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1、MPU6050基础MPU-6050MPU-6000为全球首例整合性6轴运动处理组件,相较于多组件方案,免除了组合陀螺仪与加速器时之轴间差的问题,减少了大量的包装空间。MPU-6000整合了3轴陀螺仪、3轴加速器,并含可藉由第二个I2C端口连接其他厂牌之加速器、磁力传感器、或其他传感器的数位运 动处理(DMP: Digital Motion Processor)硬件加速引擎,由主要I2C端口以单一数据流的形式,向应用端输出完整的9轴融合演算技术 InvenSense的运动处理资料库,可处理运动感测的复杂数据,降低了运动处理运算对操作系统的负荷,并为应用开发提供架构化的API。 MPU-6000的

2、角速度全格感测范围为250、500、1000与2000/sec (dps),可准确追緃快速与慢速动作,并且,用户可程式控制的加速器全格感测范围为2g、4g8g与16g。产品传输可透过最高至400kHz 的I2C或最高达20MHz的SPI。 MPU-6000可在不同电压下工作,VDD供电电压介为2.5V5%、3.0V5%或3.3V5%,逻辑接口VVDIO供电为1.8V 5%。MPU-6000的包装尺寸4x4x0.9mm(QFN),在业界是革命性的尺寸。其他的特征包含内建的温度感测器、包含在运作环境中仅有1%变 动的振荡器。应用运动感测游戏现实增强电子稳像 (EIS: Electronic Ima

3、ge Stabilization)光学稳像(OIS: Optical Image Stabilization)行人导航器“零触控”手势用户接口姿势快捷方式认证市场智能型手机平板装置设备手持型游戏产品游戏机3D遥控器可携式导航设备特征1、以数字输出6轴或9轴的旋转矩阵、四元数(quaternion)、欧拉角格式(Euler Angle forma)的融合演算数据。2、具有131 LSBs/sec 敏感度与全格感测范围为250、500、1000与2000/sec 的3轴角速度感测器(陀螺仪)。3、可程式控制,且程式控制范围为2g、4g、8g和16g的3轴加速器。4、移除加速器与陀螺仪轴间敏感度,降

4、低设定给予的影响与感测器的飘移。5、数字运动处理(DMP: Digital Motion Processing)引擎可减少复杂的融合演算数据、感测器同步化、姿势感应等的负荷。6、运动处理数据库支持Android、Linux与Windows7、内建之运作时间偏差与磁力感测器校正演算技术,免除了客户须另外进行校正的需求。8、以数位输出的温度传感器9、以数位输入的同步引脚(Sync pin)支援视频电子影相稳定技术与GPS10、可程式控制的中断(interrupt)支援姿势识别、摇摄、画面放大缩小、滚动、快速下降中断、high-G中断、零动作感应、触击感应、摇动感应功能。11、VDD供电电压为2.5

5、V5%、3.0V5%、3.3V5%;VDDIO为1.8V 5%12、陀螺仪运作电流:5mA,陀螺仪待命电流:8A;加速器运作电流:8A,加速器省电模式电流: 8A10Hz13、高达400kHz快速模式的I2C,或最高至20MHz的SPI串行主机接口(serial host interface)14、内建频率产生器在所有温度范围(full temperature range)仅有1%频率变化。15、使用者亲自测试16、10,000 g 碰撞容忍度17、为可携式产品量身订作的最小最薄包装 (4x4x0.9mm QFN)18、符合RoHS及环境标准MPU-6000为全球首例整合性6轴运动处理组件,相

6、较于多组件方案,免除了组合陀螺仪与加速器时之轴间差的问题,减少了 大量的包装空间。MPU-6000整合了3轴陀螺仪、3轴加速器,并含可藉由第二个I2C端口连接其他厂牌之加速器、磁力传感器、或其他传感器的数位运动 处理(DMP: Digital Motion Processor)硬件加速引擎,由主要I2C端口以单一数据流的形式,向应用端输出完整的9轴融合演算技术 InvenSense的运动处理资料库,可处理运动感测的复杂数据,降低了运动处理运算对操作系统的负荷,并为应用开发提供架构化的API。 MPU-6000的角速度全格感测范围为250、500、1000与2000/sec (dps),可准确追

7、緃快速与慢速动作,并且,用户可程式控制的加速器全格感测范围为2g、4g8g与16g。产品传输可透过最高至400kHz 的I2C或最高达20MHz的SPI。 MPU-6000可在不同电压下工作,VDD供电电压介为2.5V5%、3.0V5%或3.3V5%,逻辑接口VVDIO供电为1.8V 5%。MPU-6000的包装尺寸4x4x0.9mm(QFN),在业界是革命性的尺寸。其他的特征包含内建的温度感测器、包含在运作环境中仅有1%变 动的振荡器。 MEMS模块功能: 三轴陀螺仪,三轴加速度计电源电压最小值: 2.5V电源电压最大值: 3.6V封装类: QFN针脚数: 24陀螺仪范围: 250/s, 5

