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1、职场应用原版“职场应用” 练习2.For Contestant A Only选手A:假设你是某公司的总经理秘书。你需要为合作公司的两位技术代表租一套房子,他们需要在你公司上班三个月。你的队友是某房地产中介公司的职员,手上有三套相关的房子资料。你需要与队友沟通并解决租房问题。在比赛第一阶段(15分钟内),你需要完成:1. 阅读相关的需要,填写任务单中的Section 12. 向队友询问三套房子的信息,填写任务单中的Section2;3. 与队友讨论,选出一套最合适的房子,完成任务单中的Section3;4. 准备第二阶段的汇报内容。在比赛第二阶段(4分钟内)你需向评委汇报任务完成情况,内容涵盖以

2、下几个要点:1) Whats your groups task?2) Which house or flat do you choose? Why? (Please give detailed reasons why you have chosen this flat or house and havent chosen the other two?)For Contestant A OnlyPlease read the requirement of the accommodation. Our company is located in the city centre. We start

3、work at 8:30 am and finish work at 5:30 pm. The technology representatives will be very happy if they can live in a house or flat where they can travel to and from work in 20 minutes. At the same time, they like quiet and peaceful location. Our General Manager will be very happy if we wont spend so

4、much money on the rent.For contestant B Only选手B: 假设你是某房地产中介公司的职员,现在手上有三套房子的出租信息,你的队友是某公司的总经理秘书,需要为合作公司的两位技术代表选择一套最适合的住房,租期为三个月,队友手上有相关的要求信息,你需要与队友沟通并共同选出最合适的一套房子。在比赛第一阶段(15分钟内),你需完成:1 认真阅读三种出行方式的信息,提取相关的资料;2 与队友沟通,向其提供所需的信息,协助其完成任务单中的Section 23 与队友讨论,选出最佳一种出行方式,协助其完成任务单中的Section 34 准备第二阶段的问答内容。在比赛第二

5、阶段(2分钟内),你需回答评委现场提出的2-3个问题,回答需与实际任务相结合, 观点鲜明,有理有据,有逻辑性。以下是评委可能问到的部分问题,供你参考:1)What can you do to improve your partners solution?2)What can you learn from this task?3)What do you think of the cooperation between you and your partner?4)What do you think of your task completion?5)Whats your groups advan

6、tage for doing the task?Flat ABeautiful 1 bedroom garden flat in a quiet location in a converted house. The flat has a large living room. It is near the underground and shops. It takes 20 minutes to get to the tube station near the office. The rent is 700 per month.Flat BIt is a very large, modern f

7、lat with two big bedrooms. The flat is in a busy, convenient location, near shops, schools and transport. It is only 15 minutes walk to the office. The rent is 450 per month. Flat CIt is a flat with two large bedrooms and a private garden. Its near the tube. It takes 25 minutes to get to the tube st

8、ation near the office. The rent is 480 per month.WorksheetSection 1 Read the information and complete the following form.ItemsNeedsFlatsLocation: Length of travelling to work: ExpenseThe , the better. Section 2: Communicate with Contestant B and complete the following form.ItemsInformation of flatsF

9、lat ALocation: ; Length of travelling to work: Rent: Flat BLocation: ; Length of travelling to work: Rent: Flat CLocation: ; Length of travelling to work: Rent: Section 3: Discuss with Contestant B and make a decision. Which flat do you choose for the technology representatives?( ) Flat A. ( ) Flat

10、B. ( ) Flat C. Your group number: (Sign your name on the back and hand this sheet in to the Judge)“职场应用” 练习3.For Contestant A Only选手A:假设你是某公司的IT部的经理。你的部门需要招聘一位网站管理专家。你的队友是某人才交流中心的职员,手上有三位相关的人员资料。你需要与队友沟通并解决招聘问题。在比赛第一阶段(15分钟内),你需要完成:1阅读相关的需要,填写任务单中的Section 12向队友询问三位人员的信息,填写任务单中的Section2;3与队友讨论,选出最合适的

11、一位人员,完成任务单中的Section3;4准备第二阶段的汇报内容。在比赛第二阶段(4分钟内)你需向评委汇报任务完成情况,内容涵盖以下几个要点:1)Whats your groups task?2)Which candidate do you choose? Why? (Please give detailed reasons why you have chosen this candidate and havent chosen the other two?)For Contestant A OnlyPlease read the requirement of the candidates.

12、 Our department is recruiting a website expert who can do web design, website management and speak French. The successful candidate should have training skills as well. Our General Manager will be very happy if the candidate asks for a salary of less than 10,000 yuan.For contestant B Only选手B: 假设你是某人

13、才交流中心的职员,现在手上有三位人员的求职信息,你的队友是某公司IT部的经理,需要为招聘一位网站管理专家,=队友手上有相关的要求信息,你需要与队友沟通并共同选出最合适的一位人员。在比赛第一阶段(15分钟内),你需完成:1认真阅读三位人员的信息,提取相关的资料;2与队友沟通,向其提供所需的信息,协助其完成任务单中的Section 23与队友讨论,选出最合适的一位人员,协助其完成任务单中的Section 34准备第二阶段的问答内容。在比赛第二阶段(2分钟内),你需回答评委现场提出的2-3个问题,回答需与实际任务相结合, 观点鲜明,有理有据,有逻辑性。以下是评委可能问到的部分问题,供你参考:1)Wh

