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1、智慧树知到大学英语章节测试答案 鏅烘収鏍戠煡鍒般婂瀛嫳璇 嬬珷鑺傛祴璇曠瓟妗?绗 竴绔?1銆乄e often ( ) that when other people do the same things as we do, they do them for the same reasons; but this assumption is not always reasonable.A:exploreB:emergeC:enrichD:assume姝绛旀 锛歛ssume2銆? He ( ) the gift of imagination from his family, but he lacked

2、 the driving power to take action.A:inheritedB:acquiredC:overwhelmedD:pursue姝绛旀 锛歩nherited3銆丄fter a(n) ( ) physical exam, my doctor said I was in good condition except that my blood pressure was a little high.A:availableB:giantC:comprehensiveD:unique姝绛旀 锛歝omprehensive4銆? Our bodies have greater ( )

3、than most of us realize, and we can benefit by remembering this.A:confidenceB:potentialC:innocenceD:approach姝绛旀 锛歱otential5銆? He was proud of being chosen to ( ) in the game, and he promised that he would try as hard as possible.A:participateB:evolveC:bondD:embrace姝绛旀 锛歱articipate绗 簩绔?1銆丆ity residen

4、ts the housing price is unreasonably high.A:complain aboutB:complain ofC:complain thatD:complain to姝绛旀 锛歝omplain that2銆丏on鈥檛 just 鈥榳rong with it; suggest some positive ways to solve the problem.A:complain aboutB:complain ofC:complain thatD:complain to姝绛旀 锛歝omplain about3銆丠e intends to quit the job,

5、not that he dislikes it, but that he is too old for it.鍙 炕璇戜负锛氫粬鎵撶畻杈炶亴锛屼笉鏄 洜涓轰粬璁帉杩欓宸綔锛岃屾槸鍥犱负浠栧勾绾 澶簡锛屼笉閫傚悎杩欓宸綔銆?A:瀵?B:閿?姝绛旀 锛氬 4銆両t is not that Kate doesn鈥檛 want to help you, but that it is beyond her power.鍙 炕璇戜负锛氫笉鏄 嚡鐗逛笉鎯冲府浣狅紝鑰屾槸杩欒秴鍑轰簡濂圭殑鑳藉姏鑼冨洿銆?A:瀵?B:閿?姝绛旀 锛氬 5銆丯ot that I鈥檓 unwilling to lend you a

6、 hand, but (that) I鈥檓 too busy for the moment.鍙 炕璇戜负锛氫笉鏄 垜涓嶆兂甯 綘锛岃屾槸鎴戠幇鍦蹇欎簡銆?A:瀵?B:閿?姝绛旀 锛氬 绗 笁绔?1銆佲淔or most undergraduates, non-stop Internet connectivity is the fuel of college life.鈥濈殑鍙傝冭瘧鏂囨槸瀵逛簬澶 鏁版湰绉戠敓鏉 锛屾案涓嶉棿鏂 殑缃戠粶鏄 瀛敓娲荤殑鍔姏銆? A:瀵?B:閿?姝绛旀 锛欰2銆佲淭he Internet is a powerful tool, but make sure that

7、you use it wisely for all the good value it offers and that you won鈥檛 let too much of a good thing become something bad.鈥濈殑缈昏瘧鏄 細浜掕仈缃戞槸涓涓 己澶殑宸叿锛屼絾鏄 綘瑕佺淇濊兘鏄庢櫤鍦板埄鐢畠锛屾潵鑾峰緱瀹冩墍鍏峰 鐨勪竴鍒囧澶勶紝纭 繚浣犱笉浼氳繃搴娇鐢畠鑰屼娇涔嬪彉鎴愬 浜虹殑涓滆A:瀵?B:閿?姝绛旀 锛欰3銆両n the text in section B, why does the author regard the Internet as a doub

8、le-edged sword? Like pollution and traffic jams that come with the convenience of cars, Internet access has proven so popular that it has given rise to a new kind of social epidemic, Internet addiction.A:瀵?B:閿?姝绛旀 锛欰4銆乀he sentence 鈥淥n one campus, students use Wi-Fi to fire off instant messages, revi

