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1、牛津初中英语9A单元复习案牛津初中英语9A Unit1单元知识点复习 班级_学号_ 姓名_ 语法指南A “It is/was +adj+ of/for sb. to do”句型译成“对某人来说,做某事是(样子的)。”for sb.的句型通常使用表示客观情况的形容词,of sb.的句型是一般用表示主观感情或态度的形容词。对这个孩子来说,举起这么重的盒子是比较难的。 It is quite _ such a heavy box. 对于一个跳舞的人来说,保持健康是重要的。 It is _ healthy.那女孩把包留在了出租车上,真是太粗心了。 It was _ her bag on the tax

2、i.对于他来说,在那种时刻说声再见是明智的。 It was_ good-bye at that time.其次,of sb.句型一般都可以转换成带一个不定式作状语的句子,而for sb.的句型则不可以这样转换。你帮助我,真是太好了。It was very_ _ me. = You were very_ _ _ me.你把我看成了你的叔叔,真是太粗心了。It was _ me for your uncle. = You were_ me for your uncle.后面能够接for sb.的常见形容词有:hard,difficult,easy,important,interesting,nec

3、essary , impossible . 后面能够接of sb.的常见形容词有:good ,kind ,nice ,clever ,right ,careful ,rude ,wise ,foolish,selfish ,careless ,silly , honest , generous. B. “sb.+ be/do + adj./adv + enough to do”句型 “某人在某方面已经能够达到做某事的程度”。enough修饰前面的形容词或副词,位置在被修饰词的后面。如:careful enough / fast enough注意 : 形容词或副词前没有任何诸如very,quit

4、e等之类的修饰词。1 Andy身体很强壮,能够当运动员。 Andy is _ a player.2 这个房间很大,够住20个人。 The room is _ 20 people. able to can 能,会 be able to 可用于各种时态 ;can 只有一般现在时,一般过去时 She has _(be able to, can) explain it in English. _ (be able to, can, could) you help me? I make a pen that has a machine in it, so I _ (be able to, ca

5、n) write faster. I cant swim, but I will _ (be able to, can) swim in three months.2.mind (v/n) / mind doing sth. / mind sb doing sth. _ (你介意) if I open the window? _ (别介意),Ill teach you to sing this song. Wearing blue clothes is good for _ (头脑) and body. He didnt mind _ (do) this work for the club.

6、Would you mind me _ (use) your bike? 3. confident作“自信的、有自信心的” 起初,女孩们感到有点紧张,后来,她来变得越来越自信了。At first, the girls had felt _, but then they became_.confident of sth. / doing sth. 或者confident that +从句有“肯定的、确信的、有把握的”意义。我很自信担当主持人。 Im _ _ a host.我肯定你考试能够通过。 I am _ that you can _ the exam. 4. argue动词,意为“辩论、争论

7、” 名词argument argue with sb. (about/over sth. ) 意为“(就某事)与争论、争吵、争辩”。她热爱和平,不喜欢与人争吵。She _ and_ _.5. keep 的用法: 保守秘密_keep + adj. 表示“继续保持某种状态” 保持健康 _ 安静! _ keep + 宾语 + 形容词/分词/介词短语 “使保持某种状态”我累得连眼睛都睁不开了。 I was too tired _.对不起,让你在外面久等了. Im sorry. I _ outside so long.她一直把食品锁在冰箱里。 She kept the food _. keepaway

8、(from),意为“不让靠近”。接介from短语时,表示“妨碍”或“免遭”他们生火是使动物不靠近。 They made fire to _ the animals _ _ near. keep + doing的形式,表示“持续做某事”“不间断地做某事”。课上不要一直讲话。 Dont _ in class. 6. explain动词, “解释”“说明”“阐明”。 explain sth. to sb.吴老师花许多时间为我们讲解。他很有耐心。Mr Wu is_ a lot of time_ _. explain+ 从句Simon解释说他的汽车出了毛病。 Simon _ that_ _ with h

9、is car. 7. The sign says “ No smoking here!”. (报纸、杂志、牌子、广告等上写着用 _) 8. Andy为我们播放CD,他考虑得真周到 . It is_ Andy to play his CDs for us.9. 把事情搞得乱七八糟是Simon的典型特征。 It is _ Simon to_. 10. 他不介意为学生会做额外的工作 He will not mind _ for the Students Union.11. 你真好推荐我做新的主席。 -It was_ _ me _the new chairperson. 不用谢。-Its our p_

10、 _. = Not at all. = You are welcome. 12. some useful expressions 平等地对待每个人_ 注重细节 _ 我们每个人 _ 一直,始终 _ 周游世界 _ 去不同的地方旅行_ 把足球传给Peter _ _ / _ _ 计划外出 _ 整理行李 _ 按5556 0678号码给Master Zhang打电话 _ 健康有问题 _ 适合_ 在测试中得高满分_从不轻易放弃_ 积极参加 _ 对某人(没)有耐心_. 对感到好奇 _ 对某人友好 _ 对有信心/把握_ / _ 与.相似 _ 和相同 _ 牛津初中英语9A Unit2单元知识点复习1. sleep

