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污水处理及回用技术研究 汽车废水.docx

1、污水处理及回用技术研究 汽车废水洗车废水处理及回用技术研究目录洗车废水处理及回用技术研究 11洗车废水水质 12洗车废水处理及回用技术 12.1大型车辆场洗车废水的处理 12.2小型洗车行洗车废水的回用工艺 32.3洗车废水处理研究的新进展 42.4洗车废水处理后污泥的处置 43结论与展望 5Car wash wastewater treatment and reuse technology research 51 A car wash waste water 62 car wash wastewater treatment and reuse technology 62.1 The mark

2、et for large vehicles to car washing wastewater treatment 62.2 mini-car wash car washing wastewater reuse line process 72.3 The car wash wastewater treatment Advances in Research on 82.4 The car washing wastewater treatment sludge disposal 93 Conclusions and Outlook 9摘要:洗车废水含有油污、泥沙、表面活性剂及其他可溶性有机物。因洗

3、车规模大小不同洗车废水处理回用技术存在很大差别。介绍了目前国内外大中小型洗车场废水处理回用的主要工艺,概括和比较了洗车点洗车废水回用装置的主要技术,分析了目前小型回用装置存在的问题,对当前洗车废水研究进展作了介绍,并对发展方向作了展望。关键词:洗车废水;处理工艺;回用中图分类号:TB文献标识码:A文章编号:1672-3198(2008)09-0378-021洗车废水水质 汽车在行驶过程中很容易受污染,车体和玻璃所粘附的污垢主要是尘埃,燃料燃烧不完全的油烟和空气中漂浮的各种微粒等。底盘和车轮粘附的污垢主要是泥沙,路面沥青,煤焦油和燃烧油等。它们重复污染或混合污染时,会形成粘附力很强的污垢。发动机


5、理及回用技术2.1大型车辆场洗车废水的处理 2.1.1传统工艺 采用沉淀-除油-过滤的处理工艺。运输车辆场的洗车废水多为修车后的含油废水和洗车废水的混合水,一般水量比较大。如成都车辆段的洗车废水处理厂,其处理工艺流程见图1。在这个处理工艺中,沉砂槽、格栅的作用主要是对客车洗刷的污水进行初次沉淀,将大颗粒物质沉于沉砂槽中,水中大的悬浮物则被格栅拦截。斜板隔油池则用来处理漂浮油和沉淀较大颗粒物,可用集油器收集漂浮油,输送至贮油池中。通过调节沉淀池对水量和水质进行调节后,在气浮池中除去污水中的乳化油和悬浮物。整个处理工艺所产生的污泥则被输送至污泥干化场中干化。这种传统的处理工艺适用于普通的洗车废水处

6、理,但由于该流程有专门的除砂、除油工艺,占地面积较大,出水可满足废水排放标准但却在总大肠杆菌、浊度等指标上不一定满足中华人民共和国生活杂用水水质标准(GJ25.1-89)的回用洗车用水要求。因此,若需回用则还要有更为严格的深度处理工艺。图1油废水与洗车含油废水的混合和废水处理工艺2.1.2电解法 除了采用上述的传统处理工艺外,还有采用生物接触氧化池、膜过滤等技术,也不乏采用电解的方法来对洗车废水进行处理。以天津市运输七场货车洗刷废水的处理为例,该废水为机械修理和清理冲洗货车及场地的废水。处理这种废水可以采用重力分离法和吸附聚结法,但是占地面积大,且处理效果不是十分理想。该运输场采用电解槽处理法

7、对洗车废水进行了处理。其处理工艺见图2。2.2小型洗车行洗车废水的回用工艺 2.2.1膜生物反应器用膜生物反应器处理洗车废水的工艺流程见图3。冲洗汽车的污水与生活污水混合后进入污水沉砂隔油池,去除污水中比重较大的无机砂粒和浮油有利于后续膜生物反应器的处理,反应器中膜组件的主要功能是对污泥混合液进行泥水分离,滤出处理后的水。此法可以采用较高的污泥浓度(10gL),剩余污泥排放量可达到最低限度,从而泥龄很长,可使世代周期长的细菌(如硝化菌)在反应器内得以截留和繁殖,并使出水被代谢物含量很低,水质稳定;占地小,运行管理简单,易于实现自动化。但是必须采用连续的运行方式以保持活性污泥的活性,如间断了较长