14、at can you do to improve your partners solution?2)What can you learn from this task?3)What do you think of the cooperation between you and your partner?4)What do you think of your task completion?5)Whats your groups advantage for doing the task?Candidate A good at French; has experience of managing

15、website; cant do web design; has no training skills; demanded salary: 8000 yuanCandidate B Can speak a little French; can do web design and website management; has no training skills; demanded salary: 10,000 yuanCandidate CCan do web design very well; experienced at training; has a little experience

16、 of website management; cant speak French; demanded salary: 11000 yuan WorksheetSection 1 Read the information and complete the following form.ItemsNeedsWebsite expertSkills: Salary Section 2: Communicate with Contestant B and complete the following form.ItemsInformation of candidatesCandidate AFren

17、ch: ; web design: Website management: ; Training Skills: Salary: Candidate BFrench: ; web design: Website management: ; Training Skills: Salary: Candidate CFrench: ; web design: Website management: ; Training Skills: Salary: Section 3: Discuss with Contestant B and make a decision. Which candidate d

18、o you choose?( ) Candidate A. ( ) Candidate B. ( ) Candidate C. Your group number: (Sign your name on the back and hand this sheet in to the Judge)“职场应用” 练习4.For Contestant A Only选手A:假设你是某公司总经理秘书。你的总经理需要去Paris参加一个重要的会议。你的队友是你公司驻Paris的同事,手上有三间酒店的资料。你需要与队友沟通并解决总经理及开会人员入住哪间酒店的问题。在比赛第一阶段(15分钟内),你需要完成:1阅

19、读相关的需要,填写任务单中的Section 12向队友询问三间酒店的信息,填写任务单中的Section2;3与队友讨论,选出最合适的一间酒店,完成任务单中的Section3;4准备第二阶段的汇报内容。在比赛第二阶段(4分钟内)你需向评委汇报任务完成情况,内容涵盖以下几个要点:1)Whats your groups task?2)Which hotel do you choose? Why? (Please give detailed reasons why you have chosen this hotel and havent chosen the other two?)For Conte

20、stant A OnlyPlease read the requirement of the hotel. Our General Manager is going to Paris for an important meeting near the city centre. He will stay there for two days. There will be 5 people at the meeting. The conference room needs to have Internet access. After the meeting, the General Manager

21、 will do gym to relax. Our General Manager will be very happy if the expense can be cut down.For contestant B Only选手B: 假设你是某公司驻Paris的职员,现在手上有三间酒店的信息,你的队友是你的总公司的总经理秘书,需要为总经理选一间最合适的酒店。队友手上有相关的要求信息,你需要与队友沟通并共同选出最合适的一间酒店。在比赛第一阶段(15分钟内),你需完成:1. 认真阅读三间酒店的信息,提取相关的资料;2. 与队友沟通,向其提供所需的信息,协助其完成任务单中的Section 23.

22、 与队友讨论,选出最合适的一间酒店,协助其完成任务单中的Section 34. 准备第二阶段的问答内容。在比赛第二阶段(2分钟内),你需回答评委现场提出的2-3个问题,回答需与实际任务相结合, 观点鲜明,有理有据,有逻辑性。以下是评委可能问到的部分问题,供你参考:1)What can you do to improve your partners solution?2)What can you learn from this task?3)What do you think of the cooperation between you and your partner?4)What do yo

23、u think of your task completion?5)Whats your groups advantage for doing the task?Hotel A A little far from the centre of Paris and it takes 40 minutes to get to the centre; Surrounded by fields and woods. Peaceful and quiet. Facilities are limited. No conference room or email facilities. Singles 90,

24、doubles 145.Hotel BThis hotel is one of the best in Paris. Although it is in the centre of Paris, it is a reasonably-priced and friendly place to stay. 2 bars. Restaurant. Business centre with photocopying, fax and email facilities. Small fitness centre. Singles 100, double 195.Hotel CClose to the c

25、entre or Paris. It takes only 10 minutes to walk to the centre of Paris. It is a modern hotel offers both luxury and convenience. 4 bars. 5 restaurant. Swimming pool as well as a fitness centre. Business centre with photocopying and email facilities . Singles 140, doubles 200. WorksheetSection 1 Rea

26、d the information and complete the following form.ItemsNeedsHotelFacilities needed: Location The to the centre of Paris, the . Section 2: Communicate with Contestant B and complete the following form.ItemsInformation of hotelsHotel ALocation: ; conference room: Internet access: ; Sport equipment: Pr

27、ice: Hotel BLocation: ; conference room: Internet access: ; Sport equipment: Price: Hotel CLocation: ; conference room: Internet access: ; Sport equipment: Price: Section 3: Discuss with Contestant B and make a decision. Which hotel do you choose?( ) Hotel A. ( ) Hotel B. ( ) Hotel C. Your group number: (Sign your name on the back and hand this sheet in to the Judge)Welcome ToDownload !欢迎您的下载,资料仅供参考!

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