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1、被动语态教学设计 语法课:被动语态 教学设计Teacher: Chen Lei from Xiaguan Vocational SchoolTopic: Grammar: Passive Voice Teaching aims:1. Knowledge aim:Students can make sentences in passive voice with four tenses- simple present tense, simple past tense, simple future tense and present perfect tense. 2. Ability aims:(1

2、)Students can change the active sentences to the passive sentences. (2) Students can express something in passive voice.3 Effective aim: Students can build their confidence in English learning and know how to communicate with each other well and actively.Difficulties:To use the passive voice in the

3、suitable situation correctly.Teaching aids: Multi-media computerTeaching methods: Cooperative learning, interactive, group work,information gapDirection: 被动语态教学有四课时,本节课为第二课时。学生已经基本掌握了被动语态的基本意义以及几种时态下的形式。本节课的目的在于对被动语态形式的复习以及学生要掌握何种语境下使用被动语态。有些语法课只关注语言结构,只是做大量的枯燥的习题而忽视了语境,学生往往只会做练习,而在实际语言环境中就不会运用。所以本节

4、课强调了适用于被动语态的语言环境,采用了任务型教学法,并为学生创设了语境,让学生在语境中通过完成老师布置的任务,在快乐学习中掌握被动语态。Designs for the blackboard: Passive Voicetensesubjectauxiliary verbparticiplesimple present tenseThe bone /bonesis / areboughtby the dog everyday.simple past tenseThe bone / boneswas / wereboughtby the dog yesterday.simple future t

5、enseThe bone / boneswill beboughtby the dog tomorrow.present perfect tenseThe bone / boneshas / have beeneatenby the dog.Teaching procedures:Step 1 Reviewing and Lead- in 5 minutes教学活动目的及教学效果预测1.Greetings T:Good morning everybody!2.Lead- inT:It was a special day yesterday. Because someone was happy,

6、 but the other was sad. Ill show you two diaries. Please look at the screen and listen carefully.(show the two diaries on the screen) T: Lets compare these two diaries . Whats the relationship between them? ( S: They talked about the same thing.)( If students have difficulties ,teacher may ask: what

7、re the characters in the diaries ? Whatre the same verbs in the diaries? Can you find the sentences of the same meaning?)Lets guess which diary was written by the dog/ the bone. (S: The first / second was written by the dog / the bone ).Which voice is the dog used in his diary? (S: Active voice) Yes

8、. Which voice is the bone used in his diary?(S: Passive voice) Please underline the sentences in passive voice in the bones diary. Whats the subject in the passive voice?(S:动作的承受者) Please underline the sentences in passive voice in the bones diary. 3.ReviewingT: We have learned passive voice with fo

9、ur tenses- simple present tense, simple past tense, simple future tense and present perfect tense.Do you remember the forms? Let complete this table with some sentences. (writing on the blackboard)师生感情交流利用多媒体手段展示两篇小日记。教师通过问几个问题引导学生思考这两篇日记的关系以不同当事人角度描述同一事件。如果学生回答有困难,可以先找两篇日记中有哪些同样的人物,同样的词,同意的句子,从而引导出

10、他们的关系。学生通过思考能够认识主动语态与被动语态的异同点 ,并关注被动语态的意图:强调动作的承受者。复习上节课内容。巩固语言形式Step2 Illustrations and Practice 12 minutes 教学活动目的及教学效果预测1.Introduce the topic to the studentsT: Thank you for your answers.I think you have learned passive voice by hearts. Later, we will make some sentences in passive voice. You know

11、, we should learn not only their forms but also how to use it correctly. Can you tell me how to use the passive voice in the suitable situation?T:Today, our topic is how to use passive voice in the suitable situation?.( show them on the PPT) 动作承受者需强调,谁做的动作不知道,说出谁做的没必要,被动语态运用到。2. Practice 1: Change t

12、he following sentences into the passive voice.(1). Edison invented the light bulb in 1879. The light bulb by Edison in 1879.(2).Minnie looks after the flowers very carefully. The flowers very carefully.(3). The professor has translated this book into four languages. This book into four languages.3.s

13、ummary :4. Practice 2: Fill in the blanks with the given words.(1). Some computers ( steel ) last night.(2). Some plastic bags full of rubbish (pile) in the street.(3). You (ask) a lot of strange questions later.5. .summary6. Practice 3: Translation.(1) 计算机在我们的生活中使用很广泛。(2) 许多国家都说英语。(3) 这部电影下周上映。7. s

