival, often known as tuen ng festival or duan wu festival, is a traditional chinese festival held on the fifth day of the fifth month of the chinese calendar. it is also known as the double fifth.citation needed it has since be

2、en celebrated, in various ways, in other parts of east asia as well, most notably korea. the exact origins of duan wu are unclear, but one traditional view holds that the festival memorializes the chinese poet qu yuan of the warring states period. he committed suicide by drowning himself in a river

3、because he was disgusted by the corruption of the chu government. the local people, knowing him to be a good man, decided to throw food into the river to feed the fishes to prevent them from eating qus body. they also sat on dragon boats, and tried to scare the fishes away by the thundering sound of

4、 drums aboard the boat and the fierce looking dragon-head in the front of the boat. in the early years of the chinese republic, duan wu was also celebrated as poets day, due to qu yuans status as chinas first poet of personal renown. today, people eat zongzi (the food originally intended to feed the

5、 fishes) and race dragon boats in memory of qus dramatic death. 中文: 龙舟节,端午节经常或端午节,是一种传统的中国节日对中华历5月5日举行。它也被称为端五。来源请求它已经被庆祝,以各种方式在其他地区以及东亚,尤其是韩国。 端午确切的起源尚不清楚,但一种传统的观点认为,节日来源在中国诗人屈原的战国时期。他犯的河中溺死自己,因为他是由政府的腐败深恶痛绝楚自杀。当地群众,知道他是一个好人,决定投身到河里的鱼的食物,饲料,以防止吃屈原的尸体他们。他们还坐在龙舟,并试图吓唬由船上和激烈的寻找龙在船头头战鼓齐鸣声中的鱼了。 在中国民国初年,

6、段坞也被“诗人节“庆祝,由于屈原作为中国的第一个著名的诗人的个人地位。 今天,人们吃粽子的曲的戏剧性死亡内存和龙舟比赛(原本打算饲料鱼类的食物)。 the dragon boat festival is a lunar (阴历)holiday, occurring (存正)on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month (农历史五月第五天) the chinese dragon boat festival is a significant (有意义的)holiday celebrated (庆祝)in china,and the one with the l

7、ongest history (历史最悠久)。 the dragon boat festival is celebrated by boat races (龙舟赛) in the shape of dragons. competing teams (竞争团队) row their boats forward to a drumbeat (击古)racing to reach the finish end first. the boat races during the dragon boat festival are traditional customs(传统习俗)to attempts t

8、o (试图)rescue (搭救) the patriotic poet (爱国诗人)chu yuan. chu yuan drowned (溺死) on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month in 277 b.c. chinese citizens now throw bamboo leaves (竹叶) filled with cooked rice into the water. therefore the fish could eat the rice rather than the hero poet. this later on turned

9、 into the customof eating tzungtzu and rice dumplings(棕子)。 the celebration is a time for protection (防护) from evil(邪恶)and disease (疾病) for the rest of the year. it is done so by different practices such as hanging healthy herbs on the front door, drinking nutritious concoctions (营养品), and displaying

10、 (展示) portraits (画像) of evils nemesis(邪恶报应),chung kuei. if one manages to (成功做?) stand (直立)an egg on its end at exactly 12:00 noon, the following year will be a lucky one. a chinese holiday is gaining worldwide popularity 一个逐渐受到全球欢迎的中国节日 some holidays are so much fun that they catch on outside of th

11、eir culture. the most obvious example is probably christmas, which is celebrated around the world by people who arent even christian. similarly, in recent years, the dragon boat festival has moved beyond china to become an international holiday celebrated by people who may know little about the holi

12、days origins. 有些节日实在是很有趣,所以在本土文化以外的地方也很受欢迎。最明显的例子可能就是圣诞节,世界各地的人都会庆祝圣诞节,即使是非基督徒。同样,最近几年端午节已经不局限于中国,成为国际性节日,而庆祝的人可能对节日的由来并不太了解。 the dragon boat festival is one of three major chinese holidays, along with the spring and moon festivals. of the three, it is possibly the oldest, dating back to the warring

13、 states period in 227 b.c. the festival commemorates qu yuan, a minister in the service of the chu emperor. despairing over corruption at court, qu threw himself into a river. townspeople jumped into their boats and tried in vain to save him. then, hoping to distract hungry fish from his body, the p

14、eople scattered rice on the water. 端午节与春节和中秋节并列为中国三大节日。这三个节日中,它可能是最古老的一个,可以追溯到公元前227年的战国时代。这个节日是为了纪念楚国的大夫屈原,他因为对朝廷的贪污腐败感到绝望而投河自尽。镇上的人纷纷冲上船去救他,却没有成功。后来大家把米撒到水里,希望把饥饿的鱼群从他的躯体边引开。 多年以后,屈原逝世的故事逐渐演变成赛龙舟和吃粽子(一种包在竹叶中的米食)的传统。这些竞赛显然激起了世界各地人们的想像,每年春天有将近60场龙舟赛在中国境外的城市举办,从温哥华到悉尼,从波兰的格但斯克到南非的开普敦。单单字加拿大就有将近50支龙舟队

15、伍,德国则有近30个。 so what is it about the dragon boat festival that appeals to foreigners? “its an unusualsport,” says one racer from germany. “its not like everybodys doing it. thats one of the reasons that theres such great team spirit in a dragon boat team everybody feels like were doing something spec

