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1、企业的英文口号企业的英文口号第一篇:企业的英文口号力争做中国行业优秀的留学公司 Be the top leader in the study abroad consulting industry.大干一年 大步前进 Work hard and progress fast.没有执行力就没有竞争力! Without execution, there is no competition.微笑挂在脸上,服务记在心里. Smiles are an expression of a spirit of service.把平凡的工作持续地做好就是不平凡。 Doing ordinary work persist

2、ently is extraordinary.用心做事才能把事情做好,认真做事才能把事情做对 Determination and dedication lead to success.会而有议,议而有决 ,决而有行,行而有果。 Discussion is the essential part of a meeting that concludes decisions, which shall be followed by execution.不要小看自己,人有无限可能。 Every inpidual is unique with infinite potential.你的自觉贡献,才有公司的辉

3、煌。 Your dedication contributes to the companys prosperity.每天进一步,踏上成功路。 A step forward everyday leads to success.和传统昨天告别,向规范未来迈进 Depart from the past and progress into the future.卓越领导 求新进取 高效实施 使命必达 Pre-eminent leadership innovative spirit mission-accomplish guarantee责任 协作 responsibility co-ordinatio

4、n efficient execution扭转习惯 严把内控 Stick to best practices Strengthen corporate governance服务业务一小步 业务前进一大步 Improvement in service drives business to grow.寻找和培养优秀人才是我们的使命 Seeking and nurturing talents is our mission.人才是企业成长的原动力 Manpower is a prime driver for the growth of an organization.节约用纸保护地球 Save pap

5、er and live a low carbon life.珍惜每一滴水 Make every drop of water count.随手关灯节约能源 Please switch off lights when leaving.下班勿忘关电源 节约用电好风尚 Please turn off power before heading home.主动干好每件事,高效干好每一时,快乐干好每一天。 Attention to every detail and efficiency in each hour are the key to a great working day.只有勇于承担责任的人,才有

6、承担更大责任的机会! The one who takes on more responsibilities has more advancement opportunities.第二篇:企业的英文口号企业的英文口号引导语:好的标语口号总能让人产生共鸣和动力。下面是本店铺为大家整理的关于企业的英文口号,希望大家喜欢!1. 人才是企业成长的原动力 Manpower is a prime driver for the growth of an organization.2. 责任 协作 responsibility coordination efficient execution3. 争做行业优秀的

7、留学公司 Be the top leader in the study abroad consulting industry.4. 你的自觉贡献,才有公司的辉煌。 Your dedication contributes to the companys prosperity5. 没有执行力就没有竞争力! Without execution, there is no competition.6. 微笑挂在脸上,服务记在心里. Smiles are an expression of a spirit of service.7. 把平凡的工作持续地做好就是不平凡。 Doing ordinary wor

8、k persistently is extraordinary.8. 每天进一步,踏上成功路。 A step forward everyday leads to success9. 和传统昨天告别,向规范未来迈进 Depart from the past and progress into the future10. 随手关灯节约能源 Please switch off lights when leaving.11. 下班勿忘关电源 节约用电好风尚 Please turn off power before heading home.12. 不要小看自己,人有无限可能。 Every indivi

9、dual is unique with infinite potential.13. 你的自觉贡献,才有公司的辉煌。 Your dedication contributes to the companys prosperity.14. 每天进一步,踏上成功路。 A step forward everyday leads to success.15. 和传统昨天告别,向规范未来迈进 Depart from the past and progress into the future.16. 主动干好每件事,高效干好每一时,快乐干好每一天。 Attention to every detail and

10、 efficiency in each hour are the key to a great working day.17. 用心做事才能把事情做好,认真做事才能把事情做对 Determination and dedication lead to success.18. 会而有议,议而有决 ,决而有行,行而有果。 Discussion is the essential part of a meeting that concludes decisions, which shall be followed by execution.19. 只有勇于承担责任的人,才有承担更大责任的机会! The

