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1、7B期末七年级第二学期英语期末测试 (考试时间:100分钟 总分:100分)第卷(选择题部分 共55分)一、听力部分(每小题1分,共20分). 听对话回答问题。( ) 1. Where is Sandy going this summer holiday? A. B. C. ( ) 2. What are the volunteers doing? A. B. C. ( ) 3. How did the girl spend the last Sunday? A. B. C. ( ) 4. What is Marys father? A. B. C.( ) 5. Where is John n

2、ow? A. At home B. In a hospital C. At his grandpas( ) 6. When will they have a picnic? A. Today B. Tomorrow C. The day after tomorrow( ) 7. What time will the boys mum come back? A. 11:30 B. 12 C. 12:30( ) 8. How many kinds of books will the girl borrow? A. One B. Two C. Three( ) 9. What is near the

3、 Animal World? A. The cinema B. The museum C. The post office( ) 10. What is the girl doing now? A. Buying a computer. B. Using a computer. C. Repairing a computer. 听对话和短文回答问题。听一段对话,回答第1112题。( ) 11. What food does Simon eat most? A. Meat and eggs B. Vegetables and fruit C. Meat and fish( ) 12. What

4、does Simon drink in the evening? A. Tea B. Coffee C. Milk 听第一篇短文,完成信息记录表,回答第1315题。 Tree-planting Day When Last SundayWho Some 13 Where They planted trees 14 They planted 15 trees( ) 13. A. teachers B. workers C. students( ) 14. A. in the school B. in the park C. on the farm( ) 15. A. About 300 B. Mo

5、re than 300 C. 300听第二篇短文,回答第1620题。( ) 16. Where is Janes uncles farm? A. Near her home. B. Far away from her school.C. Far away from her home.( ) 17. How many kinds of animals are there on the farm? A. Two B. Three C. Four( ) 18. Why do they like reading on the farm? A. It is quiet there. B. They ca

6、n enjoy the fresh air.C. They can watch the animals.( ) 19. Where is the lake? A. On the right of the farm. B. On the left of the farm.C. In the middle of the farm.( ) 20. What do they often do at the weekend? A. Go swimming B. Go skating C. Go fishing二、单项选择(每小题1分,共10分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。(

7、 ) 21. Here is _ bike my uncle buys me. I think its _ wonderful one. A. the, a B. the, the C. a, the D. a, a( ) 22. _ knows anything about her because she never tells us _ about herself. A. Nobody; something B. Nobody; anything C. Anybody; nothing D. Nobody; nothing( ) 23. There _ an English contest

8、 in our school next term. A. will have B. will to be C. is going to be D. is going to have( ) 24. -Could I use your dictionary? - Yes, you _. A. can B. could C. may D. should( ) 25. Mrs. King put a coat _ the sleeping girl to keep her warm. A. with B. over C. beside D. between( ) 26. _ excellent bas

9、ketball player Jeremy Lin () is! We all like him. A. What a B. What an C. How a D. How an( ) 27. You look so tired. Why not _? A. stop to work B. to stop to work C. stop working D. to stop working( ) 28. - _ is it from your school to the bus stop? -Its ten minutes on foot. A. How soon B. How long C.

10、 How often D. How far( ) 29. -Ill go on a picnic with my classmates tomorrow? - _. A. Thank you. B. Im so sorry to hear that. C. Have a good time. D. The same to you.( ) 30. Which “ed” has the pronunciation of /t/.A. jumped B. wanted C. carried D. listened三、完形填空(每小题1分,共10分)阅读下面短文,掌握大意,然后从所给的四个选项中,选出

11、一个最佳答案。Mr. Baker worked in a small town. Two weeks ago his friends helped him to find 31 in New York. So he and his 32 were going to move to a building in the big city. Mr. Baker wanted to live in a room 33 and he could go for 34 by the beautiful garden after supper. But his wife hoped to live on th

12、e second floor.“There 35 enough sunshine, I think. And we can 36 the flower in the garden by the windows.” said the woman.Mr. Baker thought she was right and agreed with her.It was Saturday. All there friends came 37 them. They were tired but Mrs. Baker cooked nice food already. They held a party. T

13、hey ate and drank 38 . Then they sang and danced. It lasted a long time.Suddenly the telephone rang. Mrs. Baker went to answer it. Then she said to her husband proudly, “Luckily, youve listened to me! 39 man downstairs complained 40 the telephone that the noise were making makes them not go tosleep!

