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1、英语论文打印稿终稿Contrastive Analysis On Intercultural Business Communication Between China And AmericaMG10004004 陈沉Abstract: Along with rapid economic development of China in 20th ,the world are paying more and more attention over China ,as a results ,more and more Chinese students go abroad to go on their

2、 study ,of course ,more and more foreign students come to our country to learn Chinese culture ,some major colleges and universities are also exchange their students with foreign universities. As there are so much differences between Chinese culture and American culture, one custom implies good thin

3、gs in our country maybe express bad meanings in America. This kind of things cause a great many distress for the both countrys students, the paper from this kind of aspects describe the differences on Intercultural Business Communication between China and America.Keywords: China ;America ;Culture Di

4、fference摘要:20实际随着中国经济的高速发展,世界对中国也越来越关注,越来越多的中国学生去外国留学,也越来越多的外国学生来中国留学,并且各大高校的交换生也越来越多 ,而不同国家的文化习俗差别如此之大,以至于同一个习俗在我国表示好的方面的内容,而在国外就认为是不礼貌的。由此给很多出国留学的学生造成了很大的困扰,本文从中西方商业文化交流差异方面论述了中国和美国的不同习俗。关键词:中国;美国;文化差异1. IntroductionCustoms are not only a culture but also knowledge. It plays an important role of c

5、ommunication in our daily life .To learn different cultures in daily life is benefit to establish the good relationship and it can also help us to learn America culture .As we all know, different countries has different forms ,Different cultural-background, individualism. collectivism ,nationalism a

6、nd value factors may result in culture differences on politeness between Western countries and China which can be found in many aspects of daily communication, including greetings, parting, dinning, considerate- remarks, addressing, compliments, apologies, thanks, invitations and saying good-bye and

7、 so on .We should learn from their strengths and offset our own weakness.Each country has his/her own culture. Culture includes knowledge, faith, art, morality, law, custom, etiquette and it is a tool that individual in society takes over ability.(胡文仲,1999)Learning culture of different country is ve

8、ry important to communicate between countries, It is also helpful to study American English .With Chinas entering the WTO and the holding of the Olympic Games in 2008, the relationship between China and the Western country in politics ,economy and culture will become more and more close. (白远,2003)In

9、 order to get well along with other countries and respect each other .Firstly ,we should understand their culture. So in the following discussion, we will take China and America as the representation to look at some cultural differences in five aspects and then analyze the reasons.2.Literature Revie

10、w2.1. Understanding Culture2.1.1 Culture Defined What is culture? It is important to clarify the basic concept Culture is multidimensional, complex and pervasive. It has been defined in a variety of ways ,and scholars have never been able to agree on defining this term. One of the earliest well-know

11、n definitions was given by the British anthropologist Edward Tylor in his book Primitive Culture ;culture is a complex whole which includes knowledge, belief, art, morals, law custom, and other capabilities acquired by man as a member of society. Since then hundreds of other definitions have been of

12、fered Adamson Hoebel defined culture as “the integrated system of learned behavior patterns which are characteristics of the members of a society and which are not the result of biological inheritance.” Geert Hofstede, an expert on management and cross-cultural differences, in Cultural Consequences,

13、 defined culture in this way: the collective programming of the mind which distinguishes the members of one human group from another. Faure and Sjostedt defined that: Culture is a set of shared and enduring meanings, values, andbeliefs that characterize national ,ethnic and other groups and orient t

14、heir behavior.Although there are many different definitions of culture, most of culture is hidden, like the part of the iceberg under water. It exists in the subconscious mind of people who therefore are not aware of the fact that their actions are governed by their own cultures or cultural rules. 2

15、.1.2 Major Characteristics of CultureRegardless of how many definitions of culture have been examined ,there would have been a great deal of agreement concerning major characteristics of culture. Being aware of these features is quite helpful to better understand what culture is.( Quelch J.A, Parris

16、 P W,2006) The first thing is that culture is learned, and this is the most important characteristic of culture. and the second is that culture is passed on from generation to generation. Without the advantage of knowledge from those who lived before us, we would not have culture. For a culture to e

