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中央财经大学《国际商务谈判》复习提纲 复习重点.docx

1、中央财经大学国际商务谈判复习提纲 复习重点国际商务谈判复习提纲一、 选择题(25/10)1. Levels of Conflict:Intrapersonal or intrapsychic conflict.不是Interpersonal conflictIntragroup conflict.Intergroup conflict.2. Effective Conflict Management-The dual concerns model3. The Discipline of Discover ing the Other Partys Resistance Point The hig

2、her the other partys estimate of your cost of delay or impasse, the stronger the other partys resistance point will be. The higher the other partys estimate of his or her own cost of delay or impasse, the weaker the other partys resistance point will be. The less the other values an issue, the lower

3、 their resistance point will be.4. Which Commitment statement is better?A Commitment statement has three properties: a high degree of finality, a high degree of specificity, and a clear statement of consequence s.e.g. - The second is better. “We need a volume discount, or there will be trouble” “We

4、must have a 10 percent volume discount in the contract, or we will sign with an alternative supplier next month”5. Creating and Claiming Value and the Pareto Efficient Frontier那些点位于CLV?PEF?6. The Dual Concern Model as a Vehicle for Describing Negotiation Strategies7. Manageable and unmanageable ques

5、tionsManageable questions cause attention or prepare the other persons thinking for future questions (“May I ask you a question?”), get information (“How much will this cost?”) and generate thoughts (“Do you have any suggestion for improving this?”)Unmanageable questions give information (“Didnt you

6、 know that we couldnt afford this”), and bring the discussion to a false conclusion (“Dont you think we have talked about this enough?”) Unmanageable questions are likely to produce defensiveness and anger in the other party. Unmanageable questions are likely to make the other party feel uncomfortab

7、le and less willing to provide information in the future8. Categories of Third - Party Interve ntionautocracy mediation arbitration negotiation二、 填空题(17)1. Phases of Negotiation2. Types of third-party interventionThis is followed by an examination of the types of third-party intervention, with speci

8、al attention paid to three formal third-party roles: arbitration, mediation, and process consultation.三、 简答题(8 5)1. Explain the differences between Negotiation and Bargain?Be careful about how we use bargaining and and non-zero-sumrelationship between parties-cooperation and opp

9、ositionBargain belongs to Negotiation2. Characteristics of a Negotiation Situation There are two or more parties. There is a conflict of needs and desires between two or more parties. The parties negotiate by choice. When we negotiate we expect a “give and take ” process. The parties prefer to negot

10、iate and search for agreement. Successful negotiation involves the management of tangibles & also the resolution of intangibles. 3. How to acknowledge Two dilemmas in mutual adjustment.First, the dilemma of honesty, concerns how much of the truth to tell?Second, the dilemma of trust, how much should

11、 the negotiators believe what the other party tells them? 4. What are the kinds of Levels of Conflict? Does each one apply to the Negotiation? Intrapersonal or intrapsychic conflict. Want an ice cream which is very fatting Anger with a boss with afraid to express Interpersonal conflict. Between work

12、ers, spouses, siblings, roommates Intragroup conflict. Within families, classes, living units, and tribes Intergroup conflict. Between organizations, ethnic groups, warring nations, or feuding families.NO, the first level of conflict- Intrapersonal conflict - isnt the object negotiation concerns.5.

13、The Distributive Bargaining Situation Target point- Resistance point- Starting point- 6. What is the BATNA?BATNA, Best Alternative To a Negotiated Agreement, BATNAs - Best Alternative to a Negotiated Agreement. The availability of a BATNA offers a negotiator significant power because she now has a c

14、hoice between accepting the other partys proposal or the alternative deal. Negotiators can use the BATNA as leverage to strike a better agreement in the current discussion.7. The advantages and disadvantages of exaggerated opening offer.夸张的开场报价Advantages:It appears that first offers can anchor a neg

15、otiation. An exaggerated opening offer may be advantageous.Exaggerated opening offer brings much bigger subsequent concessions.Disadvantageous: it may be summarily rejected by the other party; it communicates an attitude of toughness that maybe harmful to long-term relationships. 8. Which Pattern of

