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1、外研版八年级英语上册Module7同步练习含答案Module 7 Unit I That smells delicious!第一课时一、 根据首字母或中文提示完成单词。1.The food must be bad. It s terrible.2.Mum put a little more salt in the soup, so it was s .3.The bread goes bad easily. It won t be f after three days.4.The new sofa feels very (舒服的).5.Her voice (听起来)very sweet.6.M

2、y brother is a boy of few words. He is always (安静的).二、 用所给单词的正确形式填空。1.- Do you like skii ng?-It sounds (in terest).2.After supper, we sat on the sofa (comfortable)a nd watchedTV quietly.3.Let s have a look at her photo . She (1ook)very pretty.4.- What is she (like)?-She is quite pretty.5.we re going

3、 to the dining room to have something _(eat).三、 句型转换。1.This song sounds very beautiful. (改为否定句)This song very beautiful.2.She looks very pretty in the photo. (对画线部分提问) does she ?3.This milk smells sweet. (加上 sour 变成选择疑问句)Does this milk sweet sour?4.I ve made a pizza .(对画线部分提问) you made?5.Her voice s

4、ounds really nice. (变为一般疑问句 ) her voice really n ice?Module 7 Unit 2 I feel n ervous whe n I speak Chin ese.第二课时一、根据首字母或中文提示完成单词。1.Some stude nts are shy. They feel n when they speak En glish.2.Darni ng won the first prize in the competiti on. We are p of him.3.The naughty boy broke one of the windo

5、ws. His mother was very a 4.I can hardly ( 认出)her whe n she is weari ng sun glasses.5.All the stude nts are ( 兴奋)about the coming trip.、用方框内所给单词的正确形式填空。come no ise stra nge someth ing meetfriend1.I can t wait you.2.You asked me how I felt about to China.3.Why do you ask me to stand up? I didn t do w

6、rong.4.Don t speak to the !They are sometimes dangerous.5.It sounds because the boys are talk ing loudly.6.Try to be to your classmates.三、句型转换。1.Tell me when you arrive at Guilin Airport. (改为同义句)Tell me whe n you Guili n Airport.2.Every week he gets a letter from his mum. (改为同义句)Every week he his mu

7、m.3.He did something wrong when he was at school. (改为一般疑问句 )Did he wrong whe n he was at school?4.Yao Ming is tall_and_handsome. (对画线部分提问)What does Yao Ming ?5.I spent a lot of time with the school orchestra. (改为同义旬)It me a lot of time play in the school orchestra.Module 7 Unit 3 Lan guage in use第三课

8、时一、 单词拼写:根据首字母或汉语提示,写出正确的单词。1.The foreig n guest is s hands with our En glish teacher.2.I knew I must be p so I said, “ Tha nk you very much. ”3.It is rude to s at a stra nger.4.His father is tall and (英俊).5.Thi nk of some one you know and write a (描述)of him or her.二、 词形变换:用所给单词的适当形式填空1. (America) d

9、on t touch people a lot when they meet.2.The seats in the bus don t fee l (comfort).3.Tony is really (friend) and kind.4.She looks (happy) at the photo.5.The glass will (certa in) break if you drop it.三、 选词填空:用框内所给词。feel sound taste smelllook1.The flowers in the garde n won derful.2.What he has said

10、 true.3.Mr Brow n stro ng and healthy.4.This red apple very sweet.5.Cloth of this kind soft.四、单项选择。( )1. The cloth feels A.softly B. soft C. stron gly( )2. We found Tom looked than yesterday.A. best B. good C. betterbest( )3. My teacher is always to us.A. friend B. frie nds C. frie ndlyfrie ndlily()

11、4. -What he like? -He is frie ndly.A. does B. is C. do ( )5. -What he like? -He is tall and han dsome.( )6. Every one should keep in the read ing room.A. quiet B. quite C. quietlyquitely( )7. In our class, I thi nk we can get on well with .A. every other B. each other C. each ano ther others( )8. Th

12、e boy long hair.A. hasn t B. don t have got C. haven thaven t got( )9. I love dancin g. I enjoy singing .A. also B. either C. so()10. She is a girl.A. love B. lovely C. loveslikelyModule 7模块热身测一、单项选择。()1. -What delicious cakes! -Yes, they taste A. good B. better C. worsehappyD. hardlyD. theD.D. areD

13、. do;D.D. eachD.D. as wellD.D. best()2. You look so !( )3. - Shopp ing with me? -Sorry. I have a lot of clothesplays( )6. I knew there was A. someth ing wrongC. any thi ng wrong()7. She looked after us with my computer.B. wrong someth ingD. wrong anythingA. lovely B. frie ndly C. carefully D. kind(

14、)8. This boy did nt do his homework, so his mother got angry him.() 9. Can you help me the box? It s too heavy.A. carry B. carry ing C. to carry D. bothA and C( )10. I would like to stay here a few days.A. since B. with C. for D. in二、 根据括号里所给的中文或英文提示,用单词的正确形式填空。1.Please be (安静的).The baby is sleeping

15、 now.2.Don t be so (紧张的).Well help you.3.I love sports very much, (尤其是)table tennis.4.When I get bad marks, I feel (笨的).5.Was Linda wearing a (可爱的)sweater yesterday?6.What s your (feel) today?7.-Can I help you, madam?-Yes, Id like to buy a new pair of (shoe).8.Sally is the girl with (glass) over the

