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1、机械制造的论述 机械制造的论述【摘要】机械制造技术不仅是衡量一个国家科技发展水平的重要标志,也是国际间科技竞争的重点。本文对机械制造技术在我国及世界历史上的发展作了简要陈述,对先进机械制造技术的现状及技术特点进行概括介绍,并简述了未来机械制造技术的发展方向。 【关键词】机械制造简史 先进机械制造技术 发展现状 发展趋势 中国是世界上机械制造技术发展最早的国家之一。中国的机械制造技术历史悠久,成就辉煌,不仅对中国的社会经济发展起到了重要的促进作用,而且对世界技术文明的进步做出了重大贡献。传统机械制造方面,我国在很长一段时期内都领先于世界,到了近代特别是从18世纪初到19世纪40年代,由于诸多原因

2、,我国的机械行业发展停滞不前,这100多年的时间正是西方资产阶级政治革命和产业革命时期,机械制造技术飞速发展,远远超过了中国的水平,中国机械制造技术的水平与西方的差距急剧拉大,到十九世纪中期已经落后西方一百多年。 新中国建立后特别是近三十年来,机械制造技术发展速度很快,向机械产品大型化、精密化、自动化和成套化的趋势发展,在有些方面已经达到或超过了世界先进水平。wWW.11665.Com新中国机械制造技术的发展速度之快、水平之高是前所未有的。而且这一时期还没有结束,只要我们能够采取正确的方针、政策,用好科技发展规律并勇于创新,我国的机械制造技术还将向更高的水平发展,重新引领世界机械工业发展潮流。

3、 1.机械制造简史。石器时代人类制造和使用的各种石斧、石锤和木质、皮质的简单工具是后来出现的机械的先驱。 几千年前,人类创制了用于谷物脱壳和粉碎的臼和磨,用于提水的桔槔和辘轳,装有轮子的车,航行于江河的船及桨、橹、舵等。所用的动力由人力发展到畜力、风力和水力。所用材料由天然的石、木、土、皮革等发展到人造材料。最早的人造材料是陶瓷。制造陶瓷器皿的陶车,已是具有动力、传动和工作三个部分的完整机械。鼓风器对人类社会发展起了重要作用。强大的鼓风器使冶金炉获得足够高的炉温,得从矿石中炼取金属。西周时期,中国就已有了冶铸用的鼓风器。 17世纪以后,资本主义商品经济在英、法等国迅速发展,许多人致力于改进各产

4、业所需要的工作机械和研制新的动力。随着机械的改进,煤和金属矿石需求量的增加,只依靠人力和畜力已不能适应生产提高的要求,于是在18世纪初出现了纽科门的大气式蒸汽机,用以驱动矿井排水泵。1765年,瓦特发明了有分开凝汽器的蒸汽机,降低了燃料消耗率。1781年,瓦特又创制出提供回转动力的蒸汽机。 18世纪后期,蒸汽机的应用从采矿业推广到纺织、面粉和冶金等行业。制造机械的主要材料逐渐从木材改为金属。机械制造工业开始形成,并逐渐成为重要产业。机械工程从分散性的、主要依赖匠师个人才智和手艺的技艺发展成为有理论指导的、系统的和独立的工程技术。机械工程是促成1819世纪的工业革命和资本主义机械大生产的主要技术

5、因素。 19世纪末,电力供应系统和电动机开始发展和推广。20世纪初,电动机已在工业生产中取代了蒸汽机,成为驱动各种工作机械的基本动力。发电站初期应用蒸汽机为原动机;20世纪初,出现了高效率、高转速、大功率的汽轮机,也出现了适应各种水力资源的大、小功率的水轮机。19世纪后期发明的内燃机经过逐年改进,成为轻而小、效率高、易于操纵并可随时启动的原动机。内燃机最初用于驱动没有电力供应的陆上工作机械,以后又用于汽车、移动机械(如拖拉机、挖掘机械等)和轮船,20世纪中期开始用于铁路机车。内燃机和以后发明的燃气轮机和喷气发动机,还是飞机、航天器等成功发展的基础技术因素之一。 2.机械制造技术的发展。工业革命

