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1、电汇申请书电汇申请书电汇申请书 编制 精选 申请书 审核 批准 生效日期 地址: 电话: 传真: 邮编: 电 电 汇 申 请 书 APPLICATION FOR TELEGRAPHIC REMITTANCE 请用正楷填写并在适当 方格内加上() 号 Please complete in BLOCK LETTERS and tick () the appropriate box ( 深色部份必须填写 Items in Bold are mandatory ) 汇款 货 币及金额 Remittance Currency & Amount 申请人姓名 Name of Applicant 收款

2、人银行之代理银行 Correspondent of Beneficiarys Bank (if applicable) 银行间之户口号码 Account No. with Correspondent Bank 收款人银行之名称及地址 Name and Address of the Beneficiarys Bank 城市 City 国家 Country 收款人银行之银行编号 Bank Code of Beneficiarys Bank (if available) 收款人之户口号码 Account No. of Beneficiary 收款人之名称 Name of Beneficiary 收款

3、人之地址 Address of Beneficiary 给收款人之附言 Details of Payment 给收款银行之附言 Message to Beneficiarys Bank 付款方式 Payment Method 电话 联络人 银行专用 For Bank Use Only 汇 汇 款 规 则 则 1. 星展银行 ( 香港) 有限公司 ( 以下简称 本行 ,表示包括其继承人和受让人) 倘因下列情形而引致之任何损失概不负责 (a) 款项交付或通知 延误,或, (b) 指令 、 通讯或其他文件在寄发或传送途中所发生之错误 、 残缺 、 遗漏 、 中断或延误 ( 除直接因本行或职员的疏忽或

4、诈骗所导致外) ,或, (c) 代理行或同业之行为,或, (d) 战争 、 检查 、 封锁 、 叛变 、 或骚乱 : 本地或外国政府或人仕或其行政机构 所施行之一切法律 、 规令 、 条例 、 管制,或, (e) 其他难以控制之事故, 假若情况总是本行需要付上责任( 本行或职员导致疏忽诈骗) ,该责任应根据所导致的损失,而涉及的款项不应超过该次汇款的金额 ( 以前一页所显示的金额为准)。 。本行并无责任保证此笔汇款之收取 , 所有风险须由申请人承担。 2. 有关此笔汇款之一切电文,本行可用显白言语,暗码,或密码或传真,电邮,或透过环球银行财务电讯协会或其他方法发出: 对於代理行或同业之一切错误

5、 、 疏忽或过失 , 本行概不负责。 3. 本行可提供申请人於本行记录的地址予收款人银行。申请人须确保其於本行记录的地址乃其最新地址,并应在其地址有任何更改的情况下立即以书面形式通知本行。所有源於本行未持有申请人最新个人资料而引致的後果概由申请人负责。 4. 申请人须小心查核其所填报之汇款指示,确保正确无误。汇款指示一经递交本行,将不得撤回或更改,并对申请人有约束力。此汇款如需改汇或退汇,申请人须亲自携同身份证明文件到本行办理,外国同业已支付之汇款均不可退汇:退汇须候本行接到外国同业通知证明汇款已取消及根据外国同业实际退回之款项照本行当日买入价折算退回申请人。 5. 所有因此笔汇款而引起之一切

6、费用与责任,概由申请人负担。 6. 申请人同意就此申请所有提供之资料或本行 ( 星展集团成员 ) 不时发出予客户的所有资料政策、通知及其他关於客户资料的通讯均适用。申请人可向本行各分行索取该等资料,或浏览相关银行网页。申请人同意所提供的所有资料,或得自其他来源、或得自申请人与本行或与任何其他星展集团公司之间的关系而获得的资料 (资料) 均受制於该等政策 / 或其他通讯 ( 包括不时发出之更改 )。申请人特此同意:(a) 本行可向其他组织、机构或人仕印证、提供或收集申请人的资料;(b) 本行可转移资料至香港特别行政区以外任何地区,包括新加坡;及 (c) 本行可将任何资料与申请人的资料比较,并利用

7、比较结果作任何用途,包括任何不利於申请人利益的用途。 7. 有关适用於申请人在本行开立的账户之有关条款及细则亦适用於本申请表上。 如本条款及细则的中英文本有任何歧异,概以英文本为准。 CONDITIONS OF REMITTANCE 1. DBS Bank (Hong Kong) Limited (“the Bank”, which expression shall include its successors and assigns) shall not be liable for (a) any loss or damage due to delay in payment, in givi

8、ng advice of payment, or, (b) (save if directly due to the negligence or fraud of the Bank or its staff) loss of items in transit or otherwise for any loss, mutilation, error, omission, interruption or delay in transmission or delivery of any instruction or communication, or, (c) the actions of our

9、correspondents, sub-agents, or other agency, or, (d) declared or undeclared war, censorship, insurrection, civil commotion, or any law, decree, regulation, control restriction or other act of a domestic or of foreign government or other persons or groups exercising governmental powers, whether de ju

10、re or de facto, or, (e) any act or event beyond its control, provided always that to the extent the Bank may be found liable due to the negligence or fraud of the Bank or its staff, that liability should be confined to the direct losses arising and shall in no event exceed the total amount of the re

11、mittance shown overleaf. The Bank assumes no further responsibility and gives no guarantee or assurance regarding the availability of or for the payment of the funds to the payee, all of which risks are assumed by the applicant. 2. The Bank may send any message in relation to this transfer in explic

12、it language, code, or cipher by facsimile, e-mail, SWIFT or other methods and shall not be liable for errors, neglects, or defaults of any correspondents, sub-agent, or other agency. 3. The Bank may provide the applicants address shown in its record to the beneficiarys bank. The applicant shall ensu

13、re that its /his/her address on the record of the Bank is up to date and shall immediately advise the Bank in writing of any change of address. The applicant accepts the sole responsibility for all the consequences of failing to ensure the Bank holds its/his/her up to date personal particulars. 4. A

14、ll payment instructions should be checked carefully by the applicant in each case. Once submitted, they are final and binding and cannot be varied or withdrawn. Any request for amendment or cancellation must be made in writing by the applicant in person upon production of proper identity documents a

15、nd is subject to the Banks discretion. No refunds shall be made by the Bank if payment of the transfer has been made by its foreign correspondent. Refund (if any) shall only be made after the Banks receipt of its foreign correspondent certifying that the transfer has been cancelled and the amount of

16、 the refund shall be the actual amount refunded from the Banks foreign correspondent calculated and at the Banks current buying rate for the currency of the remittance at the time of refund. 5. The Bank is entitled to reimbursement from the applicant for all expenses and liabilities of the Bank, its

17、 correspondents and agents. 6. The applicant agrees that the applicable Data Policies, notices and other communications to customers concerning their data from time to time issued by the Bank (a member of the DBS Group) shall apply. A copy is available on request at any Bank branch or from its websi

18、te The applicant agrees that all information in this application, or that is obtained from any other sources or that arises from the applicants relationship with the Bank or any other DBS Group company (“data”) will be subject to such policies / or other communications (as may be varied from time to

19、 time). The applicant agrees in particular that: (a) the Bank may verify, provide and collect information about the applicant from other organisations, institutions or other persons; (b) the Bank may transfer the data outside the Hong Kong SAR including to Singapore; and (c) the Bank may compare any

20、 data obtained with the applicants data, and use the results for taking of any actions including actions that may be adverse to the applicants interests (including declining this application). 7. The relevant terms and conditions applicable to my/our account(s) with the Bank should also apply to this application. If there is any inconsistency between the English and Chinese versions of these Terms and Conditions, the English version shall prevail.

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