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1、初中英语时态选择题练习100题初中英语时态选择题练习10()题(附答案)()1.Therenohospita IS in myhometown fifty years ago.A.isB. areC.WaSD. Were()2.-WhOSingSbestin your ClaSS -JennyA.doB. didC.doesD. hasdone()3.-_ theyounggirl the oI d Inan CIean hi S roomevery day Yes, She does.A. Does; help B. Has; heIpedC. DiCI;helpD. Do; helps)4

2、. CanI go tOBeij ingfor my hoiiday, DadCan v/henyoua bit older.A.WiIl getB. getC. aregett i ngD. got)5. What does LindaOften do in the evening She Oftenher homework, but On theeven i ng Of MarCh 12She TV.A. does; vatCheS B. is doing; watChed C. does; WatChed D. isdoing; v/as VVatChing( )6. OUr geogr

3、aphy t eacher told US yes terday that the ear th aroundthe SUnA. WaS mov i ng B. moved C. has moved D.moves( )7. If he harder, he Wi I I CatCh UP With US SOOnStUdyD. StUdied)8. Dont forget to ask him to Write to me. I WOn, t AS SOOn as he, I I ask him to wr ite to you.)9.COnlfOr table.)10.Were)11.Wr

4、Itten)12.COUldnt)13.A. WilI COmeB. Came C COmeS DO you I ike this Silk dress Yes, I do. ItA. i S fee I i ngB.C. has feltD. is COmingSO SOftandD.Oh, its you. IF SOrryA. don,t; areD. dont; WereMr LU XUn d i ed i n 1936.A. v/roteD. WOUI d Wr i teHe YOUr teIephone number-Its 2567321.C. dontD. HOW WaS yo

5、ur Weekend Great! WeWith theA. enjoy OUrSeIVeSmake fr iends)14. What did Mr JOneS doknow youhere.B. didnt; are C.a IOtOf famousdidnt;no vels.B. WaS Writing C hasagain IA. can,td idn,tOn the farmfarmers.quite CatCh itB.B. Werltf ishingC WiIl WOrkbefore he moved here He a City bus for OVer twenty-five

6、 years.D.dr i VeS)15.Janea new dress every month When She WaS in ShanghaiA. buysB. is buying C.boughtD. Wi I I buy)16. LiU Mei can*t COme tonight Why BUt She me She WOUI dcome.A. tellsB. toldC. istoldD. had toldIeaVeSorry.A. haveWilI beShi rts.)17.)18.)19.)20.)21.)22.He turned Off the Ii ght and the

7、nA.eavesB. hasD. IeftIeftC. WiII KeePB.quiet, PleaSe Theya meeting.hadC. are havingD. have had Jimmy i S IeaVing for a hoi iday. Rea I Iy WhereA. has; goneB. will; go C did; gohe WOUId; goFrankThereto SeeA. Wi I I come; Wia talkA. WiIl giveh i S grandma i f hefree tomOrrOw.I I be B. COmeS; i S C Wi

8、I I COme; is D. COmeS;On SC i ence i n OUr SChOO I next Monday.B. Will be C is going to give ShaI I We go ShOPPing now SOrry, I Cant. ID.myWaShing( )23.Wa i ted( )24.I got thereIeft( )25.-door.WiII hang( )26.- it off.Watoh( )27.had just read( )28. Ihas finishedWaS Wr i ting一 HUrry up! We,reA. v/a i

9、tDid you See TOrTlA. had I eftD.a I I Wa iting for you.for an important PhOneB. WaS Waitingat the PartyD. has IeftIS this raincoat yoursA. has hungyouA. Did; WatChHave; WatCheddont think Jim SaWA.SmithA.B.Cal l GO WithOUt me. No,B. WaS IeaVing No, minei S hanging C. hungTV at the moment Are; WatChin

10、gme; hea bookjust readB. has just read C. WaSa book about China IaSt year buthas Wr i ttenC. am Waiting the timethere behind theD. No, you Can tUrnC. Do;at that moment.just readingD.I dont know Whether heB. WrOte C. had Wr i ttenD.)29 I Cal Ied you at SeVe n yes terday eve ning, but t here

11、WaS no answer. Oh, I am sorry.d i nner at my fr i endt S home.A. am havingB.hadC. WaS havingD havehad( )30.ShOP at thatWOrk i ng( )31.( )32.See( )33.ta I ks( )34.has IaSted( )35. DO you know MiSS Wang YeS I f i rst methertwoyears ago. Sheat a radiotime.A.Mr Wh i teA.C.A.V/hen theA.v/as WOrk i ngD. h

12、ad WOrkedB.WOrked C. isthe newspaper, While hi S daughterread; WaS WatChing B. WaSWaS reading; WaS WatChingyou at the meeting. V/hySaWB. have SeenD. didn,t Seeteacher Came in, the studentsTV.reading; WatChedD. read; WatChedWaS ill.C.notaboUt the new film.are talking B. Were talkingC. talkedThe 2004

13、AthenS OIymp i CA. has begunHUrry up! The PIayD.GameSB. IaStedOn AUgUSt 13.C. beganD.for ten minutes.)36. May I SPeak to Mr Smithbe backCOnle back)37. IIOSe)38.SaW)39.UP to)40.had)41. Sorry, heAUStra Iia. BUt heA. has been to; WiII COme backC. has been in; WOUld COme backCant go to See theA. have I

14、OSt What do you th i nkWenow.i n two days.B. has gone to; VViIlD is IeaV in g for; does r tfiIm tonight, because Imy ti CketD. WaSOf the It is Very nice. IA. Will SeeD. SeeA.C. WhatB. IOStC. WilIIOSingfi Im HarryPOtterittwice.B. Iearn Engl i Sh five years for five yearsbegan; Iea

