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美国统一商法典中英文 第4A404至6102款.docx

1、美国统一商法典中英文 第4A404至6102款 4A-404. OBLIGATION OF BENEFICIARYS BANK TO PAY AND GIVE NOTICE TO BENEFICIARY. 受益人的银行付款和通知受益人的义务.(a) Subject to Sections 4A-211(e), 4A-405(d), and 4A-405(e), if a beneficiarys bank accepts a payment order, the bank is obliged to pay the amount of the order to the beneficiary

2、of the order. Payment is due on the payment date of the order, but if acceptance occurs on the payment date after the close of the funds-transfer business day of the bank, payment is due on the next funds-transfer business day. If the bank refuses to pay after demand by the beneficiary and receipt o

3、f notice of particular circumstances that will give rise to consequential damages as a result of nonpayment, the beneficiary may recover damages resulting from the refusal to pay to the extent the bank had notice of the damages, unless the bank proves that it did not pay because of a reasonable doub

4、t concerning the right of the beneficiary to payment.(a) 受4a-211(e)、4a-405(d)及4a-405(e)影响,若受益人的银行接受托付单,该银行应当支付指令的金额给指令的受益人。付款在该指令的付款之日到期,但是,若在该银行的资金转移营业日结 束之后的付款之日发生承兑,付款在下一个资金转移营业日到期。在受益人要求之后,并且接到关于不付款将引起间接损害的特定情形的通知之后,若该银行拒绝付 款,在该银行接到损害通知的范围内,受益人可以主张由于该拒绝所导致的损害赔偿,除非该银行证明其不付款由于其对受益人对付款的权利产生合理的怀疑。(b

5、) If a payment order accepted by the beneficiarys bank instructs payment to an account of the beneficiary, the bank is obliged to notify the beneficiary of receipt of the order before midnight of the next funds-transfer business day following the payment date. If the payment order does not instruct

6、payment to an account of the beneficiary, the bank is required to notify the beneficiary only if notice is required by the order. Notice may be given by first class mail or any other means reasonable in the circumstances. If the bank fails to give the required notice, the bank is obliged to pay inte

7、rest to the beneficiary on the amount of the payment order from the day notice should have been given until the day the beneficiary learned of receipt of the payment order by the bank. No other damages are recoverable. Reasonable attorneys fees are also recoverable if demand for interest is made and

8、 refused before an action is brought on the claim.(b) 若受益人的银行接受的托付单指示付款到受益人的帐户,该银行应当在付款之日的下一个资金转移营业日的 午夜之前,通知受益人收到该指示。若托付单不指示付款到受益人的帐户,该银行仅在该指令要求通知时被要求通知受益人。通知可以通过快捷邮件或在当时环境下 合理的任何其他方式送达。若该银行未能按要求发送通知,该银行应当支付托付单的金额从通知应当作出之日到受益人知道该银行收到托付单之日的利息给受益人。 此外无其他损害赔偿可主张。合理的律师费也可主张,若关于该利息的要求被提出并且在关于该权利的诉讼被提起之前

9、被拒绝。(c) The right of a beneficiary to receive payment and damages as stated in subsection (a) may not be varied by agreement or a funds-transfer system rule. The right of a beneficiary to be notified as stated in subsection (b) may be varied by agreement of the beneficiary or by a funds-transfer sys

10、tem rule if the beneficiary is notified of the rule before initiation of the funds transfer.(c) 受益人收取(a)款规定的付款和损害赔偿的权利不不得协议变更或者通过资金转移系统规则变更。受益人按照 (b)款规定受通报的权利不得通过受益人的协议变更或通过资金转移系统规则变更,若受益人在资金转移开始前被通知该规则。 4A-405. PAYMENT BY BENEFICIARYS BANK TO BENEFICIARY.受益人的银行对受益人付款.(a) If the beneficiarys bank cr

11、edits an account of the beneficiary of a payment order, payment of the banks obligation under Section 4A-404(a) occurs when and to the extent (i) the beneficiary is notified of the right to withdraw the credit, (ii) the bank lawfully applies the credit to a debt of the beneficiary, or (iii) funds wi