16、 Concession Making is better? Why?谁的妥协过程更好?金额、次数First concession conveys a message, frequently a symbolic one to the other party that how you will proceed.Firmness may actually shorten negotiations, there is also the very real possibility, however, it will be reciprocated by the other.There are good

17、 reasons for adopting a flexible position.Parties feel better about a settlement when the negotiation involved a progression of concession.Size of concession Concession numberConcession price9. Hardball Tactics Good Cop / Bad CopAlthough the good cop/bad cop tactic can be somewhat transparent, it of

18、ten lead to concessions and negotiated agreements. Lowball/HighballStart with a ridiculously low (or high) opening offer that they know they will never achieve.The unions first offer was to request a 45 percent salary increase over three years with in neighboring universities had been 3 to 4 percent

19、.Risk: the other party will think negotiating is a waste of time and will stop negotiating. Bogey Negotiators pretend that an issue of little or no importance to them is quite important. Later in the negotiation, this issue can then be traded for major concessions on issues that are actually importa

20、nt to them. The Nibble Negotiators ask for a proportionally small concession on an item that hasnt been discussed previously in order to close the deal. Two ways to combat: (1) What else do you want? (2) Have your own nibbles prepared to offer in exchange. The Chicken Two people driving cars at each

21、 other or toward a cliff until one person swerves to avoid disaster. The person who serves is labeled a chicken, and the other person is treated like a hero. The weakness is that it turns negotiation into a serious game in which one or both parties find it difficult to distinguish reality from postu

22、red negotiation positions. Intimidation It attempts to force the other party to agree by means of an emotional ploy, usually anger or fear. Farmer workers ask for wages from employers. Aggressive Behavior “You can do better than that” Lets not waste any time. What is the most that you will pay? An e

23、xcellent response is to halt the negotiations in order to discuss the negotiation process itself. Snow Job It occurs when negotiators overwhelm the other party with so much information that he or she has trouble determining which facts are real or important, and which are include merely as distracti

24、ons. Government may use it when releasing information publicly. Use of highly technical language to hide a simple answer to a question asked by a non-export.10. Key Steps in the Integrative Negotiation (major steps in the integrative negotiation process). Identify and Define the Problem. Understand

25、the Problem Fully Identify Interests and Needs. Generate Alternative Solutions. Evaluate and Select Alternativesare creating value and theis claiming value.11. What are Interests? & Difference between Interests and Position.Interests are the underlying concerns, needs, desires, or fears that motivat

26、e a negotiator to take particular position.Positions are what a negotiator wants. A target point of $135,000 for a condo would be a position which is what the negotiator hopes to pay.Interests are why she wants them. The interest would be “to pay a fair market price, and one I can afford, for that t

27、wo bedroom condo”Asking “why” questions usually bring critical values, needs, or principles that we want to achieve in the negotiation to the surface12. Generate Alternative Solutions Expand the Pie Many negotiations began with a shortage of resource, and it is not possible for both sides to satisfy

28、 their interests or obtain their objectives under the current condition. A simple solution is to add resources. Both sides can achieve their objectives. This approach assumes that simply enlarging the resources will solve the problem. Logroll Successful logrolling requires the parties to find more t

29、han one issue in conflict and to have different priorities for those issues. The parties then agree to trade off among these issues so that one party achieves a highly preferred outcome on the first issue and the other person achieves a highly preferred outcome on the second issues. Example: Two par

30、tner of a company. Alice prefers downtown while Emma prefers suburb location. Alice prefers large office while Emma doesnt care much about it. The business could locate in the suburbs and give Alice the bigger office. Use Nonspecific Compensation Allow one person to obtain his objectives and pay off

31、 the other person. The pay off may be unrelated to the substantive negotiation. The party who receives it views it as adequate for agreeing to the other partys preference. The person doing the compensating needs to know what is valuable to the other person and how much compensation is needed to make her feel satisfied. This discovery process can turn into a distributive bargaining situation. Cut the cost for Compliance One party achieves her objectives and the others costs are minimized if she agrees to go along. Example: The business could lease in the suburbs and

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