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1、中考冠词易错题汇编精选中考冠词易错题汇编一、单选题(共39小题)1A spaceship flies at about eleven kilometers _ second.A/ Bthe Ca Dan2_ India and China are of _ same continent.A/; the BThe ; theC/; / D/; a3The operation is _ success and the patient is now out of _ danger.Aa, the Ba, 不填C不填, the D不填,不填4Aa, a Ba, theC不填,不填 Da, 不填5How

2、 strange! These years my birthday always falls _.Aon the Sunday Bon a SundayCon Sunday Dat a Sunday6This is _ best kind of _ pen you can get here.Athe, the Bthe, aCthe, 不填 Da, the7Athe, a Bthe, 不填Ca, 不填 D不填, the8He spent too much time talking on _ phone while we were all busy at _ work.Athe, 不填 Ba,

3、不填C不填, 不填 Dthe, the9As _ unemployment is very high at the moment, its very difficult for people to find _ work.Athe, 不填 B不填,不填Cthe, a Dan, the10The education of _ young is always _ hot and serious topic.A不填, 不填 Bthe, aC不填, the Dthe, 不填11I often have conversations with John over _ telephone, while ke

4、ep in touch with Tom by _ letter.A不填;the B不填;aCthe;不填 Dthe; a12-John has put forward _ most challenging question for us to answer.-Yes, it really is. I have never heard _ harder one.Athe; 不填 B不填; theCthe; the Da; a13What about _ school? It is as good, as anybody can see, _ school as No 1 Middle Scho

5、ol Attached to Hunan Normal University.Aa; the Bthe; aCa; a Dthe; the14A不填, 不填 Bthe, 不填Cthe, the D不填, the15Charley Oakley, _ NBA All-star, hasnt missed _ game in the past three years. I can hardly believe it.Aan; the Ba; theCthe; a Dan; a16In the market, vegetables are sold by _ kilogram, I mean, by

6、 _ weight.Athe; 不填 B不填; 不填Cthe; the D不填;the17Many people agree that _ knowledge of English is a must in _ international trade today.Athe, an Ba, 不填Cthe, the D不填, the18The cakes are delicious. Id like to have _ third one as _ second one I ate was too small.Athe, the Ba, theCthe, a Da, a19_ England of

7、 those years was _ England in peace.A不填, 不填 BThe, anCThe, 不填 D不填, an20- Did you happen to see _ black and _ white cat?-Are they missing? I told you to take care of them.Aa; 不填 Bthe; 不填Cthe; the Da; the21This is _ story-book. It was written by Yang Hongying.AtheBaCan22Whos that girl?You mean _ one wi

8、th long blond hair? Thats Jacks daughter.Aa Ban Cthe D不填23Be careful ! There is _dog lying on the ground.Thanks a lot.Aa Ban Cthe D/24Victor can play _ piano. He can join the music club.AaBanCthe25There is no living thing on _moon.AtheBaC不填26_girl riding a bike is _university student.AA, an BThe, an

9、CA, the DThe, a27I want to have _ English pen pal.Aa Bthe Can D/28_15th International Film Festival will be held in Shanghai.AThe BAn CA D29_old man in _ brown coat over there is Mr. JacksonAAn, a BAn,theCThe,a DThe,the30It was _ cold winter night and the moon was shining brightly across _ night sky

10、.A不填;a Ba; theCthe; a Dthe; 不填31Marco Polo is said to have sailed on _ Pacific Ocean on his way to Java in I thirteenth century.Athe; a Ba; /C/; the Dthe; the32Four and_half hours of discussion took us up to midnight, and_ break for cheese, chocolate and tea with sugar.Aa; a Bthe; theC不填;the Da;不填33

11、They chose Tom to be _captain of the team because they knew he was _smart leader.Aa; the Bthe; theCthe; a Da; a34Its _ good feeling for people to admire the Shanghai World Expo that gives them _pleasure.A不填, a Ba, 不填Cthe, a Da, the35_ village where I was born has grown into _ town.AThe; a BA; theCTh

12、e; the DA; a36Life is like _ ocean; Only _strong-willed can reach the other shore.Aan; the Bthe; aCthe ;/ D/ ; a37The paper is due next month, and I am working seven days _ week, often long into_night.Aa; the Bthe; 不填Ca; a D不填;the38I cant tell you _ way to the Wilsons because we dont have_ Wilson he

13、re in the village.Athe; a Ba; /Ca; the Dthe ; /39If we sit near _ front of the bus, well have _ better view.A不填; the B不填;aCthe; a Dthe;the答案部分1.考点:冠词试题解析:second是序数词,前面应该用定冠词the修饰.但是句中second是“秒”的意思.故选C.答案:C 2.考点:冠词试题解析:句意:印度和中国在同一个大洲.一般的国家名称都不需要加定冠词the;在英语中要说“the same”故选A.答案:A 3.考点:冠词试题解析:success 在此指

14、成功的事,为可数名词;out of danger(脱离危险)为习语,其中不用冠词.答案:B 4.考点:冠词试题解析:其中的 failure 在此指失败的人,为可数名词.句意:作为一名作家,他彻底地失败.答案:A 5.考点:冠词试题解析:Sunday 前用不定冠词,表示某一个.答案:B 6.考点:冠词试题解析:kind of 后的名词通常不用冠词.答案:C 7.考点:冠词试题解析:“定冠词the名词单数”表示一类事物;另外in danger of 是短语,不用冠词.答案:B 8.考点:冠词试题解析:on the phone:在听电话,打电话.at work:在工作;上班.均为习语.答案:A 9.

