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Unit 7 读写.docx

1、Unit 7 读写Unit 7Section A Face to Face with GunsSummary:One night, when walking out of the garage with some KFC in hand, I was attacked unexpectedly by a young man with a gun. The robber robbed me of my wallet and watch. Later the robbers partner appeared, ordering me not to look at them and forcing

2、me to the ground, their guns at my head. I thought I was about to be shot to death. However, they took my KFC instead and speeded away in the darkened night. Back at home, I phoned the police and reported the robbery. Later I went to the police station to look through a large number of photos to ide

3、ntify the robbers. To my great surprise, a river of young faces flew by not with sunny smile butin a threatening rage. I was deeply concerned about the riverthe young generation. Teaching objectivesTo help students learn about topic on the issue of gun violence.To help students learn new words expre

4、ssions and sentence structures.To make students get acquainted with writing skillA list of points supported by details.Teaching difficultiesTo help students master the key words, expressions and sentence structure.To help students get the main idea of the passage.To help students understand the stru

5、cture of the text. To help students master the writing technique of the writing skill of a list of points supported by details.Teaching approachesCommunicative teaching approach; lecture; task-based teaching approachTime AllotmentText explanation 4 periods Exercises 1 period Teaching proceduresI. Pr

6、e-reading Lead- in 1. DiscussionWhat would you do with strangers knocking on your door, when you are alone at home? Are you going to open the door? If yes, why? If no, why? Robbers, rob, robbery other related questionsWhere would robberies take place?What tools would robbers use to commit robbery?Wh

7、y would some people rob others?Do you want to rob other? Why?2. New wordsLead Ss to read the new words and correct their pronunciation if necessary.Explain grammatical and cultural information about some important words.II While- reading A: Detailed Reading: New Words, Expressions and difficult sent

8、encesPara 1:New words and phrases:1. face to face (with): close to and looking at someone or something 面对面的地Id like to meet him face to face someday; Ive heard so much about him. 我很想有一天能直接见见他,我已听到了很多关于他的情况,。2. cautious:a.taking great care to escape possible danger;十分小心的,谨慎的Im very cautious about exp

9、ressing my opinions in public.我对公开发表意见十分谨慎。My brother, intensely cautious, never makes a decision lightly. 我弟弟特别谨慎,从来不轻易作决定。3. unusual: a.not expected or usual; 异乎寻常的,不平常的 attention: unusalusual4. exception: n.a person or thing that is not included; 除外,例外,除外的人或事Most of his songs are awful but this o

10、ne is an exception. 他的歌大多数很糟糕,但这首歌是例外。Theres an exception to every rule. 每条规则都有例外。5. shave: v.remove hair from the face or another part of the body with a razor; 剃去.上的毛发,剃.的胡须 I was shaving when the doorbell rang. 门铃响时我正在刮胡子。6. unshaven: a.not recently shaved; 未剃须的,未修面的,有短髭的 He looked pale and unsha

11、ven. 他看上去脸色苍白,胡子拉碴。Difficult Sentences: 1. Like most city folks, Im cautious. I scan the street and pathways for anything - or anyone-unusual before pulling into the garage. (Para. 1)Meaning: Like most people who live in a city, I act very carefully in order to escape possible danger. Before I drive

12、 my car into the garage to park, I look at the street and pathways very carefully to see whether there is anything unusual or there is any unusual person.2. That night was no exception. (Para. 1)Meaning: That night, I did the exactly the same thing: I looked at the street and pathways very carefully

13、 to see whether there was anything unusual or there was any unusual person before pulling into the garage.a portly, unshaven young man in a stocking cap and dark nylon jacket. (Para. 1)be in: have sth. on, wear sth. (clothes, glove, cap, etc.)a girl in red/in a fur coat穿红衣服/穿皮外套的女孩a man in uniform 穿

14、制服的男人Paras. 2- 10:New words and phrases:7. contrive: v.manage to do or make something although there are difficultie; 设法做到She contrived to live well on a very small income. 她靠微簿的收入生活得很好。8. toss: vt.throw into or through the air 扔,抛,掷 She tossed the ball into the air. 她把球抛到了空中。9. contrive: vi. manage

15、 to do or make something although there are difficulties He contrived to make a mix-up of the whole thing. 他费尽心机,结果反而把事情弄糟了。10. instinct: n.natural habit of behaving in a particular way, without thinking and without having been taught; 本能,天性As winter approaches, birds fly south from Canada by instin

16、ct. 当冬天来临时,鸟儿出于本能会离开加拿大,飞往南方。11. instinctively: ad.(出于)本能地,(出于)天性地 I instinctively raised my arm to protect my face. 我本能地举起手臂保护自己的脸。Difficult Sentences: 1. Give it up, mother-, he threatened. Give it up. (Para. 2)Meaning: He asked me to give my money to him or he would do something harmful to me. Th

