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1、北京市中考英语题型专项复习题库完形填空10篇2021年北京市中考英语题型专项复习题库:完形填空10篇学校:_姓名:_班级:_考号:_一、完型填空An Act of KindnessI had nothing for breakfast that morning. I was so 1 that I could hear my stomach growling(咕咕叫)when Mr. Katter was lecturing on Asia history. So when the bell rang, I rushed to the dining hall at once. Minutes

2、later, I stood in front of the counter(收银台), holding a tray(托盘) full of food.“Three dollars,” the lunch lady told me. I reached my hand into my 2 and felt nothing. The schoolbag was empty. I searched again. Still nothing. I was almost certain I put three bills in it last night. I put the schoolbag o

3、n the floor to search for the money again. As I finally 3 the money wasnt there, I could feel the worry and fear washing over me.Feeling quite 4 , I didnt notice that another person had stepped up to the counter. When I finally looked up to tell the lunch lady my 5 , I saw, in the corner of my eye,

4、a boy walk quickly past. I paid no attention to him, and I opened my mouth to speak.“Im sorry. I dont have any money with me.”“Honey, he paid for your lunch. Youre good.” the lunch lady said as she pointed to the direction the boy had gone. I looked in the direction she pointed to, yet I could not f

5、ind the boy. I missed the chance to 6 him. He was nameless to me. He didnt even know me. But he paid for my lunch. Although it was only three dollars, I couldnt remember anyone doing something so nice for me.A month later, on my way home, I saw an elderly woman struggling(费力) with heavy bags. I sudd

6、enly thought of the nameless boy who 7 me lunch.“Excuse me, maam, do you need help?”Ill never forget her 8 as I rushed forward to give her a hand. Its the very prize for my act of kindness.1Aworried Bhungry Cquiet Dtired2Aovercoat Bhat Cgloves Dschoolbag3Arealized Bdescribed Cheard Dimagined4Alonely

7、 Bnervous Cbored Dweak5Asituation Bjoke Cpromise Dsuggestion6Avisit Binterview Cthank Dquestion7Amade Bhanded Cordered Dbought8Asilence Boffer Csmile DprideWhen I started working, I couldnt understand why some people seemed to succeed in everything they tried. However, others just couldnt manage to

8、achieve anything. After a while, I found the biggest 9 lies in setting and reviewing goals regularly. A study shows those who have written goals and reviewed them regularly are among the highest achievers.What do you do with your desires (渴望) in life?You could pay no attention to them and leave them

9、 to 10 in your mind, or start taking action to get what you want. You need to set goals. A goal starts with a simple desire.Do you use any 11 for not setting goals?Whatever it is, I am sure your excuse is limiting you. If youre 12 about what you want, you might end up at a certain age with things th

10、at you didnt want.Setting goals and reviewing them regularly can increase your chances of succeeding. It can give you the right direction and 13 you move closer to what you want. You will achieve more in months than many people do in years.If you have a strong desire for something, you will have two

11、 14 :wishful thinking, or taking action. You can wish for a miracle(奇迹), but do nothing. Or, you can get clear on the steps and take them, 15 , one by one until you reach success.Setting goals is the most important and necessary step to achieve success in any area. It begins with a desire, and then

12、a written goal, 16 by the right attitude and action. Keep reviewing your goals and watch how your wish miraculously turns into your reality.9Adifference Bsurprise Chope Dsale10Asing Bdance Clight Ddisappear11Atools Bexcuses Cstories Dexamples12Aexcited Bunclear Csure Dunhappy13Aimagine Bfeel Cstop D

13、help14Asteps Bdecisions Cchoices Dwishes15Aslowly Bsuddenly Cluckily Dsadly16Adecided Bcorrected Cfollowed DbuiltAs the teacher called my name, I knew what lay ahead. She looked at me directly and made me to the whiteboard to perform a division (除法) problem. Division was my weakest subject. I repeat

14、edly put the numbers in the 17 places, or forgot to add in the zeros.I worriedly 18 myself out of my seat. With every slow step I took, I grew more nervous. My stomach ached, and my whole body shook with 19 . The teacher read the problem aloud. Unsure of myself, I looked at the girl beside me, and t

15、ried to 20 what she was writing, but she went faster than I could understand, writing down what seemed to be foreign symbols.My eyes fixed on the chicken scratch I had tried. Impossible to understand. Why me? Why couldnt I work out the problem that seemed easy to all other kids? These questions fill

16、ed my head.As the other girl finished and danced back to her seat, I wrote some random(胡乱的) numbers on the board, and 21 back to mine. The teacher read over our work.“Now, class, Susie did this problem absolutely correctly.”“As for Tara,” the teacher said jokingly, “I dont even know what she did.”Th

