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1、破产姐妹中的俚语经典台词整理友谊的开始口语精华:1. Nailed it.搞定。2. Dont get attached.别建立感情。3. Hi, what can I get ya?您好,您要点什么吃的?4. Im a really fast learner.我学习东西可快了。5. Oh, no, no. Its on the house.不用,不用,免费的。6. You make that pretty obvious.你表现得很明显。7. Im only gonna say this once, so pay attention.我就说一回,仔细听。8. Miss, could we h

2、ave some menus?小姐,可以给我们几份菜单吗?9. Well, I can cross that off my bucket list.太好了,我可以把这项从人生目标清单上划下去了。10. I need a roommate, if you wanna crash.你要找地方住的话,咱俩可以当室友。11. You did better than I thought you would.你做的比我想象的好多了。12. You are really judgmental, you know that?你真的很挑剔,你知道吗?13. I see an opportunity, and I

3、 make it happen.只要有机会,我绝不让它溜走。14. What, Im supposed to believe you about this?是吗,我该相信你说的这些吗?经典台词:1. Earl:You got screwed.你被耍了。2. Damn, dude, she burned you.靠,伙计,她完胜呀。3. Max:Did freakin Chestnut here kick you in the head while I was in Starbucks?我去星巴克的时候,你脑子让栗宝给踢了吗?4. Caronline:Its not our fault that

4、 the idiot who makes the cupcakes doesnt know their worth.做蛋糕的傻子定价这么低又不是我们的错。1. Hi, ready to order?准备好点餐了吗?2. Dont you need to write this down?你怎么还不动笔记下来啊?3. I have something new I want you to try.我有新东西想让你尝尝。4. Its my new cupcake flavor.我说的是我蛋糕的新口味啦。5. I know you got that right.说得好。6. Well, you cant

5、 be late again.你不能再迟到了。7. So you might have a shot.没准你有戏。8. Just put it on.你挂着就是了。9. Create a buzz.制造名气嘛。10. Im mocking you.我嘲笑你呢。11. So none of my business.跟我没关系。12. Hope those sheets are okay.希望你能睡得关这床单。13. I know theyre the best you could afford.我知道你就只能买这么好的了。14. Could you do me a favor and open

6、the back door?你能帮我开开后门吗?15. Do you think its a fear of success?你觉得那是对成功的恐惧吗?16. I can make this happen.我能让这成为现实。17. Youll get used to it.你会习惯的。18. You really hurt her.你伤她很深。19. This isnt cool at all.这样是不对的。20. I have something to say to you and you had better listen.我说的话你最好给我听清楚。21. Leave the key.把钥

7、匙留下。22. Straight up.坦白说。23. If you wanna talk, Im here.如果你想倾诉,我就在这儿。24. Can I get a hit off that?我能尝一口吗?25. Get it off me.快帮我弄掉。26. This is dry-clean only.这衣服只能干洗。27. Whats the big occasion?要出席什么场合吗?28. Come over and say hello.过去跟她打声招呼吧。29. Youve done so much for me, I wanted to do something for you

8、, too.你为我做了这么多,我也想帮你做点事。30. I need to see you outside.我们出去谈。31. Dont get involved with her.不要跟她扯上关系。32. Be right back.马上回来。33. Ill figure something else out.我会找到别的出路的。34. Did you hear me?你听见我说的话了吗?1.My hate is at capacity.我非常讨厌你。2.Spit it out.说吧。3.Im drunk on black truffle.我被黑松露喂醉了。4.Do you two need

9、 to be left alone?你俩要单独待一会儿不?5.Havent you ever been at a loss for words?你就没有说不出话的时候?经典台词:1.Max: Thats like throwing gasoline on a pretentious fire.那就像是火上浇油啊。2. Caronline: Once we start doing that, its a slippery slope.一旦开了头 ,就刹不住车。3.Max:whenever youre in pain, that is my treat.每次你痛苦 ,我都可享受了。1. Im si

10、ck of it.我受够了。2. This is too much.这太过分了。3. You had boob job.你隆胸了。4. We cant top that.我们比不过。5. It bears repeating.这值得再三强调。6. I will handle this.我来搞定它。7. Do not get attached.别对它用情太深。8. Tipping is an option.给不给小费是我的自由。9. It was a wake-up call to me.这给我敲醒了警钟。10. See how I made that happen?看见我如何实现这个了吗?11

11、. Peach is throwing a birthday party?佩琪要举办生日会吗?12. My life is not where I want it to be.现在的人生并非我想要的。13. Its time to fight back and grab life by the balls.现在是时候绝地反击,把握人生了. 1. Butt out.少管闲事。2. Its on me.我请客。3. He led you on.他误导了你。4. Im obsessed with it.我超喜欢它。5. Thats all she wrote.这就是结局。只有这些。6. Usual?

