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高一英语下Unit 15单元测试2.docx

1、高一英语下Unit 15单元测试2Unit 15 The necklace目标导引.单词及短语recognize, jewelry, continue, marry, worth, call on, at most, bring back, fall asleep, pay off, besides, try on.语法:情态动词(3) must, can/ could, may/ might的用法内容精讲.单词及短语精讲1. recognize v. (1)识别,认出 = know and remember sb.or sth. one has seen before,强调从外表上辨认出,指

2、一时性的动作。know是状态性动词,表示知道有这个人并认识他,在一定程度上还对他有所了解,指长久性的一种情况。e.g. I know him, but when I saw him last night, I could hardly recognize him.我认识他,但当我昨晚看到他时,我几乎认不出他了。I recognized his voice over the phone.我在电话里听出他的声音了。注意: 不能说I recognized him ten years ago.或I knew him ten years ago.而要说I got to know him ten year

3、s ago.我是十年前开始认识他的。(2)承认,认可 = accept as being lawful, real, or having valuee.g. They recognized the new government.他们承认了那个新政府。Thats a recognized method of teaching English.那是一种得到认可的英语教学法。(3)意识到,自认 = be ready/ prepared to admit,后接that从句。e.g. After the accident, he recognized that he was not fit for th

4、e work.事故发生后,他认识到不能胜任这项工作。I clearly recognized from that matter that he was far cleverer than I was.从那件事上我清楚地认识到他要比我聪明得多。2. jewelry,珠宝类,集合名词,不可数,作主语时谓语动词用单数。jewel,首饰,可数e.g. a piece of jewelry一件珠宝 some jewels几件珠宝We buy jewelry from a jewellers shop.我们在珠宝店买珠宝。The jewels were kept in the safe

5、.首饰在保险柜里。3. continue v.继续(1) continue to do sth./continue doing sth.e.g. They continued to walk/walking until they reached the town.他们不停地走,一直走到镇上。How long will you continue working/to work?你将继续工作多久?(2)continue with sth. = go on with sth.e.g. He continued with his story. 他继续讲故事。Although the students

6、listened attentively, she didnt continue with her explanation.尽管学生们注意地听,但她没有继续解释下去。(3)作不及物动词e.g. The hot weather continued for a month.炎热的天气持续了一个月。The noise continued until the teacher appeared.吵闹声一直持续到老师出现才停下来。(4)作系动词,相当于remaine.g. The whole class continued silent.全班继续保持沉默。The summer continued hot

7、and dry.这个夏天一直炎热干燥。4. marry v.与结婚,娶,嫁(1)作不及物动词e.g. The scientist didnt marry until forty.那位科学家到四十岁才结婚。He married young.他早婚。(2) 作及物动词,需要宾语 e.g. Alice married a Frenchman.爱丽丝嫁给了一个法国人。John is going to marry Helen.约翰要娶海伦。(3) marry和get married都是非延续性动词,强调动作,因此不能与表示一段时间的状语连用;表示结婚已有一段时间应该用be married强调状态。e.g

8、. Is Jack married?杰克结婚了吗?He got married to Mary last year.他去年和玛丽结婚。They have been married for ten years.他们结婚十年了。5. worth adj.值得,值(多少钱)(1) (be) worth + n./doing sth.e.g. The necklace is worth 300 dollars.这条项链值300美元。The museum is worth a visit/ visiting.那个博物馆值得一看。His suggestion is worth consideration/

9、 considering.他的建议值得考虑。Dont lock the door; it isnt worth it.别锁门了,不值得锁。注意:表示“很值得”时前面加well修饰。e.g.The article is well worth reading.那篇文章很值得一读。(2)worthless = valueless 毫无价值invaluable = priceless非常贵重,无价之宝比较:worthy adj.值得, (be) worthy of + n./ do/ being done, (be) worthy to/be done。e.g. The museum is worth

10、y of being visited/ to be visited.His suggestion is worthy of being considered/ to be considered.6. at (the) most最多,至多,反义词是 at (the) least至少,最少e.g. I can pay only 20 pounds at the most.我最多只能付20英镑。She is at most 30 years old.她最多30岁。The repairs will cost at least 100 dollars.修理费至少要100美元。This is worth

11、500 yuan at the least.这个至少500元。 7. come up with 提出e.g. For years he kept coming up with new and good ideas.几年来他不断地提出新的、好的想法。Scientists will have to come up with new methods of increasing the worlds food supply.科学家们将不得不提出新方法来增加世界的粮食供给。比较:come up to达到(愿望,标准等),赶(比)得上e.g. Your work doesnt come up to wha

