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1、中考英语复习第一篇语言基础知识第6课八上Units13基础知识第6课 八上 Units 13课前预热中考词汇拓展重点易错单词1. mind 头脑;心智2. everyone 每人;人人3. seem 好像;似乎4. umbrella 雨伞5. enough 充足的;足够的6. housework 家务劳动;家务事7. hardly 几乎不8. maybe 大概;或许9. although 虽然10. through 以;凭借;穿过11. magazine 杂志;期刊12. almost 几乎;差不多13. necessary 必需的14. both 两个都15. grade 成绩等级16. h

2、eart 内心;心脏17. share 共用;分摊18. information 信息;消息(不可数名词)词汇拓展1. wonder(v. & n.) wonderful (adj.)极好的2. bore(v. & n.) boring (adj.)无聊的;令人厌烦的 bored (adj.)厌倦的;烦闷的3. enjoy(v.) enjoyable (adj.)有乐趣的;令人愉快的4. activity(n.) activities (pl.)活动5. decide(v.) decision (n.)决定;决心6. build(v.) built (过去式/过去分词)建造 building

3、(n.)建筑物7. trade(n. & v.) trader (n.)商人8. wait(v.) waiter (n.)男服务员;侍者 waitress (n.)女服务员9. hunger(n.) hungry (adj.)饥饿的10. like(v. & n.) dislike (反义词)不喜爱(的事物);厌恶(的事物)11. break broke (过去式) broken (过去分词)(使)破;裂;碎;损坏12. die(v.) death (n.)死;死亡 dead (adj.)死的 dying (现在分词)13. little(adj.) less (比较级)较少的;更少的 lea

4、st (最高级)最少的;最小的14. much/many(adj.) more (比较级)更多(的) most (最高级)最多(的);大多数(的)15. loud(adj.) loudly (adv.)喧闹地;大声地;响亮地16. quiet(adj.) quietly (adv.)轻声地;轻柔地;安静地17. compete(v.) competition (n.)比赛;竞赛;竞争 competitor (n.)参赛者;竞争者18. clear(adj.) clearly (adv.)清楚地;清晰地;明白地19. win(v.) won (过去式/过去分词)赢;获胜;赢得 winner (n

5、.)获胜者;赢家20. talent(n.) talented (adj.)有才能的;能干的21. say(v.) saying (n.)谚语;格言22. laugh(v.) laughter (n.)笑声23. true(adj.) truly (adv.)真正地;确实地 truth (n.)实情;事实中考词组短语词 组1. quite a few相当多;不少2. of course当然3. feel like sth./doing sth. 感受到;想要做4. long time no see好久不见5. go somewhere interesting去某个有趣的地方6. nothing

6、.but. 只有;仅仅7. seem to be bored似乎感到无聊8. rain hard/heavily下大雨9. walk for another two hours再走两小时10. like best最喜欢11. tell me to keep going叫我坚持下去12. jump up and down in excitement激动地跳上跳下13. at least至少14. such as例如15. more than多于16. less than少于17. twice a week每周两次18. be good for my health对我的健康有益19. be hea

7、lthy for the mind and the body身心健康20. go to the dentist for teeth cleaning去牙医处洗牙21. sing more clearly唱得更清楚22. the one with shorter hair头发较短的那位23. be talented in music音乐方面有天赋24. make me laugh使我笑25. be different from. 与不同26. bring out the best in me激发我的潜能27. much less hard-working不够用功28. the same as.

8、和一样29. in fact事实上30. be similar to. 与相像的中考句型回顾书面表达素材1. 旅行记事It was sunny and hot, so we decided to go to the beach near our hotel.这里阳光明媚而且天气炎热,因此我们决定去我们旅馆附近的海滩。And because of the bad weather, we couldnt see anything below.而且因为糟糕的天气,我们看不到底下的任何东西。It was my first time there, so everything was really int

9、eresting .这是我第一次去那里,所以一切真的很有趣。2. 日常活动调查Last month we asked our students about their free time activities. Here are the results .上个月,我们问了一些学生关于他们的闲暇活动。以下是调查结果。We found that only fifteen percent of our students exercise every day.我们发现只有15%的同学每天锻炼。 Old habits die hard . 旧习难改。 Its good to relax by using

10、 the Internet or watching game shows, but we think the best way to relax is through exercise. 通过使用网络或看游戏类节目来放松是很好的,但是我们认为最好的放松方式是通过锻炼。3. 交朋友My favorite saying is, “A true friend reaches for your hand and touches your heart.”我最喜欢的谚语是“一个真正的朋友是向你伸出手并触动你心灵的人。”A good friend truly cares about me. 好朋友会真正关心

11、我。My mother told me a good friend is like a mirror. 我妈妈告诉我好朋友就像一面镜子。But I think friends are like booksyou dont need a lot of them as long as theyre good. 但我认为朋友像书(朋友)贵不在多而在好。We can talk about and share everything. 我们可以谈论和分享每件事情。语法精萃He hardly ever watches TV. 他几乎从来不看电视。(频度副词)I bought nothing special.

