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高中英语 Module 3 Body Language and NonVerbal Communication单元综合技能测试 外研版必修4.docx

1、高中英语 Module 3 Body Language and NonVerbal Communication单元综合技能测试 外研版必修4Module 3综合技能测试时间90分钟满分100分.单项填空(每小题1分,共15分)从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。1Instead of_, Hawing went on with his research, got his PhD and married the girl.Agiving in Bgiving outCgiving away Dgiving up答案:Dgiven in“投降”;give out“分配;用完”;g

2、ive away“送给;泄露”;give up“放弃”。2My father made me a promise_I got a good mark he would buy me a present.Athat BwhichCthat if Dif答案:Cpromise后面的句子是promise的同位语从句,同位语从句中含有条件状语从句。3_the farmers were pleased the good harvest of this year.AA great deal of BA great manyCA great many of DA large amount of答案:Ca g

3、reat deal of与a large amount of只能修饰不可数名词;因farmers前有the修饰,故应选C。4This vase wasnt_properly before it was put away.Awiped up Bwiped overCwiped off Dwiped out答案:Dwipe out指“擦掉(油渍等);擦试(盆、碗等)的内部”,wipe up/off虽也有“擦干净;抹掉”之意,但其主语多是油渍等污物,如:The paint wont wipe off.这油漆擦不掉。故选D。5Well have to find a job, _.Along it ta

4、kes howeverBit takes however longClong however it takesDhowever long it takes答案:Dhowever引导让步状语从句,语序为:howeveradj./adv.主语谓语,故选D。6The victim was still_what had happened when the doctor arrived but he lost_soon after that.Aunconscious for; consciousnessBconscious of; consciousnessCconscious of; consciou

5、sDconscious for; unconscious答案:B根据句意:第一个空格应该用concious of,而后面则应该用名词。7What would you do if it_tomorrow?We have to carry it on, since weve got everything ready.Arain BrainsCwill rain Dis raining答案:B时间状语从句中,主句用将来时,从句用一般现在时表示将来。8At the_of audience, the famous singer sang another one.Asuggestion BrequestC

6、requirement Ddemand答案:Bat the request of为固定短语,意为“应的要求”。9_to be the best among the competitions, he was given $ 20,000 as a reward.AJudging BJudgedCJudgement DTo be judged答案:B此处judge表示“被裁定;被判定”,过去分词表被动。10Although we live in the same city, we havent_with each other for a long time.Aassisted BcomparedC

7、communicated Dcontacted答案:Ccommunicate with意为“与沟通”。11Dont_the dictionary_you meet with a new world while reading.Arefer; every timeBlook up; each timeClook at; wheneverDrefer to; every time答案:Dlook up虽然可以表示查阅,但是它的宾语是要查的词,如look up this word in the dictionary。12Will you_me_favour to carry the box upst

8、airs, boy?Agive; the Bdo; theCoffer; a Ddo; a答案:Bdo sb. a favour中的do为固定搭配,而当favour后面接不定式的时候,其前面要用定冠词the。13By the end of the next month, we_what we are required to learn.Ahave learned BlearnedChad learned Dwill have learned答案:Dby the end of next month是谓语动词将来完成时的标志。14Would you like some bread?Oh, no,

9、thanks. I had a big breakfast this morning, so I am_hungry.Anot a bit Bmuch tooCnot least Dnot a little答案:C根据句意,第二个说话人早晨吃得很多,现在一点也不饿。15Do remember me to your wife._.AYes, I do BNo, I wontCYes, I will DNo, I dont答案:C这里可以看成一个句子后面省略了一个反意疑问句will you。.完形填空(每小题1分,共20分)阅读下面短文,理解大意,从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳答

10、案。When I was fifteen years old, I made my first visit to the United States. It wasnt the first time I had been_16_. Like most English children I learned_17_at school I had often been to France, so I_18_speaking a foreign language to people who didnt understand English. _19_when I went to America I w

11、as really looking forward to_20_a nice easy holiday without any_21_problems._22_wrong I was! The misunderstanding began at the airport. I was looking for a_23_telephone to give my American friend Danny a_24_and tell her I had arrived. A friendly old man saw me looking lost and asked_25_he could help

12、 me. “Yes”, I said, “I want to give my friend a ring.”“Well, thats_26_,”he exclaimed. “Are you getting_27_? But arent you a bit_28_?” “Who is talking about marriage?”I replied. “I_29_want to give my friend a ring to tell her Ive arried. Can you tell me_30_theres a phoe box?“Oh!”he said, “Theres a ph

13、one downstaris.”When at last we_31_meet each other, Danny explained the misunderstanding to me. “Dont worry,”she said to me. “I had so many_32_at first. There are lots of words which are Amercians_33_differently in meaning from us British. Youll soon get used to all the_34_thing they say. Most of th

14、e_35_British and American people understand each other!”16A.out BawayCoutside Dabroad答案:D从前后文提示知应该是出国。17A.Chinese BJapaneseCFrench DItalian答案:C从后面提示的“France”可知是法语。18A.get used to Bwas used toCused to Dwas able to答案:Bbe/get used to doing sth.是习惯表达,意为“习惯于干某事”,这里应该用一般过去时态。19A.Once BButCSo DThen答案:B前后句意应该是转折关系,故用but。20A.having BbuyingCgiving Dreceiving答案:A构成have a nice holiday的搭配。21A.time BhumanClanguage Dmoney答案:C人上下文知应该是语言(language)问题。22A.Too BQuiteCWh

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