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牛津版九年级下册9BUnit3 Grammar 1.docx

1、牛津版九年级下册9BUnit3 Grammar 1课题9BUnit3 Grammar 1课型New主备人审核人班级姓名时间 周星期 总第 课时学习目标1 Using object clauses or object + object complement2 Using object clauses or question words + to infinitives学习重难点1 Using object clauses or objects + object complements2 Using object clauses or question words + to infinitives

2、教学补记学习方法Task-based approach, work in groups 活动一:自主先学(自学指导):自读课文并找出下列短语。1忙于各种家务活 _ 2服药 _ 3记忆力差 _ 活动二一、导入1.教师带领学生复习由that 引导的宾语从句。I do not think that he can pass the exam.2.教师呈现以下练习,让学生回忆所学知识,如:1) Justin will win the match.(We are sure)(We are sure that Justin will win the match.)2) His flat was in a c

3、omplete mess. (He would find)(He would find that his flat was in a complete mess.)二、呈现1. 教师告诉学生以上练习中的第二句在课文中有同义句,让学生找出并写在黑板上:He would find his flat was in a complete mess.2. 教师讲解该句中的his flat was in a complete mess为object + object complement,即“宾语+宾语补足语”结构3. 引导学生仔细阅读第42页A部分的语法规则和例句。告诉学生有时可以用“动词+宾语+宾语不

4、足语”来代替宾语从句,这类词有see、 find、 think、 consider、 feel等。 三、练习完成第42页的练习。四、呈现1教师说:A few weeks later,Mr Jiangs robot caught a virus and no longer worked properly. Did the robot know when to wake Mr Jiang up? 让学生根据课文内容回答,并将答案写在黑板上。教师继续提问:Did Mr Jiang know what to do with the robot.2教师继续板书 what 、which 、when 、wh

5、ere、 who 、how等词,告诉学生,这些词加上不定式可以放在某些动词如know、 remember、 forget、 decide等后面充当宾语,用来替换宾语从句。3 让学生尝试将黑板上的两句话改写为宾语从句,教师巡视,适时给予指导。(1 )The robot no longer knew when it should wake Mr Jiang up.(2 )Mr Jiang did not know what he should do with the robot.4引导学生仔细阅读第42页B部分的语法规则和例句。告诉学生,特殊疑问词与不定式连用是一种非常简单、不易出错的结构,不涉及

6、时态及语序。五、练习完成第43页的练习。检测促学词汇过关A根据中英文释义,写出句中所缺单词1.Food will be in the form of _(药丸) if we live on Mars.2. Its said a famous Korean film star will come to our town,but Im u_ about that.3.My grandma is about 80 years old,so she is (健忘的.4.The old lady broke her leg when she climbed the (楼梯).5.He found his

7、 flat was in a _ (完全的) mess.B.翻译下列短语1.太多的麻烦_ 2.忙于各种家务活_ 3.服用药丸_ 4.和新的一样好_ 5.在我的日常生活中_ 6 go on a business trip _ 自主反思课题9BUnit3 Grammar 2课型New主备人审核人班级姓名时间 周星期 总第 课时学习目标 Using adverbial clauses or to infinitives学习重难点Using adverbial clauses or to infinitives教学补记学习方法Task-based approach, work in groups 活动

8、一:自主先学(自学指导):自读课文并找出下列短语。1如此以至于 _ 2太而不能 _ 3做许多事情 _ 4以至于 _ 5 有更多空闲时间 _ 6为了 7锁门 _ 8上下楼梯 9为我买需要买的一切 10睡得更好 _ 11 在恰当的时间 12记忆力很差 活动二一 呈现1. 教师问:If you want to have more free time,what should you do?将学生的答案写在黑板上。如:We should finish our homework quickly.We should make good plans.2. 让学生试着将以上答案与in order to have

