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1、服务协议中英双语版SERVICES AGREEMENT服务协议THIS SERVICES AGREEMENT (this “Agreement”) is made on the day of August, 本服务协议(下称“本协议”)由以下双方于 年 月 日签订:BETWEEN(1) SHANGHAI WFOE (Party A), a company incorporated and existing under the laws of Peoples Republic of China, having its registered office at please add; andSHA

2、NGHAI WFOE (下称“甲方”),一家根据中国法律成立和存续的公司,注册地址为 ;及(2) HONG KONG CO., LTD. (in Chinese: ) (Party B or WFOE), a company incorporated and existing under the laws of Hong Kong, having its registered office at please add.HONG KONG CO., LTD(下称“乙方”或“WFOE”),一家根据香港法律成立的公司,注册地址为 。WHEREAS: -(1) Party B is able to m

3、ake, and/or to cause and procure third party to make, available to Party A the Services upon and subject to the terms and conditions set out in this Agreement.乙方具有基于本协议项下的条款和条件向甲方提供和/或促使第三方向甲方提供服务(“服务”)的能力。(2) The Parties wish to formally set out in this Agreement the terms and conditions relating t

4、o the provision of the Services by Party B.双方希望在本协议中正式规定与乙方提供服务有关的条款和条件。第一条 DEFINITIONS AND INTERPRETATION 定义及释义1.1 In this Agreement unless the contrary intention appears:除非文义另有所指,在本协议中:Applicable Law means any publicly promulgated applicable statute, law, ordinance, regulation, rule, code, order,

5、or requirement or rule of law.“适用法律”指任何公开发布的可适用的制定法、法律、条例、法规、规章、法典、法令或法律规定或规则。Commencement Date means August, “起始日”指 年 月 日。Hong Kong means the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the Peoples Republic of China.“香港”指中华人民共和国香港特别行政区。PRC means the Peoples Republic of China, and for the purpose of

6、this Agreement, excluding Taiwan, the Macau SAR and Hong Kong SAR.“中国”指中华人民共和国,仅惟本协议之目的,不包括台湾、澳门特别行政区及香港特别行政区。Services means, collectively, the assistance and services to be provided by Party B to Party A, as more particularly described in Schedule 1 to this Agreement and Service shall be construed

7、accordingly.“服务”指乙方向甲方提供的所有协助和服务,更详细地描述见本协议附表一,单项服务则应相应诠释。Service Fees means the compensation paid by Party A to Party B for the Service provided hereunder in accordance with the Clause 4.1 of this Agreement.“服务费”指甲方根据本协议第4.1条提供的服务支付给乙方的报酬。Term means the period from the Commencement Date until eithe

8、r (a) the date falling please add years from the Commencement Date or (b) the date this Agreement is terminated earlier in accordance with Clause 7.2 (all dates inclusive).“合同期限”指从生效日期起至(a)从生效日起算第_年之日,或(b)按第7.2条本协议终止的那天的期限(包含当日)。RMB means the lawful currency of the European Union.“人民币”指中华人民共和国的法定货币。

9、1.2 Interpretation 释义In this Agreement, where the context admits:如文义所指,在本协议中:1.2.1 references to Clauses and Schedules are to clauses of and Schedules to this Agreement;对任何条款和附表的援引是指本协议的条款和附表;1.2.2 general words shall not be given a restrictive meaning by reason of the fact that they are followed by

10、 particular examples intended to be embraced by the general words;广义词不得因其后所举意欲被该广义词包含的特例而被赋予限制性的含义;1.2.3 references in this Agreement to statutory provisions are references to those provisions as in force at the date of this Agreement but include all statutory modifications, re-enactments, replaceme

11、nts and extensions of those provisions and any subordinate legislation or regulations made under such provisions;本协议中对法规的援引是指在本协议生效日有效的法规,但包括这些规定及其下位立法或法规的所有法定的修改、重新颁布、替代和延展;1.2.4 unless the context otherwise requires, the singular includes the plural and vice versa, words importing gender or the ne

12、uter include both genders and the neuter and vice versa, and references to persons include bodies corporate or unincorporated, partnerships, firms, associations and individuals and references to any agreement or such other instrument shall be deemed to include references to such agreement or other i

13、nstrument as varied or replaced from time to time;除非文义另有所指,复数词语包括单数,反之亦然;含有性别意思的词语或中性词语包含两种性别和中性,反之亦然;对人的援引包括法人、非法人组织、合伙关系、公司、协会和个人;对任何协议或该等其他文据的援引应包括该等合同或其他文据不时修订或更新的版本;1.2.5 references to year and month shall be to a calendar year and a calendar month respectively; and对“年”和“月”的援引分别指对日历年和日历月的援引;及1.

14、2.6 reference to Parties means the parties to this Agreement, and Party means either of them.对“双方”的援引是指本协议的双方,一方是指其中任何一方。1.3 Headings 标题The headings and sub-headings are inserted for convenience only and shall not affect the construction of this Agreement.标题和副标题仅为方便而设,不应影响本协议的解释。第二条 SERVICES 服务2.1 U

15、pon and subject to the terms and conditions set out in this Agreement, Party B shall, throughout the Term, provide the Services to Party A.基于且受限于本协议规定的条款和条件,在合同期限内乙方应向甲方提供服务。2.2 Party B undertakes to Party A that it will comply with all Applicable Laws when carrying out the Services hereunder.乙方向甲方承

16、诺,在提供本协议项下服务的过程中会遵守所有应适用法律。第三条 PERFORMANCE OF THE SERVICES服务的履行3.1 Notwithstanding the provisions of Clause 2, Party B shall not, except with the specific written request or authority of Party A, or of any other person whom such board has empowered to give such authority, act as or hold itself out a