6、以前,机械大都是由木工手工制成的木结构,金属(主要是钢和铁)仅用以制造仪器、钟表、锁、泵和木结构机械上的小型零件。金属加工主要靠机匠的精工细作以达到需要的精度。随着蒸汽机的广泛使用以及随之出现的矿山、冶金、轮船和机车等大型机械的发展,需要成形加工和切削加工的金属零件越来越多,所用金属材料由铜、铁发展到以钢为主。机械加工(包括铸造、锻压、焊接、热处理等技术及其设备以及切削加工技术和机床、刀具、量具等)迅速发展,从而保证了发展生产所需要的各种机械装备供应。 机械制造技术是研究产品设计、生产、加工制造、销售使用、维修服务乃至回收再生的整个过程的工程学科,是以提高质量、效益、竞争力为目标,包含物质流、

7、信息流和能量流的完整的系统工程。随着社会的发展,人们对产品的要求也发生了很大变化,要求品种要多样、更新要快捷、质量要高档、使用要方便、价格要合理、外形要美观、自动化程度要高、售后服务要好,要满足人们越来越高的要求,就必须采用先进的机械制造技术。 3.先进机械制造技术的特点。 3.1 面向工业应用的技术。先进制造技术并不限于制造过程本身,它涉及到产品从市场调研、产品开发及工艺设计、生产准备、加工制造、售后服务等产品寿命周期的所有内容,并将它们结合成一个有机的整体。先进制造技术的应用特别注意产生最好的实际效果,其目标是为了提高企业竞争和促进国家经济和综合实力的增长,目的是要提高制造业的综合经济效益

8、和社会效益。【 abstract 】 machinery manufacturing technology is not only a measure of a national science and technology development level of important symbol, is also the focus of international competition of science and technology. In this paper, the mechanical manufacturing technology in our country and

9、the development of world history, makes a brief statement on the present situation of the advanced mechanical manufacturing technology overview and technical features, and describes the future development direction of mechanical manufacturing technology. 【 key words 】 machinery manufacturing history

10、 of advanced manufacturing technology development status quo of the development trend of China is the worlds machinery manufacturing technology development is one of the earliest countries. Mechanical manufacturing technology in China has a long history and brilliant achievements, not only for China

11、s social and economic development plays an important role in promoting, but also for world technology made significant contributions to the progress of civilization. Traditional mechanical manufacturing, our country leads the world in a long period of time, recently especially from the early 18th ce

12、ntury until the 1840 s, due to many reasons, Chinas machinery industry development stagnation, which is more than 100 years of western bourgeois political revolution and industrial revolution, mechanical manufacturing technology rapid development, far exceeds the level of China, Chinas machinery man

13、ufacturing technology level gap widened sharply with the west, until the mid 19th century has been lagging behind western one hundred years. Especially in nearly 30 years after the founding of new China, mechanical manufacturing technology fast development, to large-scale mechanical products, motors

14、, automation and integration trend of development, in some areas has reached or exceeded the international advanced level. WWW.11665.Com, the new China the development of mechanical manufacturing technology fast, high level is unprecedented. And this period is not over yet, as long as we can take th

15、e correct principles and policies, with the law of development and innovation of science and technology, mechanical manufacturing technology in our country will develop to a higher level, to lead the world machinery industry development trend. 1. The machinery manufacturing history. Stone Age humans

16、 manufacture and use of all kinds of stone axes, stone hammer and wooden, cortex of simple tools are the pioneer for machinery to come. Thousands of years ago, human beings created for a mortar and grind grain hulling and milling, is used to carry water JieGao and windlass, equipped with wheels of t