15、rnedB. beg in; have Iearnedhave begun; had IearnedD began; have Iearneda nice bike! HOW IOng JUSt two veeks.A. have; boughtD. are; havingYOU dont t have to descr ibeher.youB. did; buy C. have;her SeVeraI times.WaSWOUId you See)44.had happened)45.-A. WaS)46.soon.IeaVe)47.)48.husband Oh, not at al I I

16、A. have COmeD. have beenhere Onlya fev minutes.B. had d i ct iOnary anywhere YeS I SaW it On yourdesk a moment ago.A. HaVe you SeenB.DO you See C. Had you SeenD.I havert heard from Li JUn What do you thinkA. v/as happeningfor a IOng time.t OhirnB. to happen C. has happenedDO you know OUr to

17、wn at a I I No, this i S the f i rst time IB. have been C. am COmingWe Were a I I SUrPr i Sed When he made it CIear that heA. IeaVeSD. had I eft HOW I OngOff i CeB. WOUlel IeaVeyour father FOr more than twenty years.MrS Smithhome.C. Willthe Partyher keys in the Off iCe SO She had to Wa

18、 it Unt i I herA.has I eft; COmeSB.Ieft; had COnleC.had left; WOUldCOme D. had left; Came( )49 DO you know Betty Very We I I Yes, She and I friends SinCe We met in Guangzhou IaStSUmmerA. have made B. have become C. have been D. have tUrned)50. What did your SOn Say in the Ietter He told me that he t

19、he DiSney WOrld the next day.A. v/ouId ViSit B. has ViSit C. is going to visit D. WiIl( ) 51. The Ietter in JaPanese Can you read it to me With PleaSUreA. Wr i tes B WrOte C. i SWrit ing D.i s wr i tten( )52 ThiS kind Of r ice tastes niCe DO you know Where it is grown Yes, it in SOUtheaSt ChinaA. v/

20、as grew B. has grown C is grown D. isgrowing( )53 In SOme Parts Of the WOrId, tea With milk and SUgarA. is SerVing B. is SerVed C.SerVeS D SerVed( )54. Did you Win the basketball game Bad I UCk OUr tearn i n the final one.)55.ThiJ Paintingto amuseum in NeW YOrk in 1977A. SelISB.SOld C. WaS SOldDSOld

21、)56.TheteIevi si OnItdoesnt WOrk now.A. must repai rB.WaS repai ring C. mus t be repa i redDWOnA. WOnD. WaS beatenB. beatC. WaShas repai red) Iieve that those mountainsWith treesin a fev years,time.A. are COVeredB. WiIl be COVeredC. areCOVer ingD. WilI COVer)58. DO you th i nk that theCIaSSrOOm

22、everyday Yes, I thinkCIeaned)59.A. ShOU Id CIeanD. ShOUld be CIeanedI Iike my new bike ItA. ridesB.B.ShOUldVeryi S ridingbe CIeaningC. ShOUldwell.C. isridden)60. DO you th i nk th i Skind Of appleWe I I No, I don tthink so.D.has r iddenD. WOUI d Sel I)61.It is Said that about400 CarSin the factory n

23、ext month.A. Were PrOdUCed B. Wi I I PrOdUCe C are PrOdUCed D WilIbe PrOdUCed( )62 I WaSn t at home yes terday I to help With the harvest On thefarm.A. asked B. WaS asked C. WaS aski ng D had asked( )63 Are you free this afternoon No. ITl have an Eng I i Sh COmPOS i t i On th i Safternoon.A. tOWrite

24、 B. WrOte C. tObeWriting be Written( )64. HOW SWeet the music ! I have never heard a better PieCeA. SOUndS to be B. is SOUnded C. is SOUnded tobe D. SOUndS( )65. Where are the boys Oh, they basketball On the PlaygrOUnd just nowA. Were Seen Play B. Were See nt OPlayC have Seen to PlayD have Seen

25、 PIay( )66. Can you Sing this EngIiSh SOng Of COUrSe I CarL It Often by Ch i I ClrenA. is; Sang B. will; Sing C. WaS ; Sang D is;SUng( )67 NO One knows how the huge rocks and Without OUr modernmachines eight hundred years ago.A. Were cut; moved B. Were cut; move C. are cut;movingD. are cut; moved( )

26、68. When this COmPUter LaStyear.A. did; make B. was; made C. is;made D has; made( )69. Can you tell me WhOm the PI ay in 1998 Sorry, I dont knowA. WaS Wr itten by B. WaS Wr i tten C is Wr ittenby D i s Wr itten( )70. What did MiSS Zhang Say to you just now She Said that al I the books ShOUICl to the

27、 I ibraryOn time.A. are retUrned B. return C. beretUrned D be retUrn ing( )71. The Old man WaS quite Weak after the accident, SO he A. must be taken CareB. must take Care OfC. must be IOOked afterD. must I OOkafter)72. What doesthe radio Say It SayS that aWi Id animal ZOO iS toin OUr bui Id

28、ingB. Wi I I be builtC. isbuiltD. be built()73.When andv/here to buildthe new not decidedB. are not decidedC. has notdecidedD have not decided()74.PaUl doesn,t have to bemade He always WOrkS hardA. Iear nB. to I earn C.IearnedD Iearning)75 A footba I I match i n OUr SChOOl next MOnday.A. Will holdB. WilI be heldC. is going toholdD. ho I ds)76 AIthough the boy iS onlyeight years ol

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