8、00/s, 1000/s, 2000/sdps是一种角速度单位,Degree Per Second的缩写/S。加速度范围: 2g, 4g, 8g, 16g封装: 剪切带MSL: -19.2MHz或 32.768kHz 可选外部时钟输入频率变化。内部有自带晶振。DMP从陀螺仪、加速度计以及外接的传感器接收并处理数据,处理结果可以从 DMP的寄存器读出,或通过FIFO缓冲. DMP有权使用MPU的一个外部引脚产生中断。6050使用I2C,并且总是作为从设备。连接主设备的逻辑电平用VLOGIC引脚设置。I2C的Slave地址的最低有效位(LSB)用PIN9(AD0)设置。自检可用来测试传感器的机械和

9、电气结构。对每个测量轴的自检可通过设置控制寄存器ACCEL_CONFIG 和 GYRO_CONFIG的相关位来进行。自检启动后,电路会使传感器工作并且产生输出信号。 MPU-6050器件结合了3轴陀螺仪和在同一硅芯片的三轴加速度计,结合机载数字运动处理器(DMP),处理复杂的六轴motionfusion算法。该设备可以通过一个辅助主我C总线访问外部传感器或其它传感器,允许设备收集全套传感器数据。 轴方向的灵敏度和极性旋转1(CLKIN) Optional external reference clock input. Connect to GND if unused.可选的外部参考时钟输入,不

10、用则连接到GND 2,3, 4, 5, 14,15, 16, 17(NC) Not internally connected. May be used for PCB trace routing. 无内部连接。可用于PCB布线。6(AUX_DA) I 2C master serial data, for connecting to external sensors I2C主串行数据,用于连接外部传感器7(AUX_CL) I 2C Master serial clock, for connecting to external sensors I2C串行主时钟,用于连接外部传感器8(VLOGIC)

11、 Digital I/O supply voltage 数字I / O电源电压9(AD0) I 2C Slave Address LSB (AD0) I2C从地址的LSB(ADO)10(REGOUT) Regulator filter capacitor connection调节器的滤波电容器的连接11(FSYNC) Frame synchronization digital input. Connect to GND if unused. 帧同步数字输入。如果不用则连接到GND。带数字输入同步引脚(Sync pin)支持视频电子影相稳定技术与GPS12(INT) Interrupt digi

12、tal output (totem pole or open-drain) 中断的数字输出(推挽或开漏)可程序控制的中断(interrupt),支持姿势识别、摇摄、画面放大缩小、滚动、快速下降中断、high-G中断、零动作感应、触击感应、摇动感应功能13(VDD) Power supply voltage and Digital I/O supply voltage电源电压和数字I / O电源电压18(GND) Power supply ground电源地19, 21(RESV) Reserved. Do not connect. 保留。不连接。20(CPOUT) Charge pump ca

13、pacitor connection电荷泵电容连接22(CLKOUT) System clock output系统时钟输出23(SCL) I 2C serial clock (SCL) I2C串行时钟(SCL)24(SDA) I 2C serial data (SDA) I2C串行数据(SDA)Typical Operating Circuit外部零件材料账单推荐上电过程: Power-Up Sequencing先后顺序1 . VLOGIC amplitude振幅must always be VDD amplitude2. TVDDR is VDD rise time: Time for VD

14、D to rise from 1 0% to 90% of its final value3. TVDDR is 1 00ms 4. TVLGR is VLOGIC rise time: Time for VLOGIC to rise from 1 0% to 90% of its final value 5. TVLGR is 3ms 6. TVLG-VDD is the delay from the start of VDD ramp斜道to the start of VLOGIC rise7. TVLG-VDD is 08. VDD and VLOGIC must be monotoni

15、c单调的rampsBlock Diagram框图Note: Pin names in round brackets ( ) apply only to MPU-6000Pin names in square brackets apply only to MPU-6050Bypass旁道,支路. multiplexer 多路调制器 FSYNC帧同步数字输入。如果未连接到GND。偏压和LDO部分提供了6050需要的内部支持以及参考电压和参考电流。他的2个输出为VDD(2.1V-3.6V)和VLOGIC逻辑参考电压(1.71VVDD)OverviewThe MPU-60X0 is comprised

16、 of the following key blocks and functions(关键模块和功能)1. Three-axis MEMS rate gyroscope sensor with 16-bit ADCs and signal conditioning2. Three-axis MEMS accelerometer sensor with 16-bit ADCs and signal conditioning3. Digital Motion Processor (DMP) engine4. Primary I 2C serial communications interfaces

17、5. Auxiliary I2C serial interface for 3rd party magnetometer & other sensors第三方磁强计和其他传感器6. Clocking7. Sensor Data Registers8. FIFO9. Interrupts10. Digital-Output Temperature Sensor11. Gyroscope & Accelerometer Self-test12. Bias and LDO13. Charge Pump6 Electrical Characteristics6.1 Gyroscope Specific