9、ew their homework assignments, and check their bank balances.鈥? means鏈変竴鎵澶 閲岋紝瀛敓鐢棤绾跨綉缁滅偣鐕冨嵆鏃朵俊鎭 佸 涔犲 搴 綔涓氫互鍙婃煡鐪嬮摱琛岃处鎴蜂綑棰濄?A:瀵?B:閿?姝绛旀 锛欱5銆乀he sentence 鈥淭hese things didn鈥檛 happen to these people because they were lazy or stupid, they happened because of addiction.鈥? means杩欎簺浜嬫儏娌湁鍙戠敓鍦繖浜涗汉韬 笂鏄 洜涓轰粬浠 噿

10、鎯版垨鎰氳牏銆備簨鎯呭彂鐢熶簡鍥犱负浠栦滑涓婄綉鎴愮樉銆?A:瀵?B:閿?姝绛旀 锛欱绗 洓绔?1銆丼he held her hand above her eyes to shield them_ the sun so that she could see more clearly the man in front of her.A:toB:fromC:upD:in姝绛旀 锛欱2銆乄hat writing pattern does the author use in Section A?A:comparison and contrastB:problem and solutionC:quest

11、ion-example-conclusionD:a sequence of actions姝绛旀 锛欳3銆丮y daughter was shy; she was afraid to ask questions, _ to questions in class, or talk with other children.A:respondB:reactC:yieldD:confine姝绛旀 锛欰4銆両n which month did the story of Section B take place?A:SeptemberB:NovemberC:JuneD:July姝绛旀 锛欱5銆乄hat i

12、s Jonda in Section B?A:a police officerB:a studentC:an office ladyD:a doctor姝绛旀 锛欰绗 簲绔?1銆乄hen talking about cooperation agreement, they held out several terms.A:severe B:harshC:strictD:difficult姝绛旀 锛欱2銆乄e will any aggression.A:splitB:breakC:struckD:smash姝绛旀 锛欴3銆丠e is fair to us without .A:difference

13、sB:discriminateC:distinctionD:distinguish姝绛旀 锛欳4銆乀he budget of the has been hacked almost in half.A:financeB:hairC:accountingD:economy姝绛旀 锛?5銆乀he thesis may at first strike one as extreme, but evidence exists to support it.A:hardlyB:fewC:substantial姝绛旀 锛欳绗 叚绔?1銆乄orking 20 hours per week or more, _ s

14、chool achievement and commitment.A:destroyedB:underminedC:ruinedD:damaged姝绛旀 锛欱2銆丮any power stations have been modernized to less pollution.A:set offB:give outC:set outD:give off姝绛旀 锛欱3銆丮y parents do not object to my taking part-time jobs, but they remind me not to let them _my school work.A:interfe

15、re toB:interfere withC:interfere inD:interfere of姝绛旀 锛欱4銆丠e denies the university鈥檚 _ that he cheated in two tests through having knowledge of the questions in advance.A:sayingB:declarationC:claimD:announcement姝绛旀 锛欳5銆両n factories, workers are mostly male while female workers are _.A:in the majorB:i

16、n the majorityC:in the minorD:in the minority姝绛旀 锛欴绗 竷绔?1銆乀hey were _ to sell their house in order to pay their debts.A:absorbedB:obligedC:involvedD:committed姝绛旀 锛欱2銆乀he scientist is _ in many spheres of knowledge.A:distinctiveB:distinctC:distinguishedD:distinguishable姝绛旀 锛欳3銆乀he Prime Minister _ th

17、at a five-man committee had been founded to investigate the cause of the accident.A:claimedB:proclaimedC:exclaimedD:screamed姝绛旀 锛歱roclaimed4銆乀he rent is reasonable, and _, the location is perfect.A:otherwiseB:thereforeC:moreoverD:however 姝绛旀 锛歮oreover5銆乀his kind of desk can be _ to the height you ne

18、ed.A:adjustedB:adaptedC:regulatedD:amended姝绛旀 锛歛djusted绗 叓绔?1銆佲滆壈闅句箣璺 敮鍕囪呰 鈥濓紝鍙 炕璇戜负锛歐hen the going gets tough, the tough get going.A:瀵?B:閿?姝绛旀 锛欰2銆丠umanities鍙 閲婁负锛歨e Humanities are academic disciplines that study aspects of human culture, using methods that are primarily anaytical, critical, or spe

19、culative, which are distinguished from the mainly empirical approaches of the natural sciences. The humanities, also called social sciences, include history, anthropology, communication studies, law, language, literature, philosophy, religion, music and theater, etc.A:瀵?B:閿?姝绛旀 锛欰3銆乮nvest sb. with s

