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1、21世纪大学实用英语教案2册Unit3 Tackling ProblemsPart two Text A “Impossible” or “Im Possible”Para. 1-2 of Text A:Questions about This Paragraph1) Where did the true story happen?2) What did the Pontiac Division of General Motors receive?Notes:1. The expression “Im possible” is not current standard or colloquia

2、l English. However, the author is engaging in a kind of word-play with this artificial expressions close resemblance to the word “Impossible” to make a valid point: “The possible lies within the impossible, if only a person looks or tries hard enough to activate the possibility with him or herself.”

3、 在英语中,通常不说“Im possible”, 作者以一种类似文字游戏的形式来说明,看似不可能的事情中包含着可能性。2 customer n. person who buys goods, services, etc. from a shop, business, etc. 顾客; 客户 3. complaint n. reason for not being satisfied; statement that sb. makes saying that they are not satisfied 抱怨; 投诉Para. 3of Text AQuestions about This Par

4、agraph1) 1) Has the customer ever written to the customer-care executive?2) Why isnt the writer of the complaint angry at not getting an answer from the customer-care executive?3)What tradition does the family have after dinner each night?notes1. This is the second time I have written to you这是我第二次给你

5、们写信本句中从句的时态用现在完成时,因为主句中含有表示第几次的短语(the second time)。又如:This is the frst time I have seen such a crazy person. 我还是第一次看到这样疯狂的人。 2. it is a fact that we have a tradition in our family of having ice cream for dessert after dinner each night.但事实是,我们家族有个传统,即在每晚用餐后吃冰淇淋作甜食。本句中fact后面that引导的从句是fact的同位语从句,that不

6、可以省略。第四段开头第一句话也是同样的句型。 3. ice cream:type of sweet frozen food made from milk fat, favored with fruit, chocolate, etc. and often eaten as a dessert 冰淇淋 4. Tradition n. belief, custom or way of doing sth. that has existed for a long time among a particular group of people 传统Para. 4-5of Text AQuestions

7、 about This Paragraph1) What did the writer of the complaint purchase recently?2) What problem has he been having on his trips to the store?Notes:1. You see, every time I buy a vanilla ice cream, when I come back from the store my car wont start.是这样的,每次我买了香草冰淇淋从店里回来时,我的车就无法启动。本句中的You see用作插入语,意思是“你瞧

8、”或“听我说”; every time sb. does something 意为“每次某个人做某事”。又如:Every time he goes to meet his girlfriend, he puts on his best suit. 每次去见女朋友,他都穿上最好的西装。 2. What is there about a Pontiac that makes it not start when I get vanilla ice cream, and easy to start whenever I get any other kind?一辆庞蒂亚克车里有什么东西使得它在我买了香草

9、冰淇淋后不能启动而在我买了任何其他种类的冰淇淋后又很容易启动呢?本句中有两点需要注意:第一,What is there about a Pontiac意思是“庞蒂亚克有什么问题”;第二,make sb./sth. (not) do sth.意思是“使某人/某物不能做某事”,其中的不定式不加to。 3. But she stifled the childrens laughter when she exclaimed how pretty the bracelet was, putting it on, and dabbing some of the perfume on her wrist.

10、但当她大声说手镯多么漂亮,一边把它戴上,并在手腕上搽上一些香水时,她就把孩子们的笑声制止住了。句中putting it on, and dabbing some of the perfume on her wrist是现在分词结构,作状语,表示伴随状态,其逻辑主语与句子主语一致。 4. be serious about : 对是认真的 5. Whenever conj. at any time that; on any occasion that; every time that 无论何时; 每当 Para. 6 of Text AQuestions about This Paragraph1

11、) How did the Pontiac President react to the letter?2) What did he do after receiving the letter?Notes:1. The Pontiac President was understandably skeptical about the letter, but sent an engineer to check it out anyway.庞蒂亚克的总裁对这封信持怀疑态度是可以理解的,但他还是派了一名工程师去检查一下。本句中,check out这个短语中的out是副词,当宾语是代词的时候就必须放在o

12、ut的前面,但如果宾语是名词,则既可以放在out的前面,也可以放在out的后面(如第十一段中的check out the favor)。2. The latter was surprised to be greeted by a successful, obviously well-educated man in a fine neighborhood.令这位工程师颇感意外的是,在一个高档的住宅区迎接他的是一位显然受过良好教育的成功男士。句子的主语The latter是指前句中被总经理指派的工程师,这个代词让两句衔接得更好。Para.7-9of Text AQuestions about Th

13、is Paragraph1) What ice cream did they buy that night?2) How many times did the engineer go to the store withthe man?Notes:1. Now the engineer, being a logical man, refused to believe that this mans car was allergic to vanilla ice cream. 这位工程师是个有逻辑头脑的人,他不相信这位男士的汽车对香草冰淇淋过敏。句中的 being a logical man 是现在

14、分词短语做主句的原因状语,说明工程师为什么拒绝相信汽车会对香草冰淇淋过敏。 第十一段中的 Vanilla, being the most popular favor, was in a separate case at the front of the store for quick pickup也同样含有一个现在分词短语插入在主语和谓语之间, 作原因状语。 2. He arranged, therefore, to continue his visits for as long as it took to solve the problem. 所以他便安排继续他的访问直到解决问题为止。句中含

15、有it takes time to do sth. 这个句型。又如:I will be with him for as long as it takes to get the job done. 我会一直和他在一起,直到把工作完成为止Part 1Listening & SpeakingStep 1. PreviewLead the students to look at the “Preview” so as to make sure that theStudents have some ideas of what this unit is all about.Step 2. Part ILi