12、th respect to the order are otherwise made available to the beneficiary by the bank.(b) If the beneficiarys bank does not credit an account of the beneficiary of a payment order, the time when payment of the banks obligation under Section 4A-404(a) occurs is governed by principles of law that determ

13、ine when an obligation is satisfied.(c) Except as stated in subsections (d) and (e), if the beneficiarys bank pays the beneficiary of a payment order under a condition to payment or agreement of the beneficiary giving the bank the right to recover payment from the beneficiary if the bank does not re

14、ceive payment of the order, the condition to payment or agreement is not enforceable.(a) 若受益人的银行对托付单的受益人的帐户记入贷方,该银行在4a-404(a) 的付款义务发生于下述时间和下述范围(i)受益人得到收回该存款的权利的通知,(ii) 该银行合法地适用该贷方到受益人的债务上,或(iii) 该银行使得受益人可获得关于该指令的资金。(b) 若受益人的银行不对托付单的受益人的帐户记入贷方,该银行在4a-404(a)下的付款义务发生的时间由决定债务清偿时间的法律的原则调整。(c) 除 (d)、(e)款规

15、定外,若受益人的银行向托付单的受益人付款以给予该银行向受益人追回付款的权利的受益人的付款或同意为条件,若该银行不收取该指令的付款,付款或同意的条件不可强制执行。(d) A funds-transfer system rule may provide that payments made to beneficiaries of funds transfers made through the system are provisional until receipt of payment by the beneficiarys bank of the payment order it accept

16、ed. A beneficiarys bank that makes a payment that is provisional under the rule is entitled to refund from the beneficiary if (i) the rule requires that both the beneficiary and the originator be given notice of the provisional nature of the payment before the funds transfer is initiated, (ii) the b

17、eneficiary, the beneficiarys bank and the originators bank agreed to be bound by the rule, and (iii) the beneficiarys bank did not receive payment of the payment order that it accepted. If the beneficiary is obliged to refund payment to the beneficiarys bank, acceptance of the payment order by the b

18、eneficiarys bank is nullified and no payment by the originator of the funds transfer to the beneficiary occurs under Section 4A-406.(d) 资金转移系统规则可以规定,对通过该系统作出的资金转移的受益人作出的付款是临时的,直到其接受的托付单的受益人的银行收到付款。在本规则下作出临时付款的受益人的银行有权向受益人主张退款,若(i) 该规则要求在资金转移开始之前,受益人和创立者都被通知该付款的临时性质,(ii)受益人、受益人的银行及创立者的银行同意受该规则约束,并且 (

19、iii)受益人的银行未收到其接受的托付单的付款。若受益人应当退还付款给受益人的银行,受益人的银行对托付单的接受无效,并且,没有资金转移的创立者对受益人付款发生在 4a-406下。(e) This subsection applies to a funds transfer that includes a payment order transmitted over a funds-transfer system that (i) nets obligations multilaterally among participants, and (ii) has in effect a loss-s

20、haring agreement among participants for the purpose of providing funds necessary to complete settlement of the obligations of one or more participants that do not meet their settlement obligations. If the beneficiarys bank in the funds transfer accepts a payment order and the system fails to complet

21、e settlement pursuant to its rules with respect to any payment order in the funds transfer, (i) the acceptance by the beneficiarys bank is nullified and no person has any right or obligation based on the acceptance, (ii) the beneficiarys bank is entitled to recover payment from the beneficiary, (iii

22、) no payment by the originator to the beneficiary occurs under Section 4A-406, and (iv) subject to Section 4A-402(e), each sender in the funds transfer is excused from its obligation to pay its payment order under Section 4A-402(c) because the funds transfer has not been completed.(e) 本款适用于资金转移,包括在资