20、th.鐨勬剰鎬濇槸锛屾妸鏌愮墿鎵旂粰鏌愪汉A:瀵?B:閿?姝绛旀 锛欱4銆丄fter driving for thirty miles, she suddenly realized that she in the wrong direction.A:was drivingB:has been drivingC:had been drivingD:drove姝绛旀 锛欳5銆丱n his next birthday he married for ten years.A:has beenB:will beC:will have beenD:would have been姝绛旀 锛欳绗 節绔?1銆丒a

21、rthquakes occur without warning; however, it is claimed that some animals can feel earthquakes ( ) occurrences because of their highly sensitive organs.A:aheadB:prior toC:meanwhileD:after姝绛旀 锛欱2銆両t is ( ) for every family to make earthquake emergency plansA:sensitiveB:sentimentalC:sensationalD:sensi

22、ble姝绛旀 锛欴3銆丳eople used to think the development of electronics may ( ), but now more and more letters and documents travel electronically.A:amount to muchB:amount of muchC:not amount to muchD:not amount of much姝绛旀 锛欳4銆丗ord tried dividing the labor锛宔ach worker _ a separate task锛?A:assigningB:assigned

23、C:was assignedD:would be assigned姝绛旀 锛欱5銆乀he article opens and closes with descriptions of two news reports锛宔ach one major point ( ) the other锛?A:in contrast withB:contrastedC:compared withD:by contrast 姝绛旀 锛欰绗 崄绔?1銆丆hoose the appropriate words or expressions to finish the sentences.When the police

24、caught up with him, Mr. Foster had to _ that he鈥檇 broken the speed limit.A:commenceB:coordinateC:confessD:consequently姝绛旀 锛欳2銆丟uess the meaning of the underlined idiomatic expressions in the following sentences.With a knot in the pit of my stomach, I conquer my fear and ask, 鈥淗ey, how about lunch af

25、ter class on Friday?鈥?A:they became attracted to each otherB:an uncomfortable feeling because of nervousnessC:share the dating expense or split the money with the date姝绛旀 锛欱3銆丗or the body part: a long journey of love, the author writes in _ sequence.A:timeB:timesC:aD:the姝绛旀 锛欰4銆乂alentine鈥檚 Day on Fe

26、bruary 14 is a holiday of love and romance usually by exchanging valentines or love tokens between lovers.搴旇 缈昏瘧涓猴細2鏈?4 鎯呬汉鑺傛槸涓涓 厖婊埍鎯呭拰娴 极鐨勮妭鏃紝鎭嬩汉涔嬮棿閫氬父閮戒細浜崲鎯呬汉鍗拰鐖辨儏淇墿銆?A:瀵?B:閿?姝绛旀 锛欰5銆丱n Qixi Festival, girls would also beg Weaving Maid for some wisdom for a happy marriage.搴旇 缈昏瘧涓猴細鍦竷澶曢偅澶紝濮戝 浠 細鍚戝涓婄

27、殑缁囧绁堟眰鏅烘収锛屼互鑾峰緱缇庢弧濮荤紭銆?A:瀵?B:閿?姝绛旀 锛欰绗 崄涓绔?1銆乀he National Bureau of Statistics will release a series of economic indicators, including inflation, investment and social .A:consumeB:consumptionC:consumesD:consuming姝绛旀 锛欱2銆乀he stock price fluctuations have sparked the investor鈥檚 concern about insider t

28、rading and market .A:manipulateB:manipulationC:manipulatedD:manipulating姝绛旀 锛欱3銆丄ccording to a report, a 47 percent of the British population has admitted to cheating on a partner.A:staggerB:staggeredC:staggeringD:staggers姝绛旀 锛欳4銆丯owadays, the problems faced by teachers derive from the belief that the teachers鈥?task is to fill students鈥?heads with the information they need to know.搴旂炕璇戜负锛氱幇鍦 紝鑰佸笀浠 潰涓寸殑闂 鏉嚜浜庝竴绉嶈 蹇碉紝閭氨鏄 汉浠 涓鸿佸笀鐨勪换鍔氨鏄 線瀛敓鐨勫鑴戦噷濉 弧浠栦滑闇瑕佺煡閬撶殑淇伅銆?A:瀵?B:閿?姝绛旀 锛欰5銆丆hoose the Chinese expressions which match the English ones.messages at odds with each other ( )

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