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1、关于draw的10个习语关于draw的10个习语关于draw的10个习语,你都知道了么?今天小编给大家带来了美国习语 ,希望能够帮助到大家,下面小编就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。关于draw的10个习语1. draw a blank = not know the answer不知道答案Im afraid Im drawing a blank. I just dont know what to do.恐怕我脑中是一片空白。我不知道该做什么。Who is that person over there? Im drawing a blank.那边的人是谁?我想不起来了。2. draw a line b

2、etween something and something else = distinguish between two things将两件事物区分开来You should draw a line between your private life and work.你应该把你的私生活和工作区分开来。Some people have a hard time drawing a line between friends and family.许多人无法在友情和亲情之间取得平衡。3. draw blood = cause someone to bleed使某人流血He drew blood du

3、ring his last five boxing matches.在前五次拳击赛中,他挂彩了。Dont worry, I didnt draw any blood!别着急,我没流血。4. draw interest = create interest, become popular产生利息,受到欢迎Any time a new movie comes out, youll see articles in magazines trying to draw interest to the movie.每次一有新电影上市,你就会看到杂志上的文章都在热议此事。His crazy comments d

4、rew interest during the presidential campaign.总统竞选期间,他疯狂的评论大受欢迎。5. draw someone out = ask questions in order to get someone to speak in detail about something提出问题以引出某人详述某事Make sure to ask her lots of questions. Its hard to draw her out and shell try to keep everything secret.确保多问她一些问题。想让她开口很难,她总是讳莫如

5、深。If you keep asking questions, you can draw anyone out on almost any subject.如果你一直提问,就可以问出任何事。6. draw fire away from something = create a distraction so that people dont pay attention to something else分散注意力Id like you to go out and draw fire away from the institution. Do anything you can? We cant h

6、ave people looking into this matter too deeply.我想让你出面分散人们对机构的注意力。做任何事都可以。我们不能让他们深入调查这件事。Politicians dont answer direct questions in order draw fire away from something that has gone wrong.为了不被所犯的错误所累,政客们并没有直接回答问题。7. draw something to a close = begin finishing a process开始结束某事Lets draw this meeting to

7、 a close by reviewing decisions weve made.让我们通过回顾已作出的决议来结束此次会议。If you dont mind, Id like to draw dinner to a close. Ive got an early flight tomorrow.如果你不介意的话,我就进入尾声了。明天我还有一个早航班。8. draw something up = create a contract, proposal, report, etc.写合同、提案、报道等。Now that weve agreed. Lets draw a contract up an

8、d get to work.既然我们已经达成一致了,就来签署合同准备开工吧。Could you draw up a proposal for next weeks meeting?你能够为下周的会议写一份提案吗?9. draw the line at something = to set the limit of tolerance划定界限Im afraid I draw the line at speaking poorly of my friends.恐怕我不能接受说我朋友的坏话。If you were in a difficult position, would you draw the

9、 line at breaking the law to resolve your situation?如果你陷入困境,你能接受通过非法手段来解决问题吗?10. draw to a close = end something结束某事Thank you Mary. And with that, our presentation draws to a close. Thank you for coming this evening.谢谢你,玛丽。有了你的帮忙,我们的陈述可以告一段落了。谢谢你今晚能来。Id like to draw the class to a close. Remember to

10、 do your homework for Monday.我要下课了。记得完成周一的家庭作业。Idioms with Draw Quiz关于draw的习语测试Use one of the 10 idioms with draw to complete the blanks. Be careful to use the correct form of the verb draw. (draw, drawing, drew)从上面提到的十个关于draw的习语中选择一个来填空。注意要使用动词draw的正确形式。(draw, drawing, drew)1. The new actor from So

11、uth Africa is _. I think shell be a huge success.2. Id like you to _ a contract by the end of next week.3. The politician _ at the death penalty.4. If you can _ from my scandal, Ill make sure you get all of my business for the next two years.5. I dont know answer. Im _.6. Id like to _ the meeting _.

