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1、洛阳瑞欧名师总结新概念第一册学习笔记二新概念第一册学习笔记二Lesson 51 A pleasant climate词汇Greece n. 希腊climate n. 气候country n. 国家pleasant adj. 宜人的weather n. 天气spring n. 春季 in springwindy adj. 有风的warm adj. 温暖的rain v. 下雨sometimes adv. 有时summer n. 夏天autumn n. 秋天winter n. 冬天snow v. 下雪January n. 1月February n. 2月March n. 3月April n. 4月M

2、ay n. 5月June n. 6月July n. 7月August n. 8月September n. 9月October n. 10月November n. 11月December n. 12月climate n. 气候 (指某一地区数年间的天气情况)weather n. 天气(指某个特定的时间内睛、雨、风雪变化)Whats the weather like? 天气怎么样?Whats the climate like? 气侯怎么样?like vt. 喜欢 prep. 象be like 象She is like her brother.look like 看起来象They look like

3、 twins.feel like +n.或Ving 喜欢country n. 国家nation n. 国家,民族state n. 国家,政府,州land n. 陆地,国家(书面语) v. 登陆homeland n. 祖国,本国motherland n. 祖国pleasant adj. 宜人的 令人愉快的;舒适合意的This study is pleasant to work in. 在这个书房里工作令人感到舒适。 (人或其外表、举止等)讨人喜欢;(性情等)和蔼可亲的Adrew seemed very pleasant on the phone.安德鲁在电话里显得很和蔼可亲。present ad

4、j. 现在的 n. 礼物peasant=farmer n. 农民president n. 总统,会长,移民parent 父母亲中的一方windy adj. 有风的windy joy 空欢喜joy FM. 欢乐调频Always look for the joy in life. 永远在生命中寻找快乐!sometimes adv. 有时time 时间,次数some times 一些次数I have been there some times.sometime 某时When will you come here?Im not sure. Maybe sometime next week.Someti

5、me I go shopping with my friends.some time 一些时间Give me some time to think it over.Have you made up your mind about this?I need some time to think it over.fall n. 秋天(美) vi. 倒下,落下legend 传奇Legends of the Fall 秋日传奇,燃情岁月语法What(be,look) like?Whatlike?这一句型用于询问事物的状况,如天气、气候,或询问人物或事物的外观或特征:Whats it like today

6、?Whats your house like?许多形容词可用以回答Whatlike?这样的问题,并可根据上下文给以笼统的或确切的信息。频率副词:often 经常、sometimes 有时、always 总是、usually 通常、never 从来不频率副词一般放在be动词之后,行为动词之前。如果是否定句或是疑问句用在助动词和行为动词之间,为表示强调频率副词可以放在句首或者是句尾。She is often late.I often go swimming.课文HANS: Where do you come from?DIMITRI: I come from Greece.HANS: Whats

7、the climate like in your country?DIMITRI: Its very pleasant.HANS: Whats the weather like in spring?DIMITRI: Its often windy in March.Its always warm in April and May, but it rains sometimes.HANS: Whats it like in summer?DIMITRI: Its always hot in June, July and August.The sun shines every day.HANS:

8、Is it cold or warm in autumn?DIMITRI: Its always warm in September and October.Its often cold in November and it rains sometimes.HANS: Is it very cold in winter?DIMITRI: Its often cold in December, January and February.It snows sometimes.课文注释Whats the climate like in your country?What(be/look) like?

9、这个句型用于询问事物的状况,如天气、气候等,也可询问人物或事物的外观或特征。Whats your house like?lesson 52 What nationality are they?Where do they come from?词汇the U.S. n. 美国 - American:美国人Brazil brE5zil n. 巴西 - Brazilian:巴西人Holland 5hClEnd n. 荷兰 - Dutch:荷兰人England n. 英国 - English:英国人France n. 法国 - French:法国人Germany n. 德国 - German:德国人 (

10、Greece:希腊 - Greek:希腊人)Italy n. 意大利 - Italian:意大利人Norway 5nC:wei n. 挪威 - Norwegian:挪威人Russia n. 俄罗斯 - Russian:俄国人Spain spein n. 西班牙 - Spanish:西班牙人Sweden 5swi:dn n. 瑞典 - Swedish:瑞典人the U.S. n. 美国the U.S.=the Unied States of AmericaLesson 53 An interesting climate词汇mild maild adj. 温和的,温暖的always adv. 总是