11、one who takes on more responsibilities has more advancement opportunities.20. 卓越领导 求新进取 高效实施 使命必达 Preeminentleadershipinnovativespirit missionaccomplish guarantee21. 扭转习惯 严把内控 Stick to best practices Strengthen corporate governance22. 服务业务一小步 业务前进一大步 Improvement in service drives business to grow.23

12、. 寻找和培养优秀人才是我们的使命 Seeking and nurturing talents is our mission.24.用心做事才能把事情做好,认真做事才能把事情做对 Determination and dedication lead to success.25.会而有议,议而有决 ,决而有行,行而有果。 Discussion is the essential part of a meeting that concludes decisions, which shall be followed by execution.26.只有勇于承担责任的人,才有承担更大责任的机会! The

13、one who takes on more responsibilities has more advancement opportunities.27.卓越领导 求新进取 高效实施 使命必达 Preeminentleadershipinnovativespirit missionaccomplish guarantee28.责任 协作 responsibility coordination efficient execution29.扭转习惯 严把内控 Stick to best practices Strengthen corporate governance30.服务业务一小步 业务前进

14、一大步 Improvement in service drives business to grow.31.寻找和培养优秀人才是我们的使命 Seeking and nurturing talents is our mission.32.人才是企业成长的原动力 Manpower is a prime driver for the growth of an organization.33.争做行业优秀的留学公司 Be the top leader in the study abroad consulting industry.34.大干一年 大步前进 Work hard and progress

15、fast.35.没有执行力就没有竞争力! Without execution, there is no competition.36.微笑挂在脸上,服务记在心里. Smiles are an expression of a spirit of service.37.把平凡的工作持续地做好就是不平凡。 Doing ordinary work persistently is extraordinary.38.节约用纸保护地球 Save paper and live a low carbon life.39.珍惜每一滴水 Make every drop of water count.40.随手关灯节

16、约能源 Please switch off lights when leaving.41.下班勿忘关电源 节约用电好风尚 Please turn off power before heading home.42.搬运寻找,尽量减少;movement and looking for things should be reduced to the minumum43.多余动作,劳而无获;no gain for unnecessary movements44.动作优化,有功无过;it is never wrong to optimize movements45.过量加工,费时费工;surplus p

17、rocess is a waste46.浪费,金钱去填;resources waste needs money to fill47.优化程序,省心省力;optimized procedure saves time and money48.一二三四,步调一致;one, two, three, four, keep the step along the goal49.大干一年 大步前进 Work hard and progress fast50.没有执行力就没有竞争力! Without execution, there is no competition51.微笑挂在脸上,服务记在心里 Smile

18、s are an expression of a spirit of service52.益从心开始,改善由我做起;ie is from the heart, improvement is from you53.下一道工序就是客户;the next position is your customer54.团队的效率才是真效率;team efficiency is the real efficiency第三篇:企业英文口号企业英文口号篇一:企业文化标语中英文标语:1、人资行政:耐心对待每一个问题,严肃对待每一项制度,细心对待每一件事情,爱心对待每一位同仁Every problem needs t

19、o be patient, every system be strict, everything be very careful, and every colleague needs caring with love敢为正直,勇于正气,坚持正义,倡导廉洁 Dare to integrity, encourage healthy trends, persist in justice, advocate incorruption 弄虚作假,心怀不轨,私利团体, 背叛公司Resort to deceit, cherish evil designs, self-interest groups, bet

20、ray ones company. 厕所侧墙:保护环境是每一个公民应尽的义务,请节约每一滴水,每一度电,每一张纸。Protecting the environment is the obligation of every citizen, please save every drop of water, each unit of electricity, every piece of paper. . .2、客服部饮水机两旁感到困难是能力不足,觉得麻烦是方法不对Feel difficulty because of incapability ,Feel trouble because of wr

21、ong way 认真做事,能把事做对。用心做事,才能把事做好Work seriously can do right things,Work diligently can do things well3、第二接待室墙上:创新是企业的生命之源,创新就是创造新的价值!Innovation is the sources of an enterprises life, Innovation is to create new value! 只有步入国际标准的轨道,才能步入无限延伸的空间!Only into the orbit of international standard, there will be