8、时间后,罐体内的活性污泥会失去活性。且当膜生物反应器进水水温低于8时,活性污泥的活性也将受到一定的影响,这必将导致出水的恶化。并且,该工艺需注意避免对微生物新陈代谢有抑制作用的消毒剂混入系统中,否则微生物的正常生理机能将受到破坏,也会使出水恶化。2.2.2物理处理法 物理处理法膜滤法,适用于水量小而水质变化大的情况。一般是让污水经过一系列的过滤介质,使得污水中含有的泥砂等大颗粒物质与一部分有机物质通过过滤机理得以去除。其过滤介质通常采用石英砂、活性炭、陶粒等。工艺流程如图4。其中,多介质过滤器中可装有石英砂等滤料以滤除水中的泥、砂、铁锈、油污等;活性炭用来将水中的各种气味、颜色、洗涤剂、肥皂等

9、吸附去除;精密过滤器可将水中残留的泥、砂、铁锈、油污等过滤掉,从而保证最终出水水质;膜则将水中大分子化合物、粘土、颜料、矿物质、乳液粒子、微生物、润滑脂、洗涤剂以及油、水乳液去除。此法运用过滤、吸附等物理原理将水中的污染物去除,出水效果良好;设备安装简便,软硬管均可;占地面积小,使用经济等。但是各工艺需要经常反洗,活性炭使用一段时间后需再生精密过滤中的滤芯也需定期更换等。并且进水需要有较好的水质,否则各工艺的使用寿命将会缩短。2.3洗车废水处理研究的新进展 余志,范跃华,王仕汇,陈威采用涡流电凝聚气浮接触过滤组合工艺对洗车废水进行了试验研究,讨论了操作电压(U)、电流强度(I)、电解时间(t)


11、量为80mg/L,聚合抓化铝用量为45mg/L,磁场强度为2000Gs,磁滤速度为80m/h的条件下,出水达到了生活杂用水水质标准的要求(CJ25.1-89)。2.4洗车废水处理后污泥的处置 对于洗车废水的处理不但要考虑水的处理,同时还要考虑洗车废水处理后的污泥处置。由于汽车在行驶的过程中沾染了很多的泥土,清洗车辆过程中沉积的污泥数量可观。李扬成等认为,洗车场污泥中的矿物油经降解含量很微,对作物无不良影响。重金属铬和铅含量远低于国家控制标准。污泥可用于造田、种植农作物,污泥也可用于客土、改土、增厚土层。受铅污染的洗车场污泥最好用于植树、种植花草,或用于烧砖瓦。3结论与展望洗车废水回用,目前各种


13、成都车辆段含油污水处理工程设计简介.铁道标准设计,1994,(2):27-28. 2 王波等.机车车辆制造工业的污水处理.机车车辆工艺,2005,10(5):14-16.Car wash wastewater treatment and reuse technology research Abstract: The car washing wastewater that contains oil, sediment, surface active agents and other dissolved organic matter. Due to the size of the differen

14、t car wash car washing wastewater treatment and reuse technology, there is a big difference. Introduced at home and abroad sizes car wash wastewater treatment and reuse of the main process, summarized and compared in point of car washing car washing wastewater reuse plant in major technical, analysi

15、s of the current small-scale recycling plant problems in the current car wash Wastewater Treatment introduced, and the direction of development were also expected.Keywords: car washing wastewater; treatment process; Recycling.Key words: TB Abstract: A Article ID :1672-3198 (2008) 09-0378-02.1 A car

16、wash waste waterCar driving the process very susceptible to contamination, body and glass is mainly dirt by adhesion of dust, soot incomplete combustion of fuel and air in a variety of floating particles. Chassis and wheel dirt adhesion is mainly sand, road asphalt, coal tar and burning oil. They re