12、 我没买什么特别的东西。(复合不定代词)Tina is more outgoing than Tara. Tina比Tara更外向。(形容词比较级)Huang Lei isnt as good at tennis as Larry. 黄蕾(打)网球不如Larry好。(as.as的用法)情景交际 Where did you go on vacation? 你去哪里度假了?I went to New York City. 我去纽约市了。 How was the food? 食物怎么样?Everything tasted really good. 一切尝起来皆美味。 How often do you

13、 go to the movies? 你多久看一次电影?I go to the movies once a month . 我一个月看一次电影。课堂突破中考重点单词与短语一、health的用法【例句展示】1. She says its good for my health.她说这对我的健康有益。2. But Im pretty healthy. 但是我很健康。【精讲辨析】1. health作名词,意为“健康”。2. healthy作形容词,意为“健康的”。相关短语:keep healthy=stay healthy=keep fit保持健康;be in good health健康的。3. he

14、althily作副词,意为“健康地”。【活学活用】用health的适当形式填空。1. Eating less meat is good for our .2. We should eat less meat and more vegetables to keep .3. They never eat junk food. They eat .二、exercise的用法【例句展示】1. David exercises every morning.大卫每天早晨进行锻炼。2. Its good to do eye exercises every day.每天做眼保健操是有益处的。3. We shou

15、ld take more exercise to keep healthy.我们应该多做运动来保持健康。【精讲辨析】exercise作动词,意为“运动;锻炼”;作名词,意为“体育锻炼;运动;体操;练习题”等。指具体运动、体操或练习题时是可数名词;泛指运动时是不可数名词。【活学活用】根据汉语提示完成句子。1. Doing morning (早操) is good for our health.2. If you want to lose weight, you should(锻炼) more and eat less.三、hardly的用法【例句展示】I hardly ever exercise

16、.我几乎不锻炼。【精讲辨析】1. hardly作副词,意为“几乎不”。2. hardly是不含有not的否定词,通常位于行为动词前,be动词、助动词或情态动词后。注:hardly不是hard的副词形式。hardly表频率(5%)。表频率的词还有:never(0%), sometimes(40%), often(60%), usually(90%), always(100%)。3. hard作副词时,意为“努力地;使劲地;大量地”,修饰下雨/雪时,相当于heavily。【活学活用】用适当的频率副词填空。1. Do you often go to the gym?No, . I dont like

17、 sports at all.2. Can you pass my glasses to me, Betty? I can see the words on the blackboard.四、try的用法【例句展示】1. Parents are trying to plan their kids lives for them.父母正试图为他们的孩子规划人生。2. We should try our best to protect the environment.我们应该尽力保护环境。3. He is trying finishing the work by himself.他正试着独自完成这项

18、工作。4. Can I try on the dress?我可以试穿一下这条裙子吗?5. I want to have a try.我想尝试一下。【精讲辨析】1. try作动词,意为“试图;设法;努力”。相关短语:try to do sth. 尽力去做某事;try ones best to do sth. 尽某人最大努力去做某事;try doing sth. 尝试着去做某事。2. try on意为“试穿”,on是副词,代词必须放在on之前。3. try作名词,意为“尝试”。have a try意为“尝试一下”。【活学活用】用所给词的适当形式填空。1. Scientists are now tr

19、ying (make) robots look like people.2. Why not try (do) it in another way?五、enough的用法【例句展示】1. I have enough money to buy a computer.我有足够的钱去买一台电脑。2. The room needs to be big enough for three people.房间必须够大才能容纳三个人。3. They have enough to do to finish the project.为了完成这个项目,他们有足够多的事要做。【精讲辨析】1. enough作形容词,意

20、为“足够的”,在句中可作定语和表语,作定语时通常放在所修饰名词的前面。2. enough作副词,意为“足够地”,可修饰形容词和副词的原级,放在所修饰词的后面。3. enough作代词,意为“足够;充足”。巧记:名前,形副后,enough足够。【活学活用】根据汉语意思翻译句子。1. 你出了那么多的错,你做题不够仔细。You made so many mistakes, youre not to do the exercises.2. 别担心,我们有足够的时间完成它。Dont worry, we have to finish it.中考重点句型一、How often do you exercise

