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1、湖北省宜昌市中考英语试题含答案及详细答案解析湖北省宜昌市2018年中考英语试题(含答案及详细答案解析)本试卷共86小题,满分120分,考试时间120分钟。第一部分 听力(共三节,满分25分)第一节(共5小题,每小题1分,计5分)听对话选择图片:你将听到五段对话,请根据听到的内容选出五幅相关的图片。每段对话后你有5秒钟的答题时间。听一遍。第二节(共15小题,每小题1分,计15分)听对话或独白回答问题:你将听到几段材料,每段材料之后你将看到几个问题。请根据这些材料内容,选择能回答所提问题的最佳答案。每段材料之后你有5至10秒钟的答题时间。听两遍。请听第一段材料,回答第6至7小题。6. Hows t

2、he weather in London?A. Its cloudy B. Its sunny C. Its rainy7. What is Peter doing?A. Watching TV B. Looking after his sister. C. Doing some cooking请听第二段材料,回答第8至9小题。8. What did the girl collect for the sale? A. Toys B. Books C. Clothes9. When is the yard sale?A. On Friday B. On Saturday C. On Sunday

3、请听第三段材料,回答第10至11小题。10. What time will the movie begin?A. At 7:30 B. At 7:40 C. At 8:2011. How will they go to the cinema?A. On foot B. By bike. C. By car请听第四段材料,回答第12至14小题。12. What are the students wanted for?A. A talent show. B. The New Years party. C A drawing performance13. What can Bob do?A. Pla

4、y the drums. B. Play the piano. C. Play the violin14. What is Linda good at?A. Drawing B. Dancing C. Singing请听第五段材料,回答第15至17小题。15. What is the woman looking for?A. A supermarket B. A bookstore C. A new town16. What does she want to buy?A. Some milk B. Some fruit C. Some vegetables17. Where is the su

5、permarket?A. On Xinhua Street. B. At the traffic lights C. Next to a bookstore请听第六段材料,回答第18至20小题。18. What did the man do one day?A. He met his neighbor.B. He looked for a doorbellC. He tried to steal his neighbors bell19. Why did he hear nothing? A. Because he put some cotton in his ears B. Because

6、the bell didnt ring loudly C. Because he ran away quickly20. What happened to the man in the end? A. The man tried a third time B. The man was punished C. The man had another idea第三节(共5小题,每小题1分,计5分)听短文填写清楚:你将听到一段短文。请根据听到的短文内容完成表格中的有关信息。听完短文之后你有1分钟的答题时间。听两遍。Changers of My ClassmatesNameIn the pastNow

7、BillyHe was thin and 21 .His face always 22 when he talked to girls.He looks big and strong.He isnt afraid of giving 23 in front of the crowds.JessicaShe was a girl with short straight hair.She always got 24 on her exams.She has long curly hair.She dances well and is popular 25 .第二部分 语言知识运用(共三节,满分40

8、分)第一节(共15小题,每小题1分,计15分)单项选择:从下列各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选择一个可以填入空白处的最佳答案。26.-Johnny, its noisy outside. Go and see whats going on.-_. Im answering a call.A. Just a minute B. One more timeC. Lets go D. Thats fine27 -Who is the space scientist from Beijing?-The man_ while over there. Hes of medium height.A. w

9、ith B. in C .or D .for28.-It has been much easier for me to go to work_ shared bikes appeared.-But they also caused plenty of problems.A. since B. before C. unless D. though29.-Mum, Ive signed for a big box by Future Express(快递). What s in it?-Im not sure. It_ be a present from your brother.A. might

10、 B. must C. should D. will30.-Were you told _to arrive at the train station?.-Yes. The group leader said we would meet there at half past ten.A. how B. why C. when D. where31. -_ you _the Chinese Culture Festival in the Central Square?-Yes. It was really a great success.A. Areattending B. Willattend

11、 C. Doattend D. Didattend32.-It is reported that a kind of new smart phones can test the air quality(质量)around you.-_fast the technology develops!A. What B. What a C. How D. How aA. What33. -In the past five years, China has played an important role in the Belt and Road.-It has_ many nations a great

12、 chance to communicate.A. offered B. supported C. included D. directed34.-A research suggests that walking helps people live longer.- I quite agree, but it_ on when and how they walk.A. remains B. separates C. returns D. depends35. -How are you getting on with your cousin?-Very well. He is really _

13、and joins in all kinds of activities in his spare time.A polite B. strict C. active D. careful36.-Believe it or not, a pig from South Africa started painting several months ago. -Anything is _.A. lively B. possible C. valuable D. personal37. -The best _ to come to Yichang is spring.-I think so. The

14、green water and green mountains are unforgettableA. environment B. journey C. temperature D. season38. -Were not supposed to _ those who failed-No one can be a winner all the time.A. turn out B. laugh C. spread out D. share with39. -The population of the poor is getting smaller and smaller.-_ the go

