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本文(高中英语新高考英语作文逻辑得当思维丰富的重要性附写作实用短语词组.docx)为本站会员(b****6)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、高中英语新高考英语作文逻辑得当思维丰富的重要性附写作实用短语词组高中英语新高考-英语作文:逻辑得当,思维丰富的重要性(附:写作实用短语词组)引用下文的话:文章重在你的逻辑得当和思维的丰富性上。一篇文章纵然都是华丽的辞藻,却没有打动人的实质内容,也是枉然。漂亮的皮囊很多,但有趣的灵魂太少。作文题:请认真阅读下面有关公共图书馆的文字及相关图表,并按照要求用英语写一篇150词左右的文章。Libraries have always been at the heart of the communities they serve. They are accessible and safe spaces,

2、providing access to huge resources of information and knowledge. Libraries have played an important role in helping generations of immigrants, young people, job seekers and readers to learn, stay connected and get ahead in life. Offering access to books, newspapers and, later, computers, they opened

3、 up a world of knowledge and ideas for millions of people. The public library transcends national and cultural boundariesno matter where you are in the world, they are an essential part of creating and maintaining an educated and literate population.But today, public libraries are at a turning point

4、. The way we access and consume information has changed dramatically in the 21st century, and this presents major challenges and opportunities for public library systems across the world.The advent of new technologies has changed some of our reading habits. But our need for shared, community-centred

5、 spaces to find information and connect with others is unlikely to change any time soon.【写作内容】1. 用约30个单词概述上述信息的主要内容;2. 结合上述信息,简要分析公共图书馆仍受欢迎的主要原因;3. 就公共图书馆如何与时俱进,应对新挑战提出你的建议(不少于两点)。写作指导1. 用约30个单词概述上述信息的主要内容;首先看清要求:概述,不是描述图表内容。虽然这和高考看起来一样,但这有本质的不同。概述就不要描述具体数字变化了,只要趋势即可。其次,概括的三步骤:找(关键信息)、并(合并关键信息)、换(替换

6、文章中的一些原词)1.找提示:说明文和议论文要找每段的Topic sentence(主题句),主题句一般都在首句,或者在but等转折的后面。第一段:Libraries have always been at the heart of the communities they serve.第二段:But today, public libraries are at a turning point. The way we access and consume information has changed dramatically in the 21st century(之所以把第二句加上,因为t

7、urning point具体指什么在第二句里)第三段:But our need for shared, community-centred spaces to find information and connect with others is unlikely to change any time soon.图表:Libraries has seen an increasing number of readers, especially the young, in recent three years.2. 并:提示:并的过程中就是去掉重复或不影响主题的内容。Libraries have

8、always been at the heart of the communities they serve. But today, the way we access and consume information has changed. Even so, our need for libraries is unlikely to change soon. Libraries has seen an increasing number of readers, especially the young, in recent three years.3. 换:Libraries has see

9、n an increasing number of readers, especially the young, in recent three years. So they still play a key role though the way we access and consume information has changed. (32个字)比较一下范文:Though challenged by the development of new technologies and e-books, public libraries still play an important role

10、 in our life and appeal to increasing numbers of people, especially the young.评价:范文里加了the development of new technologies and e-books,但是文章里并没有,当然这可以说是自然拓展。我认为,概括还是要严格忠实于原文好,既然文章没有,我们就没有必要拓展,可以在第二个要点里作为原因来说明。2. 结合上述信息,简要分析公共图书馆仍受欢迎的主要原因;我的写法:(第一句下定义)A library is a place where people can expose themse

11、lves to most brilliant minds and gain whatever information they need without worrying about all kinds of annoying interruptions.(第二句,推进一层,其实就是说知识的重要性)It can also clean our souls and give us a new perspective of the outside world.(第三句,对比法,也是照应文章)While modern technology like e-books does facilitate re