14、” ( ) 31. A. work B. working C. to work D. a work( ) 32. A. son B. children C. wife D. parents( ) 33. A. on first floor B. on a first floor C. in the first floor D. on the first floor( ) 34. A. walking B. to walk C. walk D. a walk( ) 35. A. is B. was C. are D. were( ) 36. A. grow B. watch C. watched

15、 D. grew( ) 37. A. to visit B. visit C. to help D. help( ) 38. A. lots of B. alot C. a lot of D. lots( ) 39. A. One B. The C. / D. A( ) 40. A. from B. at C. in D. on四、阅读理解(每小题1分,共15分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项中选出最佳答案。AI think everyone has a dream. My dream is to have a large home. I dont like living in the c

16、ity. So the home is in the country, but not far from the city of Nanjing. On the ground floor, there is a training room and a swimming pool. I can play table tennis, basketball and badminton with my friends there. And I can also swim there. After training, I can have a shower. So there must be a bat

17、hroom. On the second floor, there is a computer room and a reading room. And there is a bedroom. Then I can have a good rest there. Now, whats on the first floor? My mother is good at cooking, so there is a nice kitchen. And there is also a dining room there. My family can watch TV, play cards, list

18、en to music in the dining room. Welcome to my home to be the guests. ( ) 41. My dream home is _. A. not large B. in the city C. in the country D. far from Nanjing( ) 42. The bedroom is _. A. on the first floor B. on the second floor C. next to the kitchen D. next to the dining room( ) 43. Which of t

19、he following is RIGHT?A. We can often have meals on the ground floor.B. The kitchen and the bathroom are on the same floor.C. The bedroom and the reading room are on the same floor. D. My home has four floors. ( ) 44. The writer cant play _ in the training room.A. table tennis B. volleyballC. basket

20、ball D. badminton( ) 45. From the passage, we can guess that the writer _ . A. wants to live alone B. likes sportsC. cant swim D. often goes shopping BSome people enjoy reading and they like to go to the book show. There are many books in the show. If you cant find some books in libraries or booksho

21、ps, come to the book show. You must find them here. Readers like these books very much. In a book show, you can buy a lot of books with less money. The show also invites some writers. People can buy a lot of their favourite books and meet their favourite writers. The book show may be crowded, but th

22、ey still love to visit it. It is fun to go there.Today more and more people like reading including children and adults. They often go to many book shows to read and buy books. When they read, they can learn much more from books. It is important for children to learn to read. They can also know a lot

23、 about the writers after reading the books. ( ) 46. Can you find the book you need in the book show? A. You can find them. B. Yes, many books are in the show. C. Yes, of course. D. There are many books in the show.( ) 47. What cant you see in the book show? A. Many libraries. B. Favorite writers. C.

24、 Some adults. D. Many children.( ) 48. Whats the meaning of the underlined word “crowded”? A. 劳累的 B. 著名的 C. 繁忙的 D. 拥挤的 ( ) 49. Which of the sentence is right? A. The show invites readers and writers. B. You can find the book you like in the show. C. People can learn a lot by reading. D. Only childre

25、n like reading books.( ) 50. What does the passage tell us? A. Something about favorite books. B. Something about book shows. C. Many favourite readers and writers. D. More and more people read books. CIt is around midnight when Louise wakes up. At first she doesnt know what wakes her up, but sudden

26、ly she hears a noise. It is coming from downstairs(楼下). She is afraid and doesnt want to get out of her bed because it is dark and she cant see anything. She decides to go and find what the sounds are. She gets out of her bed and goes downstairs. It is very dark, so she has to walk slowly and carefu

27、lly. She doesnt want anybody to hear her.The noise is coming out of the kitchen, so that is where she wants to go first. She puts her head around the door and sees a big shadow(影子). It looks like a tiger. Louise walks slowly into the kitchen, turns on the light and seesShe sees her cat licking(舔) th

28、e milk off the floor. It knocks its bowl over and is now licking everything clean again. That is the noise.She gets herself a glass of water and goes straight back to bed.( ) 51. What time does Louise wake up?A. It is around 12 at night. B. It is around breakfast time. C. It is around 12 at noon. D.

29、 It is around lunchtime.( ) 52. Where is the noise coming from?A. It is coming from outside. B. It is coming from the bathroom.C. It is coming from downstairs. D. It is coming from upstairs.( ) 53. Why doesnt she want to get out of bed?A. Because her parents arent at home. B. Because it is cold.C. B

30、ecause it is dark and she cant see anything. D. Because it is too early to get up.( ) 54. What does she see when she puts her head around the door?A. She sees a shadow. B. She sees nobody.C. She sees her mum. D. She sees a wall.( ) 55. What does Louise see when she turns on the light?A. She sees her cat r

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