17、s the agent of Party A.尽管本第2条中有规定,乙方非经甲方或有权授予该等授权的任何该等人士之书面明确授权或请求,不得以甲方的名义或代表甲方行事。3.2 Party B shall exercise all due skill and care in providing the Services in accordance with the terms of this Agreement.乙方应依照本协议之条款尽其所能地审慎提供服务。第四条 SERVICE FEES AND PAYMENT 服务费及其支付4.1 In consideration of Party B pro

18、viding the Services to Party A, Party A agrees that it shall pay party B a service fee (Service Fee) to be calculated and paid in the following manner:作为乙方向甲方提供服务的对价,甲方同意其应向乙方支付一笔服务费(“服务费”),该服务费以以下方式计算并支付:4.1.1 The Service Fee shall be calculated on annual basis in an aggregate amount of RMB (RMB );

19、 and服务费应按照每一年度累计 ( )人民币计算;及4.1.2 The payment of the Service Fee during the Term shall be made on monthly basis within thirty (30) days from the receipt by Party A of the invoices issued by Party B;在合同期限内的服务费应每月在甲方收到乙方开具的发票后的30日内予以支付。4.1.3 the Service Fee can be revised from time to time by agreement

20、 of the Parties in writing; and经双方书面协议服务费可以被不时修订;及4.1.4 unless otherwise expressly stated or agreed by the Parties, the Service Fee shall cover the costs incurred by Party B for providing the Services under this Agreement plus twenty (20)% margin.除另有明确规定或双方另行协议外,服务费应包括乙方提供本协议项下的服务花费的成本加上20%的利润。4.1.5

21、 Party A shall reimburse Party B for any expenses it may incur in connection with its performance of the Services pursuant to this Agreement, including without limitation travelling, accommodation fees and expenses reasonably incurred in the course of providing the Services.甲方应偿付乙方与依据本协议履行服务有关的任何费用,

22、包括但不限于差旅费、住宿费及在提供服务过程中合理产生的费用。4.2 Details of accounts designated by Party B for the payment of Service Fees are set out as below:乙方指定接收服务费的账户信息如下:Bank Name: please add开户行: Account Holder: please add账户名: Account Number: please add账号: SWIFT Code: please addSWIFT代码: 第五条 BOOKS AND RECORDS 账簿及记录Party B s

23、hall at all times maintain, and promptly deliver up to Party A upon demand, all books, records, accounts and statistics relating to the Services it provides pursuant to this Agreement.乙方应在任何时候保持并在甲方要求时立即提供与其在本协议项下提供的服务有关的所有账簿、记录、账目及统计数据。第六条 REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES 陈述及保证6.1 Each party to this

24、Agreement represents and warrants for the benefit of the other Party that as at the date of this Agreement and during the Term:本协议各方为对方利益陈述及保证,自本协议起始日其在合同期限内:6.1.1 it has the full power and authority to enter into and perform its obligations under this Agreement which when executed will constitute i

25、ts valid and binding obligations in accordance with its terms;它具有完全的能力及授权订立本协议并履行其在本协议项下依照相应条款如其履行则构成有效并具有约束力的义务;6.1.2 the entry into and the performance by it of this Agreement will not constitute a breach of any law or regulation to which it is subject or by which it is bound nor result in any cla

26、im by any third party against it nor result in any breach of any provision of its memorandum or articles of association or any other agreement or instrument to which it is a party or by which it is bound;订立及履行本协议将不违反它应予适用或受其约束的任何法律或法规或导致任何第三方对它的任何索赔或导致违反它的任何章程或它作为一方或受其约束的任何其他协议或文据;6.1.3 it is duly i

27、ncorporated and validly existing under the law of the jurisdiction of its incorporation and it has obtained and complied with all permits, authorities, licences and consents (whether granted by public or private authority) required to carry on its business in the manner and in the places in which it

28、s business is now carried on; and它依据其注册地司法管辖区内应适用的法律适当注册并有效存续,且它已取得按照其现有方式在其业务地点从事现有业务所必需的(无论是公权力机关或私人机构授予)的所有许可、授权、执照或同意;及6.1.4 it is financially sound and is not subject to any winding up or bankruptcy proceedings whether compulsory or voluntary (or any analogous proceedings thereto in Hong Kong o

29、r PRC or any other jurisdiction), and has not made any general assignment for the benefit of its creditors.它具有良好的财政状况,且未(无论是强制性或自愿)进入任何清盘或破产程序(或在香港或中国或其他司法管辖区内任何同类程序),且未为其债权人利益做任何一般性分配。第七条 DURATION AND TERMINATION 合同期限及终止7.1 This Agreement shall become effective on the Commencement Date and shall co

30、ntinue in force during the Term.本协议自起始日起生效,并在合同期限内持续有效。7.2 This Agreement shall be terminated:本协议被提前终止须:7.2.1 by the Parties by written mutual agreement;经双方达成书面协议;7.2.2 by either party any time by giving at least three (3) months written notice to the other;经一方任何时候提前三(3)个月书面通知另一方;7.2.3 by a non-defa

31、ulting party, following a material breach of the terms of this Agreement by a defaulting party which has not been cured (if capable of cure) within 30 days after being given notice by the other non-defaulting Party so to do; or经守约方发出要求违约方补救其重大违反本合同之行为的通知之日起三十(30)日内未予弥偿(能够弥偿);或7.2.4 by Party A automa

32、tically upon Party B becoming unable to pay its debts in the ordinary course of business or entering into liquidation or having a receiver appointed whether compulsory or voluntarily or otherwise becoming subject to any applicable insolvency laws.经甲方自动于乙方已无法在正常经营活动中偿付债务或者进入清算程序或无论是强制或自愿地接受托管或存在其他任何适用破产法的情形出现之时。第

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