12、Two coffees to go?像平时一样,两杯咖啡外带?7. Can I get you anything else?请问还需要点什么吗?8. Did you have to tell everyone?你非要搞得人尽皆知吗?9. Break it up. Go about your business.做你们自己的事去吧。10. Just how I like it. What do I owe you?正合我意,一共多少钱?11. Rumor has it that you had your heart broken.有传闻说你心都碎了。12. Its my day off. Your

13、e the one with the job.今天我休息。你还是要上班的那个。13. I dont think romance is in the cards for me.我觉得浪漫是不可能发生在我身上的。14. He didnt want to start a relationship with you out of a lie.他不想让你们的感情建立在谎言之上。1. I need a day off.我需要休息一天。2. I want so bad to be hip.我超想赶潮流的。3. Ive got to man up and face it.我得装男人来应付一下。4. Im ni

14、pping like crazy in here.我这里疼得厉害。5. Cut to the end.直接到结尾。6. youre adorable exactly as you are.你本来就已经很可爱了。7. Im a brilliant event planner.我是超棒的活动策划。8. I doff my cap.向您脱帽致敬 。经典台词: 1. Caronline:Whats the interest rate on your credit card?你信用卡的利率是多少?2. Caronline:Im one of those people who gets off on un

15、tangling big, complicated messes.我就是那种专门帮人解决大麻烦的。3. Max:You look like a lesbian i made out with once on a dare.有一次我鼓足勇气跟一拉拉亲热 ,你跟她长得一模一样。4. Caronline:Its exactly the kind of hip event youre dying to be a part of.绝对是你想参加的潮人派对。1. Never doubt me.永远不要怀疑我。2. so it all evens out.所以都扯平了。3. I rolled my eyes

16、.我翻白眼了。4. I have my earbuds in.我带着耳机呢。5. Had my eye on it.我早就注意到它了。6. You snooze, you lose.走神你就输了。7. Thanks for looking out for me.谢谢你为我着想。8. Maybe someone just post on your wall.可能有人给你留言咯。9. Im so sorry it broke up with you.很遗憾它把你甩了。10. Im gonna give this to you straight up.我就坦白说吧。11. This weeks ne

17、w iPad just came out.本周新版iPad出炉。经典台词:1. Earl:That lady just slipped me her number.刚才那个女人把她号码塞给我了。2. Earl:Like I need another menopausal white woman scratchin at my window like a cat in heat.好像我还需要一个更年期的白人妇女抓我的窗户,像只发春的猫一样。3. Han Lee:three weeks in a row you have not yet accepted my request to be a Fa

18、cebook friend.我等了3个礼拜你还是没接受我的Facebook好友申请。4. Max:youre an heiress whos slinging burnt hash and stale toast.你也就是扔扔焦肉泥和坏面包的千金而已。口语精华:1. Thats more like it.差不多。2. Why dont I get to talk?为什么我不能说?3. More like poseurs in their 20s.更像是20多岁的装逼犯。4. My absolute fave is the coconut-coffee.我最爱的当然是椰香咖啡。经典台词:1. M

19、ax: Hes just a customer that went rogue.他只是个捣蛋的顾客。2. Johnny: My buddy Carlos is crushing pretty hard on Caroline.我兄弟Carlos 对Caroline很有意思。3. Caroline: I just think societys way too concerned with other peoples idea of whats pretty.我只是觉得,当今社会太注重他人对美的看法。4. Caroline: Its not shameful to not know how to

20、do something.有些事不会做并不可耻。1. Im so relieved.我真是如释负重。2. Youre not my type.你不是我喜欢的类型。3. Dont be such a girl.别跟小女生似的。4. The man was so into you.这个男人曾经这么喜欢你。5. You need to get over him.你得忘掉他。6. Dont you talk about my mama!不许你这样说我的妈妈!7. You can not know that for sure.你又不能确定。8. I told him not to show his fa

21、ce.我告诉过他不要出现。9. I have an announcement to make.我有事要宣布。10. You should call in sick to your job.你应该打个电话请病假。1. Hang in there.坚持下去。2.Why the big smile?怎么笑得这么灿烂?3. He is out of shape.他的身材走样了。4. Dont be so negative.别这么消极。5. Lets cut to the chase.让我们言归正传吧。6. Hes seen better days.他有过好日子。7. Lets not get pers

22、onal.咱们别进行人身攻击。8. Dont take it personally.别放在心上。9. He is in a class by himself.他是独一无二的。10. One day well be back on top.终有一天我们将东山再起。11. I have made it to the final round.我成功晋级到最后一轮了。12. Its not like Ive not been thinking about it.我又不是没考虑过这个问题。1. Dont push me.别催我。2. It is kinda karma.这也算因果报应吧。3. Can y