18、ationsVDD = 2.375V-3.46V, VLOGIC (MPU-6050 only) = 1.8V5% or VDD, TA = 25C6.2 Accelerometer SpecificationsVDD = 2.375V-3.46V, VLOGIC (MPU-6050 only) = 1.8V5% or VDD, TA = 25C7.7 Three-Axis MEMS Gyroscope with 16-bit ADCs and Signal ConditioningThe MPU-60X0 consists of three independent vibratory振动的M

19、EMS rate gyroscopes, which detect侦察rotation转动about the X-, Y-, and Z- Axes. When the gyros are rotated about any of the sense axes, the Coriolis 科里奥利(法国数学家)Effect causes a vibration that is detected by a capacitive pickoff这是由一个电容式传感器检测. The resulting signal is amplified, demodulated, and filtered由此产

20、生的信号经放大,解调,滤波to produce a voltage that is proportional比例的to the angular rate角速度. This voltage is digitized数字化using individual on-chip单个芯片16-bit Analog-to-Digital Converters (ADCs) to sample each axis. The full-scale range of the gyro sensors may be digitally programmed to 250, 500, 1000, or 2000 deg

21、rees per second (dps). The ADC sample rate is programmable from 8,000 samples per second, down to 3.9 samples per second ADC的采样率可从每秒8000个样本,到每秒3.9个样本, and user-selectable用户可选择的low-pass filters enable a wide range of cut-off frequencies宽范围的截止频率。.7.8 Three-Axis MEMS Accelerometer with 16-bit ADCs and

22、Signal ConditioningThe MPU-60X0s 3-Axis accelerometer uses separate proof masses for each axis. Acceleration along(prep. 沿着;顺着)a particular axis induces感应, 引起displacement替代 on the corresponding对应的proof mass, and capacitive电容性的sensors detect侦查the displacement differentially. The MPU-60X0s architectur

23、e体系结构reduces 减少the accelerometers susceptibility易受影响或损害的状态to fabrication(n.制造)variations变化as well as to thermal温热的drift漂移. When the device is placed on a flat surface, it will measure 0g on the X- and Y-axes and +1 g on the Z-axis. The accelerometers scale factor is calibrated at the factory该加速度计标度因

24、数是在工厂校准and is nominally independent of supply voltage独立的电源电压. Each sensor has a dedicated sigma-delta ADC for providing每个传感器都有一个专门的 ADC提供digital outputs. The full scale range of the digital output can be adjusted to 2g, 4g, 8g, or 16g.7.9 Digital Motion ProcessorThe embedded Digital Motion Processor

25、嵌入式数字运动处理器(DMP) is located within the MPU-60X0 and offloads卸货computation 计算of motion processing运动处理algorithms运算法则from the host processor主处理机.The DMP acquires data from accelerometers, gyroscopes, and additional 3rd party sensors such as magnetometers (n. 磁力计), and processes the data处理数据. The resulti

26、ng data can be read from the DMPs registers, or can be buffered in a FIFO. The DMP has access to one of the MPUs external pins, which can be used for generating interrupts. The purpose of the DMP is to offload both timing requirements and processing power from the host processor. Typically, motion p

27、rocessing algorithms运算法则 should be run at a high rate, often around 200Hz, in order to provide accurate精确的results with low latency低延迟. This is required even if即使the application updates at a much lower rate; for example, a low power user interface低功率的用户界面may update as slowly as 5Hz, but the motion pr

28、ocessing should still run at 200Hz. The DMP can be used as a tool in order to minimize power, simplify timing, simplify the software architecture, and save valuable MIPS on the host processor for use in the application. DMP可以作为一个工具,以降低功耗,简化时序,简化软件结构,节省了宝贵的MIPS为在应用程序中使用的主处理器。7.10 Primary I2C and SPI

29、Serial Communications InterfacesThe MPU-60X0 communicates to a system processor using either a SPI (MPU-6000 only) or an I2C serial interface. The MPU-60X0 always acts as a slave when communicating to the system processor. The LSB of the of the I2C slave address is set by pin 9 (AD0).The logic level

30、s for communications between the MPU-60X0 and its master are as follows:MPU-6050: The logic level for communications with the master is set by the voltage on VLOGICFor further information regarding the logic levels of the MPU-6050, please refer to Section 10.7.11 Auxiliary I2C Serial InterfaceThe MP

31、U-60X0 has an auxiliary I2C bus for communicating to an off-chip 3-Axis digital output magnetometer片外三轴数字输出磁强计or other sensors. This bus has two operating modes:1.I2C Master Mode: The MPU-60X0 acts as a master to any external sensors connected to theauxiliary I2C bus2. Pass-Through Mode通过模式: The MPU

32、-60X0 directly connects the primary and auxiliary I2C buses together,allowing the system processor to directly communicate with any external sensors.Auxiliary I2C Bus Modes of Operation:1. I2C Master Mode: Allows the MPU-60X0 to directly access the data registers of external digital sensors, such as a magnetometer. In this mode, t

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