17、e word mother is used to express a slight with radical anger or annoyance. It is a very rude and offensive word if used in this way.2. Hey, I said, just take it. As I spoke, I set the KFC box on the planter beside the pathway, contriving as I did so to toss my house keys into a bush. (Para. 3)Meanin

18、g: I asked him to take it. While I was speaking, I put the KFC box on the planter beside the pathway, and at the same time I tossed my house keys on purpose into a bush.3. Everything he said during our encounter was repeated; instinctively, I did the same. (Para. 4) Meaning: During our encounter, he

19、 said everything twice and by instinct, I said everything twice too.Paras. 11-16:New words and phrases:12. polish: v.1. make something smooth and shiny by rubbing 擦,擦光,擦亮e.g.: She polished her shoes. 她擦了擦自己的鞋。 13. improve 使完美,改进I need to polish up my Chinese before we go on vacation. 我需要在我们度假前提高一下自己

20、的汉语水平。14. attach: vt.tie or join something to something else 系,贴,连接I attached a name card to my bag. 我在包上贴了一张名片。15. criminal: a.against law; 犯罪的,犯法的,刑事的Stealing is a criminal wrong. 偷窃是刑事犯罪。n.a person who is at fault in a crime 罪犯16. victim: n.a person who suffers harm or death as a result of someon

21、e elses action or a natural terrible event, etc. 受害者,牺牲者a victim of war 战争受害者Food is being sent to the victims of the natural terrible event. 食品正被送往遭受严重自然灾害的灾民们。17. offend: v.1. break a law, etc. 违法,违犯offend against the law 违法His actions offended against the rules of proper behavior. 他的行为违背了举止得体的准则。

22、2. make someone feel upset or angry冒犯,触怒If you dont go to her party she will be offended.如果你不出席她的宴会,她会生气的。He was offended at /by her words.她的话令他很生气。She may be offended if you dont reply to her request to attend.你不回复她的邀请,她也许会不高兴的。18. attach to: fix something to something else; join to 系在.上;连接到.上Attac

23、h the handle to the box.把提手柄装到箱子上去。19. rather than: instead of; less likely而不Its the managers that are at fault rather than the workers.是管理人员的过错, 而不是工人们的过错。I think Ill have a cold drink rather than coffee.我想要一杯冷饮料而不是咖啡。Difficult Sentences: Slight and shorter, he held an enlarged blue steel pistol. (

24、Para. 13) Meaning: He was slight and shorter than the first man and held a larger than usual blue steel pistol.His dark eyes shone like polished glass; his arms and legs moved unexpectedly, as if attached to unseen wires. (Para. 13)Meaning: His dark eyes were very bright; he moved his arms and legs

25、suddenly as if they were connected to hidden wires.Ive seen enough criminal trials to know victims of armed attacks are seldom able to identify their offenders because their attention focuses on the guns, rather than on their users. (Para. 15) Meaning: Ive seem a lot of criminal trials so that I kno

26、w only a very few victims of armed attacks are able to establish who their attackers are because they focus their attention on the guns and not on the users of the guns.are seldom able to identify their offenders.(Para. 15) identify: vt. determine exactly who someone is or what something isI conscio

27、usly noted details of their faces. (Para. 15)Meaning: I looked carefully on purpose at their faces and paid attention to the personal specific parts of them.I lied as the big one ripped the watch from my wrist. (Para. 16)Meaning: I told a lie when the big young man tore the watch from my wrist.Paras

28、. 17-25:New words and phrases:20. have mercy on someone:give kindness to an enemy, sinner, one who does wrong, etc.可怜某人Meaning: Have mercy on me!可怜可怜我吧!By then, I was flat on my face on the pathway, its dirt against my forehead. (Para. 18) Meaning: By that time, I was lying on the pathway with my fa

29、ce touching it and its dirt against my forehead.Lord, have mercy on me, a sinner. (Para. 19) Meaning: I prayed to God to have pity on me and help me even though I am not perfect.And, suddenly-wallet, watch and chicken in hand-their footsteps faded down the darkened street. (Para. 24)Meaning: And all

30、 of sudden, they left with my wallet, watch and chicken in their hands and their footsteps disappeared in the dark street.I turned to see their shadows get into a car and speed away.(Para.25)Meaning: I turned to see their dark shapes get into a car and drive away very quickly.Paras. 26-31:New words

31、and phrases: 21. get to ones feet : stand up 站起来At the end of game, the whole crowd got to their feet and cheered wildly. 比赛结束时,整个人群都站起来疯狂地欢呼。22. operator: n.1. someone who connects telephone calls电话接线员,机务员,话务员Ask the operator to connect you to that number. 请电话接线员给你接通那个电话。2. someone who works a machine 操作员,技工a lift operator 电梯操作员23. additional: a.extra 额外的,另外的There will be an extra charge for any additional passengers. 任何额外的乘客都需另外付费。additional cost 额外费用 additional problems另外的问题24. look through: look quickly in; examine or study carefully仔细检查,浏览 Look through your examination paper

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