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1、国际贸易基础知识国 际 贸 易 基 础 知 识一 基本流程说明(1) 买卖双签定的为 CIF 合同,结汇方式为信用证。Both parties signed the contract for the CIF, the settlement by letter of credit(2) 卖方备好货后,找到承运人办理运输手续。(3) 取得信用证规定相应的单证后,向银行递交,收回货款。(4) 卖方根据国家外汇规定,到外汇局办理核退税手续。(5) 买方在得知卖方备好货后,到银行开立信用证。付款并取得 信用证规定相应的单证。(6) 凭提单到承运人处提货。Seller prepare the goods,

2、 the procedures to find the carrier transport process.(3) the provisions of the appropriate documents to obtain credit after the submission to the bank and withdraw money.(4) the Seller according to national foreign exchange regulations, foreign exchange bureaus to go through the procedures of nucle

3、ar rebate.(5) the buyer that the seller prepare the goods, to bank credit. Payment and credit requirements to obtain the appropriate documents.(6) with the bill of lading to the carrier at the delivery.二 贸易术语贸易术语(Trade terms),又称贸易条件,价格术语(priceterms),是用一个简短的概念或三个字母外文缩写来表示价格的构成和买卖双方在货物交接中有关手续,费用和风险责任的

4、划分。现 在依据的标准为国际贸易术语解释通则 2000Trade terms (Trade terms), also known as terms of trade, price terms (price terms), is the concept of a short or three-letter abbreviation to indicate the price of foreign language composition and buyers and sellers in the transfer of goods in the procedures, costs and ris

5、k liability division. Standards are based on international INCOTERMS 2000贸易价格术语组别 国际电码 交货地点卖方责任E 组(启运术语) EXW 商品产地,所在地 卖方在自己的处所把货 交给买方F 组(主运费未付) FCA 出口地承运人接货地 卖方须将货物交至 买方指定的承运人Trade TermsGroupsInternational codePlace of deliverySeller responsibilityE (shipment terms) EXW origin of the goods, the sell

6、er where the goods in their premises to the buyerF (Main carriage unpaid) FCA exporter of goods to the seller then the carrier deliver the goods to the carrier nominated by the buyerFAS 装运港船边FOB 装运港船上C 组(主运费已付) CFR 装运港船上 卖方承办运输,必要时代办 保险但不承担启运后的任何风险或额外费用CIF 装运港船上CPT 出口地承运人接货地CIP 出口地承运人接货地FAS Free Alo

7、ngside the port of shipmentFOB port of shipment on boardC (Main carriage paid) CFR port of shipment on board the transport contractor seller, if necessary, take time to do the insurance, but not after the departure of any risks or additional costsCIF port of shipment on boardCPT exporter of goods to

8、 the carrier accessCIP exporter of goods to the carrier accessD 组(抵达术语) DAF 出口国边境 卖方必须承担把货物交至目的 地国家所需的全部费用和风险DES 卸货港船上DEQ 卸货港码头DDU 卸货港保税仓库DDP 进口国买方指定地点D (arrived term) DAF-exporting countries border the seller must bear the country of destination to bring the goods to the full cost and riskDES ship

9、port of dischargeDEQ discharge port terminalBonded Warehouse DDU port of dischargeDDP place of the importing country named by the buyer主要分类按术语的性质分(1) 待运合同(E 组)卖方无需运输装运。(2) 装运合同(F、C 组)卖方仅负责装运,不保证买方收到货物。 (3) 到货合同(D 组)卖方需保证买方收到货物。Main CategoriesAccording to the nature of the term(1) the contract to be

10、transported (E) The seller shipped without transportation.(2) shipment contract (F, C group) the seller is only responsible for shipment, does not guarantee the buyer received the goods.(3) The arrival of the contract (D) The seller must guarantee that the buyer received the goods. 按交货方式分(1) 象征性交货(s

