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1、上海市复旦大学附属中学第一学期高一上英语期中考试复旦大学附属中学2019学年第一学期高一年级英语期中考试试卷(考试时间:120分钟 满分:150)听力(略)I Grammar and VocabularyDirections: Beneath each of the following sentences there are four choices marked A, B, c and d choose the one answer that best completes the sentence.21.I have to leave now.Must you? I you could st

2、ay and have dinner with us.A. think B. thought C. have thought D. am thinking22. He then shut himself up in the room, nobody come near him, and got ready to work alone.A. letting B. to let C. let D. being let23. When Mohammed, a friend of mine from the Middle East, first went to the United Kingdom t

3、o attend the university,he _ with women in the same class beforeA. had never studied B. would never studyC. has never studied D. did not study24So far millions of pounds worth of damage _ by a storm which swept across the north of England last nightA. has been caused B. had been causedC. will be cau

4、sed D. will have been caused25Enjoy your time in the sun;it _ last long before the storm rolls inA. wont B. isnt C. didnt D. doesnt26By his very success,Webber _ that there is an eager,enthusiastic public that will support large-scale works of musical theatreA. will have been proven B. had provenC.

5、will have proven D. has proven27They brought about _ impossible-navigating a ship carrying human beings to the moon for a landing,and then backA. what was regarded B. what had been regardedC. what was thought D. what had been thought28Although there is more female participation in IT workforce,_ a s

6、ignificant imbalance of male and female senior positionsA. it remains B. there remainsC. there remaining Dthat remains29I _ to go to Hawaii today,but when the fortune-teller warned me not to travel,I postponed the tripA. was intending B. was intendedC. would intend D. had intended30I spite of growin

7、g popularity,he doesnt seem _ the public appearances that are requested of himA. that he enjoys B. enjoying C. to enjoy D. enjoy31Along with enthusiasm for composing music _ his devotion to cultivating young people passionate about musicA. come B. comes C. coming D. to come32The 1920s ushered in the

8、 era of the motor car,thus greatly _ the amount of time it took people to travel to workA. reduced B. being reduced C. to reduce D. reducing33The large orchestra was very _ by Arturo Toscanini,who received enthusiastic applause from the audienceThis was truly a concert _A. well conducted;to remember

9、 B. well conducting; rememberedC. well conducted;remembering D. well conducting; remembering34An overwhelming majority of people _ 91 percent-hold the opposite point of view that peace can only be achieved through dialogueA. surveyed B. surveying C. survey D. to survey35_ her job with little prospec

10、t of finding a new one,she came to the point where she could no longer afford_ her entire familyA. Lost;to be supported B. Having lost; to supportC. Lost;supporting D. Having lost; support36If any of the symptoms arises,its worth _ a change of consider B. of consideringC. considering D. bei

11、ng considered37How many species do you believe will be threatened with extinction when the reservoir is completed?I expect _ ten at leastA. there to be B. there beingC. there be D. there have been38_ her salary with that of her male partners,she found the unjust treatment toward female employees in

12、the companyACompared BHaving comparedCTo compare DHaving been compared39No matter how frequently _,the works of Beethoven always attract large audiencesA. performed B. performingC. to be performed D. being performed40You may be an inexperienced candidate,but none of that makes things worse than your

13、 walking into that interview room _ confidenceA. lacked B. lacking C. for lack of D. lacking of41With knowledge-based economy starting to _ and becoming a growing trend,new industries have kept emergingA. take shape B. take actionC. create civilization D. pay attention42He continued his writing unti

14、l 1990 when a worsening eye condition _ the end of his active careerA. signed B. signaled C. considered D. communicated43Over the years,Londons economy has changed from a manufacturing economy to one _ financial servicesA. cared for B. applied to C. preferred to D. based on44Tea contains a variety o

15、f substances beneficial to human health,but only in a dark,sealed box can it be well _A. advised B. balanced C. informed D. preserved45They lived in a backward part of the country,with no electricity,paved roads or easy _ to safe drinking waterA. lack B. guarantee C. remedy D. access46If applicants

