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1、创新大学英语3答案傅勇林16单元创新大学英语3答案,傅勇林1-6单元Directions: Fill in the blanks using some of the words given below. Change the form where necessary. 1) Her most cherished possession is the diamond necklace around her neck.2) According to the statistical figures, over half of the students had a positive attitude t

2、oward their future.3) Deleting this plot would destroy the integrity of the story.4) Because of the long-lasting snowstorm, the price of agricultural commodities has risen greatly.5) It is important to be cooperative toward the other team members in order to achieve our goal.6) Food and water have b

3、een distributed among the refugees from the neighboring country.7) Since it is not easy to repair this highly sophisticated machine, we need more time.8) The other positions have been filled, but there are still vacancies for cleaners.9) At college, computers are used to facilitate students language

4、 learning.10) Price is determined through the interaction of demand and supply.11) We were witnessing the most important scientific development of the century.12) The surgical operation was conducted by the best surgeon in the hospital.13) At the beginning, virtually every soldier confronts his own

5、problem.14) Internet shopping has had a great impact on the traditional bookstores.15) Due to the lack of money, some public facilities in the community were poorly maintained .2. Directions: Distinguish between the confusable words and fill in the blanks with the proper word from the brackets of ea

6、ch sentence.1) Since he was promoted last month, he has occupied himself with the new work and has neglected his kids. (neglected; ignored)2) Break the glass to sound the alarm in the case of fire. (in the case of; in case of)3) It costs the couple more than 2000 Yuan per year to run the car. (spend

7、s; costs)4) According to reliable information sources, those missing children have been found. (resource; source)5) The apartment is very convenient in that some schools and hospitals are close at hand. (at hand; in hand)6) It was advertised in todays newspaper that there was a(n) vacant post of man

8、ager to fill. (empty; vacant)7) I am surprised that Andy was awarded the first prize in the speech competition. (awarded; rewarded)8) I came here specially to present you with the birthday gift. (specially; especially)1. Directions: Study the models and complete the following sentences by translatin

9、g the Chinese into English, using As with. or It seems/seemed (that). Model 1: (正如世间万物), too much of a good thing can be a problem. As with everything, too much of a good thing can be a problem.Model 2: (竞争似乎会给健康带来副作用). Cooperation, and other pro-social/unselfish behavior, tends to have positive sid

10、e effects.It seems that competition has unhealthy physical side effects. Cooperation, and other pro-social/unselfish behavior, tends to have positive side effects.1) As with hiking (如同徒步旅行一样), you should always think about your safety and wear good clothes.2) As (it is) with learning any language (如

11、同学习任何语言), the old saying that practice makes perfect applies.3) It seemed that he didnt adopt/take my advice (看来他没有采纳我的建议) and I was quite upset.4) It seemed that my father would lose his temper (看来父亲要发火了) but it was not my fault.5) It seems that Professor Smith cant come (看来史密斯教授不能来了), so we have t

12、o invite another expert.2. Directions: Combine the following pairs of sentences as show in the model. Model : You have signed. You cant change any term in the contract.You cant change any term in the contract once you have signed.1) Ive found some place to live.Ill send you my address. (Ill send you

13、 my address once/when Ive found some place to live.)2) She made up her mind.I would have little influence over her.(I would have little influence over her once she (had) made up her mind.)3) You will be very happy and relaxed. You have got to know everyone in the company.(You will be very happy and

14、relaxed once you have got to know everyone in the company.)4) He understood what the real purpose was.He would be offended.(He would be offended once he understood what the real purpose was.)5) We have registered.We can make use of online resources of the library.(We can make use of online resources

15、 once we have registered.)Directions: Translate the following sentences into Chinese. 1) Yet we continue to hold the cherished belief that competition (not cooperation), to paraphrase Sigmund Freud, is the royal road to success.但我们仍抱有信念,坚信竞争(而非合作),用西格蒙德弗洛伊德的话来说,“是通向成功的捷径”。2) If in fact competition b

16、rings out the beast in us, then research demonstrates that cooperation surely brings out the best in us.如果竞争确实凸显我们的“兽性”,那研究表明,合作会凸显我们的“人性”。3) In this study, the more cooperative individuals were better adjusted psychologically and physically healthier than their more competitive colleagues.在这项研究中,更乐