11、north n. 北方east n. 东方wet adj. 潮湿的west n. 西方south n. 南方season n. 季节best adv. 最night n. 夜晚rise v. 升起early adv. 早set v. (太阳)落下去late adv. 晚,迟interesting adj. 有趣的,有意思的subject n. 话题;语法主语;科目conversation n. 谈话mild adj. 温和的,温暖的 adj. (天气等)温暖的;暖和的;They had an exceptionally mild winter last year. adj. (性情等)温和的;

12、John is a mild man who never raises his voice. adj. (食物等)味淡的Try this mild curry. 试试这种淡味咖喱。He likes to smoke mild cigars. 他喜欢抽淡味雪茄烟。wild adj. 野性的,野生的child n. 孩子warm adj. 暖和的,温暖的mild:(人)性格温和的(与生俱来)gentle:温和的,文雅的(后天)gentleman n. 绅士north n. 北方in the North= in the north of England表示一个国家或地区的方位词如果单独使用一般要大写

13、,但仅仅表示方位意义的方位词不需大写。如:a north wind、a south window等。wet adj. 潮湿的all in wet 全身湿透了damp adj. 潮湿的moist adj. 给人湿的感觉west n. 西方go west 去死rise v. 升起 v. (日、月等)升起;上升The curtain rises at 8.00 p.m. 剧在晚上8点钟开演。 v. (河水、物价、温度等)上涨;升高;增加The level of the river is still rising. v. 起身;起床The house rose to the singers. 全场起立

14、向歌唱演员们致意。subject n. 话题;语法主语;科目How many subjects do you have in your class?theme n. 论文,演讲的主题topic n. 一篇文章或对话的主题conversation n. 谈话This is our favorite subject.This is our favorite subject of conversation.英国:大不列巅及北爱尔兰联合王国England 英格兰Scotland 苏格兰Ireland 爱尔兰Northern Ireland 北爱尔兰Wales 威尔士课文HANS: Where do y

15、ou come from?JIM: I come from England.HANS: Whats the climate like in your country?JIM: Its mild, but its not always pleasant.The weathers often cold in North and windy in the East.Its often wet in the West and sometimes warm in the south.HANS: Which seasons do you like best?JIM: I like spring and s

16、ummer.The days are long and the night are short.The sun rises early and sets late.I dont like autumn and winter.The days are short and the nights are long.The sun rises late and set early.Our climate is not very good, but its certainly interesting.Its our favourite subject of conversation.Lesson 54

17、What nationality are they?Where do they come from?词汇Australia n. 澳大利亚Australian n. 澳大利亚人Austria n. 奥地利Austrian n. 奥地利人Canada n. 加拿大Canadian n. 加拿大人China n. 中国 ChineseFinland n. 芬兰Finnish n. 芬兰人India n. 印度Indian n. 印度人Japan n. 日本 JapaneseNigeria nai5dViEriE n. 尼日利亚Nigerian n. 尼日利亚人Turkey 5tE:ki n. 土耳

18、其Turkish n. 土耳其人Korea n. 韩国Polish n. 波兰人Poland n. 波兰Thai n. 泰国人Thailand n. 泰国Lesson 55 The Sawyer family词汇live v. 住,生活stay v. 呆在,停留home n. 家;adv. 到家housework n. 家务lunch n. 午饭afternoon n. 下午usually adv. 通常together adv. 一起evening n. 晚上arrive v. 到达night n. 夜间live v. 住,生活 v. 居住,生活 v. 活,生存My grandmother

19、lived until she was 94.Fish cant live long out of water. v. 过生活;享受生活乐趣At 40 he was just beginning to live.他到40岁刚刚开始过上富有意义的生活。You havent lived till youve been to Paris.你没到过巴黎就算不上享受过生活。 靠生活(by/on)He lives by playing the violin.He lives on the fortune left to him by his father. adj. 现场的live show 现场演出li

20、ve:长期居住在 ;短期住live in 住在一个比较大的地方(国家、城市)live at 住在一个比较小的地方(区、街道)They live at Eighty-seven King Street.inhabit:世世代代居住resideri5zaid:(正式用语)合法居住在 I live in Beijing, but I really want to reside in n. 生活make a living 谋生What you get is a living, what you give is a life.得到的是生存,付出的是生活。stay v. 呆在,停