11、 -slept-slept sleep well = have a good sleep go to sleep sleepy (adj ) feel sleepy The child was so _ (困) that he couldnt finish his homework last night 。asleep (adj ) fall asleep The boy is sleeping .= The boy is _ .他一上床就入睡了。(fall asleep)_.If you cant sleep well ,you can eat some s_ pills .Kate , c

12、ould you turn down the radio a bit ? Your father is s_ now .2. affect v. He _ (affect ) by heat last summer . 吸烟影响健康。_. effect n. have an effect on sb. have a good / bad effect on sb.我认为功夫片对青少年有坏的影响。(have a bad effect on )_ 3.relax v. She likes traveling because she can _ (放松) herself during the jou

13、rney .relaxed adj. be / feel relaxed get / look relaxedShe felt _ (放松) after she took the exam .relaxing adj. go to somewhere relaxing I think going fishing is a _(放松) sport .4.mind n. 头脑,精神 v. 介意,要紧,担心改变主意 _ 全神贯注于,专心于_ 心想;决心要_ 介意做某事 _ -Would you mind my _ ( 开 ) the window ?- Never mind . 睡在蓝色房子里有益身

14、心健康。(be good for )_ .5. remind vt. remind sb to do sth. remind sb. of sth./ sb. remind sb that请提醒我留给她这张纸条。(remind sb to do sth.)_请提醒我九点前给她打个电话。(remind sb that)_-这部电影使他回想起他在中国的过去。(remind sb. of sth.)_ 6.difficult adj. difficulty n.have some difficulty (in) doing sth . have trouble / problems / fun (i

15、n) doing sth.have some / much difficulty with sth.三天之内完成这项工作你有困难吗?(have some difficulty (in) doing sth .)_ 我在英语语法方面有一些困难。(have some / much difficulty with sth.)_ 7. seem seem +adj. seem to do It seems that He seemed _ ( 放松 ) last night .He seems _ (know ) me , but I dont know him .似乎没人知道发生过什么事?(It s

16、eems that )_ 8.colour n . _(颜色) can change our moods . adj. She prefers the white clothes to _ the (彩色) clothes . v. I sent this e-card to you . I _ (着色) it blue to bring you peace .colourful adj. W e live in a _ (丰富多彩的) world .9.( 1.) would rather do sth. 宁愿做某事 我们宁愿推荐约翰做学生会的新主席。_ .(2)would rather n

17、ot do sth.宁愿不做某事如果明天下雨,我宁愿不去购物。_ (3.) would rather do sth. than (do) sth她宁愿穿裤子也不穿裙子。_10. prefer ( prefers , preferring , preferred, preferred ) prefer+ n. /pron. +to + n. / pron.他喜欢英语而不喜欢数学吗?_prefer + doing +to doing 那时那男孩喜欢玩电脑游戏而不喜欢看电视。_prefer to do sth.在过去,学生们更喜欢相信他们老师的话。_ 11,复合不定代词/副词(1.) somebod

18、y, someone, something, somewhere 常用于肯定句;(2.) anybody, anyone, anything, anywhere常用于否定句和疑问句一些特殊情况: 1,Would you like _(一些东西) to drink? 2,You may leave your bag _(任何地方)in the room. 3,Someone _ (be)on the phone now, you have to wait for minutes. 4,Everything _ (begin) to grow in spring.5,I have _(一些重要的事

19、)to tell you.6,Is there _(一些有趣的事)in todays newspaper?7,Do you have _(一些要说的) for yourself?8,Everybody enjoyed reading the book, _?9,Everything goes well,_?10,Everyone is here ,_?牛津初中英语9A Unit3单元知识点复习1.quarrel v. (disagree using angry words)争吵,吵架quarrel about sth为某事而争吵quarrel with sb与某人争吵n.(angry argu

20、ment)争吵have a quarrel with sb about sth别因为小事而争吵.Dont quarrel_.2achieve vt.1( complete, get sth done)完成,达成2 (get or reach by effort)经过努力获得或达到 n. achievement成绩,业绩 他永远不会有所成就,除非他努力工作._ .3.strict adj. 严厉的,严格的1be strict with sb 对某人严厉/严格2be strict in sth 对某事要求严格我们老师对我们在学习方面要求很严_ v.支持,支撑All the st

21、udents cheered_ (支持他们的足球队).n. (being supported)支持,拥护 我希望获得父母的支持. _ 5. suggestion. n(C)建议,意见我对这些建议不感兴趣. _ 6.succeed v. succeed in sth/doingn. success 1 _( 祝你成功)2He has had _with his plays. (他的几个剧本已经获得了成功。)successful adj.他是一个成功的商人 _ Successfully adv. 意为“成功地”。他干得很成功。_ 7. name n. 您姓什么? _v. 命名 他们给孩子取名 named after 以的名字命名.建筑物常以它们的设计者的名字来命名. _. 8. reply . v. 意为“回答;答复”。他努力在收到信件时就回信。_

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