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1、雅思口语part23题目word整理Word版迟到的经历房间关于未来的书和电影 好家长鸿门宴咖啡馆乐于助人让你想购物的广告身居要职 一本书数学童年玩具童年游戏图书馆完美假期网站喜爱的衣服小语种 一见如故 拥挤的地方 有礼貌的人有趣的演讲 重要的信息重要的植物 最近的改变 电台节目公共旅行规则海边健康方式历史趣闻尊敬的老人派对有趣的国度错误的决定电子设备风趣的人搞笑的节目或电影工作或学习的地方购物街户外运动教你的人开心的事科学课程老师乐队或歌手理想工作童年故事野餐音乐厅照片迟到的经历Describe an important occasion. You should say: when you

2、were late when,what occasion, why you were late ,what happened as a result of your lateness why this occasion was important ,how you felt when you were late Part3 What are some of the common excuses or reasons that people give when they are late?Are people in China usually punctual on time when they

3、 have to be somewhere at a certain time?What do people in China think of people who are late?Do you think people will place more emphasis or less emphasis on punctuality in the future?For what situations is being on time very important?For what situations is it not so important to be on time why not

4、 so important?Do you think modern technology gives us more time or less?Do you think the current working hours of most people are reasonable or should most people work more or less hours per week?房间Describe a room you spend most of the time in. You should say: where the room is, what it looks like,

5、what you usually do in the room, how you feel about itPart3 How does the workplace affect people?Some questions about relaxing 还有关于business 和layer 对人们工作的影响关于未来的书和电影 Describe a book or film about the future you read or watch. You should say: name of the book or film, when, what it was about, how you

6、felt about it. Par3 Why we like the films about the future as it just based on imaging? What is the most important development about technology in modern society? With the development of technology, how can you image about the future?What will the test rooms be in the future?Will books or films disa

7、ppear in the future?How the government restricts the media?好家长Describe a good parent you know. You should say: who the parent is, how you know the parent, what the parent looks like, why you think the parent is good Part3 How do parents take care of their kids in China?Are kids free in China?Do you

8、think who is good at taking care of kids, father or mother?What is the most valuable thing that parents give to their kids?How do you think about the relationship between the parents and children?Should parents be strict with the kids?What can parents teach their kids?鸿门宴Describe a special meal you

9、were invited to. You should say: when, where, who ,what you ate ,how you felt about the meal Part3What do people in China like to eat?Is the food that people in China eat today the same as the food people ate 30or 50 years ago?How have modern science and technology changed the food we eat today?In C

10、hina, what role does the government in maintaining food quality?What is the best way to learn how to cook?Do you think it is important for family members to eat together? If a child does not eat with his or her family very often, what kind of person do you think the child will grow up to become?咖啡馆

11、Describe a cafe that you know in your hometown. You should say: where, how often you go ,what kind of food they serve, who you usually go there with, why you like to eat at this place why you choose to eat at this place Part3 What foods are most nutritious and what food are not very nutritious?Do yo

12、u think advertising has an effect on what foods people eat?Do you think that junk food should be banned?What measures should be taken to increase public awareness of proper nutrition?Are there many cafes near your home or university?What different types of cafes are there in your hometown?What are s

13、ome of the factors that make a cafe a good one?Does the food in the cafe you just talked about taste different to western food? Is it important in Chinese culture to eat outside with other people?乐于助人Describe a time when you helped someone. You should say: who you helped, how you helped them, why yo

14、u helped them (or how you felt when you helped them) and explain how this person benefited from your help/ how this person reacted to your help.Part3 Would you say that helping other members of the family is important? (Why?)How do the members of your family (or families in China) help each other? (

15、 How?)In general, why do people help others?How do you feel after you have helped someone?Do you think people in China should help foreigners who are visiting China and who need help? (Why? / Why not?)What is the most important way for a country to help foreigners who are visiting the country?Many p

16、eople only look out for themselves and never think about helping others. What do you think of this attitude?How do you help other people?Do Chinese people help others who need help, such as people in extreme poverty?让你想购物的广告Describe an advertisement that make you (caused you to) buy something. You s

17、hould say: what kind of advertisement is was, when and where you saw (or heard) this advertisement, what product (or service) it advertised, what the advertisement said and explain why you decided to buy that product/ how this advertisement persuaded you to buy that product.Part3What are the differe

18、nt ways that products and services are advertised?Is there more advertising in newspapers than on TV?Whats the most frequently used method of advertising? (Why?)Which do you think is the most effective of them?What (kinds of) products do you think are most suitable to be advertised?Do you think the

19、number of advisements will increase in the future?Do you think there should be some controls (or restrictions) placed on the advertising industry (or placed on advertisements?)What kinds of advertisements do you think are the most effective?What impact on people does (or can) music in advertisements

20、 have?Do you think children are influenced very much by advertisements?What effects do (or can) advertisements have on young children?What visual effects (or pictures) do you think make advertisements most effective?身居要职 Describe a person who has an important job. You should say: who, where the pers

21、on works ,what the person does in the job, why you think the persons job is important part3 What job do young people like to do nowadays?Why do many people lose their job?Why do many people fail to find a job? Will people work two jobs in the future?Who give you advice when looking for a job? Some o

22、ther questions about changing job?一本书Describe a book you recently read that you would like to read again. You should say: what book it was, what the book was about, why you read it, what you learned from this book and explain why you would like to read it againDescribe a book you enjoyed reading. Yo

23、u should say: what book it was, what the book was about, who wrote it, why you read it and explain why you liked this bookPart3Do people in your country like to read books?What kinds of books are most popular in your country?Do you think reading is important?Do you think paper books will eventually

24、be replaced by electronic books?Some people like to collect books. Why do you think they do that?Do you think compulsory reading (in school) is a good idea?数学 Describe a mathematics class you attended at primary school. You should say: when, where, what the teacher taught, what you did, what you lea

25、rned from the class or how you felt about the class童年玩具Describe a toy that was important to you in your childhood. You should say: when got, how got, how often, what you did with this toy, why it was importantPart3What toys are popular with kids in China today?In general, do children today have many

26、 toys?Some people think that children toady have too many toys, what do you think? Do you think playing with electronic toys has a good influence on kids? Do you think there are some toys that are only suitable for girls and some that are only suitable for boys? Which do you think is better, for chi

27、ldren to play with toys alone or with other kids? Do you think parents should encourage their children to share their toys with other kids? 童年游戏Describe a game (not about sport) you enjoyed. You should say: when you were a child what the game was, when, where and with whom you usually played it, how

28、 you played it and explain why you enjoyed this game/ what was special about this game.Part3 In general, how is outside play for children different to playing inside?Do you think the indoor activities and outdoor activities develop childrens abilities the same way?Whats the most popular game in Chin

29、a?How have games changed in the past few decades?How have childrens games changed in the past few decades?How are childrens games different to adults games?Why do many adults today not play games?Do you think modern lifestyles encourage or discourage, adults from playing games?What benefits do peopl

30、e get from playing games?What benefits can children get from playing games?Do you think group activities (including team sports) can help give a child a sense of responsibility?图书馆Describe a library you visited. You should say: where it was; what it looked like; what facilities it had; and explain w

31、hat influence it had on you.Part3 Are there many public museums or libraries in China?Do people in China prefer to read in a library or at home? What can people read in a library that they cannot read in other places?Even though it might cost a lot to maintain a library, do you think every universit

32、y should have a library?Do you think every primary school and secondary school should have a library?Do you think every town and city should have a public library?With the rapid development of technology today, do you think we still need books in future?博物馆的问题是关于文化差异完美假期Describe a perfect holiday you wan

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