17、xist and endure, it must ensure that its crucial messages and elements are passed on .As Brilin said: If there are values considered central to a society that have existed for many years, there must be transmitted from one generation to another. The third thing is that Culture is based on symbols .a

18、nd the fourth is Culture is subject to change. Culture is a dynamic system that does not exist in vacuum and therefore is subject to change with the development of human society. But the process of change is gradual and difficult, but the deep structure of a culture resists major alernationgs. The l

19、ast thing is that Culature is ethnocentric. Summer defined ethnocentrism as :the technical name for the view of things in which ones own group is the center of everything, and all others are scaled and rated with reference to it. Most scholars contend that this propensity to see things from our cult

20、ural viewpoint is very natural and unless carried to an extreme, can have positive effects.2.2 Cultural Dimensions More and more scholars commit themselves to cultural differences in the intercultural negotiation. They have devised cultural dimensions that can be used to analyze negotiating styles f

21、ound in particular cultures. There are several cultural dimensions ,the first cultural dimension is developed by Geert Adler.N.J. Individualism versus Collectivism The second was advanced by Edward Hall and looks at high-context versus low-context communication The third dimension is that Large vers

22、us Small power Distance, The fourth dimension is that Strong uncertainty Avoidance versus Weak Uncertainty. The fifth dimension is that Masculinity versus Femininity.3. Discussion3.1. Individualism versus CollectivismWhile there are many dimensions in which cultures differ, individualism collectivis

23、m are the mostly studied cultural values .It describes the relationship between the individual and the collectivity that prevails in a given society .The relationship between the individual and the collectivity in human society is not only a matter of ways of living together, it is also closely conn

24、ected with social standards in the sense of value systems of major groups of the population .When regarding individualism and collectivism as social norms, Adler.N.J defines these as the two poles of a dimension of national culture:Individualism stands for a society in which the ties between individ

25、uals are loose. Everyone is expected to look after himself or herself and his or her immediate family only .Collectivism stand for a society in which people from birth onward are integrated into strong cohesice in-groups, which throughout peoples lifetime continue to protect them in exchange for unq

26、uestioning loyalty.Individualistic cultures tend to foster development of autonomous, unique and separate individuals. The uniqueness of each individual is of paramount value. The individual is the focal point of all activities. Individualism -oriented cultures hold individual interest and goals as

27、most important and focus on satisfying his or her own needs. The individual tends to do things to please himself or herself and to do what is enjoyable and not be dictated by some other authority.People from cultures rated as individualistic tend to have higher degrees of independence and self-respe

28、ct. It is not unusual that needs, wishes, desires, and goals of individuals take precedence over group or collectivistic goals. They prefer to be self-sufficient and have social networks that are not as important as their immediate families.( Sivulka J,2009) In individualistic cultures, an “I” consc

29、iousness prevails: competition rather than cooperation is encouraged; people tend not to be emotionally dependent on organizations and institutions; and every individual has the right to his or her private property, thoughts, and opinions. These cultures stress individual initiative and achievement,

30、 and they value individual decision-making. Individual responsibility for making decisions is easy in individualistic cultures. A person has personal rights to make decisions and burdens the responsibility personally. On the contrary, those who have a collectivistic orientation tend to give more rec

31、ognition to their group-based roles and their obligations to that group. (Bates D.G ,Frost E.L,1990)Collectivistic cultural values foster more conformity with groups and a greater degree of reliance on group work and organizational tasks. Collectivism is characterized by a rigid social framework tha

32、t distinguishes between in-groups and out-groups. In-group relations are those of regular contacts, such as family relationships, friends, co-workers, schoolmates or people from the same locality. Out-group relations are temporary contacts such as clerks in service counters. People count on their in

33、-group to look after them and they believe they own loyalty to the group. In collectivistic cultures like Chinese culture, emphasizing belonging to organizations and individuals trust group decisions, the individual is emotionally dependent on organizations and institutions. Decisions are usually made by the group consensus

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