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1、新概念英语青少版1BUnit 16 On the London EyeDaisy: Oh, Jack! Isnt this fun? Can youbelieveit?Were alltogetheron the London Eye!Jack: Yes,honey. Isnt itgreat? Look, Claire!Thats the River Thames.Claire: Yes, Dad. Isnt itgrey?Daisy: Well, grey andsilver!Its beautiful. Look at all thebridges!Claire: Hey, Mom, I

2、 can see Tower Bridge.Its open!Jack: Is it really? Pass me thebinoculars!Jack: Can you see anyshipsthere?Claire: I can see one. Thereare someboats, too.Daisy: Look, Jack!Thats Westminster Bridge down there.There are somepeopleon the bridgeJack: There are some cars and buses, too.Claire: Hey, Dad! Th

3、ats Big Ben!Itstwelveoclock!Daisy: Ding-dong, ding-dong; Ding-dong, ding-dong!Oh, Jack! Isnt London just great?LondonEyepropern. 伦敦眼funn. 乐趣believev. 相信togetheradv. (manner)一起RiverThamesproper n. 泰晤士河bridgen.桥梁TowerBridgeproper n.塔桥reallyadv. (manner)真正地passv. (ditransitive)递给binocularspl. n.望远镜anyq

4、uantifier任何一个shipn. 轮船somequantifier一些WestminsterBridgeproper n. 威斯敏斯特桥downthereadv. (place)下面那里Big Benproper n. 大本钟itspossessive adj. 它的Unit 17 Smile, please!Flora:Watchthis, Lucy!I canbalanceon this ball! Can you do it?Lucy:I cantry.Lucy:Oh, yes!I can balance on a ball as well.Its easy! Look at us

5、, Vikki!Flora:Look at me now, Lucy!Im on my knees! Can you balance like this?Lucy:Yes, I can do that, too. Itsfun!Flora:Come on, Vikki!Can you balance on abigballlike us?Vikki:No, I cant.Youre both good atgymnastics,but Imuseless. I cant do it.Lucy:Never mind, Vikki!You can do Maths and Music and I

6、cant!Im useless at Maths.Flora:And you can take a photo of us!Come on! Take a photo on yourmobile.Vikki:OK.Ready? One, two, three!Smile, please!smilev. 微笑watchv. 看balancev. 保持平衡dov.做tryv. 尝试as welladv. ( focus)也easyadj.简单的,容易的ononeskneesadv. phrase跪着good atadj. + prep. 擅长gymnasticsn. 体操uselessadj.差劲

7、的,无能的Mathsproper n. (BrE., Math AmE.)数学Musicproper n.音乐takev. 照(相)takeaphotofixed phrase照相gymn.体育馆Unit 18 Men can cook, too! William: Lets cook dinner, Robert. You can help me. Give me some rice, please. Theres some rice in that jar. Put some water in the pan, and pass me a knife, please.Robert: Whi

8、ch one?William: That one on the table.。Robert: OK, Dad. Here it is.William: Chop two onions, please.Robert: OK, Dad. Chop two onionsWilliam: Is there a big spoon over there?Robert: Yes, Dad.William: Pass me the big spoon, please.Robert: I cant get a spoon and chop an onion, Dad!William: Youre right.

9、 What about some plates?Robert: Dad, there are some plates on the shelf. There are some knives, some forks and some spoons in the drawer. And my hands are wet.William: You see, Robert, men can cook, too. Perhaps we can open a restaurant!Robert: Oh, yeah!cook 做饭菜dinner helprice waterpan平底锅chop 切开onio

10、nspoongetforkdrawer 抽屉handwetopenrestaurantmustjug 罐子dryfoodsugarmilkUnit 19 You Must EatDAISY: What time is it? NINA: Its four Oclock DAISY: Four Oclock! Gee,Im hungry! NINA: I amtoo! DAISY: OKThank you,NinaWe can finish nowTheres some food on the table over thereLets eatNINA: Daisy, I can look, bu

11、t I cant eat. DAISY: Why not? Youre tired. Youre hungry. You can eat. Whats the problem? NINA: Food is the problem. DAISY: Come on,Nina! You must eat! There are lots of good things hereTheres some fish,and some salad And there are some hot dishes,too NINA: I can drink some water,but I mustnt eatI ca

12、nt eat and be beautiful DAISY: Nonsense,Nina! You are beautiful. NINA: Thank you, Daisy. Maybe I can eat a peach. DAISY: Maybe you can eat lots of peaches ! Now, honey, please help yourself!Unit 20:What a surprise KAREN:Hello,Linda! Nice to speak to you! How are you? And how is Ken? KAREN:Yes,Im ver

13、y busy, too.Its Lucys music lesson at half past six.Im sorry, but I cant talk now.KAREN:Come on,Lucy! Your music lesson is at half past six,and its a quarter to six now! Whats the problem?LUCY:I cant find my music book. KAREN:Oh dear! Im sorry,Linda.I must go! Can I call you at half past nine?LUCY:M

14、um! I must find my book!KAREN:Thanks,Linda.Bye! Now,Lucy,look in your schoolbag.LUCY:It isnt there.KAREN:Are you sure?LUCY:Yes,Mum.Look! Oh!Here it is!KAREN:What a surprise! Please hurry up,Lucy! Its six oclock.LUCY:Its OK,Mum. Im ready. Can we go now,please?Unit 21: Breakfast Blues Karen: Do you wa