21、留 v. 呆在,停留 v. 逗留,暂住We were staying at the same hotel. v. 保持,保留The house has to stay exactly at it was.这所房子必须完全保持原来的样子。home n. 家;adv. 到家stay at home:呆在家homework n. 家庭作业homely adj. 家常的homely dish 家常菜homeless adj. 无家可归的homelike adj. 像家的homeland n. 祖国homesick 想家homemade adj. 家里自制的hometown n. 家乡housework

22、 n. 家务do the housework 做家务活together adv. 一起drink tea together 一起喝茶My friends and I often drink tea together at weekend.arrive vi. 到达 v. 到达,到来The train is expected to arrive in London at 8.20 p.m.火车预计在晚上8点20分抵达伦敦。 v. (时间等)来临,(婴儿)出生At last the day of granduation arrived.毕业的那一天终于来临。Elizabeths bady arri

23、ved at midnight.伊丽莎白的婴儿是午夜时分降生的。arrive in(大地方)/arrive at(小地方)I get school very early everyday.reach vt. 到达(及物动词)reach Beijing课文The Sawyers live at 87 King Street.In the morning, Mr. Sawyer goes to work and the children go to school.Mrs. Sawyer stays at home every day. She does the housework.In the a

24、fternoon, she usually sees her friends. They often drink tea together.In the evening, the children come home from school. They arrive home early.Mr. Sawyer comes home from work. He arrives home late.At night, the children always do their homework. Then they go to bed. Mr. Sawyer usually reads his ne

25、wspaper, but sometimes he and his wife watch television.课文注释1、The Sawyers live at 87 King Street.the Sawyers是指索耶一家。在英文中,姓氏后面加s,前面加定冠词the,用来指一家人,特别是丈夫和妻子。2、She always eats her lunch at noon下午,也叫middayin the morning/ afternoon/ eveningat noon/ night如果说某日夜里,则用介词onon the night of June 23、They ar

26、rive home early.在本句中home和early都是副词,下文中的home和late也是副词。Lesson 57 An unusual day词汇oclock adv. 点钟shop n. 商店moment n. 片刻,瞬间oclock adv. 点钟whats the time?/ What time is it?1、 整点:Its oclock.2、几点过几分:Its 分钟 past 点钟. 或 Its 点钟 分钟.在某个钟点的1到30分钟内,用past表示。Its eight past three.Its six ten.3、半点之后:Its 分钟 to 点钟.时间是在某个钟

27、点的31分到下一个整点,常用介词to。Its twenty to seven.以上两种情况也可用直接读出钟点和分钟的方式来表达。4、半点:Its half past 点钟.Its half past ten.5、一刻钟 几点15分:a quarter past 点钟 几点45分:a quarter to 点钟语法一般现在时与现在进行时一般现在时表示一般的动作或不断重复发生的动作,表示永久的情况;现在进行时表示说话时正在发生的动作,动作还没有完成,表示暂时的情况。有些动词(如like,want,know等)不是动作动词,不能用进行时态。一般现在时表达某个习惯性动作,通常与时间频度副词连用,如us

28、ually,always,often,sometimes,never等;现在进行时表示此时此刻正在进行的动作,一般与now,at the moment,today,this afternoon,this evening,tonight等连用。课文It is eight oclock. The children go to school by car every day, but today, they are going to school on foot.It is ten oclock. Mrs. Sawyer usually stays at home in the morning, b

29、ut this morning, she is going to the shops.It is four oclock. In the afternoon, Mrs. Sawyer usually drinks tea in the living room. But this afternoon, she is drinking tea in the garden.It is six oclock. In the evening, the children usually do their homework, but this evening, they are not doing thei

30、r homework. At the moment, they are playing in the garden.It is nine oclock. Mr. Sawyer usually reads his newspaper at night. But hes not reading his newspaper tonight. At the moment, hes reading an interesting book.Lesson 59 Is that all?词汇envelope 5envilEup n.信封writing paper 信纸shop assistant 售货员size n. 尺寸,尺码,大小pad n. 信笺簿 (可数)glue n. 胶水 (不可数)chalk n. 粉笔 (不可数)change n. 零钱,找给

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