12、ading efficiency for its convenience, libraries offer us a more real and pleasant experience and do good to eyesight.(第四句,从和谐的角度) Above all, libraries can increase social harmony. Just imagine family members, friends, or people from all walks of life can share silent and pleasant moments face to fac

13、e in their busy life.提示:第三句,实际上是2016年泰州高三期中检测试卷作文,谈谈电子书是否要取代纸质书。比较一下范文:There are several reasons accounting for libraries surviving the wave of digitalization. To begin with, public libraries are open to all, providing free access to the latest resources and technologies. Whats more, one of the draw

14、backs of the digital materials is that theyre not always trustworthy while public libraries can offer a large collection of reliable reference books. All these practical functions aside, we still need the physical space, where we can fully concentrate on our study without easily getting distracted.主

15、要学习文章思维展开:第一句:图书馆的好处接触最新资源和科技第二句:对比法说明图书馆资源的可靠性第三句:图书馆不容易分散注意力。我非常喜欢这段,觉得作者比我写得更胜一筹。这三点真值得我们牢记的,可以说,这也是科技的弊端,即:不可靠性、分散注意力。这样的话,我们再积累相关词块就有了语义场:providing free access to the latest resources and technologiesnot always trustworthywithout easily getting distracted总结:写作最重要的的是思维拓展,其法有三:1、话题思维所谓话题,也就是新课标的主

16、题,例如:人与自我、人与自然、人与社会。每个主题下还可以再分。图书馆首先是对个人有利,体现信息的获取上,当然你要说促进人品大爆发,我也没有意见的,关键你要把逻辑建立好;其次,图书馆也是人与人交往的地方,有多少爱情和友情不都是在图书馆里发生的吗?2、逻辑思维逻辑思维我总结为11种,读者可以参考我前面的文章,最常见的是:因果、对比、类比、下定义、递进、举例、让步、假设、指代重复。本文既然谈到电子书,那就必须用对比法了,当然脑子里必须有这样的储备:instead of, while。3、鸡汤文思维譬如图书馆,总是和知识相关,而知识一旦有了,必然会影响人的是世界观,你还可以说修养,就是上面说的人品各个

17、方面。有了思维,那么接着就是选词了。不过,我真觉得没有必要用高大上的词汇,建议考生用3500以内的,除非迫不得己才拿出你积累的四六级词汇。切记:文章重在你的逻辑得当和思维的丰富性上。一篇文章纵然都是华丽的辞藻,却没有打动人的实质内容,也是枉然。漂亮的皮囊很多,有趣的灵魂太少。积累词块,不要想着是单纯的词块,每个词块后面都是有一个逻辑思维,词汇决定思维。笔者下面给大家提供了有关知识的一些,请构建你的语义场吧。instillin sb向某人灌输adapt to sth适应have a grasp of(your strength)领会、掌握be of service to(the communit

18、y)对有用;为某人效劳draw on (experience, knowledge)吸取;利用on campus在学校里get sidetracked跑偏,分神in full bloom全盛时期,正在充分发展shift the emphasis from A to B转换重心从A到Bopen up job prospects打开职业前景a tough spot处境艰难rise above (challenges, obstacles)克服lag behind落后work toward a goal向着某个目标去努力infuse sb with sth向某人灌输(某种思想或态度)make or

19、break成败have a knack for = be suitable for在上有天赋miss out on错失,失去experiment and explore尝试run up against = bump up against(setback, difficulty, obstacle)碰到(困难)around the corner即将来临take initiative to(try, experiment)做某事积极主动instead of doing, sb end up doing 本想做,结果做了come in handy派得上用场,有用stem from来源于life go

20、al人生目标fail a test考试失败budget ones time计划、安排时间over-scheduled / over-scheduling区别同interested, interesting时间被排得满满的enroll in参加;选课make a good/bad start at 好的/坏的开始sleep deprivation睡眠不足,缺觉core subjects核心科目cultivate a (cultural, global) mindset培养某种心态motor skills动手能力a means of self-expression一种自我表现的形式the ease