17、于合作的成员在心理适应和生理健康方面都优于更具竞争性的同事。4) Simply put, cooperation is the rule, but objectivity must be maintained.简而言之,合作是规则,但得遵从客观现实。5) Research supports the fact that individuals who have witnessed a cooperative act will pass it on, sharing some degree of cooperation with the next person they meet.研究证实:目睹了

18、合作行为的人会把这行为“传递”下去,与他们遇到的下一个人达成一定程度的合作。 第二单元1. Directions: Fill in the blanks using some of the words or phrases given below. Change the form where necessary.1) Should people pursue their own happiness at the expense of others?2) Relatively speaking, most consumer goods in Wal-Mart are cheaper than t

19、hose in other supermarkets.3) China has made a series of remarkable achievements in recent years in spite of natural disasters.4) The rent of the apartment is reasonable and, moreover, the location is perfect.5) In such a big class, teachers have a limited amount of time to interact with each studen

20、t.6) Ive offered to paint the kitchen in exchange for a weeks accommodation.7) I picked up a few words of Greek when I was there last year.8) They have agreed to the proposal in principle but we still have to negotiate the terms.9) Diana is working as a sales-person for an insurance company this sum

21、mer. It is a tough job and she gets to be outdoors from time to time.10) John has inherited his mothers patience, which is of great benefit to him in his teaching.11) The couple vowed at the wedding ceremony that they would never part no matter what would happen in their life.12) A series of movies

22、will be shown to commemorate the 30th anniversary of his death.13) Currently, over 500 students are enrolled on the course.14) On production of your membership card, you will receive a ten percent discount on purchases in view of our long-standing relationship.15) He decided to keep a travel diary t

23、o write down whatever impressed him during the journey.2. Directions: Distinguish between the confusable words and fill in the blanks with the correct word from the brackets for each sentence.1) Nowadays, weather can be forecast with more accuracy with the aid of advanced scientific instruments. (pr

24、edict; forecast)2) My father has great confidence that things would come out all right sooner or later. (faith; confidence)3) It is reported that the change of global climate has affected the reproduction of many animals. (affect; influence) 4) In a persons life, he/she will experience emotions such

25、 as love, hate, joy, anger, grief and fear. (passion; emotion)5) My daughter accompanied me on the trip to Hainan last year and we both enjoyed it. (attend; accompany)6) My brother is applying for a post in an oil company. (request; apply)1. Directions: Study the models and complete the following se

26、ntences by translating the Chinese into English, using rather than.Model : In this way he learned responsibility, respect for the value of the dollar, and to be a contributor (而不仅只是一个索取者).In this way he learned responsibility, respect for the value of the dollar, and to be a contributor rather than

27、just a taker.1) This pair of shoes are comfortable rather than pretty (而不是漂亮).2) In my view, it is the parents rather than the children (是父母而不是孩子) .3) Rather than believe the rumor(与其相信谣言), we would investigate ourselves.4) John always prefers starting early, rather than leaving everything to the la

28、st minute (早点着手,而不是把什么事都留到最后来做).5) My grandparents believed it was important to stick to ones principles rather than follow the trend (坚持自己的原则,而不是随大流).2. Directions: Write your own sentences, using the words given and the structure in brackets.1) the school, it, all our efforts, to close, the local

29、government, decided to save, despite, (despite)(Despite all our efforts to save the school, the local government decided to close it.(Or:Despite all our efforts to close the school, the local government decided to save it.)2) Tom, was thrown, was wearing, despite the fact that, a seat belt, sharply

30、forward, he, (despite the fact that)(Despite the fact that Tom was wearing a seat belt, he was thrown sharply forward.)3) dont know, but, not presents, some love and affection, some parents, what, that, their children need is (what-clause)(Some parents dont know that what their children need is not

31、presents, but some love and affection.)4) both nations, the conflict, have suffered greatly, ended, between the two countries, in such a way that, (in such a way that )(The conflict between the two countries ended in such a way that both nations have suffered greatly.)5) rewrote, most readers, in a

32、way that, the writer, would like, the ending of the novel (in a way that )(The writer rewrote the ending of the novel in a way that most readers would like.)Directions: Translate the following sentences into Chinese.1) From his mom he borrowed the ambition and the concept that he can do anything if he works hard enough.从他母亲那儿,他明白了人要有抱负,明白了只要足够努力,他能够做成任何事情。2) Sam Walton talks about his dad who had the unusual instinct to know

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