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1、manhattan语法中文语法笔记二、意思和简洁度GMAT改错题关键的三个要点,顺序依次为:1、首先看有无语法错误2、看意思表达是否准确3、是否简洁(一) 意思情态动词(1)当原句意思上没有问题时,忠实原句,不做任何修改,即使修改过来也成立。(2)当原句意思上有问题的,要替换为相对好点的那个。EG:should 在GMAT中表示“道德上的义务”,而不是“好像”的意思、2、位置(1)要关注一些重点词,all, only;(2)关注句子的整体顺序,是否会产生歧义;(3)在英语中,主语一般会放在谓语前面,因此一般不会用倒装结构,除非开头是否定词。定语从句中,一般不用倒装。例如:OG129。(二) 简

2、洁 简洁是GMAT 最后考到的点,只有在语法和意思都无误的情况,才选择最简洁的;换言之,如果语法无问题,即使很长也会比一个语法有问题,很短的句子好。 GMAT语法题中,如果一个词可以搞定的意思,不要用一个短语切忌冗余:EG:OG12 unacompanied是不好的表达,意思不如not accompanied 清晰;另外关于什么的增长,一般的用法是increase in sth,而不是increased sth三、主语与谓语每一个句子都必须有一个主语和谓语(动词),且主语和谓语要一致。(一)连词开头的句子一定要有主句,否则是错误的。Eg: Because the dog was never m

3、ine. 错误,缺乏一个主句(二)主语和谓语从逻辑上一定要合理,主语和谓语在单复数上要一致Eg: The development of a hydrogen car based on expected performance parameters willbe able to travel hundreds of miles without refueling.(三)容易引起主语不明显的两个情况1. 插入语:在主语和谓语之间插入一些说明的成分2前置短语:在主语之前放一些修饰成分Eg: (when the auditors left), the executive( who had been i

4、nterviewed )was glad.说明:从句始终只是句子中辅助的成分,类似大形容词,大名词或大副词(四)and 和 表示连接的词1. and 连接几个不同的名词的时候构成复数结构,谓语动词要用复数2. 其他连接性的词(along with, in addition to, as well as, together with, including)连接不同的名词,只是起着修饰的作用,不会改变主语的单复数,不影响谓语动词(五)either or, neither nor1. 就近原则:离谓语动词近的是单数,谓语动词就用单数;复数就用复数Eg: Neither the coach nor t

5、he players are going to the beach.2. 若仅仅只有either or neither, 没有or 、nor,则谓语动词一定要用单数(六)集合性名词:一般被认为是单数名词,通过跟单数谓语(七)非限制性的代词,一般用单数Anyone, anybody, anything, no one, nobody, nothing, each, every, someone, somebody,something, everyone, whatever, whoever但是如下5 个属于特殊情况,需要根据内容确定单复数:some, any, none,all ,more/mo

6、stEg: some of the money was stollen from my wallet.Some of the documents were stollen from the bank.(八)each & every以上两个词如果放在复数之前用复数,复数之后用单数Eg: every dog and cat has paws. They each are great tennis players.(九)量词Majority, minority,and plurality 根据其修饰的主语决定其单复数(十)短语或者从句:用单数注意:当判断倒装句的单复数,要看谓语动词后名词(主语)的单

7、复数Eg: near those buildings sits a lonely house, inhabited by squatters.定语从句内结构最好不用倒装OG 68: sth thar be,当前面的sh做主语的时候, that be 一般要省略,否则不符合英文表达习惯;另外,诸如evidence之类的词,后面要跟that从句四、平行结构(一)平行结构的标志词And, both and, or ,either or; neither nor, not but, not only but also, rather than, from to(二)平行元素1.有时候be,can, t

8、o会被省略掉2.平行结构开始于同一个词(三)AND:最重要,GMAT 中喜欢在and 前家逗号(四)一些常见的并列习语A act as B, distinguish X from Y, X is the same as Y, as A, so B, estimate X to be Y,X is good, and so too is Y, X instead of Y, X, such as Y, compared to X, Y, X is known to be Y, think of X as Y, consider X Y, X is less than Y, make X Y, d

9、eclare X Y,(五)系动词两边的成分要并列Be, appear, become, feel, grow, look, remain, represent, resemble seem, smell, sound , stay, taste, turn五、代词代词 是GMAT中最常见的考点,每次见到介词的时候都应检查指代是否清晰。(一)先行词必须存在:注意有些名词是作为形容词,所有格在用,这样的名词不能做为先行词;名词作为先行词的条件是该名词一定要具备名词功能。Eg: The park rangers discussed measures to prevent severe wildfi

10、res, which would bedevastating to it. It无指代对象,因为park 在此处是形容词。(二)先行词和代词并同时有意义将代词换为先行词,该句子必须还是有意义,说的通Eg: Although the term”super”may sound wonderful, it is simply and machine that canproduce many products at one. 此处,it指代就有问题,因为super怎么能是机器呢?(三)代词的指代必须清晰每一个代词都只能有一个清晰的先行词,如有多个的话,指代是模糊的。(四)代词和先行词的单复数必须一致(