16、re.9.Our new En glish teacher (sound) really ni ce.10.- Excuse me, can you tell me the way to the post office, please?- Oh, Im sorry. I m a (strange) here, too.三、 翻译句子(每空一词)1.她听起来很友好,看起来也很漂亮。She very kind, and she very pretty.2.她长彳What does she .3.你必须把我介绍给她。You must me her.4.当我做错事时,我总感觉很抱歉。I m alway

17、s sorry when I do 5.来到中国我感到很兴奋。I m very comi ng to Chi na.四、 句型转换1.Mr Lia ng is tall a nd han dsome. (对画线部分提问) Mr Lia ng look like?2.That smells delicious. (改为否定句)That delicious.3.I m going to the airport to meet my friend. (改为一般疑问句) going to the airport to meet your friend?4.Helle n took some photo

18、s in the park last Sun day. (对画线部分提问) did Helle n in the park last Sun day?5.It took me three hours to do my homework yesterday. (改为同义句)I three hours my homework.五、 完形填空。Hi, Li ngli ng,Thanks for your last message. It was great to 1 you. You sound great fun, and I can t wait 2 you.I hope you will re

19、cog nize me from my photo whe n I 3 the airport.I mquite tall . With short fair hair, and l wear glasses. I 11 wear jeans and a T-shirt for the journey, but l 11 also carry my warm coat . I vegot your photo you look so pretty, so I m sure we 11 find _4_!_Thanks for telli ng me about what you like do

20、ing. You sound just likeme! I 5 a lot of time with the school orchestra, but I also like dance music I love dancing! I enjoy sports 6 , especially tennis. Mybrother is the captain of the school tennis team I m very proud of him! And Iwork hard at school I feel stupid whe n I get bad marks and I get

21、angry with myself I should work 7 .You asked me 8 I feel about coming to China. Well, at first I often feel a bit sad when I leave my mumand dad for a few clays, and I m quite shy when I m with strangers . I feel nervous when I speak Chinese, but I 1l be fine after a few days. I malways sorry whenl

22、do 9 . So please help me to do the right things whe n I m with you in China! Oh , and I m afraid of flying. But I m very excited 10 to Chi na!See you n ext week!1ove, Sally( )1. A. hear from B. hear about C. hear of D. hear to()2. A. meetB.meeti ng meetD.for meet()3. A. arriveB.arrive inC. arri

23、ve atD.arrivi ng()4. A. the other B. othersC. ano therD. eachother()5. A. spe ndB.payC. costD. take()6. A. alsoB. as wellC. eitherD. too()7. A. hardB.wellC. hardlyD.harder()8. A. whatB.howC. thatD. whe n()9. A. somethi ng wrongB. wrong someth ingC. any thi ng wrong D. wrong any thi ng()10. A. of com

24、ing B. about come C. about coming D. withcoming六、阅读理解。AAn old bear had not had anything to eat for several days. It was hungry and was very happy whe n it fin ally caught a tortoise (乌龟).Uni uckily, thetortoise had a hard shell (壳)and the old bear could not break it. Thetortoise started laughi ng lo

25、udly.“I 11 makea fire and cook you alive (活生生的),” said the bear angrily.The tortoise told the bear that it liked fire. The bear then threatened (威 胁)to drow n the tortoise in a river. The tortoise prete nded (假装)to bevery frightened and begged (请求)the bear to let it go. The bear quicklywalked to the

26、 nearest river and threw the tortoise into it.A moment later, the tortoise popped out (伸出)its head and said to thebear, “What a fool you are! Don t you know that the river has alwaysbee n my home?根据短文的内容,选择最佳的答案。( )1. The tortoise laughed whe n the bear .A.1et it go B. caught itC. could not break it

27、s shell D. wan ted to cook it in fire()2. The tortoise begged the bear not to .A. cook it in fire B. break its shellC. throw it into a river D. cut it into pieces( )3. The word “ drown ” means “ .A.烧死 B.煮熟 C.活埋 D.淹死( )4. The bear threw the tortoise into .A. the ground B. a river C. a lake D. a hole(

28、)5. The tortoise was tha n the bear.A. hun grier B. bigger C. cleverer D. morefoolishBMichelle Kwan is a famous American figure skater (花样滑冰运动员 ).Manyyoung people like her a lot. She is half-Chi nese and was born on July7, 198O.Her hometownis in Guangdong, China. Her father went to America from Chin

29、a in the 1970s.Her mother is an American. Michelle is the youngest of their three childre n. She has a brother and a sister. They also like figure skati ng.Michelle has won seve n Nati onal Champi on ships (全国锦标赛)of Americaand has won eight medals (奖牌)at the World Champi on ships. She has also won t

30、wo Olympic medals. She got the sec ond place in 1998, and the third in 2002.Whe n she talks about her success, she says, “ My pare nts taughtme to work hard. If you do, your dreams may come true. ” She also says,“What you give is what you get back. ” In the future, the popular skater wants to be the Michael Jordan (the best basketball player of the world )of her sport.根据短文的内容,选择最佳的答案。( )6. There are people in Kwan s family.A. 3 B. 4 C. 5 D. 6( )7. She s a half -Ch in ese because .A.her mum is Chin ese and her dad is America nB.her dad is Chin ese and her mum is

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