11、ymbolic delivery),也叫单证交货。卖方可通过向买方提交货运单据来完成其交货义务。CFR、CIF、CPT、CIP 组属于此类。(2) 实际交货(physical delivery)卖方必须按规定的方式将货 物交到指定的地点,实际地交付货物。其他组属于此类。By way of delivery points(1) symbolic delivery (symbolic delivery), also known as document delivery. The seller to the buyer by shipping documents submitted to compl

12、ete its delivery obligations. CFR, CIF, CPT, CIP group in this category.(2) the actual delivery (physical delivery) the seller must be the manner provided in the designated location to deliver the goods actually delivered the goods. Other groups in this category.三、常用术语介绍1) FOB,Free On Board(named po

13、rt of shipment)这一术语通常译为装运港船上交货,简称船上交货,也就是常听到 的离岸价格。通则解释为:卖方在指定的装运港将货物装船,越过船舷后, 履行其交货义务。这意味着买方必须从此开始承担全部费用及货物丢失损坏的风险。 同时要求卖方付出口的货物清关。Third, common terminology introduced1) FOB, Free On Board (. named port of shipment)The term is usually translated as FOB, FOB for short, which is often heard FOB.Gener

14、al interpreted as: the seller in the named port of shipment to shipment of the goods across the ships rail, the performance of its delivery obligations.This means that the buyer must bear all the costs from the beginning and the risk of damage to cargo loss. Also requires the seller to pay the expor

15、t of cargo clearance. FOB 术语的变形在具体的运用中,与装船有关的费用,主要是理舱费和平舱费等装 船费由何方负担,买卖双方需要在合同中做详细的规定。FOB terms of deformationIn the specific application, the costs associated with shipping, mainly stowed charge fees peaceful cabin where the burden of shipping costs from buyers and sellers need to do in the contrac

16、t provisions in detail.(1) FOB line terms(班轮条件)(2) FOB under tackle(吊钩下交货)(3) FOB stowed(理舱费在内)(4) FOB trimmed(平舱费在内)2) CIF,Cost,Insurance and Freight(named port of destination)这一术语通常译为成本,加保险费、运费(指定目的港)也就是常 听到的到岸价格。解释为:卖方必须在合同规定的装运期内在装运港将货物交至运往指定目的港的船上,装运后及时通知买方,承担货物越过装运港船舷为止的一切风险,并负责办理货运保险和租船订舱,支付

17、保险费用和从装运港到目的地的费用。 CIF 术语的变形对于卸货费用的负担,各国港口有不同的做法。买卖双方在合同中 对此又有详细规定。The term is usually translated into cost, plus insurance, freight (named port of destination) that is often heard CIF. interpreted as: the seller must be shipped under the contract during the period the port of shipment will be shippe

18、d the goods to the named port of destination on board, notify the buyer after shipment, take the goods pass the ships rail at the port of shipment until all the risks and be responsible for handling cargo insurance and charter booking, pay the premium and the port of shipment to the destination from

19、 the cost. CIF terms of deformationDischarge the burden of costs for various countries have different approaches to the port. Buyers and sellers in the contract there are detailed provisions on this.(1) CIF line terms(班轮条件)(2) CIF ex-ships hold(舱底交货)(3) CIF landed(卸到岸上) 买卖双方对 FOB 和 CIF 的取合。在实践中提倡卖 C

20、IF,买 FOB。 (1) 提高贸易的灵活性和盈利性。(2) 减少或避免损货差甚至被诈骗的危险。Buyers and sellers on the FOB and CIFs Choice. In practice, to promote sales CIF, buy FOB. (1) improve the flexibility and profitability of trade.(2) reduce or avoid damage goods and even worse the risk of fraud.3) DDU, delivered duty unpaid(named plac

21、e of destination) 这一术语通常译为未完税交货(指定目的地)通则解释为:卖方负责将货物运至进口国指定目的地向买方或买方指定的另一人交付,但无需将货卸下,即卖方是在目的地的运输工具上交货的。买方自行卸货,办理进口请关,并承担货物交付 起的一切费用。The term is usually translated as Delivered Duty Unpaid (named place of destination) General interpreted as: the seller is responsible for the goods to the importer of t

