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人教版高中英语选修11Unit 5 Section 1.docx

1、人教版高中英语选修11Unit 5 Section 1Unit 5Launching your careerSection 1Warming Up & Reading.单词拼写1He got a _(奖学金) to the Pratt Institute of Art.2The others waited, looking at him _(预期地)3The time for racial _(优待), they argue, must surely be past.4The most _(愉快的) experience of the evening was the wonderful fir

2、eworks display.5All such bright _(期望) were cruelly dashed that night.6He has written seven thrillers, and clearly enjoys _(智力的) pursuits.7Training in _(人际的) skills is essential.8His relationships with Gladstone and Disraeli were _(复杂)9Peel the pears and remove the _(核)10He is teaching the basics of

3、reading, writing and _(算术)【提示】complex/complicated1)complex普通用语,指某物由许多部分组成,内在关系复杂,需要进行深入的研究才能认识。2)complicated语气较强,复杂程度大于complex。指由极多的部分组成,错综复杂,很难搞清楚。【答案】略.选词填空1_,you must be independent.2You are _how much of that document is generated.3Did you move all this furniture _?4He _the severe financial burde

4、n.5I _ a panic when I found the door was locked.【提示】in control of控制(表主动,一般人作主语,事物作宾语),in the control of 由控制(表被动,一般事物作主语,人作宾语)。类似短语:in charge of (负责), in the charge of (由负责); in possession of (拥有), in the possession of (为所拥有)。【答案】略.完成句子1我正要说,你就打断了我。I _ say when you interrupted me.2我肯定你不想作为一名多余的毕业生而成为

5、失业人群中的一分子。Im sure you dont want to be _as a surplus graduate.3他小时侯养成了吸烟的习惯。He _when he was young.4这个医疗队由5名医生和2名护士组成。The medical team _five doctors and two nurses.5室内锻炼或是室外锻炼你更喜欢哪一种?Do you prefer _indoors or out of doors?【答案】略【提示】be about to do . when. 正要做这时(when为并列连词,意为“此时,这时”),类似结构:be on the point

6、of doing . when . 正要做此时was/were doing . when . 正在做这时had just done . when . 刚刚做完这时figure根据语境猜测figure的词义和词性(2014湖北高考完成句子)There stand many stone sculptures of famous historical figures._How does Mary manage to keep her figure when she eats too much?_He went on to graduate from college and got a job,ear

7、ning close to six figures._I figured that he was drunk and shouldnt be allowed to drink._完成句子你是怎么保持体形苗条的?How do you _?他是本世纪主要的政治人物之一。He was one of _ of this century.我琢磨不透他为什么要辞掉工作。I cant _ why he quit his job.【答案】n.人物n.身材n.数字v.认为keep your figurethe leading political figuresfigure outkeep ones figure

8、 保持体形苗条have a good figure 身材好a political figure 一位政治人物figure out 理解,弄明白;计算出get into用get短语填空He had _ the habit of walking home from the school.How can I _ it _ to you how important this is?The three men _ in a stolen car.How are you _your English lesson?I called all day yesterday, but I couldnt _ you

9、.Those who lie and cheat will never _it.完成句子我们必须时刻提醒自己,进入某件事情要比摆脱它更容易。(2014福建高考短文填词)We must keep reminding ourselves that it is easier to_ something than it is to get out of it.我发现他有点难相处。I found him a little difficult to_.因为他将自己的想法告知老板,所以被升职。He got the promotion because he_his ideas to the boss.【答案】

10、gotten intoget; acrossgot awaygetting on withget through toget away withget intoget on/along withgot acrossget into 陷入;染上get across 通过;使被理解get along 进展;相处get away 逃脱;离开get down to 认真工作get together 相聚;聚集get over 越过;克服困难get through 穿越;通过;接通电话;经历get on/along with(sb.) 与(某人)相处appointment语境活用He _(和预约) th

11、e manager and arrived at the _(约定的) time. Later he _(被任命为) a more important post.用适当的介词填空The Prime Minister has appointed a civilian _the defence minister.I have made an appointment _Doctor Smith.Our doctors are seen_appointment only.【答案】made an appointment withappointedwas appointed to be/asaswithb

12、ymake/have an appointment with 与预约keep/break an appointment 守/违约by appointment按照约定appoint sb. (as/to be) . 任命某人担任appoint sb. to do . 指定某人做dozens of 完成句子他订购了12朵他们那儿最好的红玫瑰。He ordered _ their best red roses. 他用六七个字就解释清楚了他们之间的关系。In _ words, he had explained the bond that linked them.有许多不同的染料可供选择。There a