11、五)格1.代词主格可用做主语:I, you , she ,he , it , we, they , who2.代词宾格用作宾语:me, you, him , her, it, us, them, whom3.所有格:my, mine, your, yours, his, her, hers, its, our ,ours, their, theirs, whose重要:1. 代词在句子主语的位置上,通常会被认为指代与其平行句子的主语。2. 一般所有格代词只能指代所有格名词,不能指代主格和宾格。3. which,that 只能指代物,只有who, whom 才能指代人(六)几个要点1.this,

12、 that, these, those 在句子中不能裸奔,必须用作this/that/those/these+n 的结构才能做代词使用,而这个名词则是能体现先行词性质的词。(this, those, that and these are never used as a stand-alone pronoun wihout a noun following)EG:New”nano-papers”incoporate fibers that give these materials strength.2.that 或those 可以表明一个新的copy 关于先行词的,避免重复。Eg: The mo

13、ney spent by her parents is more than that spent by her children.3.tha或those 表明新copy时候一定前后完全一致(包括单复数),否则需要重复先行词。Eg:Her company is outperforming those of her competitors. 错,those与company不一致,应将those替换为companies.六、修饰语(一)形容词和副词1形容词修饰名词或者代词,副词修饰除了名词和代词外,其余词均可修饰。2. GMAT 考试中最长出现的修饰结构:形容词+形容词+名词:在此结构中,两个形容词

14、均修饰名词副词+形容词+名词:在此结构中,副词修饰形容词,形容词修饰名词Eg: James is Maxs supposed Irish ancestor. supposed修饰ancessor,表明j可能是,也可能不是MAX的ancesstor.Maxs grandmother is his supposedly Irish ancesstor.此处supposedly一定要用副词形式,因为M 的奶奶肯定是M 的祖先,只是不知道是不是他的irish 祖先而已,因此副词再次修饰形容词了。常见的形容词+ly 变副词的词语: corresponding, frequent, independent

15、, rare, recent,seeming, aeperate, significant, supposed, usual.(二)名词修饰语:形容词、介词短语,过去分词,不加逗号的现在分词,从句,同位语前置修饰是GMAT 中最常见的名词性修饰Eg : Tired from chasing mice, the cat took a nap.1.名词和其修饰语必须互相靠近,就近修饰;若修饰语靠近另外一个名词,则会产生误解。Eg: Jim biked along an old dirt road to get to his house, which cut through the woods. 错

16、To get to his house, Jim biked along an old dirt road, which cut through the woods. 对2.每一个名词修饰必须对应一个修饰对象,不能缺乏修饰对象Resigned to the bad news, thare was no commotion in the office. WrongResigned to the bad news , the office workers made no commotion. Right3.避免一些列的修饰语修饰一个名词,让两个很长的修饰语修饰一个名词不好最常见的模式就是:修饰语,

17、修饰语, 主谓宾 必错而一种常见容易弄错的情形是:修饰语,主语+定语从句,谓宾,这种是对的另外一种:修饰语,定语从句,主语,修饰语,谓语宾语,这种也对,但少见注意=:动词修饰语不像名词修饰语,不需要贴近其修饰的主语。另外,要注意所有格形式,这种形式经常会出现修饰错误,特别注意抽象名词Eg: Only in the past century has origamis development, a ceremonial activityinvented millennia ago, into a true art form taken place.此句中,后句不是句子而是一个修饰结构,由于靠近de

18、velopment,通常会被我们误认为是修饰development.(三)名词修饰与从句Which(修饰物),that(不能修饰人), who /whom(修饰人)、whoese, where, whenWho: 一般修饰主语; whom: 一般修饰宾语That/whom:修饰的成分是宾语的时候,是可以省略的Where: 只能修饰具体的地点, 对于一些虚拟的, 如condition,situation,case,circumstance, arrangement,要用in which 修饰好点When:可以修饰一个名词时间或时间,如period, age, 1987, decade, 也可以用

19、in which修饰限制性名词修饰:无逗号隔开的,用that;非限制性名词修饰:有逗号隔开的,用which(四)动词修饰:副词,介词短语,从属结构从属结构,通过because, although, if, while, so that, while 修饰,有两个重要考点:1. 主谓语宾要全,因为毕竟是一个句子2. 不能单独形成一个完整的句子,必须依附于一个主句。(五)which 和现在分词1.Which 必须紧跟其修饰的名词,which不能修饰一个句子 形式做修饰语(1)做形容词,直接修饰名词(2)可以修饰主语和动词(3)可以修饰一个从句(此时主句若转化为同意名词,这个名词可作为in

