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1、初二牛津版下册英语作文初二牛津版下册英语作文人 一( 请根据对姚明的了解写一个姚明的故事。内容包括: 1.出生于上海,身高2.26米。2 .他9岁开始打篮球,18岁进入国家队,22岁加入NBA打球。 3.爱好:玩电脑游戏。4.对人礼貌,友好,是青少年崇拜的对象,也是中国的骄傲。 Yaoming was born in Shanghai. He is 2.26 meters tall. He began to play basketball at the age of nine, When he was 18, he joined the national team to play basket

2、ball. A few years later, he went to play in the NBA in the USA. He likes playing computer games in his free time. He is friendly to people. Many teenagers admire him because he plays basketball well, I think he is our national pride. 二( 写一篇80词左右的短文,介绍一位你喜欢的成功人士。内容1.出生背景,爱好,他是怎样成功的 2.他的贡献 3.你对他的看法。 L

3、iuxiang(刘翔) is a great sportsman in China. He was born in July 1983 in Shanghai. He is good at sports.When he was a boy, He entered the Childrens sports School and received a lot of strict training under the coach Sunhaiping. He won the gold medal in the 110-meter 1 hurdles at eht 28th Athens Olympi

4、c Games. At the 29th Beijing Olympics, he had to give up the competition because of a pain on his foot. Although he couldnt get any medal for China at the 29th Beijing Olympics, I understand him and admire him. He is my hero. 物 三(介绍一部你看过的最喜欢的电影,80词左右。内容:1.电影名称,内容 2.关于什么 3.为什么喜欢 4.你的评论。 Last week I w

5、ent to see the film Snow White(白雪公主),with my little cousin. Its a very interesting cartoon film and it was made by Disney. The main character is a beautiful princess. Her evil stepmother envied her beauty and wanted to kill her. She was hidden in the forest but luckily got the helps of seven dwarfs.

6、 The story was so attractive that almost every child liked it very much., I have seen it many times and I really enjoy it. 四( 家庭生活: 描述一下自己的家庭生活,80词左右。 must finish my homework in time. Secondly, I can not play computer games , even in my free time or weekends. Thirdly, I have to do some housework, su

7、ch as making the bed and cleaning my room and so on. If I break the rules, I will be punished. But thanks to the rules, I can live a healthy and 2 regular life. I think the second rules is unfair to me. I hope sometimes I could be allowed to play computer games for a while, it will make me relax. 事

8、五( 写一件在学习中最满意或最成功的事。1.描述 2.原因 3.如何分享成功。 I was very happy that I won the first prize in the English competition and received an award. I could win the first prize because I love English very much. I enjoy reading books about English and often spend several hours reading, doing exercise . And I never

9、feel tired. After school, while other students are having fun outside, I am listening to the tape and practicing. I shared my feelings for English and the prize with my classmates. I take great pride in winning the prize. And it will encourage me to work harder in the future. 六(假设你学校暑假将组织一次走进美国家庭夏令营

10、,你想参加,请写一份申请。1.目的 2.你的兴趣,特长 3.你对美国文化的了解和希望住在什么样的美国家庭。 Dear Sir or Madam: I want to join the summer camp because it is a good way to improve my English and can help me three children. I am sure we will have a great time. Thank you Yours XXX 3 道理 七(如何学好英语。1.如何记单词,发音。2. 做笔记。 3.根据意思记忆。 4. 平时多做练习。 Many s

11、tudents think that leaning words by heart is very difficult though they are very important in learning English . Heres some advice . Remembering words needs skills and methods. Firstly, you should know the sounds of some letters and then divide a word into different small parts. It will be easier. T

12、aking notes and trying to put the words in an organized way are very useful. By the way, you can link the words with a passage. It will be very helpful. And of course, doing exercises as much as you can is very important. 八(怎样保持健康How to keep healthy. 1.饮食:多吃鲜蔬果;少吃糖类脂类;不吸烟喝酒少饮料。2.生活习惯:早睡早起,充足睡眠;坚持体育锻

13、炼。3.不要过度疲劳。 We all know that keeping healthy is very important to brains. Here are some advice for you. First, you should have a healthy diet. Eat enough fresh fruits and vegetables because they have all kinds of vitamins that you need every day. Stop eating too much food with lots of fat or sugar.

14、Dont smoke or drink too much. Second, youd better form some good habits, such as going to bed and getting up early . 4 Make sure that you have enough sleep every day. Whats more, you should keep on doing exercise, every day. And remember not to work too hard to make you too tired. 九(你的美国朋友将来广州,请介绍一下

15、广州。1.广州是个美丽的现代化城市,很多景点游玩去处。2.气候宜人 3.多文化城市,很多外国人居住。4.亚运会在广州举行。 Dear John:Thanks for you letter . IAnd the 2010Asian Games was held in Guangzhou. I hope you will enjoy yourself in Guangzhou. LoveXXX 篇二:牛津深圳版七年级下册英语作文汇总 1.请根据下列提示以My English teacher为题,写一篇介绍你的英语老师Linda的文章。60词以上。提示: 1(外表:长得很好看,高高瘦瘦的,一头乌黑发

16、亮的头发,脸上总是挂着微笑; 2(课堂:她的课堂很有趣,她总是开展各种各样的游戏。她还给我们讲笑话,逗我们笑; 3(与学生的关系:她对我们的学习要求很严格她总是很耐心很友善,在我们有困难的时候总是鼓励我们支持我们。 My English teacher Linda is my favorite teacher. She teaches us English. She looks very beautiful. She is tall and thin with long black hair. She always smiles at everyone. I like her classes