17、e class burst into laughs, and I felt my face turn red as I tried to sink as low as possible into my seat, hoping to prevent them from 22 me at all.But this memory is one I remember, surprisingly, in a positive way. It made me 23 , and gave me persistence. When I get a poor grade in school, or am pu

18、t down by somebody, I think of that moment and every single one of those 24 that I asked myself. The terrible ache in my stomach comes back and gives me the motivation to answer all of those whys and try hard until perfection, or as close as I can get.17Aproper Bincorrect Cspecial Dunimportant18Alif

19、ted Bdropped Crepaired Dknocked19Atiredness Bexcitement Cshyness Dfear20Aaccept Bexplain Ccopy Ddescribe21Arushed Blooked Ctalked Dthought22Achanging Binviting Cseeing Dteaching23Ahealthier Bstronger Ccleverer Dhappier24Aways Bwords Chows DwhysThe Train StoryI was travelling by train one morning. Qu

20、ietly reading, I found myself suddenly listening to the announcements(广播). When the trainman makes an announcement, its often quite boring. But this one was 25 .As I looked up from my paper, I 26 others also listening. Not only that, they smiled!Why was so much attention being paid to this message?A

21、s best I can remember, the trainman said, “Good morning. Ladies, Gentlemen and 27 . Its 7:35 a.m. and youll be glad to know that we are right on time. What a lovely morning it is in Sydney today. The sun is shining, the temperature is about 21 degrees, birds are singing, and alls right with the worl

22、d. Thanks for 28 my train and I hope to see you again. Have a great day!”Wow! Have you ever heard an announcement like that? I certainly hadnt. As well as getting everyone smiling, there were quite a few people who started talking to one another about how good the message had made everyone feel.The

23、moment I got off the train, I ran into the young trainman and started to 29 him. He seemed a bit 30 at first. Continuously I said, “Well, I just wanted to thank you for your brilliant message on the way. It got everyones attention and smile. Thank you so much for giving us such a good 31 to the day.

24、”That day I got two messages. The first is that peoples happiness at work shows in what they do and say. Also, the story tells me what you can get from thanking people for something theyve done, 32 when its not expected. Can you imagine the conversation that trainman would have when he got home, “Gu

25、ess what happened to me todaya passenger thanked me!”25Adifferent Bfamous Cbad Deasy26Aheard Bnoticed Cgot Dkept27AGuides BTeachers CParents DChildren28Abuying Btaking Cvisiting Dpassing29Athank Bmiss Ctrust Dmeet30Amad Btired Csurprised Dproud31Alesson Bidea Ctrade Dstart32Afinally Bproperly Cespec

26、ially DclearlyIt all began when my parents told that we were going to Vermont as our big Christmas present. Although I did not ski, I was 33 . The days in school seemed like years, but finally it was Christmas.The car trip was 34 . After eight hours, we arrived at the camp. After renting(租) skis, I

27、was ready to deal with the hill with kids in my group, but Cindy, our teacher, had other ideas. She decided we would take a few runs on the middle trails(小径), which I showed I could deal with, as long as she went slowly. I was too shy to say anything, for fear the other kids would 35 me, but I was s

28、cared.Cindy told us to stay together. I was the last in our group. On the way down, we hit some moguls(雪丘), which I had never skied. I did fine at first, but then I lost it. I hit one hard and my left ski fell off. My face immediately went into the 36 and I slid(滑) many feet on my stomach.When I got

29、 up. I could see the group below. I shouted out to them to 37 , but they could not hear me. I got my ski on and started to race after them. When I noticed the wind blowing, I realized I had 38 my goggles(防护眼镜). I climbed back up but I couldnt find them anywhere. I started to dig and finally found th

30、em, and headed back down the mountain.I finally went down safely, and found my group in front of the camp. I learned a valuable 39 that day. I learned to speak up when Im not comfortable with a situation, and to give my 40 without fearing how others might think of it.33Aexcited Bsad Cworried Dbored3

31、4Ashort Beasy Cdifficult Dlong35Aworry about Blaugh at Cfall behind Dwait for36Arain Bwind Csnow Dcloud37Arun Bstop Cwalk Dsit38Athrown Bbrought Clost Dbroken39Alesson Brule Ctip Dway40Aplan Bhand Csupport DOpinionI used to have little passion (激情) in my life. But what happened the other day changed my mind. It was then that I learned how 41 it is to have a passion in life.That day 1 went home in Moms car. When Mom 42 at a red light, someone on the side of the road caught my eye. It was a m

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