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1、CSS控制最小宽度CSScontrolsminimumwidthCSS 控制最小宽度(CSS controls minimum width)CSS 控制最小宽度(CSS controls minimum width) CSS控制最小宽度(即与Mozilla Firefox都好使) 可以使用CSS属性:最小宽度。但是,即不认。谷歌找到一个文章,讲解了如何纯用CSS解决这个问题。方法是配合使用最小宽度和仅IE认的例子动态特性: 最小宽度:785px; 宽度:表达(document.body.clientwidth,800,”785px”:“100%”); 这个东西真的不错,我喜欢,哈哈 高度最小值

2、 箱 最小高度:100px;/ * * /高度最小值设置为:100px 高度:自动重要的;/ *兼容FF,IE7也支持重要的标签*/ 身高:100px;/ * * /兼容IE6 溢出:可见; DIV+CSS的30条进阶技能 许许多多的网页新手正徘徊在专业编码的门槛前,而网上的教程参差不齐,鱼龙混杂,很容易让新手迷茫。这里总结了30条网页编码的”秘技”,只要在编码过程中牢记它们,灵活运用,你一定会写出一手漂亮的代码,早日迈入专业开发者的行列。 1。一定要闭合标签 在以往的页面源代码里,经常看到这样的语句: 这里有些文字。 这里有些新文字。 你明白了吗,。 也许过去我们可以容忍这样的非闭合标签,但

3、在今天的标准来看,这是非常不可取的,是必须百分百避免的。一定要注意闭合你的标签,否则将无法通过验证,并且容易出现一些难以预见的问题。 最好使用这样的形式: 这里有些文字。 这里有些新文字。 你明白了吗,。 2。声明正确的文档类型(DOCTYPE) 笔者早先曾加入过许多CSS论坛,在那里,如果有用户遇到问题,我们会建议他首先做两件事: 1。验证CSS文件,解决所有可见的错误 2。加上文档类型DOCTYPE DOCTYPE html标签出现之前定义在,它告诉浏览器这个页面包含的是HTML、XHTML, 还是两者混合出现,这样浏览器才能正确的解析标记。 通常有四种文档类型可供选择: 关于该使用什么样

4、的文档类型声明,一直有不同的说法。通常认为使用最严格的声明是最佳选择,但研究表明,大部分浏览器会使用普通的方式解析这种声明,所以很多人选择使用HTML4.01标准。选择声明的底线是,它是不是真的适合你,所以你要综合考虑来选择适合你得项目的声明。 三.不要使用嵌入式CSS样式 当你在埋头写代码时,可能会经常顺手或偷懒的加上一点嵌入式CSS代码,就象这样: Oncoding coding camp It seems convenient and no problem at all, but it will cause problems in your code. When you start wr

5、iting code, its best to begin adding style code after the content structure is complete. This kind of coding is like guerrilla warfare. Its a very Shanzhai practice. - Chris Coyier Better yet, define this P style in the stylesheet file: #someElement P Color: red; 4. introduces all style sheet files

6、in the page head tag In theory, you can introduce CSS style sheets at any location, but the HTML specification is recommended in the head markup of the page, which speeds up the rendering of the page. In the development of YAHOO, we found that introducing stylesheets into head tags speeds up page lo

7、ading, Because this allows the page to be rendered gradually. - ySlow team My, Favorites, Kinds, of, Corn 5. introduce JavaScript files at the bottom of the page One principle to remember is to have the page appear in front of the user as fast as possible. When a script is loaded, the page will paus

8、e loading until the script is fully loaded. So it will waste more time on the user. If your JS file is just trying to implement certain functions (such as clicking on button events), then you can rest assured that it will be introduced at the bottom of the body, which is definitely the best way. Giv

9、e an example: And, now, you, know, my, favorite, kinds, of, , corn. 6. dont use embedded JavaScript, this is twenty-first Century! Many years ago, there was a way of adding JS code directly to the tag. Especially in simple photo albums. Essentially, a onclick event is attached to the tag, and its ef

10、fect is equivalent to some JS code. There is no need to discuss too much, and it should not be used in this way. You should transfer the code to an external JS file, and then use addEventListener / attachEvent to add time listeners. Or using jQuery and other frameworks, you need to use its clock met

11、hod. $(a#moreCornInfoLink).Click (function () ) Alert (Want to learn more about corn?); ); 7., development at any time for standard verification Many people dont really understand the meaning and value of standard verification. The author analyzes this problem in a blog. In a word, standard verifica

12、tion is for you, not for you. If youve just started working on Web pages, its highly recommended that you download this web development toolbar and use it at any time during coding, HTML standard verification and CSS standard verification. If you think CSS is a very good language, it will beat you u

13、p and down. Your sloppy code will make your page constantly, a Its loopholes appeared one after another., good method is: validation, verification, and validation. 8. download Firebug Firebug is well deserved web development best plug-in, it can not only debug JavaScript, It also lets you visually u

14、nderstand the properties and locations of page tags. Needless to say, Download it! 9. use Firebug! According to the authors observation, most users only use the Firebug 20% function, it is too wasteful, you might as well spend a few hours to systematically study this tool, I believe it will make you

15、 twice the result with half the effort. Firebug tutorial: Overview of Firebug Debug, Javascript, With, Firebug - video, tutorial 10. use lowercase Tags In theory, you can write markers like this: Here, s, an, interesting, fact, about, corn., Its better not to do that. Its no use trying to load large