22、 infinite space! 考核目的是提升,考核来源是目标。目标导向!The purpose for assessment is to improve, the source is target. Target is guidance. 没有完美的个人,只有完美的团队!团队无敌!There is no perfect individual, only a perfect team! Team, the greatest Power!4、会议室会而必议,议而必决,决而必行,行而必果Necessary, execution, action and result 无事不学,无时不学,无处不学,

23、成功之道也Learning in any time at any places, it is way of success. 汇报工作说结果,请示工作说方案,总结工作说经验Report means a result, request means a solution, summary means the experience 学习改变观念,观念改变行动,行动改变命运An idea change from learning, action from an idea, fate from an action5、采购部供应商优化双赢、高效、廉洁合作Supplier optimization: coo

24、peration based on win-win, efficiency and sincerity 关注技术的改进与创新,促进采购成本的改善和绩效的提高To pay attention to technology improvement & innovation and facilitate to improve the cost and performance6、财务部真实性、可比性、准确性、及时性是财务分析的基本要求Basic requirement for analysis: authenticity, comparability, accuracy, timeliness 想当老好

25、人,不愿得罪人,实质上是滑头的人,无用的人Want to be a good man, not to offend people, is essentially a cunning man, useless people.7、市场部左右沟通求进步,上下沟通达共识,内外沟通做方案Communication between colleagues for improvement, between superior and subordinates for a consensus8、销售部用计划和行动管理,用事实和数据说话Management through a plan & action, spea

26、king with facts & data 二十一世纪唯一不变的就是变,创造变化,并带来绩效突破性的提高In 21 century, the only unchanging thing in the world is changing. Create change to bring the break through9、总经理办公室:抓住不落实的事+抓住不落实的人=落实Pending work + pending person = implementation 正确指导+强制执行=管理Correct guidance + enforcement = management10、东边楼梯:态度篇

27、只想到成功与失败而不要想到放弃,只为成功找方法,不为失败找理由,把平凡做到不平凡Only think of the success & failure, never giving up, only to find a way to succeed, no excuse in case of failure, extraordinary achievement comes from the ordinary work “不可能”只存在被淘汰人的字典里“Impossible” will be only in the dictionary of the eliminated individuals

28、社会充满着不公平现象,不要抱怨,抱怨自身的原因是努力还不够Do not complain as the society is full of injustice, your efforts is not enough when you complain. 当你陷入人为困境时,不要抱怨,你只能默默吸取教训,悄悄的振作起来。Do not complain when you get into trouble, you only can learn in silence and quietly cheer up.11、大餐厅:为人篇同心可以走得更远,同德才能走得更近More longer with o

29、ne-heart, more closer with same virtue 你把公司当成别人的公司,公司也会把你当成外面的人When you treat the enterprise as others, you will be also treated as the outsider 黄金定律:你希望别人如何对你,你就如何对人Golden rule: you hope to treat others as the way to you 白金定律:别人希望你如何对他,你就如何对他Platinum rule: others hope to treat you as the way to him

30、/her爱护公共设施,保持餐桌卫生Care of public facilities and maintain table clean12、技术中心: 分析测和试法规办公室:ISO9000:把要做的写下来,认真有效的完成,再把做好的写下来。持续不断的改进! ISO9000: write down the needs, complete seriously and effectively, and then write down what you have completed. Continuous improvement! 文件受控易管理,贯彻执行要落实It is easy to manage

31、 the controlled documents, but the implementation should be carried out. 研发大办公室:鹰一样的个人,雁一样的团队!要像老鹰一样看得远,不断激发自己的潜能;要像大雁一样的合作,才能飞得更高! Both individuals and team like eagle with far-sighted eye, and constantly stimulate its potential, the team work similar to eagle and will achieve good performance! 市场竞争不同情弱者,不创新突破只有出局The weak cannot be sympathized on market competitio

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