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1、managingHR论文Electronic Submission Coversheet Please complete and insert this form as the first page of your electronic submission.Submit the assignment with attached coversheet electronically through the Wolf E-submission gatewayPlease make sure you keep a copy of your assignment.Student DetailsSurn

2、ameWangGiven nameShanStudent NumberEmailS.Assignment DetailsModule nameManaging Human ResourcesModule Code7HR011For the attention ofDr. Paschal AnosikeDue date28th November, 2011Assignment titleManaging Human ResourcesAll forms of plagiarism, cheating and unauthorized collusion are regarded seriousl

3、y by the University and could result in penalties including failure in the unit and possible exclusion from the University. If you are in doubt, please read the following web page.Students DeclarationBy submitting this assignment I SIGNAL & DECLARE my knowledge and agreement to the following: -Excep

4、t where I have indicated, the work I am submitting in this assignment is my own work and has not been submitted for assessment in another unit or for any other purpose.This work conforms to the instructions and submission guidelines as contained in the assessment briefing and the module guide respec

5、tively. This submission complies with University of Wolverhampton policies regarding plagiarism, cheating and collusion.I acknowledge and agree that the assessor of this assignment may, for the purpose of assessing this assignment:Reproduce this assignment and provide a copy to another academic staf

6、f member; and/orCommunicate a copy of this assignment to a plagiarism-checking service. This web-based service will retain a copy of this work for subsequent plagiarism checking, but has a legal agreement with the University that it will not share or reproduce it in any form.I have retained a copy o

7、f this assignment for my own records.I will retain a copy of the notification of receipt of this assignment.Managing Human Resources Module title: Managing Human ResourcesModule Code: 7HR011Tutor Name: Dr. Paschal AnosikeStudent Name: Wang ShanStudent Number: Award Title: MA ManagementContents1. Int

8、roductionWithin all of resources owned by human beings, human resources is the first precious, naturally became the core of modern management. Human resource management (HRM) is a strategic approach to managing employment relations which emphasizes that leveraging peoples capabilities is critical to

9、 achieving competitive advantage, this being achieved through a distinctive set of integrated employment policies, programmes and practices(Bratton, 2007). This essay analyzes three sides of HRM respectively and explains how to function effectively. 2.Recruitment and SelectionRecruitment and selecti

10、on are major issues for human resource management. Gold, J (2001) mentioned that Recruitment refers to organization activities that influence the number and types of applicants who apply for the job and the organization chooses the right people to fill the openings through selecting tools. Whether a

11、n organization can continue to operate and develop smoothly depends on whether managers can recruit good and qualified people to work for their organization. The aim of employee recruitment is to get the right people at the right time for the right place. 2.1 recruitmentAccording to the Herring, J.J

12、.(1986), there are two basic forms of channels of recruitment: external and internal recruitment. The advantages of internal recruitment are lower cost for some jobs, better assessment of abilities and motivator for good performance. The disadvantages includes inbreeding, political infighting for pr

13、omotions and possible morale problems of those not promoted. The advantages of external recruitment are cheaper and faster than training professionals, no group of political supporters in organization already and may bring industry insights, while it also has some disadvantages, for example, it may

14、not select someone who will fit the job or organization, or it may cause morale problems for internal candidates not selected and it may has longer adjustment or orientation time.There are different methods of internal and external recruitment. For internal recruitment, there are three ways: compute

15、rized career progressions systems, supervisor recommendations and job posting (Grossman, 1989).Computerized career progressions systemsOne method of internal recruiting is the computerized career progression system. The information regarding the job skills of each employee can be stored in an HPIS.

16、When a job becomes vacant, the computer searches its skills order to identify employees having the requisite skills for the vacant job. Supervisor recommendationsHiring supervisors can also identify internal candidates if they are asked to nominate one or more people for consideration. Supervisors w

17、ill typically nominate individuals whose work capabilities are well known to them. Job postingJob posting is the most commonly used approach to internal recruitment, at least at the nonmanagerial level. In the typical job posting system, a job vacancy notice is posted for all employees to see (Gross

18、man, 1989).And also, there are many methods for external recruitment, such as employee referrals, applicant-initiated recruitment, help-wanted advertisements, job fairs, college recruiting and internet recruiting (Bargerstock,Swanson, 1991). Employee referrals When a position becomes vacant, firms o

19、ften use employee referrals to fill them. That is, HR professionals or line managers ask employees to solicit applications from qualified friends and associates. In some instances, companies will offer an incentive, such as a bonus or prize, for each referral actually hired. Applicant-initiated recr

20、uitmentOrganizations often receive unsolicited applications or resumes from individuals interested in working for the company. Many firms now track such unsolicited resumes on their HRIS. Help-wanted advertisementsProbably the best-known way to notify potential applicants of job openings is help-wan

21、ted advertisements. The appropriate media for placing an ad depends primarily on the geographic recruitment area. Job fairsA group of firms sponsors a meeting or exhibition at which each has a booth to publicize jobs available. Some experts claim that recruiting costs have been cut 80 percent using

22、these methods. They may be scheduled on holidays to reach college students who are home at that time or to give people who are already employed a chance to look around. College recruitingThe college recruiting process is similar in some ways to other recruiting. However, in college recruiting, the o

23、rganization sends an employee, usually called a recruiter, to a campus to interview candidates and describe the organization to them. Coinciding with the visit, brochures and other literature about the organization are often distributed. The organization may also run ads to attract students or may c

24、onduct seminars at which company executives talk about various facets of the organization. Internet RecruitingInternet recruiting is becoming more and more popular nowadays because companies and applicants find the approach cheaper and faster, and potentially more effective. A variety of web sites a

25、re available where applicant can submit their resumes and potential employers can check for qualified applicants. In the future, software-tracking systems can compare the job requirements with the skills and experiences of applicants (Bargerstock,Swanson, 1991).2.2 SelectionSelection is the process

26、by which an organization chooses from a list of applicants the person or persons who best fill the vacancy(Spring, 1990). The selection decision is usually perceived as a series of steps through which applicants pass. At each step, more applicants are screened out by the organization, or more applic

27、ants accept other job offers and drop from the list of applicants. It is important to note that few organization use all steps, for they can be time-consuming and expensive. Most organizations use an application blank and interviewThe process of selection includes Preliminary Screening, Employment T

28、ests, employment interviews, personality tests, Reference Checks and Physical Examinations. How an enterprise select people through recruitment? (including why and when)Selecting recruiting officerA qualified recruiting officer need good personal character and accomplishments, relevant expertise, ri

29、ch experience and good ability to self-awareness, skilled ability of using various interviewing techniques and understanding of organizational conditions and job requirements.Training recruiting officerFristly, during the interview, officer should avoid those problems which directly describe intervi

30、ewees abilities, characteristics, personality of the subject, even if asked such questions, it should continue to ask some behavioral questions for the interviewee to cite some specific examples to prove their answer. And at the same time, officer also should avoid asking multiple-choice questions.

31、These problems make the interviewee feel the correct answer must exist in several options, and then they will make guesses based on the interviewers intent. These issues should therefore be changed to open problems and behavioral problems.Secondly, during the interview, in addition to good and effec

32、tive use of a variety of issues, interviewee must be a good listener. So in order to achieve positive and effective listening, they need to talk less, listen more, good at extracting, good at summary, remove all obstacles and have no personal bias.Primary selection of candidates materialsFirstly, notifying qualified candidates: 1.Using tactful tone as possible, notifying candidates in an acceptable way. 2, Avoiding telephone notification. 3, the two sides are equal, do not think

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