16、stening1Listen to the upcoming short talk and complete the related statements below accordingly. Getting to know the following useful language first might be helpful. Useful Languageabbreviation n. 缩写intend vt. 意欲critically ad. 批判地tough a. 艰难的seemingly ad. 看来似乎challenge n. 挑战solution n. 解决方法hows and

17、 whys 缘由,道理Exercise:PBL is intended to train students to be 1) .To be a problem solver is to learn how to raise a question, how to use information, how to 2) , and how to make a decision. Of course, it is not easy to a problem solver. But it is no good to say something is impossible without 3) , eve

18、n though it can seem so at first. Only when you give yourself completely 4) is nothing impossible. 2. MartinandLisaaretalkingaboutpossibilityand impossibility.Listentotheirconversationand thendecidewhether theconversation-based statementsbelowaretrue(T)orfalse(F).Gettingtoknowthefollowingusefullangu

19、agefirstmightbehelpful. Useful Languagenegative a. stuck a. belief n. The point is simply that Couldntt have said it better. billboard n. You betcha ! 1) According to Lisa, it is impossible to make some things possible. 2) As Martin says, it is your attitude and effort that cause you to make somethi

20、ng possible. 3) Both Martin and Lisa believe there is possibility in every impossibility. Script: Martin: What do you mean when you say, “when you are open to the possible, nothing is impossble”? Lisa: I mean we ourselves make things possible by our attitude. Martin: All depends on our attitude and

21、effort? Lisa: Exactly. On whether we are ready and available for the new, not negative and stuck. Thats our belief in possibility. Martin: Ah, I think now I understand better what you mean when you say only when you are open to the possible is nothing impossible. Lisa: The point is simply that there

22、 is a possibility in every impossibility. Martin: And when you let go of what seems impossible, the possible arrives, right? Lisa: Couldnt have said it better myself.Martin: Really? Lisa: Yeah. Hey Martin, read that billboard over there!Martin: You mean “NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE”?Lisa: Right. Do you se

23、e what I see? The words “Im possible” inside the word “Impossible”! Isnt that funny? Sort of like if you just look at something a little differently what looked impossible suddenly becomes possible!Martin: Wow, thats cool! Youve got x-ray vision! You can do anything!Lisa: You betcha! Im possible!Mar

24、tin: Come to think of it, didnt Adidas run an ad campaign along those lines?Lisa: Probably. As you know, great minds think alike!Step 3. Lisa andMartin are talking about effort and success. Listen to theirconversation,andthenanswerthequestionsbelowbychoosingthebestresponse.Gettingtoknowthefollowingu

25、sefullanguagefirstmightbehelpful. Useful Languagesaying n. 格言 on the mark 说到点子上,中肯的,切题的Nothing could be any truer. 千真万确。patent n. 专利sweat v. (使)出汗 Script:Lisa: The key word is effort when we talk about possibility and impossibility. Martin: Thats for sure. Everybody knows the saying “no pain, no gai

26、n.” Lisa: No kidding. Have you heard that “genius is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration”? Martin: No, who said it? Lisa: Do you know of Thomas Edison? Martin: Yes, I do. He is a famous American inventor.Lisa: Well, hes the one who said that.Martin: Have to say, hes certainly right on the mark. Noth

27、ing could be truer.Lisa: You know how many inventions he made? He set a world record: 1,093 patents for inventions. Martin: Wow, I didnt know that! What are you getting at? Lisa: The point Im trying to make is that he stopped at nothing. Look how far he went with his 99% perspiration, how many failu

28、res he must have faced just to reach each success. And all because he stayed open to the possible.Martin: Yeah, talk about effort and belief! What it takes to make something possibleLisa: The impossible doesnt count. Only the possible does. But you only get there if you sweat through whatever comes

29、up, always keeping your eye on the mark. Martin: You sound just like Mr. Edison himself! Any possibility youre related? Just kidding! Part IV Translation & WritingTeaching notes: 本单元的英译汉练习是英语强调结构的翻译。英语的强调常用“It is that/who”句型,强调主语、宾语或状语等。强调动词时,用do/does/did +动词。强调整个句子,用what happened was (that)结构,还可以用其

30、他结构表示强调,如All I want to is / All I did was / The only thing I remember is。建议可以先让学生完成本书语法复习中“英语强调”这一节的练习。 在翻译时,要把强调部分的语气用恰当的汉语表达出来,可以在被强调部分前加上“的确、究竟、务必、千万、就是、正是、到底”等词增加强调语气。有必要时也可以在译文中把强调部分放在句首。在翻译“do/does/did+动词”结构时,可使用“的确,确实,务必,一定,千万,真的”等词来突出强调语气。如: Your garden does look nice. 你的花园看上去的确/真的/确实很漂亮。My

31、memory isnt very good, but I do remember what she was wearing. 我的记忆不太好,但我确实记得她当时的穿着。It is this story that Id like to share with you now. 我现在要对你们讲的就是这个故事。You might be the very person we are looking for for this job. 你可能正是我们所要找的从事这项工作的最佳人选。Its Spain that theyre going to, not Portugal. 他们要去的是西班牙,不是葡萄牙。It was three weeks later that he heard the news. 是三周后他才听到消息的。/ 他是三周后才听到消息的在练习中,第一句和第五句用does和did分别强调动词,第二句和第三句用了It is/was that/who句型分别强调状语和主语。第四句采用了The only thing I remembered was that表示强调, 第六句则用了on earth这个短语。 再看下面一些例子是如何在翻译过程中把原文的强调部分在译文中体现出来的:

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