12、t I expect of you.你的工作没有达到我的期望。His work didnt come up to that of his brother.他的工作赶不上他哥哥的。come up for参加(竞选)e.g. Mayor Jones comes up for election this fall.琼斯市长参加今年秋天的竞选。come up against遭到(困难,反对等),和相抵触e.g. Not for the first time she will come up against her husbands opinions.她将不止一次遭到丈夫的反对。.句子精讲8. The

13、three friends have gone to bed and are trying to fall asleep when suddenly三个朋友已经上床正要睡觉,这时候突然(1)fall系动词,后接形容词,表示从一种状态进入另一种状态。e.g. The child fell asleep in her mothers arms.孩子在妈妈怀里睡着了。He has fallen ill and is now in hospital.他病了,现在正在住院。Why did she suddenly fall silent at the meeting?她为什么在会上突然变得沉默了?We

14、have fallen short of oil.我们的油不够了。(2)asleep adj.睡着了,是表语形容词,只能作表语或宾语补足语。e.g. The baby is fast / sound asleep.= The baby is in deep sleep.婴儿正在熟睡。He fell/ dropped asleep as soon as he got into bed.他刚上床就睡着了。The teacher found Tom asleep in class and kept him behind after school.老师发现汤姆在课上睡着了,放学后把他留了下来。比较:s

15、leepy 困了,想睡了e.g. Im sleepy and Id like to go to bed.我想睡了,我得休息了。sleeping正在睡觉e.g. They woke up the sleeping girl and asked her where her parents were.他们叫醒那个正在睡觉的女孩,问她父母在哪里。9.But, just this once. After all, this ball is very important.不过,就只这一次。(1) just this once是个简单分句,其本身就是一个相对完整的语言单位。前文中也有类似的简单分句:Year

16、s of hard work, very little food, only a small cold room to live in and never a moments rest.这个简单分句是由四个名词词组构成的。(2) after all在句首,“要知道”“别忘了”,表示说话人对别人的态度,用来说服或提醒对方,引出听话人似乎忘记了某个重要的论点或理由。e.g. Mary didnt pass the exam, but after all she had done her best.玛丽考试没及格,但她毕竟努力了。I think we should let her go with h

17、er boy friend.After all, shes a big girl now.我觉得我们应该让她和她的男朋友一起去,毕竟她现在是个大姑娘了。Its not surprising youre tired.After all, you were up until twelve last night.感到疲劳并不奇怪,别忘了,你昨晚12点才睡。在句尾,“虽然有前面说过的话”“和预期的情况相反”,表示说话人意思的转折,意为“虽然,但毕竟”e.g. I did promise I would lend you money, but Im sorry I cant manage after a

18、ll.我确实答应过借给你钱,但实在对不起,我现在实在无能为力。I thought I was going to fail the exam, but I passed it after all.我原以为我会不及格,没想到我还是及格了。Although they met with difficulties, I hear that theyve succeeded after all.他们虽然遇到了困难,但我听说他们终究还是成功了。比较:in all总共e.g. How many people were there in all at the party?出席聚会的共有多少人?at all用于否

19、定句,“根本不”,加强语气。e.g. He wasnt at all tired.他根本不累。above all首先,最重要的e.g. A teacher, above all, should know how to deal with the problems taking place in class correctly.一个教师首先应知道怎样处理课堂上发生的问题。10. So I called on you and asked if I could borrow some jewellery.因此我去拜访了你,问问你是否能借给我一些珠宝。call on = call upon访问,看望,

20、拜访,常指正式的社交或业务往来。e.g. Last night I called on Mr. Black and had a long talk with him.昨晚我拜访了布莱克先生,并同他作了长时间的交谈。比较:call on sb.拜访某人call at +表示地方或场所的名词e.g. I called at Mr. Smiths yesterday.我昨天去了史密斯先生的家。He called at the doctors this afternoon.今天下午他去了医务所。11.You tried it on你戴上试了一下。try on试穿e.g. Try on the dres

21、s, and you will know if it fits you.试穿一下这条裙子,你就会知道它合不合适。Never buy shoes without trying them on first.鞋子不先试穿就不要买。比较:put on穿上e.g. She put on the skirt and looked more beautiful in it.她穿上裙子,显得更漂亮了。pull on匆匆忙忙地穿上e.g. He pulled on his overcoat and it seemed just to cover him like a blanket.他匆匆穿上大衣,就好像一条毯

22、子只是把他身体遮住。12.on的用法(1) it looked wonderful on you.(项链)戴在你身上真是太好看了。on介词,“附着在上”e.g. She had a red hat on her head.她的头上戴着一顶红帽子。Have you got a match on you?你身边带火柴了吗?He carried a heavy bag on his back.他背着一个沉重的背包。(2) Theres a light on in Dr. Bakers office.贝克医生的办公室里亮着灯。on在发生(或活动着),起着作用e.g. Whats on at that