17、he car, and navigating the river boats and OARS, oar and rudder, etc. The power used in human development to animal, wind and water. Materials from natural stone, wood, earth, leather and so on to artificial materials. The earliest artificial material is ceramic. Manufacturing ceramic ware pottery c

18、ar, has is to have power, transmission and the work of three part complete machinery. Blast has played an important role in the development of human society. Powerful blast to metallurgical furnace to get a high enough temperature, make metal from ore. Western zhou dynasty, China has had the metallu

19、rgy drum with the wind. After the 17th century, the capitalist commodity economy rapid development in Britain, France and other countries, many people devoted to the work necessary to improve the industry machinery and the development of new power. As mechanical improvements, increased demand for co

20、al and metal ore, only rely on manpower and animal power has not been able to meet the needs of production increase, so in the early 18th century appeared a atmospheric newcomens engine, used to drive the mine drainage pump. In 1765, watt invented the has a separate condenser of the steam engine, re

21、duce the fuel consumption rate. In 1781, watt and created a rotary engine steam engine. In the late 18th century, the application of the steam engine from mining to textile, flour, and metallurgical industries. The main material of manufacturing machinery gradually changed from wood to metal. Machin

22、ery manufacturing industry began to form, and gradually become an important industry. Mechanical engineering from the dispersion of the craftsman individual talents and skills, mainly depends on skill development as theoretical guidance, and independent of the engineering of the system. Mechanical e

23、ngineering is 18 19 century industrial revolution and capitalist machinery and the main technological factors of mass production. The end of the 19th century, power supply system and motor start to development and promotion. At the beginning of the 20th century, the motor has been replaced the steam

24、 engine in the industrial production, become the basic power driven machinery of all kinds of work. Power station early application of the steam engine as the prime mover; Appears at the beginning of the 20th century, the high efficiency, high speed, large power steam turbine, adapt to all kinds of

25、water resources has also appeared in the large and small power of the turbine. During the late 19th century invention of the internal combustion engine through improved year by year, become light and small, high efficiency, easy to manipulate and prime mover can start at any time. Internal combustio

26、n engine work at first there was no power supply of the land used to drive machinery, after used for automobile, mobile machinery (e.g., tractors, mining machinery, etc.) and ships, the middle of the 20th century began to used in railway locomotive. Invented after internal combustion engine and gas

27、turbines and jet engines, and aircraft and spacecraft technology is the basis of the successful development of one of the factors. 2. The development of mechanical manufacturing technology. Before the industrial revolution, machinery is mostly made of woodworking craft wood, metal (mainly iron and s

28、teel) to manufacture only instruments, clocks and watches, lock, pump and on the small wood mechanical parts. Metal processing is mainly by the engineman seiko spy in order to achieve required accuracy. With the wide use of the steam engine and the resulting mining, metallurgy, ship and the developm

29、ent of locomotives and other large machinery, need more and more metal parts forming and machining, metal material used by the copper, iron to steel primarily. Mechanical processing (including casting, forging, welding, heat treatment technology and its equipment and processing technology and machin

30、e tools, cutting tools, measuring tool, etc.) is developing rapidly, and the development of various kinds of machinery and equipment needed for production supplies. Mechanical manufacturing technology is the study of product design, production, processing and manufacturing, sales, use, maintenance,

31、service and even the whole process of recycling engineering discipline, is to enhance the quality, efficiency, competitiveness as the goal, including material flow, information flow and energy flow of the complete system engineering. Along with the development of the society, people demand for produ

32、cts has also changed a lot, requires multiple varieties, update is faster, to high-grade quality, use more convenient, price is reasonable, beautiful appearance wants, higher degree of automation, better after-sales service, to meet the requirements of people more and more high, it must adopt the ad

33、vanced mechanical manufacturing technology. 3. The characteristics of the advanced mechanical manufacturing technology. 3.1 technology for industrial applications. Advanced manufacturing technology is not limited to manufacturing process itself, it involves products from market research, product development and process design, production preparation, proces

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