23、ou break some 20s?你能把这20块找开吗?4. Dont talk down to me.别用这种居高临下的语气跟我说话。5. Dont let him get to you.别为他心烦了。6. Theyre all one-of-a-kind.他们每个都是独一无二的。7. Table ten would like the check.十号桌买单。8. The business will go up and down.生意总有起有落。9. How much longer do we have to wait?我们还要等多久?10. Why didnt that occur to

24、 you before?你以前怎么就没想到呢?11. Is there anything I can do to cheer you up?有什么我可以做的来使你开心起来吗?口语精华:1. I was harsh on you.我对你们太刻薄了。2. Not to screw with us.别耍我们了。3. How much do you make?你们可以挣多少钱?4. Thanks for stopping by.谢谢拜访。5. Its the least I can do.这是我唯一能做的。6. You take advantage of us.你占了我们的便宜。7. Im more

25、a cheeseburger kind of girl.我更喜欢奶酪汉堡。8. I dont like to judge a book by its cover.我不喜欢以貌取人。9. Do you always go to the worst case scenario?你总是要往最坏的情况去想吗?10. We want to offer you a free dinner as our way of apologizing.我们想请你吃顿饭作为道歉。口语精华:1.Move over, I wanna slide in close to you.过去点儿,我要跟你坐一块儿。2.I have

26、come across a $6 inaccuracy in tonights total.我刚发现有6块钱对不上帐。3.You must go over all checks again.你得把帐全部再检查一遍。4.But whatever the task, you wont be sorry.但是不管是什么活,我们都会让你满意的。5.When we set our mind to something, we accomplish it.当我们下定决心的时候,就一定会成功的。6.How do you think you get to the future?你不努力哪来的未来啊。7.I do

27、nt pay attention to the business stuff.经营又不是我负责的。8.See, she hold you down.瞧,她把你拖累了。9.Nailed it.闪瞎你。10.Why are you freaking out?你怕什么啊?11.Just a little mishap.一点小意外而已。12.She thinks Im not pulling my weight?她觉得我不够努力?13.But there are other areas where I excel.但我也有擅长的领域啊。破产姐妹(又名打工姐妹花)(2 Broke Girls),是美国C

28、BS电视台于2011年下半年推出的情景喜剧。该剧讲述了两个身份背景际遇截然不同的纽约女孩,在同一家小餐厅打工,相遇相知相好并共同开创事业的故事。两姐妹中,Max一路从社会底层摸爬滚打而来,江湖气息重,讲情义肯帮人,虽稍显粗俗,却不乏“女侠”的风范。而Caroline是个含着金钥匙长大的娇娇女,可是父亲的破产让她一无所有。为了生存,她不得不放下尊严,到一家低档小餐厅工作。破产姐妹以其幽默犀利的台词、鲜明的人物个性,迅速窜升为中国美剧迷的新宠。而该剧的场景恰好在餐厅,是个展现三教九流众生相的绝佳场所,因此剧中地道的美语口语、片语、俚语随处可见。让我们一起来看看吧!piss offYou have

29、tattoos to piss off your dadMax在剧中的亮相,是以一口气教训两个在餐厅口出不逊的小痞子开始的。她霸气测漏的超强御姐气场让观众的节操碎了一地。Piss off是美语口语中的高频词汇,意思是“to make sb annoyed 使生气;使厌烦”。例:Her attitude really pisses me off. 她的态度让我厌烦极了。而pissed off可作为形容词,表示“生气的,厌恶的”。例:Im pissed off with the way she treated me. 她对待我的方式,让我极为不爽。不过需要注意的是,piss在英文中的原意为“撒尿”

30、,有一点粗俗,所以这个词组,在正式的场合(比如英语考试作文中,事关分数的亲!)或者不熟的人面前,尽量不要用。当然,如果是发小闺蜜之间互相损损、开开玩笑,就无所谓啦!on the house为什么Max请Earl大叔(剧中一个75岁高龄却童心未泯的收银员)吃烤纸杯蛋糕(cupcakes)时,要说“on the house”呢?难道付大洋时还要爬到屋顶不成?其实,house是代表餐厅。你和伙伴在餐厅大快朵颐后,服务生有时会端上一盆水果给你们,此时你大叫:“我没点这个啊!”,服务生会回答:“This is on the house”。意思就是“这是由店家付的”。为神马那么走运呢?可能是你长的帅,也可能你恰好是餐厅的第1000位客人哦!trust fundCaroline作为落魄的金凤凰,沦为小餐厅的一名服务生,免不了有痛述辛酸史的戏码。她家已经彻底破产,连trust fund都不剩一毛钱了。Trust fund就是传说中的“信托基金”,是美剧里的二代高富帅、白富美的必备品。信托基金一般由富一

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