12、 Thank you all for coming.7. Ask her as many questions as you can, so you can _. Shes a fox!8. I promise I didnt _ when I hit him!Answers答案1. drawing interest2. draw up3. drew the line at / draws the line at4. draw fire away5. drawing a blank6. draw the meeting to a close7. draw her out8. draw blood

13、和动物星人有关的英语习语,有你的属相吗1.Horse和马有关的习语A horse may stumble on four feet.人有失足,马有漏蹄.(超实用的一条)Dont put the cart before the horse.不要把车套在马前,中文习语就是本末倒置.The common horse is worst shod.公用之马掌最差.Lock the barn door after the horse is stolen.失马之后锁马厩,中文习语就是亡羊补牢的意思.Hair by hair you will pull out the horses tail.一根一根拔,拔光

14、马尾巴,也就是说水滴石穿.2.Fox和狐狸有关的习语The fox may grow grey, but never good.狐狸毛色可以变灰,但是本性难改,中文习语就是江山易改,本性难移.The fox preys farthest from his hole.狐狸捕食,远离洞府,中文习语就是兔子不吃窝边草.When the fox says he is a vegetarian, its time for the hen to look out.狐狸说它吃素时,母鸡要注意.3.Mouse和老鼠有关的习语It is a poor mouse that has only one hole.狡

15、兔三窟.A speck of mouse dung will spoil a whole pot of porridge.一粒老鼠屎,坏了一锅粥.4.Bird和鸟有关的习语Kill two birds with one stone.一箭双雕;一举两得.A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.双鸟在林不如一鸟在手.Birds of a feather flock together.物以类聚,人以群分.Its an ill bird that fouls own nest.家丑不可外扬.Fine feathers make fine birds.人要

16、衣装,马要鞍.A bird is known by its note, and a man by his talk.听音识鸟,闻言识人.Each bird loves to hear himself sing.鸟儿都爱听自己唱,自我欣赏,就是“臭美”!Birds in their little nests agree.同巢之鸟心儿齐.A little bird told me.有人私下告诉我。口语很常用Thats for the birds!那毫无意义!口语很常用5.Cat和猫有关的习语A cat has nine lives.猫有九条命;吉人天相.Cats hide their claws.

17、知人知面不知心.A gloved cat catches no mice.戴手套的猫,老鼠抓不到,中文意思是不愿吃苦的人成不了大事业.Who will bwll the cat?谁去给猫系铃?就是谁愿意为大家冒风险?口语中很常用哦!The cat shuts its eyes when stealing cream.帽偷吃奶油的时候总是闭着眼睛,掩耳盗铃Whatever you do,just dont let the cat out of the bag!不管你干什么,只是不要泄露秘密!It rained cats and dogs a whole day.下了一整天的倾盆大雨。That c

18、at wont jump.这一手行不通。6.Dog和狗有关的习语He who would hang his dog gives out first that it is mad.欲加之罪,何患无词.A staff is quickly found to beat a dog with.欲加之罪,何患无词.Love me, love my dog.爱屋及乌.Every dog has his day.人人皆有得意时。影视作品中经常会出现哒Barking dogs dont (seldom) bite.爱叫的狗很少咬人。口语中很常用Let sleeping dogs lie.勿惹事生非。All a

19、re not thieves that dogs bark at.狗见了叫的不一定都是贼,不要以貌取人.Dog does not eat dog.同类不相残.What a lucky dog!他真幸运,幸运儿。He doesnt have(或stand)a dogs chance.他根本没有机会。Whos the top dog in the company?公司里谁是头儿?7.Fish和鱼有关的习语The best fish swim near the bottom.好鱼常在水底游Never offer to teach fish to swim.不要班门弄斧Go to the sea, i

20、f you would fish well.不入虎穴,焉得虎子8.Chicken和小鸡有关的习语Come on! Dont be chicken!来,别害怕!Well,shes certainly no spring chicken.她当然不再是个小丫头了Dont count your chickens before theyre hatched!不要过早乐观!9.其他动物有关的习语The frog in the well knows nothing of the great ocean.井底之蛙,不知大海.He is a black sheep.他是个败家子.l am a worm toda