15、nt any breakfast, Paul?Paul: Not really, but I must eat something. I mustnt train on an empty stomach. Have we got any orange juice?Karen: Yes, we have. Theres some in the fridge. How much juice do you want?Paul: Oh, just a small glass, please.Karen: Here you are. Do you want any coffee?Paul: No, th

16、anks. Have we got any tea?Karen: Yes, theres some tea in the pot. Help yourself.Karen: Poor Paul! Its a very early start!Paul: Tell me about it! I cant eat at six oclock in the morning.Karen: Ive got some yoghurt in the fridge. You can take it with you and have it at the gym.Paul: Thanks, Karen. Tha

17、ts nice. They havent got any yoghurt in the canteen at the academy. The food there is terrible.Unit 22: Watching the neighbours Polly: Theres Claire in Karens garden. Look, shes with Paul again. Polly: Has she got a lot of friends now, Annie?Annie: Well, shes very new here. And shes shy. Perhaps she

18、 hasnt got many friends.Polly: Well, there are lots of nice girls at the art college.Annie: And Paul has got a lot of friends. He can introduce her to them. Polly: Yes. Perhaps shes happy with Paul. He is a lovely young man.Annie: And theyre both very busy with their studies. They havent got a lot o

19、f spare time.Polly: Thats true. Pauls always busy. Now tell me about Claires mother.Unit 23: An Expensive Camera William: What kind of camera has Claire got, Jack?Jack: Let me think. Its a Japanese one. I cant remember the name. Oh, yes! I know! Its an Ixus, a Canon Ixus.William: Lucky Claire! Thats

20、 a very fine camera!Jack: Yes, it is. Its a very expensive camera, too, but Claire wants another one. William: Why? Doesnt she like that one?Jack: Well, she likes it, but she wants a new one. Its one of Daisys old cameras. Claire wants a new one for her birthday.William: She can give me the old one

21、at any time! Just bring it here.Unit24: A light dinner Karen: Claire, do you like fish?Claire: Yes, I love fish. I really like salmon!Karen: Good! Ive got a nice piece of salmon for dinner tonight.Karen: Do you like vegetables?Claire: Yes, I like vegetables, too.Karen: Ive got some new potatoes and

22、some saladTheres some lettuce and some cucumber. Is that OK?Claire: Thats fantastic, Karen! Its my favourite kind of food!Karen: Well, heres a bowl. You and Paul can pick some strawberries from the garden. Then we can have some fruit for dessert.Paul: This is great, Karen! A really healthy meat! But

23、 Im very hungry!Karen: Dont worry, Paul! Ive got lots of potatoes in the kitchen! And you can have some cream with your strawberries. Just pick them first!Unit 25: The weekend shopping Lucy: Mum, there isnt any sugar in the house.Karen: I know. I must go to the supermarket. Lets make a shopping list

24、Lucy: Ok. How much sugar do we need?Karen: Two bags. Lucy: Two bags of sugar. We need some tea, too, Mum. There isnt much tea in the tin. Karen: Lets get four packets. Lucy: Four packets of tea.What about food for the weekend, Mum?Karen: We need a loaf of bread, some meat for Sunday lunch, and some

25、vegetables, too. What vegetables do we want, Lucy? Lucy: One loaf of bread, a piece of meat, some vegetablesMum, these things are all really boring. What about some nice things for the weekend? Karen: What kind of things? Lucy: Well, chocolate,and icecream, perhaps Karen: Youre right. Lets get a box

26、 of chocolates. Some ice cream for you and the boys, and a bottle of wine for me and your father!Unit 26: A self-service restaurant Customer 1: Whats on the menu? Show me the menu, please.Waiter: Im sorry. There isnt a menu. You can see the food, and you help yourself.Customer 1:Thats vegetable soup

27、, isnt it?Waiter:Yes, thats right.Customer 1:Pass me a bowl of soup, please. Customer 2:And a bowl of salad for me, please.Waiter:One soup, one salad. Here you are.Customer 1:That looks nice. What is it?Waiter:Its meat and vegetables in tomato sauce.Customer 1:Give me one of those,please.Customer 2:

28、And a small piece of fish for me,please.Waiter:Please just take them. Here you are!Customer 1:Thank you, my dear.Thats fine!Customer 1:Can you bring us some coffee, please?Customer 2:And a jug of water, with two glasses?Waiter:Im sorry, ladies, but this is a self-service restaurant! You must help yo

29、urselves!Unit 27: Toothache William: Roberts not well, Karen! Whats the matter with him?Karen: Hes got toothache.William: Poor Robert ! He looks awful. Please call the dentist !Karen: Yes, yes, of course!Karen: Hello ? My names Karen Jenkins. We are Mr. Halls patients. Please can I make an appointme

30、nt for my son, Robert? Its an emergency. Karen: Yes, thats right. Robert Jenkins. Hes got terrible toothache. Yes, Thats today, with Mr. Hall. Thats at half past four this afternoon. Thank you very much.William: Poor Robert ! He looks miserable !Karen: You look miserable, too !William: I feel miserable .William: Oh, well, the appointments for today. Lets hope for the best. Karen: Poor Ro

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