16、ial.” and what about the zongzi? “ehhh, theyre not bad, i guess,” he says. “something of an acquired taste. i just havent really acquired it yet.” 那么,为什么端午节赛龙舟会吸引外国人呢?“这是一项不寻常的运动。”一位来自德国的参赛者说,“这并不是所有的人都在从事的运动。这正是龙舟队的团队精神如此高昂的原因之一,每个人都觉得自己在做一件很特别的事。”那么粽子呢?“喔,我觉得它不难吃。”他说,“那是一种需要后天培养的品味。我只是还没培养出来罢了。” t

17、he dragon boat festival ,also called the duanwu festival ,is celebrated on the fifth day of the fifth month according to the chinese calendar.people always eat rice dumplings and watch dragon boat races to celebrate it. very popular. the rice dumpling is made of glutinous rice,meat and so on. you ca

18、n eat different kinds of rice dumplings.they are very delicious. and dragon boat festival is for qu yuan. he is an honest minister who is said to have committed suicide by drowning himself in a river. overall, the dragon boat festival is very interesting! 端午节(dragon boat festival) the dragon boat fe

19、stival occurs on the fifth day of the fifth moon of the lunar calendar(阴历). it is one of the three most important of the annual chinese festivals. the other two are the autumn moon festival and chinese new year. the story of this colorful festival concerns a famous chinese scholar-statesman(政治家) nam

20、ed chu yuan(屈原) who, some three centuries before the birth of christ, served the king of chu(楚怀王)during the warring states period. as a loyal minister(大臣), chu yuan at first enjoyed the full confidence and respect of his sovereign(君主). eventually, through the intrigues of his rivals, he was discredi

21、ted(不足信的, 不名誉的). chu yuan was never able to regain(恢复) the emperors favor and on the fifth day of the fifth moon in the year 295 b.c.(before christ), at the age of 37, chu yuan clasped a stone to his chest and plunged into the milo river(汨罗江) in the hunan province(湖南省). respecting the minister as an

22、 upright(正直的) and honest man, the people who lived in the area jumped into their boats and rushed out in a vain search for him. this unsuccessful rescue attempt is a part of what the dragon boat festival commemorates every year. probably the most exciting and interesting aspect of the festival is th

23、e racing of the dragon boats. these races not only symbolize the peoples attempt to save chu yuan, they also demonstrate the chinese virtues(美德) of cooperation and teamwork. another activity of the festival is the making and eating of a kind of dumpling called tzungtzu (粽子). when it became known tha

24、t chu yuan was gone forever, the people, living along the river, threw cooked rice into the water as a sacrifice(祭品) to their dead hero. they wrapped(包) rice in bamboo leaves(粽叶), and stuffed(填满) it with ham, beans, bean paste(豆沙), salted egg yokes, sausages, nuts, and/or vegetables. to the chinese

25、the fifth lunar moon is more than just the dragon boat festival. since antiquity(古代), they have believed that this month is a pestilential and danger-fraught(瘟疫的及充满危险的) period. children born in this month are said to be difficult to raise(抚养), and people tend to concentrate their efforts during this

26、 time attempting to protect their families from ills and misfortune. the day of the dragon boat festival is customarily the time when cleaning and sanitation(卫生) are stressed(着重, 强调). most families hang calamus(菖蒲) and artemisia(艾草) above their doors, both as a decoration and as a preventive against

27、 pestilence. ancient folk medicines(民间药物) such as realgar(雄黄酒)are added to the food eaten on the festival day. this is believed to prevent disease and to promote a healthy digestive system(消化器官). the drinking of realgar in wine supposedly relieves(解除) the effects of poisons accumulated in human bodi

28、es. the sachets (hsiang pao in chinese香包) are very popular with children and they vie(竞争) with each other to collect as many as possible. children are not the only ones who collect hsiang pao. older people are often given them as a symbol of respect, and they are highly prized because of the intrica

29、te(复杂的) and beautiful embroidery(刺绣) that adorns(装饰) them. the dragon boat festival is an entertaining and enjoyable event. it gives the observer an opportunity to glimpse a part of the rich chinese cultural heritage 1、its chinese name qing ming literally means clear brightness, hinting at its impor

30、tance as a celebration of spring. similar to the spring festivals of other cultures, tomb sweeping day celebrates the rebirth of nature, while marking the beginning of the planting season and otheroutdoor activities. 清明节,又叫踏青节,正是春光明媚草木吐绿的时节,也正是人们春游的好时候,所以古人有清明踏青,并开展一系列体育活动的的习俗。直到今天,清明节祭拜祖先,悼念已逝的亲人的习

31、俗仍很盛行。 2、in ancient times, people celebrated qing ming jie with dancing, singing, picnics, and kite flying. colored boiled eggs would be broken to symbolize the opening of life. 3、one theory is that since any number of ghosts rome around a grave area, the less appealing food will be consumed by the

32、ancestors, and not be plundered by strangers. 清明节扫墓英语作文 last qingming festival,i return home to worship my grandfather.qingming festival is a folk the past,in the past, the qingming festival was called arbor day. but today, chinese visit their family graves to tend to any underbrush that has grown. weeds are pulled, and dirt swept away, and the family will set out offerings of food and spirit money. unlike the sacrifices at a familys home altar, the offerings at the tomb usually consist of dry, bland food. one theory is that since any number of ghosts rome around a gra

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