9、 more time 连接起来,写出新的句子,如:In order to have more free time,we should finish our homework quickly.In order to have more free time,we should make good plans.3. 向学生解释 in order to的意思是“为了”(with the purpose of),表示目的,可与目的状语从句互换,如:In order to have more free time,we should finish our homework quickly.(We shoul

10、d finish our homework quickly so that we can have more free time .)In order to have more free time,we should make good plans.( We should make good plans so that we can have more free time .)4让学生仔细阅读课本第44页C部分的语法规则和例句。向学生解释可以用动词不定式替换状语从句,如:用tooto 和enough to替换结果状语从句;用in order to替换目的状语从句。检测促学一、完成句子。1.请向

11、我解释一下你昨晚为什么没锁门。 Please explain to me_2.Jim 没有说我们下周是否举行足球比赛。Jim didnt say_.3.这个机器人足够聪明,能帮王先生做大量的事情。This robot is _ to help Mr Wang do a lot of things.二、用所给词的适当形式填空。1 What a high mountain!Im (sure)if I can get to the top.2 Tom,how (forget)you are!I found you left your key in the keyhole this morning.3

12、 Jim was seen (paint)in his bedroom just now.4 Can you tell me how (solve)the problem,Simon?- Sure.5 The robots are smart enough (help)me with my homework.6 Be careful! Dont run or push when you go up and down (stairs).7 It was nearly an hour before the sleeping (pill)worked.三、句型转换。1. The thing isnt

13、 easy enough for them to do.(改为复合句)The thing is so _ that they do it.2. Sorry,I dont know what to do next . (改为复合句)Sorry,I dont know what I_ _ next.3. I really dont know which apple I should take.(改为简单句)I really dont know which apple_ _ .4. Nick was so tired that he couldnt walk any further. ( 改为简单句

14、)Nick was _ _ _ any further.5 The young man is very strong and he can carry the big box.The young man is to carry the big box.自主反思课题9B Unit3 Task课型New主备人审核人班级姓名时间 周星期 总第 课时学习目标1 To read a questionnaire2 To complete a complaint letter with the information in the questionnaire学习重难点To complete a compla

15、int letter with the information in the questionnaire教学补记学习方法Task-based approach, work in groups 活动一:自主先学(自学指导):Read the text and find out the following phrases:1对感到满意 _ 2对不满 _ 3持续一个星期 _ 4最多 _ 5 达到标准 _ 6完全停止工作 7后悔做了某事 _ 8拿回我的钱 9接受我们的新产品 10让.试一试 _ 活动二一 教师拿出事先制作好的空白的调查问卷,让学生独立完成,通过调查可以了解学生心目中的理想机器人的详细情

16、况。每个问题请两到三位学生回答并让他们说说理由。 Your ideal robot1 How long should your robot work every day?a 8 hours b 12 hours c 24 hours2 The most important thing your robot should do is to .a help you with your homework b make your lunchc do the laundary3 How long should your robots batteries last?a 2 days b 1 week c

17、2 months4 How often should your robot need checking?a never b every 3 months c every 6 months二 P48 Part A学生根据问卷调查分别说出Daniel心目中的理想机器人的情况。三P48 Part B让学生完成Daniel的投诉信。学生完成后,教师请一名学生大声朗读这封信,全班核对答案。四P48 Part C让学生快速阅读课本P48 Part C的回信,并找出解决问题的两种方案。教师说:The robot shop sent a reply to Daniel. Read the reply quic

18、kly and find out the two ways to deal with Daniels problems.检测反馈一、根据汉语提示完成句子。1.The fire was _(完全地) put out shortly afterwards with the help of the firemen.2. A new _ (产品) must be tried out before it comes into use.3. I meant to help him .However, he didnt. _(接受) my offer.4. He made some mistakes in

19、his English test paper. His teacher was not very_(满意) with him.5.The meeting _ (持续) for two hours yesterday.二、用括号所给单词的适当形式填空。1.-What time do you expect her _ (arrive)?- At 7:00 a.m.2. It was very hard for me to make a (decide), but I decided to leave my jobs.3. Something was wrong with the computer.

