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2、。最后,祝大家早日学好英语,实现自己的理想。I wish you can speak good English! Thank you! Richard目录 第一篇 What are some of the steps.1第一句what are some of the step.2第二句 one step is to.5 第三句 living room curtains.6 第四句 bedrooms that usually.8 第五句 another is to make sure that.9 第六句 leave several 100W lights.10 第七句 lights that

3、turned on and off12 第八句 it is a good idea to.13 第九句 any type of speaking.15 第十句 finally, while away on holiday17 第十一句 particularly, make certain19 第十二句 thieves are especially quick to.23 第一篇作业.24第二篇 The reason why people dont set goals.26 第一句 the reason why people .27 第二句 one of the greatest tragedi

4、es.28 第三句 yet we find that.31 第四句 even if the goal is .34 第五句 children become so excited.35 第六句 they get the best grades.37 第七句 encourage your children to .38 第八句 anther reason why people.39 第九句 the fear of rejection.39 第十句 many people hold back from.41 第十一句 because each of us.43 第十二句 one of the fir

5、st things.44 第二篇作业.45第三篇 Thinking out of the box.46 第一句 thinking out of the box.47 第二句 human beings are 48 第三句 everything we are 48 第四句 if we want to improve .49 第五句 there is no other way49 第六句 youth and creativity.50 第七句 in one series of I.Q. tests.50 第八句 when the same children52 第九句 in the ensuing

6、 years.53 第十句 the dangers of conformity.54 第十一句 they had learned to .55 第十二句 over time, they lost .57 第十三句 aggressively seek new ideas.58 第十四句 most of us have had .58 第十五句 the “Not invented-here”59 第十六句 but fortunately.60 第十七句 action exercises.62 第十八句 there are two things.62 第十九句 first, imagine that

7、 .63 第二十句 second, imagine doing.65 第二十一句 allow your mind to float65 第三篇作业.66你是否因为长句看不懂而烦恼,你是否因为写句子写不出长句而觉得自己没水平?通过这套英语句子突破大法,让你了解长句的组成秘密,让你学会看长句,写长句的终极大法。我们先来看第一篇文章:第一篇What are some of the steps a person can take to prevent his house from being broken into while he is away? One step is to make sure

8、that the house seems a lived-in one. Living room curtains should be pulled down only half-way. Bedrooms that usually have the curtains pulled down at night should be left down. Another is to make sure that all outside locks are the dead-bolt type. Still another is to leave several 100W lights burnin

9、g and make sure that one is in the kitchen. Lights that turned on and off by themselves are the best. Then, too, it is a good idea to leave the radio turned on and set to a talking station. Any type of speaking makes a thief think twice before trying to enter. Finally, while away on holiday, make su

10、re that nothing collects in front or in the house. Particularly, make certain that the newspaper is stopped and that a trusted neighbour has been asked to pick up the mail. Thieves are especially quick to notice piled-up newspapers and overpiled mail boxes.我们很多人一开始觉得很难看懂,也很想看懂它。要看懂这篇文章,一条路是学大量的单词和语法

11、。另一条路,是一条简单的路,一条捷径。即使你是初学者,只要跟着我的脚步,一步一步,我将会带着你轻松愉快的看懂长长的复杂的英文句子,让你成为英语高手!让我们开始吧!(为了更好地让我们学习,我在翻译时多数情况下都是直译,追求简单易懂,就不再注重翻译出来的句子文采如何了)第一句:1. What are some of the steps a person can take to prevent his house from being broken into while he is away?这句话让初学者看起来,就算把不懂单词的都查出来,都看不懂句子的意思。下面,我们用新方法拆分法,来一一攻破这句

12、话。组成因子分析:1. take step. step是步骤的意思。take step意思就是采取一些方法步骤。take有很多种意思。take action 采取行动take a class 上课take a song 听一首歌 等于 listen to a song take dinner 吃晚饭 I want to take dinner at home. 我想在家吃晚饭。take step 再复杂一点变成 take a step 采取一个步骤 take some steps 采取一些步骤。变成复数。I will take a step to learn English. 我会采取一个步骤

13、学英语。I will take some steps to make money.我会采取一些步骤赚钱。take a step和take some steps在上面的句子中都可以调换用,只是意思有些不同,不用担心语法问题。2. some of the steps 跟some steps的区别. some of the steps意思是steps中的一些。跟some steps(一些步骤)不同。但区别不大。比如:some of you 你们中的一些。some of the students 学生们中的一些人。some of my friends 我朋友中的一些Some of you made l

14、ots of money.你们中的一些人赚了很多钱。Some of you made a lot of money.Some of the students past the exam.学生中的一些人通过了考试。I can take some of the steps to make money.我可以采取一些步骤去赚钱。也可以写成:(注意这里用了一般现在时)You make a lot of money. 你们赚了很多钱。(you 你,你们)Some students past the exam. 一些学生通过了考试。I can take some steps to make money.我

15、可以采取一些步骤去赚钱。3. What is a step to make money? 赚钱的一个步骤是什么?变成: What are some steps to make money?变成:What are some of the steps to make money?变成:What are some of the steps to ?在这个基础上插一个you can take(你可以做)变成:What are some of the steps you can take to? 你可以采取步骤中的一些去? 把you can take 变成:a person can take 你可以做

16、变成:一个人可以做 What are some of the steps a person can take to? What are some of the steps a person can take to learn good English?一个人可以采取什么方法学好英语?4. preventfrom 避免发生 prevent 避免 You need to prevent yourself from being hurt. 你要避免自己受到伤害。from是介词,后面的动词要加ing. be hurt 是被动语态。hurt是过去分词。所以就变得from being hurt.(语法稍微

17、了解就可以了,如果还不懂就不要专进去,以免影响学习情绪)You need to prevent yourself from being attacked. 你要避免自己受到攻击。句子再进化:Prevent your house from being broken into. 避免你的房子被(别人)闯入。break into 闯入。be broken into 被闯入。(被动语态break要用过去分词broken)变成:Prevent his house from being broken into.变成:Prevent his house from being broken into whil

18、e he is away.he is away 他离开了。away离开。Im away from home. 我离开家了。while 当时候。You came to my house while I was away. (过去式)你来到我家时我走开了。整句组合起来:What are some of the steps a person can take to prevent his house from being broken into while he is away?当离开家时,我们可以采取什么步骤去避免房子被闯入呢?What are some of the steps a person

19、 can take to prevent his house from being broken into while he is away?第二句:One step is to make sure that the house seems a lived-in one.组成因子分析:1. one step is to(一个方法是) 是回答what are some of the steps to?的句型。比如:What are some of the steps to learn English? One step is to read some books. 学英语有什么方法? 一个方法是

20、读些书。2. make sure (确保) 是一个词组。比如: Make sure finish your homework today. 确保今天完成你的作业。One step is to 跟 make sure 组合起来变成:One step is to make sure 一个方法是确保One step is to make sure that.多了一个that,是表明的意思,可加可不加。What are some of the steps to learn English?One step is to make sure that you take action now.一个方法是确保

21、你现在马上行动。3. the house seems (房子看起来好像) 比如:the house seems an apple. 房子看起来好像一个苹果。 a lived-in one 意思是:有人住组合起来:the house seems a lived-in one.房子看起来有人住。额外例子:It seems that you are right. 看起来你好像是对的。 He seems an honest man. 他看起来是个诚实的人。句子组合阶段:One step is to make sure that the house seems a lived-in one.一个方法是确保房子看起来有人。One step is to make sure that the house seems a lived-in one.

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