15、vernment, their living conditions have improved.A. As for B. Thanks to C. As a result of D. Thanks for40.-Can you go to the opening ceremony of the Sports Center with me?-_. Ive been looking forward to itA. Im afraid B. Its a pity C. Take it easy D. Sure, Id love to第二节(共15小题,每小题1分,计15分)完形填空:先通读下面短文,

16、掌握其大意,然后从各小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。My father and I always had a bit of trouble in our relationship. Its not that we didnt love each other. Its just that we used to have ( 41 ) opinions. My dad is one of the most hard-working men I know, but I was a( 42 ). I played sports as a kid, but gave ( 43 )w

17、hen I was making progress. Then I showed an ( 44 ) in music. My father got excited and ( 45 )me a guitar when I was about eight. But I really didnt like it until I was a teenager. During those teen years, I got up my guitar and ( 46 ) playing along.Then I went to college. My father thought I should

18、focus more on my ( 47 ), while I thought I should have more fun playing music. I dreamed to be a musician. When I grew into a young man, I suddenly fell ( 48 )ill one day and it was discovered that I had a terrible kidney disease(肾病). I had to accept ( 49 ) all my life, or get a transplant(移植).I fel

19、t like there was a heavy ( 50 ) on my shoulders. Life became hard for me. But I was lucky enough because of my loving parents who ( 51 ) me and took care of me. While trying to ( 52 )just what to do with my life, my father got tested to se ( 53 )he was the right man to give me his kidney. I tried to

20、 refuse, but hed hear ( 54 ) of it. He saved my life at last.Two years ago, I made up a band. He had always wanted to play in a band, but ( 55 ) got the chance when he was young. It was one of the greatest gifts I could give to him.41. special B. different C. private D. necessary42. A. musician B. c

21、oach C. actor D. dreamer43. A. up B. out C. off D. away44. A. introduction B. influence C. increase D. interest45. A. expected B. threw C. bought D. praised46. A. began B. regretted C. finished D. meant47. A. hobbies B. studies C. skills D. choices48. A. similarly B. hardly C. seriously D. harmfully

22、49. A. agreements B. movement C. argument D. treatments50. A. weight B. disadvantage C. disbelief D. warning51. A. provided B. encouraged C. afforded D. managed52. A. decide B. behave C. build D. doubt53. A. how B. whether C. why D. what54. A. each B. all C. much D. none55. A. almost B. completely C

23、. never D. basically第三节(共10小题,每小题1分,计10分)综合填空:根据所给首字母、上下文或汉语提示完成空格中所缺单词,使短文完整通顺,语法正确。每空只能填一个词。A few years ago, I was eating dinner with my children before we went to a museum. We weretalking 56 (愉快地) when a man walked up to me and asked if I had a 57 dollars to give him. I replied that I didnt even

24、have one coin on me. Of course, my kids stood up and said: “Yes, you do, mommy.” I was a little embarrassed because I felt as if they 58 (抓住)me not telling the truth. Normally, I don t carry lots of money in my 59 . instead, I pay with my bank card every where I go.So I told the man I could u 60 my

25、bank card to buy him something to eat. His disappointing_61 (表情) quickly changed into a smile. Then I went to get him some kinds of food. He thanked me when I h 62 him a bag of food. After he left. I had a talk 63 my children: Usually, I dont always like giving money to everyone who asks for it. H 6

26、4 ,I am not against meeting the needs of others as I 65 as I have it. I felt good knowing that the man had a nice meal that evening.第三部分阅读与写作(共四节,满分55分)第一节(共10小题,每小题2分,计20分)阅读下面两篇短文,根据短文内容选择最佳答案。AIs there an important exam right around the comer? You might be starting to fear, thinking that there s

27、no way for you to get a good grade because of the little time left to study. This is something all students may worry about. But you should accept the fact that you have to take theexam no matter how much you want to avoid it.Thankfully, there are several ways to help you get at least a passing grad

28、e. You may have a try.Get yourself together.This might sound like silly advice, but its actually the most important. When you fear, you may lose control over your thoughts and actions Even if you try to study, perhaps you wont get anything in your head.Enjoy enough sleep.Its unbelievable many studen

29、ts have little sleep each night. Thats not something to be proud of, especially if youre sleeping so little and still failing to do all the things Sleep isnt for the weak, but for the wise. Your brain needs enough rest. After a good nights sleep, youll perform much better in the morning.Dont fear.On

30、ce the test paper is in front of you dont be afraid. Take a deep breath and start the exam with confidence(信心). Just like when you were reviewing, put away the problems youre having difficulty in and come back to them later. If you have time left, go over everything to make sure you havent made any careless mistakes.66. In the writers opinion, whenever theres an important exam,_.A. students might experience a period of fearB. students will have little time to worryC. students should try everything possible to avoid itD. students have to ask teachers for more help67. The write

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