21、?你多久锻炼一次?【例句展示】How often do you watch TV?你多久看一次电视?Twice a week.一周两次。【归纳提高】1. how often意为“多久一次”。用来对频率性副词如:always, sometimes, often, usually等及频率性短语如:every day, once a week等提问。如:How often do you have a sports meeting?你们多久开一次运动会?Twice a year.一年两次。2. how long意为“多长时间”。主要是对一段时间提问,另外how long还可以对物体的长度提问,意为“多

22、长”。3. how soon意为“多久以后”,常用来对“in+时间段”进行提问。4. how many意为“多少”,用来对可数名词的数量提问。5. how far意为“多远”,用于询问两地间的距离。【活学活用】用how often, how long, how soon或how many填空。1. do you play football?Once a week.2. has he lived there?Hes lived there for five years.3. will he finish his work?In three hours.4. birds can you see i

23、n the tree?Only one.二、Im louder than the other kids in my class.我比班上其他孩子的声音更响亮。【例句展示】Im more outgoing than my sister. 我比我的妹妹/姐姐更外向。【归纳提高】形容词、副词的比较级用来比较两个人或物,比较级的结构:在单音节或部分双音节形容词的词尾加-er,在部分双音节、多音节的形容词前加more;在形容词后加than;通常用a little, much, even等修饰比较级。【活学活用】用所给词的适当形式填空。1. Its much (good) to have a small

24、lovely room than a big cold one.2. This story is interesting. That one is even(interesting).三、Tara works as hard as Tina. 塔拉工作和蒂娜一样努力。【例句展示】Liu Ying is not as good at sports as her sister.刘英不如她妹妹/姐姐擅长运动。【归纳提高】.(not) as+形容词/副词原级+as.意为“和(不)一样”,表示同级比较,注意后一个as为连词,用来连接比较的对象,在否定句中此结构还可说.not+so+形容词/副词原级+as

25、.。【活学活用】用所给词的适当形式填空。1. Lily isnt as (care) as Peter. She often makes mistakes in her composition.2. Tom listens as (care) as Jim in class. So they both get good grades.四、Its not easy for me to make friends.对我来说交朋友不容易。【例句展示】1. It is useful to learn a second language.学一门第二语言很有用。2. It is important to b

26、e careful with fire.谨慎用火是很重要的。3. It is important not to give fish too much food.不要给鱼喂食太多,这一点很重要。4. He is so smart, its easy for him to work it out.他很聪明,对他来说解出这道题很容易。【归纳提高】1. 表达对某事的看法或感受的句式:(1)It is+adj.+that从句.怎么样。(2)It is+adj.+(not) to do sth.(不)做某事怎么样。2. 表达对某人做某事的看法的句式:It is+adj.+for sb.+to do sth

27、.对某人来说做某事是的。【活学活用】根据汉语意思翻译句子。1. 参加游泳俱乐部是很有趣的。 is interesting the swimming club.2. 别靠近蛇是很重要的。Its important near the snake.3. 对学生来说学会怎样面对困难是必要的。 necessary students how to face difficulties.中考词语辨析一、sometimes, some times, sometime与some time【例句展示】1. I sometimes go to school in my fathers car.我有时坐我爸的车上学。2

28、. I have seen the movie some times.这部电影我已经看了几遍了。3. I want to go to Japan sometime.有朝一日我要去日本。4. The boy sat there and waited for you for some time.那男孩坐在那儿等你有一会儿了。【辨异突破】1. sometimes=at times,为频率副词,意为“有时”,表示动作发生的不经常性。2. some times意为“几次;几倍”,time此处为可数名词,意为“次数;倍数”。3. sometime作副词,意为“在某时;有朝一日”,指将来或过去的一个不确定的

29、时间。4. some time指“一段时间”,time此处为不可数名词,意为“时间”。巧记:有s是有时,有时分开是几次;无s是某时,某时分开是一段。【活学活用】用sometimes, some times, sometime或some time填空。1. Try your best, your dream will come true in the future.2. The telephone has rung , why not answer it?3. They had discussed the problem for , but they still couldnt solve it

30、.4. Usually I ride to work, but I walk.二、hard与hardly【例句展示】1. Its hard for me to finish the work.完成这项工作对我来说很困难。2. Im so tired that I can hardly walk any farther.我太累了,简直不能再走下去了。【辨异突破】hard作副词时,用来修饰动词,意为“努力地;使劲地;大量地”,还可作形容词,意为“困难的”,与difficult同义,反义词是easy;hardly也是副词,意为“几乎不;简直不”,相当于almost not,表否定。【活学活用】用hard或hardly填空。1. Now most parents push their children very to study .2. There wa

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