17、peat the contaminated or mixed pollution, will form a strong adhesion of dirt. Mainly from motor fuel in the dirt. As the adhesion of the various parts car dirt types, used in cleaning detergents and cleaning methods there are differences. The detergent component, the main constituent of alkylphenol

18、 polyoxyethylene ether and other non-ionic surfactant, as well as play the role of lubrication and light anionic surfactants, commonly used for the alkyl sulfate and phosphate salt, vinegar, etc. . It can be seen washing the major pollutants in wastewater oil dirt, sediment, detergent. Due to the di

19、fferent types of clean vehicles (small cars and large trucks), car wash lines of different functions (a simple combination of car washing and vehicle washing), washing in different ways (mechanical car washing and artificial high-pressure water washing), car wash wastewater pollutant composition var

20、y. However, car washing water quality is essentially the same. In some cases, car wash waste water may also contain heavy metals. The on-site measurement and reference studies, typical conditions, such as car washing water quality as shown in Table 1.2 car wash wastewater treatment and reuse technol

21、ogy2.1 The market for large vehicles to car washing wastewater treatment2.1.1 Traditional CraftWith precipitation - oil removal - filtration treatment process. Transport vehicles more than the market for vehicle washing wastewater after the wastewater and washing oily wastewater mixture of water, us

22、ually water is relatively large. Chengdu Depots car, such as wastewater treatment plant, its processing flow shown in Figure 1. In this treatment process, the setting sand tank, grating main function is to conduct the initial passenger car wash effluent precipitation will be large particulate matter

23、, Shen Yu setting sand bath, a large suspended solids in the water grid was blocked. Inclined Plate grease traps are used to dealing with large floating oil and sediment particles, used oil collection device to collect floating oil, transported to an oil storage tank. By adjusting the sedimentation

24、tanks to regulate water quantity and quality right after the floatation tank to remove water in the emulsified oil and suspended solids. Throughout the treatment process of sludge generated was pumped to sludge drying field drying. This traditional treatment process applied to an ordinary car wash w

25、astewater treatment, but because the process has specialized Sand, degreasing process, covers an area of greater water to meet the wastewater discharge standards but the total E. coli, turbidity and other indicators does not necessarily satisfy the The Peoples Republic of China Miscellaneous Domesti

26、c Water Quality Standards (GJ25.1-89) for recycling car wash water requirements. Therefore, For reuse is also need depth of more stringent treatment process.2.1.2 ElectrolysisIn addition to the above-mentioned conventional treatment, there is the use of biological contact oxidation pool, membrane fi

27、ltration technologies, there are some use of electrolytic methods to pairs of car wash wastewater treatment. Tianjin seven trucks to transport washing wastewater, for example, the waste water for the washing machine repair and clean-up trucks and venue of wastewater. Waste water can be used to deal

28、with this gravity separation and adsorption coalescence method, but it covers an area of large, and the treatment effect is not very satisfactory. The transport field processing method using electrolytic cell washing wastewater treatment. The treatment process shown in Figure 2.2.2 mini-car wash car

29、 washing wastewater reuse line process2.2.1 Membrane BioreactorMembrane Bioreactor for Treatment of car washing wastewater process shown in Figure 3. Car wash wastewater and domestic sewage effluent setting sand mixed into the grease traps, sewage removal of a large proportion of inorganic sand and

30、the oil slick is conducive to the follow-up treatment of membrane bio-reactor, the reactor membrane modules main function is to carry out the mud sludge mixture separation, filter out the treated water. This method can be used a higher sludge concentration ( 10g / L), the remaining sludge emissions

31、reach a minimum, a very long sludge age and thus enable the generation of a long cycle of bacteria (such as the nitrifying bacteria) in the reactor can be interception and reproduction, and make the water was very low metabolite levels, water quality and stability; area is small, operation and manag

32、ement simple and easy to automate. But it must be in continuous operation mode in order to maintain the activity of activated sludge, such as the interruption for a long time, the tank body will lose activity in activated sludge. Membrane bio-reactor and when the influent water temperature less than 8 , the activity of activated sludge will also be affected to some degree, which will surely lead to the deterioration of the water. Moreover, the process should pay a

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