23、金转移系统上传输的托付单,(i) 得到多方参与者之间的义务,及(ii) 在参与者之间具有有效的损失分担协议,该协议是为完成不符合其结算的一个或者更多的参与者的义务的结算提供必要的资金的目的。若在资金转移中的受益人的银 行接受托付单,并且该系统未能依照其关于在资金转移中的任何托付单的规则完成结算,(i)受益人的银行的接受无效,并且任何人不因该接受享有任何权利或承 担任何义务,(ii)受益人的银行有权向受益人追回付款,(iii) 在4a-406下,创立者对受益人的付款不发生,及 (iv) 受4a-402(e)影响,在资金转移中的每个发送人免除其对其在4a-402(c)下的托付单付款的义务,因为该资

24、金转移未被完成。 4A-406. PAYMENT BY ORIGINATOR TO BENEFICIARY; DISCHARGE OF UNDERLYING OBLIGATION.创立者对受益人付款; 根本义务的解除.(a) Subject to Sections 4A-211(e), 4A-405(d), and 4A-405(e), the originator of a funds transfer pays the beneficiary of the originators payment order (i) at the time a payment order for the b

25、enefit of the beneficiary is accepted by the beneficiarys bank in the funds transfer and (ii) in an amount equal to the amount of the order accepted by the beneficiarys bank, but not more than the amount of the originators order.(b) If payment under subsection (a) is made to satisfy an obligation, t

26、he obligation is discharged to the same extent discharge would result from payment to the beneficiary of the same amount in money, unless (i) the payment under subsection (a) was made by a means prohibited by the contract of the beneficiary with respect to the obligation, (ii) the beneficiary, withi

27、n a reasonable time after receiving notice of receipt of the order by the beneficiarys bank, notified the originator of the beneficiarys refusal of the payment, (iii) funds with respect to the order were not withdrawn by the beneficiary or applied to a debt of the beneficiary, and (iv) the beneficia

28、ry would suffer a loss that could reasonably have been avoided if payment had been made by a means complying with the contract. If payment by the originator does not result in discharge under this section, the originator is subrogated to the rights of the beneficiary to receive payment from the bene

29、ficiarys bank under Section 4A-404(a).(c) For the purpose of determining whether discharge of an obligation occurs under subsection (b), if the beneficiarys bank accepts a payment order in an amount equal to the amount of the originators payment order less charges of one or more receiving banks in t

30、he funds transfer, payment to the beneficiary is deemed to be in the amount of the originators order unless upon demand by the beneficiary the originator does not pay the beneficiary the amount of the deducted charges.(d) Rights of the originator or of the beneficiary of a funds transfer under this

31、section may be varied only by agreement of the originator and the beneficiary.(a) 受4a-211(e)、4a-405(d)及4a-405(e)影响,资金转移的创立者支付创立者的托付单的受益人 (i)在为受益人的利益的托付单被资金转移中的受益人的银行接受时,及 (ii)其金额等于受益人的银行接受的指令的金额,但不超过创立者的指令的金额。(b) 若在(a)款下的付款被作出以履行义务,该义务在向受益人支付相同金额的金钱将产生的解除相同的范围内解除,除非 (i) 在 (a)款下的付款以受益人关于该债务的合同禁止的方式作出

32、,(ii)在收到受益人的银行收到该指令的通知之后在合理的时间内,受益人通知创立者关于受益人对付款的拒绝,(iii) 关于该指令的资金不被提取由受益人或应用到受益人的债务中,及(iv)受益人将会遭受一项损失,而若付款已经通过符合该合同的方式作出,该损失将可以合理地已经避免的。若创立者付款不导致本条下的解除,创立者被受益人从在 4a-404(a)下的受益人的银行收取付款的权利替代。(c) 基于确定义务的解除是否发生在 (b)款下的目的,若受益人的银行接受托付单,该托付单的金额等于 创立者的托付单的金额减去一个或更多在资金转移中的收款行的主张,向受益人的付款视为创立者的指令的金额,除非按照受益人的要求,创立者不支付受益人扣除的费用的金额。(d) 资金转移的创立者或受益人在本款下的权利,可以通过创立者与受益人的协议变更。PART 5. MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS Table of Contents 杂项规定 4A-501. VARIATION BY AGREEMENT AND EFFECT OF FUNDS-TRANSFER SYSTEM RULE.协议变更和资金转移系统规则的效力.(a) Except as otherwise provided in th

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