17、very much. 5 Her classes are very interesting because she often uses lots of games in her teaching. Besides, she often tells jokes to us and makes us laugh. She is very strict about our studies. She is also kind and patient. She always encourages us and gives us support when we are in trouble. So sh

18、e gets on well with us. I like Linda very much. 2.假如你是杂志社的一名主编,请根据下列提示以GuangZhou is calling为题写一篇文章 向旅游爱好者们介绍广州。60词以上。 提示:1. 广州的地理位置: 2. 广州的天气及交通: 3. 广州著名的旅游景点(介绍一至两个); 4. 广州的美食。 Guangzhou is calling Guangzhou lies in the south of China. It is never too hot or too cold in Guangzhou, so its comfortabl

19、e to live or travel in Guangzhou. You can go to any place by bus or by underground. Its very convenient to travel here. One of the most famous places in Guangzhou is Guangzhou Tower. It was built in the year 2010 for the Asian Games. Also you can climb Baiyun Mountain and enjoy the fresh air. During

20、 your visit to Guangzhou, dont forget to try some delicious food. 6 Guangzhou has something for everyone, so why not visit Guangzhou this year? 3. 每个人都有自己最喜欢的动物。假如你是Jill,现在正和你的朋友们谈论自己最喜欢的动物以及原因。下面表格中是你们谈论的内容,请以Our favorite animals为题,写一篇文章。60词以上,可以适当发挥。(文章开头已经给出,不计入总词数) Our favorite animals Everyone

21、has his/her favorite animal. Now my two friends and I are talking about our favorite animals. Lisa likes cats best. She thinks that they can catch mice and they look very lovely. Dogs are Erics favorite animals. He thinks that they can do lots of things for people and they are the most popular pets.

22、 As for me, I like horses best. Because they are good at running and they are very beautiful. 4.请你根据下面的内容提示,以The uses of trees为题,写一篇关于树的用途的文章。60词以上,可以适当发挥。(开头已经给出,不计入总词数) 提示: 1(树可以为我们提供很多有用的东西,如水果,药品,木材等; 2(树为人类提供氧气,净化空气,美化环境,有利于生7 态环境的保护; 3(树可以为动物和鸟类提供家园和足够的食物,保持生态平衡(the balance of nature); 4(树能够、防

23、止水土流失和减少土地变成沙漠 (desert)。 The uses of trees For humans, trees have a lot of uses. Trees can provide us with many things, such as fruit, medicine and wood. Trees can produce oxygen for people to breathe, keep air cool and clean. We can make our environment better by protecting trees. Trees are home to

24、 animals and birds and provide them with enough food. Trees can help keep the balance of nature. Trees can stop earth moving away with water and make less land become a desert. We cant imagine a world without trees. 5.下面是自制草莓酱(strawberry jam)的做法,请根据下列提示写一篇不少于60词的短文。提示: 1(买草莓,最好是自己刚摘的新鲜草莓; 2。把草莓洗干净;

25、3(在草莓里放糖: 4(加热大约半小时。 I like eating bread with strawberry jam very much but the strawberry jam is very expensive in the supermarket, so I 8 often make it by myself at home. Do you want to learn how to make it? Firstly, buy fresh strawberries. Youd better pick them on the farm by yourself. Secondly, t

26、ake the strawberries home and wash them clean. Thirdly, put some sugar in the strawberries. It can make the strawberry jam taste good. Fourthly, heat the strawberries with sugar for about half an hour. Now you can taste the delicious strawberry jam. 6.请你根据下面的内容提示,以How to save electricity at home为题,写

27、一篇关于节约用电的文章。60词以上,可以适当发挥。(文章开头已经给出,不计入总词数) 提示词:energy-saving lamp节能灯 candle蜡烛 How to save electricity at home Electricity is important to us and we should know how to save it at home. Here are some great tips for you. When using lights, try to use energy-saving lamps and its best to use more natural

28、 light in the day. Use candles instead of electric lights a few times a week. About water, heating water needs a lot of electricity. So use less hot water to wash things. Take a shower instead of taking a bath. Its best to take a cool shower in summer. About the air conditioner, close 9 doors and wi

29、ndows when using it. Dont set the temperature too low in summer or too high in winter. 7.假如你叫Susan, Molly审是你最尊敬的(respectful)人。请根据下面表格中有关她的介绍,以My most respectful person 为题,写一篇60词以上的文章,可以适当发挥。(文章开头已经给出,不计入总词数) My most respectful person Hi, my name is Susan. Aunt Molly is my most respectful person. She

30、 is thirty-five years old and she works as a teacher. She likes writing poems and she can write wonderful poems. She often teaches me how to write poems. She is interested in traveling too. She is beautiful and clever. And she is kind and often helps others in need. She hopes to visit China one day

31、because she wants to write poems about this great country. How wonderful Aunt Molly is! I love to stay with her. 8.假设你叫李燕,请根据表格所提供的信息,以My hobby为题写一篇关于爱好的短文. 要求语法正确,书写工整,60词以上.可以适当发挥. My hobby My name is Li Yan. My hobby is drawing. I like drawing because it can make me very happy. I began drawing th

32、ree 10 years ago. At that time I couldnt draw very well. With the teachers help, I can draw much better now. My classmates say that if I keep on drawing, I will make progress.I want to be an artist when I grow up. My teacher and my parents are happy to see my progress. I think drawing is the happiest thing to do in the world. I will work hard on it and never give up. 篇三:牛津深圳八年级下册-作文范文 范文:Voluntary Work I

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