16、do not meet these requirements they will not be _ to graduate school,even if they had excellent undergraduate grades and an impressive resumeA. permitted B. attracted C. suited D. admitted47The hotel boasts a lovely dining room _ the lake,where the view can truly be described as spectacularA. overlo

17、oked B. reflecting C. overlooking D. reflected48The painful experience left her emotionally drained,but she is not the sort of woman to be defeated by a of fateA. damage B. collapse C. twist D. share49The Colosseum _ for nearly 500 years with the last recorded games held there as late as the 6th cen

18、turyA. put into use B. remained in useC. went out of use D. made the use50We are trying to get people to like us and approve of us:Our greatest fear is of being _ and rejectedA. abandoned B. ruined C. reminded D. stressedSection BDirections:Fill in each blanks with a proper word chosen from the boxE

19、ach word can be used only onceNote that there is one word more than you needAconfusingly Brobbing Capply Dquickens Ebearable Ffear Gunderlying Htemporarily Iclaims Jbargain KoutcomesThe Danger of SharentingFor the vast majority of people,checking social media involves a mix of expectation and curios

20、ityThe app feeds on a collective 51 that we are missing out on something,whether its a fabulous party,a pop-up sale or the mere concept of vacationBut the same dynamic doesnt quite 52 to parents sharing pictures of their young children online. There certainly may be an element of proud boasting: “Ad

21、mire my little sons taste in jazz,” etc. But these carefully chosen photos often do little more than help parents escape from a harsh day _53_. The isolation of parenthood delivers one to strange places, and you need your tribe. Sharing images on social media makes the experience _54_, connecting on

22、e to a larger world.In his new book Why We Should Think Before We Talk About Our Kids Online, Leah Plunkett, a Harvard psychology professor, argues that “sharenting” happens when an adult transmits private details about a child via digital channels. It _55_ a childs entry into “digital life.” Studie

23、s estimate that by 2030 nearly two-thirds of identity-fraud cases affecting todays children will have been caused by sharenting.For Plunkett, there are a couple of reasons to be concerned about sharenting. On a philosophical level, sharenting exposes children to the larger digital world without thei

24、r permission, _56_ them of a kind of privacy. This feeds into Plunketts second, much broader concern. The _57_ problem with sharenting is the same with many adult-world privacy issues: the bargain we have made in exchange for these services is that we surrender our data and choose not to imagine the

25、 worst-case scenarios. Could things that parents post about children produce real-world _58_, in terms of bullying, professional reputation, or future prospects? Today, long before children take their first step, their digital data already travels to “thousands, likely tens of thousands, of human an

26、d machine users.” How long will it be until someone _59_ the power to predict who a child will become as an adult based on these data points?Plunketts concerns made parents reconsider their choices. In the end, Plunketts advice is to “make more mindful choices” about digital lives though parenthood

27、is often so _60_ vague that mindfulness seems impossible. Reading ComprehensionSection ADirections: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.The Last Robot-Proof Job in America?

28、You can get most food, such as warm cookies or vodka, to your doorstep in minutes. But try getting a red snapper (红鲷鱼). Until recently, if you could obtain it, it would likely have been pre-frozen and shipped in from overseas.A new tech startup is aiming to _61_ this situation. Based inside the Fult

29、on Fish Market, a seafood wholesale market, the startup, called FultonFishM, allows customers across the whole county, both restaurants and individuals, to buy from the market. The fish is shipped _62_, rather than frozen, thanks to an Amazon advanced logistics system. Mike Spindler, the companys C.

30、E.O., said recently, “I can get a fish to Warren Buffett, thats as fresh as if hed walked down to the pier (码头) and bought it that morning.”There is one thing, _63_, that the sophisticated logistics system cannot do: pick out a fish. If Warren Buffett orders a red snapper, the company needs to _64_ that his fish is actually red snapper, and not some other. According to the ocean-conservation organization, more than 20% of the seafood in restaurants and grocery stores in America is _65

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