14、ummary对于何时使用被动语态,学生有可能只能泛泛回答出当动作承受者作句子的主语时用被动语态。这里用顺口溜的形式告诉学生何时使用被动语态,学生容易理解,容易记忆。这里设计的三道练习涉及到四种时态,在语法结构上由易到难,注意拉开层次。满足不同层次学生的需要。另外,这三道练习也是分别说明适用于被动语态的三种语境,每个练习做完都及时总结,使学生清楚感受三种语境。Step 3 Extension 20minutes教学活动目的及教学效果预测1 Practice 1:Use the given dialogue to talk about famous works of art and buildin

15、gs. Who painted ?It was by .When was it painted?It was painted in .What was it painted with?It was painted with . Let me get this straight: It was painted by in with .Thats right/correct.T: There are some famous works of art and some famous buildings on my paper. Lets work in pairs. One has sheet A

16、and the other has sheet B. There are sheet A and sheet B. There is different information on it. I hope you can exchange your information by using the given dialogue with your partner. (give a model)1. Practice 2: Introduce the famous works and buildings to the class.T: Students who got the same shee

17、t will form a group. You will introduce the famous works and buildings to the class. There are some information about it. Please make a poster. Remember, every member of your group may have his or her own job. I think maybe one is responsible for writing, and one is responsible for drawing, two of y

18、ou will make some sentences , and one is reporter.(give a model)Practice1创设具有“信息沟”的语境,使学生运用所学的被动语态造句,交换信息,从而合作学习。激发学习兴趣与动力。在此环节中,教师再给学生一些关于practice1中出现的建筑与绘画的相关信息,学生继续用被动语态进行描述,并制作海报,训练写的技能。在任务教学小组合作中,每个学生都有各自任务。Step 4 summary 5 minutes教学活动目的及教学效果预测1. Let every group show their poster. 2. By evaluat

19、ing every groups poster, teacher make a summary.学生展示海报,通过评价海报复习本节课内容。Step 6 Homework 3minutes教学活动目的及教学效果预测Homework :Level A: Complete the exercises on the sheet A ,B,C,D.Level B: Try to introduce Chinas four great inventions (中国四大发明) to the foreign friends. model: Paper was invented by CaiLun in the

20、 Eastern Han Dynasty . It is made from wood. Papermaking is considered the greatest invention in the world.分层次布置作业,满足各层次学生的需要,是本节课教学内容的延续。教学反思:语法课一直是我比较头疼的教学内容。讲到语法就会想到大量的习题,甚至能想到学生昏昏欲睡的表情。如何上好被动语态,如何让学生轻松的学语法,如何让学生能够在实际语言环境中运用到语法,是我备课的重点。本节课为被动语态的第二课时。学生已经基本掌握了被动语态的基本意义以及几种时态下的形式。本节课的目的在于对被动语态形式的复习

21、以及学生要掌握何种语境下使用被动语态。几点反思如下:1.有些语法课只关注语言结构,只是做大量的枯燥的习题而忽视了语境,学生往往只会做练习,而在实际语言环境中就不会运用。所以本节课强调了适用于被动语态的语言环境,并为学生创设了语境,让学生在语境中通过完成老师布置的任务,在快乐学习中掌握被动语态。 用顺口溜“动作承受者需强调,谁做的动作不知道,说出谁做的没必要,被动语态运用到”的形式告诉学生何时使用被动语态,学生容易理解,容易记忆。学生掌握了适用于被动语态的语言环境,并能够在后面课堂任务中加以运用。 2.信息沟的运用。信息沟就是学生通过对话进行信息互换。有时在课堂上学生进行一问一答对话时,往往会出

22、现只顾自己所要讲的内容,对对方的回答不关注,失去了对话的作用。而信息沟则要求学生互换信息,互相关注,激发学习兴趣与动力。在Practice1中给学生提供了一些世界着名油画和建筑的信息,让学生运用所学的被动语态造句,交换信息,从而合作学习。3.拓展最后环节是让学生对practice1中的名画和名建筑做一幅海报,进行小组合作学习。小组合作学习时要注意分工。要让每一个人有事情可做。所以我在小组分工时,强调了这一点,每一组分工到个人,让每一个人都参与进来,让每一个学生都动起来。遗憾之处是由于开课的场地和课时的限制,所以我安排8个学生为一组,导致分组活动时每组七嘴八舌,秩序有点乱。如果有2课时,学生4人一组,共分10组,那么最后本节课共有10幅海报,全部贴在教室四周,发评分表,让学生自评,找语法错误,找时态错误,最后评选出最佳海报。 总之, 语法课是英语教学中不可缺少的重要环节。我将继续探索研究合适的教学方法,让学生轻松学习,灵活运用,真正地掌握英语这门重要的学科。

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