15、考点:冠词试题解析:unemployment 和work 均为不可数名词,表示一般意义时其前不用冠词.答案:B 10.考点:冠词试题解析:“the+形容词”表示一类具有某种特征或特性的人时,通常表示复数意义,若用作主语,谓语要用复数.the young 意为年轻人;a topic:一个话题.故选B.答案:B 11.考点:冠词试题解析:over /on the telephone:通过电话; by telephone 则不用冠词,类似地,by letter(通过信件)也不用冠词.答案:C 12.考点:冠词试题解析:第一空后的most不是构成最高级,而是表示很、十分,故其前用a;第二空也填a.句意

16、:约翰提出了一个对于我们来说十分具有挑战的问题.是的,它真的是.我从未听到过一个更难的问题.答案:D 13.考点:冠词试题解析:第一空填the,表特指;第二空填a,表泛指.意为与湖南师大附中一样好的一所中学.答案:B 14.考点:冠词试题解析:s与years 均为复数名词表示泛指意思,其前不用冠词.答案:A 15.考点:冠词试题解析:NBA中的 N 读音为en,即前面一个音为元音,故填an不填a;第二空填a表泛指,泛指任何一场比赛.答案:D 16.考点:冠词试题解析:by+the+单数可数名词:表示以计时.如:by the week 按周,按星期;by+抽象名词;如:by volume 按体积

17、 / by weight 按重量.答案:A 17.考点:冠词试题解析:a knowledge of: 某一方面的知识;trade 为不可数名词,表示泛指时不用冠词.答案:B 18.考点:冠词试题解析:a+序数词+名词(或one):“一再”“又一”;the+序数词+名词(或one) 意味“第几个”故选B.答案:B 19.考点:冠词试题解析:此题第一空填定冠词,表特指,即指那时的英国;第二空填不定冠词,表示具有某种特征.答案:B 20.考点:冠词试题解析:根据Are they missing? 中的代词they 得知是两只猫而不是一只猫.故选C.答案:C 21.考点:冠词试题解析:a用在以辅音(指

18、辅音音素)开头的词前,an用在以元音(指元音音素)的词前.the表示特指.story是以辅音音素开头,故选B.答案:B 22.考点:冠词试题解析:the表示特指,指代“留着长发的那个女孩”.故选C.答案:C 23.考点:冠词试题解析:定冠词the用在名词前表特指,不定冠词用在名词前表一类,a用于辅音音素开头的词前,an用于元音音素开头的词前.句意:小心点!有一只狗正躺在地上.非常感谢.此处表示泛指,dog的第一个因素是辅音,故选A.答案:A 24.考点:冠词试题解析:a用在以辅音(指辅音音素)开头的词前,an用在以元音(指元音音素)的词前.the表示特指或者一些固定用法,比如用在乐器的前面,必

19、须用定冠词the. 故选C.答案:C 25.考点:冠词试题解析:世界上独一无二的事物前需要加定冠词the, 如the sun , the earth等.故选A.答案:A 26.考点:冠词试题解析:表示“特指”,填定冠词the;以辅音音素开头的词前用不定冠词a,故选D.答案:D 27.考点:冠词试题解析:表示“一”的概念可用不定冠词a或an, 而English 是以元音音素开头的单词,所以用an.故选C.答案:C 28.考点:冠词试题解析:定冠词the用在序数词前.句意:第十五届国际电影节将在上海被举办.答案:A 29.考点:冠词试题解析:名词man后面的介词短语提示man表示特指,用定冠词th

20、e; 第二空用a表示一件的衣服.答案:C 30.考点:冠词试题解析:a cold winter: 一个寒冷的冬夜;第二空“夜空”,指独一无二的事物用定冠词the.故选B.答案:B 31.考点:冠词试题解析:第一空指独一无二的事物用the;第二空为固定短语,表示在多少世纪“in the th century”,需加定冠词.故选D.答案:D 32.考点:冠词试题解析:第一空表示“四个半”:four and a half; a break:“休息一会儿”,故选A.答案:A 33.考点:冠词试题解析:captain队长后面有介词短语of the team修饰,表示特指.第二空后的可数名词leader前

21、面有形容词smart修饰,用a修饰表示泛指.故选C.答案:C 34.考点:冠词试题解析:a good feeling , 一种不错的感觉; pleasure是抽象名词, 无需冠词.故选B.答案:B 35.考点:冠词试题解析:vellage的后面有定语从句where I was born修饰,说明该词表示特指,故用the.第二空后的名词town是一个可数名词,使用a修饰,表示泛指.故选A.答案:A 36.考点:冠词试题解析:an修饰ocean泛指一个海洋.第二空后的strong-will是一个形容词,在形容词前面加上定冠词the表示“一类人”或者“一类事物”.The strong-willed指

22、意志坚定的人.故选A.答案:A 37.考点:冠词试题解析:a相当于per;per week每一个星期.第二空使用定冠词the,表示特指long into the night直到深夜.句意:这份论文应该下个月上交,我一个星期要工作七天,而且总是要熬到深夜.故选A.答案:A 38.考点:冠词试题解析:way有介词短语to the Wilsons 修饰,说明特指Wilson家的路.故用the表示特指.而第二空后的名词Wilson是一个人名,通常都是单独使用,但是本题中使用a修饰,泛指一个名叫Wilson的人.句意:我无法告诉你去Wilson家的路,因为在这个村子里没有一个名叫Wilson的人.故选A.答案:A 39.考点:冠词试题解析:句意应为 “如果我们坐在公共汽车的前部, 就会有更好的视野”表示 “某空间内部的前部”时, front前要加定冠词the; have a good view是习惯搭配, 表示 “视野开阔, 视野良好”之意;故选C.答案:C

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