13、re _ different dyes to choose from.用dozen的适当形式填空In this earthquake, 10_ people were killed and _ of houses were destroyed.【答案】a dozen ofhalf a dozendozens ofdozen;dozens1dozen前有数词修饰时,dozen后不加s,of可省略。但在代词、指示代词等前,of不可省略。2dozen修饰wine, cocacola时,of不可省,因为这些不可数名词可看作有bottles修饰。3dozens of 表示“许多”,后跟可数名词。sche

14、dule 用schedule的短语填空He was bidden to finish the work _.Im afraid that well be _.We finished loading up three hours _.句型转换The exhibition is to run from January until March.The exhibition _ run from January until March.Does the train from Berlin arrive on schedule?Does the train from Berlin arrive _?【答

15、案】on schedulebehind scheduleahead of scheduleis scheduled toon timeahead of schedule 提前on schedule 准时behind schedule 推迟a tight schedule 紧凑的日程安排be scheduled to do . 计划做call out用含call的短语填空Dont worry.Ill_the stops.This old photo _ memories of my childhood.The game was _ due to heavy rain.Could you _ Gr

16、andma on your way home?One of Kenyas leading churchmen has _ the government to resign.单句改错With the weather worsening, they have called out the flight from London to Beijing._【答案】call outcalls upcalled offcall oncalled onout改为offcall at 拜访(某个地点)call in 顺路(到某处);找来;收回call off取消;停止call on/upon拜访;号召call

17、for需求;去接某人call back 回电话call up把电话,叫醒使回忆起what引导名词性从句用what引导的从句完成下列句子他所需要的是更多的经验。_is more experience.我不知道他为父亲的生日买了什么。I dont know _.我很想知道下一步我们该做什么。I was curious as to _.那就是我们该做的。That is _. 我不知道他发生了什么事。I have no idea _.句型转换What he said was wrong._ he said were wrong.【答案】What he needswhat he has bought f

18、or Fathers birthdaywhat we would do nextwhat we should do what has happened to himThe words that【探究问题】what引导名词性从句时注意哪些问题?【探究结论】(1)what引导名词性从句时,一定在从句中担任成分,可作主语、宾语、表语、定语等。(2)what引导名词性从句时,既可具有疑问的意思,译为“什么”,也可不具有疑问之意,可译为“的事/话/地方/速度”等,此时what可改为the thing/place/words. that .。what和that引导从句时的区别:1两词都可引导名词性从句。t

19、hat本身没意义,在从句中不担任成分,只起连接主从句的作用;what本身有意义,在从句中一定担任成分,可作主语、宾语、表语、定语、补足语等。2在引导宾语从句时,连接词that有时可省略,引导其他名词性从句时不可省,而连词what无论引导什么从句都不可省略。3what可引导宾语从句作介词的宾语,而that不可。4that可引导定语从句,而what不可。动词不定式作状语用括号中动词的适当形式完成下列句子,并写出空格部分在句子中所作的成分全家人去海滨度周末。The whole family went to beach _(spend)_他几天后回来时,发现部队已经离开了。A few days lat

20、er he came back only _(leave)_听到那不幸的消息,她非常悲痛。She grieved _(hear)_要是这么晚才动身,你怎么能够赶上火车呢?How can you catch the train _(start)?_单句改错This machine is very easy to operating.Anyone can learn to use it in a few minutes._Tom took a taxi to the airport, only finding his plane high up in the sky._Having finishe

21、d her project, she was invited by the school to have spoken to the new students._【答案】to spend their weekend;目的状语to find that the troops had left;结果状语to hear the sad news;原因状语to start so late;条件状语operating改为operatefinding改为to findhave spoken改为speak【探究问题】不定式短语在句中作状语时应注意哪些问题?【探究结论】(1)不定式作结果状语时,往往表示出乎意料

22、的结果,前面常加only,如果是自然而然的结果,常用现在分词表示。(2)不定式作目的状语时,其动作发生在谓语动词之后,前面可加in order 或so as (放在句首时,不可用so as to)。不定式作目的状语时,其否定式不能用not 不定式,必须用in order not to do或so as not to do。1不定式的时态意义不定式的一般式表示的动作往往发生在谓语动词后;其进行式表示的动作与谓语动词的动作是同时的,而且是正在进行着;不定式的完成式表示的动作发生在谓语动词之前。2用在intended,expected,meant,hoped,promised,wanted,planned,wished,thought等动词后加to have done或这些动词的过去完成时to do,均表示过去没有实现的愿望、期待或计划等。3动词不定式的省略:1)当几个动词不定式具有同样的功能时,to只用在第一个不定式之前。2)why引导的疑问句中不用to。3)在had better, would rather, cannot but, do nothing but, may as well等结构后不用to。4)感观动词和使役动词后作宾补的不定式省去to。5)在go, come和run后可省略to,直接用另一个动词,多用于表示命令、建议、请求或意愿的句子中。

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