23、theatre?剧场上演着什么戏?The battle against drought was on. 抗旱斗争在继续。Is there anything on tomorrow?明天有什么事吗?Is the water on yet? 自来水通了吗?13.Pierre and I did have a very good time at the ball. Pierre和我的确在舞会上玩得很好。did在此处是助动词,用来加强语气。助动词do, does, did可用于一般现在时和一般过去时的肯定陈述句中,强调谓语动词,后面用动词原形。翻译时应将其强调的意思表达出来。e.g. Do tell

24、me what happened.务必告诉我发生了什么事。I do think he is right.我确实认为他是对的。She does speak English very well.她的英语确实讲得不错。She did tell me that he would join us in the work.她真的告诉我他要参加我们的工作。14. Writing a simple play is not that difficult.写个简单的剧本不是那么难。that adv.那么,那样,这么,修饰形容词或副词,相当于so。e.g. But most of us arent all that

25、 good.但是我们大多数不是那么好。I didnt realize he was that ill.我没有意识到他病得这么厉害。How could she sing that well after only one lesson?只上了一节课她怎么能唱得那么好? .语法精讲15.情态动词must, can/ could, may/ might表示推测的用法(1)must表示“肯定”推测,只用于肯定句。e.g. You must be Dr. Wang.你肯定是王医生。(2)can表示“肯定不能”“能吗?”,用于表示语气很重的推测,只用于否定句,疑问句,不用于肯定句。e.g. You cant

26、 be Dr. Wang.你肯定不是王医生。Can you be Dr. Wang?你是王医生吗?(3)could是can的过去式,表示“可能”,用于肯定句、否定句、疑问句中。e.g.He said he could come.他说他可能来。(4)may表示“或许”,表推测的可能性是50%,只是一个猜测,用于肯定句、否定句中。注意may的否定形式是may not,无maynt形式。e.g.He may come or may not.他可能来也可能不来。(5)might是may的过去式,用于推测时,表示更没把握,可用于肯定句、否定句、疑问句中。(6)推测语气由弱到强的排列为:might may

27、 could muste.g.Look, someone is coming. What can it be?看,有人来了。那能是谁呢?It may be the headmaster.可能是校长。It cant be him. He has gone to Guangzhou.肯定不是他,他去广州了。It must be Mr. Zhang. He looks exactly like the headmaster. 那肯定是张老师,他看起来很像校长。(7)表示推测的词后跟三种形式来表示句子的时间概念,以must为例:must be adj./n.表示对现在的推测(动词为状态词);must

28、be doing表示对现在的推测(动词为行为动词);must have done表示对过去或已经完成动作的推测。在对这些表推测的句子进行反意疑问时,要用真实情况来进行反意疑问。e.g. He must be in the next room, isnt he?他肯定在隔壁房间,不是吗?(对现在的推测)He must be reading newspapers now, isnt he? 他现在肯定在读报,不是吗?(对现在的推测)It must have rained last night, didnt it? 昨天夜里肯定下雨了,不是吗?(对过去的推测)He must have finishe

29、d his homework, hasnt he? 他肯定是完成作业了,不是吗?(对已经完成动作的推测)(8)can(could) have done否定式表示对过去事情真实性表示不相信,用could have done显得语气更婉转,用于疑问句中表示惊奇和怀疑。e.g. He cant have gone home because I saw him on the playground just now. 他不可能回家了,因为我在操场上刚刚见过他。He could have arrived earlier.他本可以早一点到的。Where could he have gone?他可能到哪里去了

30、呢?(9)may(might) have done表示对过去的事情可能性的推测,might比may表示的可能性更小,或与实际情况相反,常有批评的意味,意为“本应该”e.g. Tom is playing in the garden. He may have finished his homework.汤姆在花园里玩,他可能已经完成了作业。You might have told him earlier. He is angry now.你本应该早点告诉他,现在他生气了。迁移发散16. besides, beside, except, except for区别(1) besides 介词,除了(指

31、同一类事物,后者包括在内),一般文中有more, other, another, else等词。e.g.He had other people to take care of besides me.除了我他还得要照顾别的人。What else has he done besides reading the paper?除了读报纸他还干了什么?副词,此外,除此之外e.g.Her intentions were good,besides, it was pleasant to be with her.她的意图是好的,此外,跟她在一起很快乐。(2)beside介词,在旁边e.g.He was sitting beside her.他坐在她旁边。(3)except介词,除去,除掉(指同一类事物,后者不包括在内) +名词/代词e.g. We go there every day except Sunday.除了周日,我们每天都去那里。 +介词短语e.g

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