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1、物理学专业本科培养计划物理学专业本科培养计划Undergraduate Program for Specialty in Physics一、培养目标Educational Objectives本专业的目标为培养未来的科学家,使学生具有宽广坚实的物理理论基础、较强的数学和逻辑分析能力、动手实做能力以及实验分析能力。专业方向有理论物理、等离子体物理、凝聚态与材料物理、光学、无线电物理、原子核物理与粒子物理等,让学生全面地了解物理学发展现况,并且对最前沿的交叉学科有一定的认识,为学生下一阶段进行前沿科学和尖端技术的科研工作打下坚实基础。The objective of this major is t

2、o cultivate futures scientists. We have tailored our curriculum to provide students with a broad and solid foundation of physical theories, enhanced capability of mathematical and logical analyses, and a good skill of hands-on and experimental analysis. Some concentrations, including Theroretical Ph

3、ysics, Plasma Physics, Condensed-Matter & Materials physics, Optics, Radiowave Physics, Nuclear Physics, Particle Physics, are built to provide students a comprehensive understanding on the state of the arts in Physics. The goal is to let students have concrete background knowledge for doing researc

4、h in the future whatever in frontier science and advanced technology.二、基本规格要求Skills Profile1. 系统地、全面地掌握本专业所需的物理基础理论及物理实验的基本方法和技能;2. 掌握本专业必需的数学基础,具备较高的科技英语写作水平和沟通能力,以及运用计算机进行物理实验和模拟计算的能力;3. 掌握一定的专业物理知识,具有创新思维能力及解决问题的初步能力。1. Learning fundamental theories and basic experimental skill in a systematic an

5、d comprehensive way;2. Learning mathematical skill compulsory for analyzing physical problems, fluent communication skill and scientific writing in English, and computer-aided experiments and simulations; 3. Learning specific concentration in physics, and basic ability for solving practical problems

6、 with a creative thinking三、培养特色 Program Features物理与数学基础扎实,外语和沟通能力好,激发学生对科研的好奇心,加强培养学生的逻辑思维与分析能力。Provide a good training with concrete background knowledge of physics and mathematics, and excellent communication skill in English. Stimulate students curiosities about scientific research, meanwhile, cu

7、ltivate students to obtain capabilities of logical thinking and analyzing.四、主干学科Major Disciplines理论物理Theoretical Physics、等离子体物理Plasma Physics、光学 Optics、凝聚态与材料物理Condensed Matter and Material Physics、精密测量Precision Measurements、核物理与粒子物理Nuclear Physics & Particle Physics五、学制与学位Length of Schooling and De

8、gree学制: 四年Duration: 4 years授予学位: 理学学士Degree Conferred: Bachelor of Science六、学时与学分Hours/Credits完成学业最低课内学分(含课程体系与集中性实践教学环节)要求:194.5Minimum Credits of Curricular (Comprising course system and intensified internship practical training):194.5完成学业最低课外学分要求:5 Minimum Extracurricular Credits:51. 课程体系学时与学分Hou

9、rs/Credits of Course System课程类别课程性质学时/学分占课程体系学分比例()通识教育基础课程必修992/6236.15选修160/105.83学科基础课程学科大类基础课程必修1016/63.537.03学科专业基础课程必修256/169.33选修192/127.00专业课程选修128/84.66合计2744/171.5100Course ClassifiedCourse NatureHrs/CrsPercentage (%)Basic Courses in General EducationRequired992/6236.15Elective160/105.83Ba

10、sic Courses in DisciplineBasic Courses in General DisciplineRequired1016/63.537.03Basic Courses in DisciplineRequired256/169.33Elective192/127.00Courses in SpecialtySpecialty-Oriented CoursesRequired128/84.66Total2744/171.501002. 集中性实践教学环节周数与学分Weeks/Credits of Intensified Internship and Practical Tr

11、aining实践教学环节名称课程性质周数/学分占实践教学环节学分比例()军事训练必修2/28.7公益劳动必修1/14.3电工实习必修2/28.7生产实习(科研训练)必修2/28.7毕业设计(论文)必修16/1669.6合计23/23100Internship & Practical TrainingCourse NatureWeeks/CreditsPercentage (%)Military TrainingRequired2/28.7Laboring for Public BenefitRequired1/14.3Electrical Engineering PracticeRequire

12、d2/28.7Engineering Internship(Scientific Research Training)Required2/28.7Undergraduate ThesisRequired16/1669.6Total23/231003. 课外学分 Extracurricular Credits序号课外活动名称课外活动和社会实践的要求课外学分1社会实践活动(1.1和1.3取最高项,不累加)1.1参加学院组织的社会实践活动,提交调查报告,通过答辩者11.2参加与物理学科相关的学术夏令营、暑期学校等学术活动,获得结业证书或通过学院答辩者11.3个人被校团委或团省委评为社会实践活动积极分

13、子者,集体被校团委或团省委评为优秀社会实践队者(校级为1,省级为2)1-22学术活动每参加5次学院组织的博学讲堂或学术讲座,上交讲座记录表,并选取其中感兴趣的一次讲座写成书面报告,通过学院认证者1每参加5次学院组织的物理之夜或者专业导航活动,上交一份总结性书面报告,通过学院认证者3英语考试(本栏取最高项,不累加)3.1 全国大学英语六级考试获六级证书者23.2 托福考试达90分以上者33.3 雅思考试达6.5分以上者33.4 GRE考试达1350分以上者34与物理相关的学术竞赛或学院认可的其他比赛(本栏取最高项,不累加)4.1 校级获一等奖者2获二等奖者1.5获三等奖者14.2 省级获一等奖者