22、he specified destination to the buyer or another person named by the buyer to deliver, but do not unload the goods that the seller is a means of transport on the delivery destination. Buyer discharge, for import, please pass, and bear all costs from delivery of the goods.4) DDP delivered duty paid(n

23、amed place of destination) 这一术语通常译为完税后交货(指定目的地)通则解释为:卖方负责将货物运至进口目的指定地,经进口请关,交由买方或买方指定的另一人支配。货物交付前的一切风险,责任和费用(包括进口请关的捐税和费用)均由卖方负担。所以当卖方无法直接或间接取得进出口许可证时,不应采用此术语。The term is usually translated as Delivered Duty Paid (named place of destination) General interpreted as: the seller is responsible for the

24、goods to the designated purpose of imports, the import requests by the customs by the buyer or the domination of another person named by the buyer. Before delivery of the goods of all risks, liability and costs (including import taxes and related expenses, please) by the Seller. So when the seller c

25、an not directly or indirectly to obtain import and export licenses, we should not use this terminology.四、结汇方式货物支付工具Settlement of exchangePayment of goods货币(CURRENCY)票据(BILL)a、 汇票(DRAFT)b、 本票(PROMISSORY NOTE)c、 支票(CHECK)结汇方式1、 汇付(Remittance)指汇出行(Remitting bank)应汇款人(Remitter)的要求,以一定的方式,把一定的金额,通过汇入行或付款

26、行(Paying bank)的国外联行或代理行,付给收款人(Payee,Beneficiary)的一种方 式。业务流程(T/T)收款人(卖方) 汇款人(买方)汇入行 汇出行Means the Export Bank (Remitting bank) should be the sender (Remitter) the requirements to a certain way, to a certain amount, or payment by Huiru Hang Bank (Paying bank) foreign joint bank or agents, to pay the pa

27、yee (Payee, Beneficiary) in a way. Business Process (T / T)The recipient (the seller) sender (buyer)Hui Ruxing Export Bank1、 申请并交款2、 取得交款回执3、 电报通知付款4、 核实通知并付款5、 转寄付讫收据分类1, application and payment2, to obtain payment receipt3, telegraph notice of payment4, to verify the notification and payment5, for

28、ward paid receipt Categories1、 电汇(Telegraphic Transfer,简称 T/T)2、 信汇(Mail Transfer ,M/T)3、 票汇(Bankers Demand Draft,D/D)区别电汇和信汇的收款人只能向付款行自取或委托往来的银行代收,记入其账户,不能经过背书转让流通,而票汇的收款人加具背书可以 转让汇票。II托收(Collection)是出口商将开具的汇票交给所在地银行,委托该行通过它在进口商 所在地的分行或代理向进口商收取货款。DifferenceWire and mail transfer of the recipient on

29、ly to the paying bank away or entrust the bank collecting contacts, credited their accounts and can not flow through the endorsement of the transfer, but at sight of the recipient to add its endorsement to purchase money orders. II. Collection (Collection)Exporters will be issued a bill to the local

30、 bank, commissioned by the bank through its branches located in the importer or agent fee paid to the importer.业务流程(D/P)委托人(出口人) 付款人(进口人)托收行 代收行1、 出口人按合同规定装运后,填写委托申请书,开立即期汇票, 连同货运单据交托收行,请求代收货款。2、 托收行根据托收申请缮制托收委托书,连同汇票、货运单据交进口地代收行委托代收货款。3、 代收行按照委托书的指示向进口人提示汇票和单据。4、 进口人付款。5、 代收人交单。6、 代收行办理转账并通知托收行已收妥。

31、7、 托收行向出口人交款。Business Process (D / P)Client (exporter) payer (importer)Remitting bank collecting bank1, the exporter after shipment under the contract, fill in Application form, open immediately on the money order, shipping documents submitted with the remitting bank, requesting the collection of money.2, the remitting bank for preparing the collection under collection power of attorney, together with bills of exchange, shipping documents submitted to the collecting bank commissioned the collection of import payment.3, the collecting bank in accordance with the instructions of

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