21、 with掌握的容易程度give sb a break让某人休息一下slip up疏忽,出错,跌倒get/keep on trackon the right track保持正常运行走对了路,在正轨上get a glimpse into窥见,了解到comment on评价,评论require sb to do要求某人做某事chew on考虑steer away from(trouble)避开go out of ones way (to do)特地,不怕麻烦have no clue毫无头绪divide/distract ones attention分散某人的注意力repeat same mista

22、kes重蹈覆辙(fall / be stuck) in a rut千篇一律,一成不变,落入俗套a (small / large/significant) portion of一小/大重要部分transition periodmake the transition smoother过渡时期;更好地过渡cater to迎合;为服务knowledge base知识库take pride in引以为豪offer / show future promise前途有希望,有望成功have a say有话语权engage in从事、参加real-life application现实应用,真实生活中地运用imp

23、rove ones readiness for让某人为准备就绪,提升预备度hands-onadj.亲身实践的,亲自动手的awaken the desire唤醒欲望spark interests and passions激发兴趣slack on sth在方面懈怠、放松be involved in参与count on依靠,依赖do sb good为带来好处pave the way for为铺平道路be in the mood for有意做某事attend to照顾,照料end up doing / with以某个结局而告终notbut rather 不是而是tap into(potential)挖

24、掘、开发take risks冒险be strapped by被束缚underachievern.学习不好的人in a state of (dissatisfaction, emergency)在的状态下be concerned about担心independent and critical thinking独立思考和创造性思考analyzing skills and problem-solving ability分析和解决问题的能力communication and social skills提高人际交流技巧和社交技能self-cultivation自我修养提高an appreciation

25、of art and literature对文化和艺术的鉴赏practical and professional skills实用的职业技能improve career prospects有助于将来就业obtain knowledge and skills获得知识和技能become competitive in the job market在职场上有竞争力make contributions to social progress对社会进步做出贡献achieve life value实现人生价值heavy burden of study and lack of sleep and physica

26、l exercise学习负担重和缺乏睡眠和锻炼encourage students to think critically and independently鼓励学生批判地和独立地思考promote students physical, intellectual and emotional development促进学生地身体、智力和情感发展help foster in the young the morally sound values and outlook on the world and life帮助学生树立正确地价值观、世界观和人生观learn by rote死记硬背impart k

27、nowledge 传授知识cultivate judgments on培养对的判断力enrich our minds and clean our souls丰富思想和净化灵魂bring home to the public the significance of让人们意识到的重要性nurture more hobbies and attain more moral senses培养爱好和获取更多的品德absorb the essence and resist the dark side取其精华去其糟粕be a recipe for sth可能会造成某事(通常不好的事情)burn the mid

28、night oil挑灯夜战stepping stone垫脚石(即:能让人成功的方法sail through sth顺利通过follow in sbs footsteps效仿某人lay/place emphasis on sth强调某事,重视某事turn a blind eye to sth对视若无睹develop / acquire a taste for sth对某事产生了兴趣,开始喜欢某事fall short of (the standards)达不到(目的、期望、标准等)be a passport to (success, health)是获得(成功、健康)的通行证think outsi

29、de the box跳出限制,以新的眼光看问题light at the end of the tunnel局势转好或艰巨任务即将完成的迹象rise to the occasion / challenge成功应付困难;临危不乱cut yourself loose from sth摆脱的束缚/影响make sense of理解a good grasp of对很好的理解scrape through sth勉强通过(考试);勉强应付(困境)lead sb astray把某人引入歧途,误导某人poor behavior不良行为show respect to尊敬copy behavior模仿行为behave badly表现差receive a well-rounded education学习全面的知识lively and stimulating生动又新颖的improve motivation提高积极性facilitate (the development / cultivationof)有助于(的发展/培养pursue (a higher education, happiness)追寻,寻求give us a new perspective of the outside world给我们一个新的角度看世界arouse /kindleour thirst for knowledge引

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