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1、上海市杨浦区届九年级上学期期末教学质量调研英语试题PDF版杨浦区2018学年度笫一学期期宋质量调研初三英语*习卷2019.1(滿分150分.考试时问* 100分枓考生注惠:本卷有7大颶共W小题.试鹰均裹用遵M争.所衫务必按醜定在答題紙上完 A. #在试卷上不給分*Part 1 IJstenlng (第一部分听力I. Lblening Comprehension (折力襄解(兴30分)A.UMiMUhoo*MhfHKMPkh1re(W#体听到的内窑,迭出桕应的fi片)(6分)J. Lbltn lo (he diiliue and choose Ihc best answer to the que

2、stion you hear (根据你听到的对话和问 题,遶出最耠当的答窠)(8分)7. A) By bus. B)By fciT.X. A) Its raining hard. B) It1* pretty 9. A) Al 7:45. B)At 8:00.C) On fool. D) By underground,n. C) Its quite cold. D) It*s very windy.C)Ai8:15. D) At 8:45.B) Pick Amy up for dinner.0) Prepare dinner for Amy.11. A) In a rcslaurani. BJ

3、tna clothes shop. C) In a sports tenter. D)Ina bank.12. A) A rabbit B)Adog, C) A snake. D) A fish.13. A) Excited. B) Unhappy. C Bored. Surprised.14. A) The woman fell while jogging. B) The man broke ihc mobile phone.C) The mobile phone broke down. D) The mobile phones screen is broken.C Li,en,0,hf d

4、ia,0EUC Bnd U whehfr- “曲 suicmcnt, arc true rr.h( R下狀子 f 否符舍你听的对话内專,轉合的用-T”表示,不并合的用“r表示(6分)15. Sara wus supposed lo see u film with her frientk *rstrday.16. Sara went to the police station because she lad lust her purse.17. A man slopped Saraioasktlic way while she was crossing the street18. Saras p

5、urse was dIcq while she was shopping for a drew.19. The man wiih the keys stole Sara s purse.20. From Ihc dialogue we can icll its easy to抑 pick-pockctcd in the areaD. LbtHtothcpaiBeandcompMpfherollolnK witencw 太,宠成下灼内容.聲空格釅螵一51)(10)21. NaiK7 Drew wbs created at a time when girls luuj (ipw in I lura

6、iufe22. Nancy uses her wsoning and 一23. Nirncy Drew s cultural influence has afTecied girU far almost24. were affected by NancyMany successful women including judges In the USs 25. Nancy Drew was created as a in many books and jbe siartcd anew ircnd.Part 2 Phonetics, Grammar and vocabulary(第二部分语音、语法

7、和词汇)Q. Choose thebtst answer (选择最檢当的答案 (共16分2(. Which of the following words is promunted as /peil/?A) pole B) pill C) pearl DJpale27. Go to sleep early. Then you will be able to concentrate in claw lonwirvw.Aa B) an C)thc D);the end ofihe movie, Sherlock Holme A) In B) By CAtwho the killer was.D)To

8、.She finished it ail by .C)bcrs D) herself28.;*. revealed29. No one helped Lisa w iih lieA) she B)hcr30. is really mdclocul inline while other people are waiting iheir turn.A) One B) I*C| This D) TTuiFr example, public rest roomsA) save B)safc C) safely D)idy!.Thup DlfteT:.Dogs art good pets, I do n

9、ot like il when ihcy leave hair all overD)soA) or B)bm QaiKlJ. - How was the opening ctA) watchB)am waltlungC) waichcd:eremony of the Winter Olympics. it would be.D) mo excitingC) so cxciiina;D was watching36 1 this window J ihink if* sU*ck-A,Can, UliKcda!A)pro,ec, l*,pn, O、.38. He denied_ Uvw.kluh.

10、leh.s A)have H) to hive39糾咖 juck entered the room. I dninl reiogniw伽以 D)|0M, QKv of 如 infu 卟抑必 * - M,4bouPctbeKhW|wis foundDhadbiCTBotparem、cSrrocccil*Ho having somwhwA) find*41. Children are cot A) unless 42 Noi onlyA) be B) wn43. Youi Jog know* j Irt of tncks.Only about ten miiiulci- even- day,A)

11、How long B) Ho* ofkn44 - Black cals arc a symbol nrhnd luck in llic IJSB) found allowed into the B)solhafound_leyarewiih C)as soon ;C)i5D) ill though In favour of the jyslcm. 0)areWhyA) Yes. Ilufs why people diini like th C ) I know. Tlc re so daik ihai I can isee D) I agree.My package hasnt armed y