21、y.今天一点精神也没有.Hes a camera bug.他是个摄影迷.10.As.as短语as poor as a church mouse形容贫穷as strong as a horse强壮如牛as busy as a bee形容忙碌as fit as a fiddle形容身体健康As angry as a hornet形容气愤As blind as a bat形容瞎As drunk as a skunk形容醉鬼(恶心的味道)As eager as a beaver形容迫切As free as a bird形容自由As happy as a lark形容高兴As hungry as a h

22、orse形容饥饿Quora精选:哪些事在英国可以做,在美国不能?What is socially acceptable in the UK, but not in the US?什么事在英国社会被认可,但在美国不行?获得78.8k 好评的回答Georgia Hilton:Just a few I can think of:我只能想到几点:1.Being an atheist. Nobody will question your right to be in politics, for example, if you are an unbeliever.1.做无神论者。比如没有信仰的人在政坛中他

23、的权利也不会受到质疑。2.Drinking outdoors in public spaces. Drinking at childrens parties. Getting quite visibly drunk. You can legally drink at 18, but most people would be ok with giving a 17 year old an alcoholic drink.2.在公共场合室外喝酒;在孩子聚会上喝酒;喝得醉醺醺。18岁开始法律就允许喝酒,但大多数人给17岁的孩子喝酒也没事。3.Not tipping is also fine. You

24、 wont get chased out of restaurants for not leaving a tip. If you leave a large tip waiters will be quite pleasantly surprised. You do not generally tip bar staff or taxi drivers.3.不给小费也可以。你不会因此被赶出餐厅,如果给了一大笔小费,服务员会很惊讶,也很开心。通常不用给酒保或出租车司机小费。4.Not being overly friendly. True, our service culture might

25、seem terrible to some, but we dont expect or even want too much attention from retail assistants or the like. We prefer to be left alone.4.不过度友好。真的,我们的服务文化可能在某些人看来有点差劲,但我们不希望甚至不想被零售店员或类似的人过度关注。我们更喜欢有独立空间。5.Insulting people. Its a form of humour that is very difficult for Americans to understand. We

26、call it banter. Basically if someone is insulting you, but is smiling or even laughing while they do it, they want to be your friend. But if a stranger is insulting you in the street, its definitely not friendly.5.侮辱别人。这是美国人很难理解的一种幽默,我们称之为无恶意的玩笑。基本上如果有人侮辱你,但同时在微笑甚至大笑的话,那他们是想跟你成为朋友。但如果有陌生人在街上侮辱你,那一定不

27、怀好意。6.Being a Muslim in a position of authority. Londoners love their Muslim mayor Sadiq Khan. Yes there is islamaphobia here but its not quite as hysterical as it seems to be in the US.6.掌权者是穆斯林教徒。伦敦人很爱戴他们的穆斯林市长Sadiq Khan。是的,这儿有穆斯林恐惧症,但不像美国看起来那么严重。获得4.1k好评的回答 Clive Bilby:Breaking the rules. It is w

28、eird, in the UK rules are something to be upheld if it is in the publics interest, and challenged as and when it is not.违犯规则。很奇怪,在英国符合公众利益的规则会被大家支持,而不符合公众利益的规则则会被挑战。Want to drink after its allowed, then have a lock-in (The doors are locked after the bar or pub has closed so that everyone inside can

29、continue to drink privately).过了允许喝酒的年龄想喝酒了,就关起门喝(酒吧或酒馆关门以后把门锁上以便里面的人能继续隐蔽地喝)。Want to cross the road anywhere, do, with enough notice cars will stop, there is no such thing as Jaywalking. However in the States, Ive noticed that even in the middle of nowhere, Americans in America, will want to stick t

30、o the rules rigidly.随时想过马路就过,司机注意到都会停下,没有“乱”穿马路这回事。然而在美国,我注意到甚至在与世隔绝的地方,美国的美国人也想严格遵守规则。The only time people in the UK are genuinely shocked by someone breaking the rules, is when you jump a queue. Then you can expect a severe tut and staring eyes to burn a hole in the back of your head!在英国唯一真正让人们震惊的不遵守规则的行为就是插队。你会感觉后面都是“啧啧声”,后脑勺都快被人盯穿了!

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