14、3获二等奖者2.5获三等奖者24.3 全国获一等奖者4获二等奖者3.5获三等奖者35论文在物理及相关学科的全国性刊物发表论文每篇论文(视期刊级别)236科研参加一次研讨训练,通过答辩每项(视参与科研项目、创新实践项目的时间、科研能力、科研成果)0.51.5完成特优生培养计划12在物理创新基地、科研课题组参加科研实践,通过答辩完成校大学生创新训练计划每项(视参与科研项目、创新实践项目的时间、科研能力、科研成果)12完成国家大学生创新训练计划247实验参加演示实验课外学分班,通过答辩者每项2注:参加校体育运动会获第一名、第二名者与校级一等奖等同,获第三名至第五名者与校级二等奖等同,获第六至第八名者

15、与校级三等奖等同。NoExtracurricular Activities and Social PracticeRequirementsExtracurricularCredits1Activities of Social Practice (Take the maximum credits either from 1.1 or 1.3 )1.1 Participate in the Social Practice organized by school; Submit the survey report and pass the oral defense11.2 Participate i

16、n the summer camps or summer schools in physics or related field; Obtain the certificate or pass the oral defense11.3 Entitled as Activist by the Communist Youth League of HUST or Hubei Province; Membership of the group which is entitled as Excellent Social Practice Group by the Communist Youth Leag

17、ue of HUST or Hubei Province (1mark for the university level, 2 marks for the provincial level)1-22Academic ActivitiesParticipate in the academic lectures organized by the school of physics for every 5 times and submit all the participation records; Submit one final report for the most interested on

18、e among 5 lectures and obtain the approval of school.1.5Participate in the activities of Physics Night or the Major Guidance organized by school of physics for every 5 times; Submit one final report and obtain the approval of school.3English Test (Take maximum credits from only one item)CET-6Win cer

19、tificate of Band-6 or higher23.2 TOEFL90 Points or Higher33.3 IELTS6.5 Points or Higher33.4 GRE1350 Points or Higher34Competition (Get only a maximum score for the same competition; the scores obtained from different competitions can be accumulated, but the maximum score for this item is 4.4.1 Unive

20、rsity level (limited only for physics-related academic competitions and sports competitionsWin first prize1Win second prize0.5Win third prize0.54.2 Provincial levelWin first prize2Win second prize1.5Win third prize14.3 National levelWin first prize3Win second prize2.5Win third prize25Academic PaperP

21、ublications in the qualified journals in physics or related fieldsEach article (depending on the qualification of journals)236Scientific ResearchParticipate in one conference training; pass the defenseEach item (depending on the involving duration, research capability and research outcome)0.51.5Comp

22、lete outstanding-student incubation project12Participate in the physics innovative base or the research groups in school of physics; pass the defenseComplete the HUST innovation training project for college studentsEach item (depending on the involving duration, research capability and research outc

23、ome)12Complete the national innovation training project for college students247ExperimentsParticipate in the ExtracurricularClasses of Demonstration Experiments and pass the defenceEach experiment2Note: In HUST Sports Meeting, the first and the second prize, the third to the fifth prize, and the six

24、th prize to the eighth prize are deemed respectively the first prize, the second prize and the third prize of university level.七、主要课程Main Courses基础课程Core Courses:力学Mechanics、热学Thermal Physics、电磁学Electromagnetics、光学Optics、原子物理学Atomic Physics、理论力学Theoretical Mechanics、电动力学Electrodynamics、数学物理方法Mathema

25、tical Methods in Physics、热力学与统计物理学Thermodynamics and Statistical Physics、量子力学Quantum Mechanics、固体物理(一)Solid State Physics ()、广义相对论与宇宙学General Relativity and Cosmology、核物理与粒子物理Nuclear Physics and Particle Physics、等离子体物理导论Introduction to Plasma Physics、声学导论Introduction to Acoustics、普通物理实验General Physi

26、cs Lab Experiments、综合物理实验Comprehensive Lab Experiments、近代物理实验Lab Experiments of Modern Physics、计算物理Computational Physics专业课程Specialization Courses:固体物理(二)Solid State Physics (II)、材料物理导论Introduction to Material physics、等离子体应用和等离子体诊断Applications of Plasma Physics and Plasma diagnostics、激光物理Laser Physi

27、cs、天体物理导论Introduction to Astrophysics、计算机模拟与符号计算Computer Simulation and Symbolic Calculation、精密测量物理导论Introduction to Physics of Precision Measurements、误差分析与数据处理Error Analysis and Data Processing、核技术Nuclear Technology八、主要实践教学环节(含专业实验)Main Internship and Practical Training (Including experiments)科学研究训

28、练Science Research Practice、毕业设计Undergraduate Thesis九、教学进程计划表Table of Teaching Schedule院(系):物理学院 专业:物理学School (Department): School of Physics Specialty: Physics课程类别CourseClassi-fied课程性质CourseNature课程代码CourseCode课程名称Course Name学时/学分Hrs/Crs其中Including各学期学时Hours Distributionin a Semester课外Extra-cur.实验Ex

29、p.上机Oper-ation一1st二2nd三3rd四4th五5th六6th七7th八8th通识教育基础课程Basic Courses in General Education必 修Required0301901思想道德修养与法律基础Morals & Ethics & Fundamentals of Law48/31236必 修Required0100721中国近现代史纲要Survey of Modern Chinese History32/2824必 修Required0100881马克思主义基本原理Basic Theory of Marxism48/31236必 修Required0100931思政课社会实践Social Practice of Ideological and Political Theories Course32/2284必 修Required0100321毛泽东思想和中国特色社会主义理论体系概论General Introduction to Mao Zedong Thought and Socialist Theory with Chinese Characteristics64/464

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