12、et. Whals taking M long-You jusi placed youf order Iasi night. _A) Watch out! B Be patient! C How lemblc D)Shui up!Complete (he follan ing pMMgc Mith the . m the boi. Each word or phruv on (待rw单阂咸涓麟入空格i Lhem pen Id (hem in am:OilB powertHfce *on| in ho- tach 1 壽谓只|C. *cfua|y 0 rexc 1he UMd#只|次)(共8分)

13、!. responsiblePur simply, Ai is ir technology, niiichi them to do. and Crti.Al is iniclliginic lhal is displaymachines were _ quitet Jl!edAI. or artificial ntciligcoMs. InliK benvofof ampuierbegan lu clumc skillsan they poiemial -1 u,nec lrIW9.twoAl programs. HiTonK.I 阶刊、_vt) Anneal1 pfograms. HiTec

14、h aW 的i musters in the uam,. 0fths 11Ihcnilul people began 10 die trueToday. Al can be ust-d alincur facirtcs. nl, pood example LeewayIhc iPhones digitalA. situaliuns B. opcraic C. amazing I), recentlyolher inldligciH pckoikiI assisiaais, like Google Miiart devices in your home. When it is given com

15、 will, to . 50 一 their home appliance% itrmcHdyIn late 2017. the world 51 when Sophi*.a human-like robot made ih; no by Hong Kongs Hanson Roboliev ihc ur deiinxjut failure io achieve kmg imm for yourbecome the u55. Huimci has ovcnakai Apf!r u56. visil lo the island wan a irip of57. Did you h

16、earihe actors aeveptunte38. They killed lour policemen while they were 59. Many villagers were injured in thetc w rruny peoplek ideas60. HKfilmisquitt 61 Tbev* have come up withr failure lo achieve kmg imn change (excuse) uorids largest umriphone maker. ( iuq)a lifetime and one we UKMuujJily enjoyed

17、 (u)(speak) a bank (robbery):wild fores! flic, (senvua)have trouble trying lo umlcrsiand iis mea必 to make ibe cvcnl fun onc ofthcif fc_E2i.(对趔线 分揀叩 WC make pcplc* faces look funny?enter our by force while we were away, (ff# 旬意基本不变) jur house whik we were away.lTajkeJ ihdcicviit.(儼#旬鬌塞*不受) at

18、ibe umiergrouod stationihroughouiNonh Amenta ou The detcciive asked66. T!ic sell this food in n Tliis food _naiaralfood61. Take waierwiih you f youre gog Never68 . skills.for* walkPart 3 Reading and Wriling (第三部分读写)KnowHack to rAf f uture Pan /, Steven Spielberg (19K9) When Msn and hU fnend iravd to

19、 Ihc lirture. ooc of amazins maduori Uiey find u flying can The cars Oy aioi mihcsky tKh ha%ry by Ph Spiclbcm (2002)Jcicciivc who can stof crimes befyre ihey Iwppni union fronj psychics, who can xt Ihe future I. iIk U% and bcn 1 will happen, but ihey Joo*iappeared in Minori/x Rrport is personalised

20、md Ihe fumie city there arc adcitisng billbujrds rxwri/c the dcopIc wllinttW. The hillboaaK.Whul kind A) Dftccliof stories sc siones.M) Science ficiioo. O ChildrenI) Myths nnd fables.A) People have already invented both iechnolo|ics in real life.B) They bolh appeared in the Hints directed by Steven

21、Spielberg.C) They bolh gave authors idem to vwitc exciting stories.D) They bolh appeared a the beginning of Ihc Iwcnliclh century. According lo ihe text, andmid w B) a y*um designed for mobile devices D)a robot who can Iftvc and be bvedD) Minonty Re pen rPartir.A) flyiajicais B) cash machines C) cyf

22、corl. Which oflhe following might be the Teview of iKe film Minority ReporffA) a person who can predict (he future C)b Kuimn wirha wbohe heart .Which film 咚 based on the comic A) Back to the Puiure C) Iron MnIhr ord or expr*kms and complete the paitafte (4鍁铪逢的单词戏短语宪A短文3. Choose llU2分)Wh_u make?; an

23、question if you walk orouiida cii. tnakes you focus on tlc imponani To Icam how to create vo posters t :cfTwiive?s wnhuur mc8c*d ui,h as few words a6 Your ch.,cc of fon. (the style of kttm), font sue (hnwbig or imall Ihc Idlcmaic) and font colour also play nn rde You 謂doislotext to what it

24、s about. TheIhc Ictlcrx arc) and loni cikur iilso piny i a diMonco to (keiile how youlo read, especially from80 . you have u uouuc Dow you rr going to (vganiic bxiTve go. A pwd byout helps people read, ihc *d quickly cflcciively. If ”ur poster is too buy. your mevtage will umply gc75. A) tuk B) infonralwn C) goalB) nvraonang Ct comparingB)hid

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