20、 I had no (choose) but to wait.4. They are looking forward to (travel) to Australia5. My car doesnt work well. It needs (repair).6. Please remind me (hand) in my homework after class.7. Tom was noticed (pick) up the waste paper on the playground.8. I think it (comfort) to live in such a big house wi

21、th a swimming pool.9. This kind of machine is designed (help) the farmers harvest crops.10. A photo show (hold) at our school last week.三、翻译下列短语1对感到满意 _ 2对不满 _ 3持续一个星期 _ 4最多 _ 5 达到标准 _ 6完全停止工作 7后悔做了某事 _ 8拿回我的钱 9接受我们的新产品 10让.试一试 _ 自主反思课题9B Unit3 Revision课型Revision 主备人审核人班级姓名时间 周星期 总第 课时学习目标1 To revis

22、e the important words,phrases and sentences in this unit.2 To revise how to put compound sentences into simple sentences .3 To talk about the advantages and use of robots 学习重难点To revise the important words,phrases and sentences in this unit. 教学补记学习方法Task-based approach, work in groups 活动一:自主先学(自学指导)

23、:Dictate the following phrases:1帮我邮寄它 _ 2帮你邮寄这封信 _ 3向机器人商店投诉你 _ 4帮你处理作业 _ 5 探测太空 _ 6做危险工作 7帮助做家务 _ 8扑火 9从事高楼工作 10在某些方面 _ 11从机器人店订购一台 _12太忙没时间休息_ 13不再 _ 14杂乱不堪的 _ 15 下班回家 _ 16染上病毒 17把东西打翻 _ 18处理 19看起来简直是新的 20满足他的需要 _ 21忙于各种家务活 _ 22服药 _ 23记忆力差 _ 24如此以至于 _ 25太而不能 _ 26做许多事情 _ 27以至于 _ 28有更多空闲时间 _ 活动二一回忆课

24、本内容,回答下列问题1. How did the robot help Mr Jiang in the morning ?2. In the first few weeks,what did Mr Jiang think of the robot ?3. After a few comfortable weeks ,what happened to the robot ?二回忆课本内容 ,填写下列表格When Mr Jiang got home ,he would find his flat in a complete mess.What happened to the things in h

25、is flat ? Things Where they were foundFood Milk Coins ,bills and his private papers 一、词汇过关。A根据中英文释义,写出句中所缺单词1.I hope to have a _(机器人) in the future。2. He _ (mail a letter or package) the letter two weeks ago,but she hasnt received it yet.3. It can also help scientists _(探测) dangerous piaces like the

26、 sea and outer space.4.She wrote a letter to _(投诉) about the manager for the unfair treatment in the restaurant.5.My favourite TV programme is “Super _ (大脑)”.It is interesting.B.根据中文释义完成句子、1.请你把这个单词的意思再解释一下好吗?Would you please _?2.机器人能帮助科学家考察太空。Robot can _.3.Amy 在问机器人能干什么。Amy is asking _.二 单项选择( ) 1C

27、ould I borrow your dictionary? Yes, of course, you_.A could B will C can D should( ) 2 You must _ me the reason why you came so late this time. A pardon B excuse C explain D explain to( ) 3You have nothing_ your work. A complaining of B to complain C complaining D to complain about( ) 4 you say, I w

28、ont let you go.A when B.Where C.What D.Whatever ( )5 The Cleaners should not be locked down on and they are angels of the city _. A in some ways B all the way C on the way D by the way( ) 6 He was thinking _ his future would _. A.what; like Bwhat; be like;like; be like三 句型转换5. Robots can look after children.(改为被动语态)Children can _ by robots.6. My mother cooks us nice food every day.(改为同义句)My mother cooks _ _ _ _ every day.3I dont know when Ill post this letter for y

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