16、r letters, and it makes the code ugly, and thats good: Here, s, an, interesting, fact, about, corn., 11. use the H1 - H6 tag I suggest you use them all six markers on the web, although most people will only use the first four, but most of the H has many advantages, such as friendly equipment, search

17、 engine friendly, you may wish to replace H6 P tags. 12. if its a blog, leave the H1 to the title of the article Today, I launched a discussion on Twitter: should I define the H1 on LOGO or define the title of the article? 80% of the people chose the latter. Of course, the specific how to use depend

18、s on your needs, but I suggest you in the establishment of blog when the article title as H1, which is very beneficial to search engine optimization (SEO). 13. download ySlow Over the past few years, YAHOOs team has done a lot of great work in the field of front-end development. Not long ago, they r

19、eleased a ySlow Firebug extension, it will analyze your web page, and returns a report card, a detailed analysis of the above aspects, the need to improve the place, though its a bit harsh, but it will definitely help you help, strongly recommended - ySlow! 14. use the UL list layout navigation menu

20、 Usually, the site has a navigation menu that you can define in this way: Home # About # Contact # If you want to write beautiful code, youd better not do that, Why use the UL layout navigation menu? Because UL was born to prepare lists Its better to define this: Home About Contact 15. learn how to

21、deal with IE IE has always been a nightmare for front end developers! If your CSS style sheet is basically set up, you can create a stylesheet for IE alone, and then it will only work for IE: The code means that if the user browser is IE6 and below, the code will work. If you want to include IE7 as

22、well, change the if LT IE 7 to if LTE IE 7. 16. use a good code editor Whether youre a Windows or a Mac user, there are many good editors for you to choose from: Mac user Coda Espresso TextMate Aptana DreamWeaver CS4 PC user InType E-Text Editor 记事本+ + Aptana Dreamweaver CS4 17。压缩前端代码 通过压缩CSS和JavaSc

23、ript代码,通常可以减小25%以上的文件体积,在某种情况下,这会大大减轻你的带宽压力,提高加载速度。 JavaScript压缩服务 JavaScript压缩机 JS压缩机 JS代码在线压缩(中文) CSS压缩服务 CSS优化 CSS压缩机 干净的CSS CSS代码在线压缩(中文) 18。缩减,缩减,缩减 回望我们大多数人写的第一个页面,一定会发现严重的“div癖”(divitis),通常初学者的本能就是把一个段落用div包起来,然后为了控制定位而套上更多的部-其实这是一种低效而有害的做法。 网页写完后,一定要多次回头检查,尽量的减少元素的数量。 能用UL布局的列表就不要用一个个的div去布局

24、。 正如写文章的关键是”缩减,缩减,缩减”一样,写页面也要遵循这个标准。 19。为所有的图片加上ALT属性 为图片加上ALT属性的好处是不言而喻的-这样可以让禁用图片或者使用特殊设备的用户无障碍得了解你的王爷信息,并且对图像搜索引擎友好。 Firefox不支持显示图像ALT属性,可以加入标题属性: 20。学会熬夜 我经常不知不觉的学习工作到凌晨,我认为这是个很好的状况。 我的”啊,哈”时间(“ah-ha”的时刻,指柳暗花明或豁然开朗的时刻)通常都发生在深夜,比如我彻底理解JavaScript的”闭包”概念,就是在这样一种情况下如果你还没有感受过这种奇妙的时刻,那就马上试试吧 21。查看源代码

25、没有什么比模仿你的偶像能让你更快的学习HTML。起初,我们都要甘做复印机,然后慢慢得发展自己的风格。研究你喜欢的网站页面代码,看看他们是怎么实现的。这是高手的必经之路,你一定要试一下。注意:只是学习和模仿他们的编码风格,而不是抄袭和照搬 留意网络上各种炫酷的JavaScript效果,如果看上去是使用了插件,那根据它源码中头标签内的文件名,就可以找到这个插件名称,然后就可以学习它据为己用。 22。为所有的元素定义样式 这一条在你制作其他公司企业网站时尤为必要。你自己不使用blockquote标记,那用户可能会用,你自己不使用OL,用户也可能会。花时间做一个页面,显示出UL,OL,P,h1-h6,

26、引用、等等元素的样式,检查一下是否有遗漏。 23。使用第三方服务 译者注:英文原文标题为”使用推特” 现在互联网上流行着许多可以免费加在网页中的API,这些工具非常强大它可以帮你实现许多巧妙的功能,更重要的是可以帮你宣传网站。 24。学习PS图象处理软件 PS图象处理软件是前端工程师的一个重要工具,和如果你已经熟练掌握HTML CSS,那不妨多学习一下photshop。 Psdtuts +上有许多英文的饰品教程:视频部分 L也有大量教程,不过要支付25美元美元 “你在PS图象处理软件“系列教程 花费几个小时的时间学习PS图象处理软件的快捷键操作 25. learn each HTML tag

27、Although some HTML tags are rarely used, you should still know them. For example, abbr, cite and so on, you must learn them for a rainy day. By the way, the two tabs above: Abbr: Represents an abbreviated form, such as Inc. and etc. By marking the abbreviation of words, you will be able to provide useful information for the browser, the spelling checker, translation system and search engine indexer. Url:Cite: A reference to a reference, such as a title of a book or magazine, that is usually contained in the text.

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