20、g的主语),这种形式就是常见的ing 表示结果的结构。(4)ing 形式在主系表结构中,可以修饰其前面紧跟的名词(5)ing 形式在主谓宾结构之后,可以表示与谓语动词同时发生,表伴随,此时其逻辑主语就是主句的主语。七、动词的时态、语气和主被动(一)现在完成时态1.表示的是一个行为发生在过去,但状态继续到现在,或者是仍然对现在有所影响。现在完成时的标志词:since+过去一个时间点; within+时间段2.而一般过去时表示的一个行为发生在过去,已经结束且对现在没有影响。表示词:over+时间点(二)过去完成时两个行为都发生在过去,而较早的那一个要用过去完成时用一个过去式说明一个动词,要将现在时

21、转化为过去时,过去时转化为过去完成时,将来时转化为条件状态(will-would)Eg: The man believes that the machine will be wonderful.The scientist believed that the machine would be wonderful.错误:The man believes that the machine would be wonderful.The man believed that the machine will be wonderful.(二)虚拟语气虚拟语气常见的两种形式:1. 看起来不可能或者不真实的条件

22、,用if,as if, as though引导2. proposal, desirs, and request用that引导3. 虚拟语气中,be一般用were. Eg : if I were a rich manIfthen.常见的五种句型(then 经常会被省略掉)1.表示确定: If present, then present eg: if she eats pizza, then she becomes ill.2.表示某种程度的不确定: if present, then can or mayIf she eats pizza, then she may bocome ill.3.确定

23、-用于将来时态: if present, then futureIf she eats pizza tomorrow, then she will become ill.4.不确定-将来时态: if hypothetical subjunctive, then conditionalIf she ate pizza tomorrow, then she would become ill.5.从未发生-过去式:if past perfect, then conditional perfectIf she had eaten pizza yesterday, then she would have

24、 become ill.命令性的虚拟语气1.一般形式: 主语+命令性词汇+that+从句主语+动词原形+2.常见词汇:demand, dictate, insist, mandate, propose, recommend, request,stipulate, suggest3.另外有些词汇,只能用不定式的:advise, alllow, forbid, persuade, want4.有些词汇既可以表示命令,又可以接不定式:ask ,beg, intend, order, prefer, urge, require5.具有命令性的词汇的名词形式同样应用虚拟语气6.形容词性的命令词汇既可用虚

25、拟语气,也可用不定式:如essential,advisible, crucial,desirable, fitting, imperative, important, mandatory, necessary, preferable, urgent, vital7.例外:prohibit常见用法:prohibit sth;prohibit from doing;prohibit sb from doing但prohibit不能接不定式In an attempt to guarantee the security of its innovative water purification meth

26、od, thecompany required each employee to sign a confidentiality agreement prohibitingdisclosure of its water purification methods to any company using an analogouspurification process.(三)被动语态与主动语态 后面一般跟动作的执行者; through 和because of 后面跟一些设备或者方法3完成时态可用不及物动词,但被动语态不可以八、GMAT 中常见的比较(一)常见的比较词汇Like, unlik

27、e, more than , less than , faster than, different from, in contrast with/to, as ,as(adj) as , as much as, as fast as, the same as like vs asLike 是一个介词,因此like后面只能跟名词, 代词或者名词短语As 既是介词,又是连词,后面可以跟句子。如果比较对象是两个名词,最好用like表示列举的时候,只能用as,不能用like(二)比较的两点重要规则1、比较的对象有具有可比性2、比较要从结构上保持平行(三)比较重要考点1、对主谓宾全的句型主语比较: A

28、do sth than B do.(AB为对等名词,加do 是为了显示这是一个可以发出动作的名词,因而确定是主语,进而确定是主语对比)介宾比较 A do sth of C1 by D1 than of C2 by D2.(C1C2,D1D2对等名词)注意一定要是介宾才能直接跟在than后面The clothes inside the store looked more appealing than ourside the racks.错不是介宾比较The clothes inside the store looked more appealing than did those outside

29、the racks. 对宾语比较 A do C1 than C2.(C1C2为对等名词)状语比较A do sth than usual/everbefore/people expected(直接加状语)2、一种句型只有主谓,没有宾语的句子,因为没有宾语,只可能有主语比较,因而不需要重复do来确认这是一个可发出动作的主语,所以其比较形式如下:I eat faster than you.注意与下句区别I eat apple faster than you do如果写成 I eat apple faster than you 按ETS的理解,从语法上就变成我吃苹果比吃你快,成了宾语比较。逻辑上显然不

30、通。3、AS 族的比较大同小异,as 可单独引导比较,也可以复合成as many as, as hard as 等形式,但ETS宗旨不变,如Sand road costs twice as many to build as to manintain(类似于介宾比较)Sand road costs twice as many to build as stone road do(主语比较,)Sand road costs the govement twice as many to build as the residents.(宾语比较)4、特殊句型AS poor as they are, the

31、y cannot afford a car.They have 800million students, as many as have enrolled in our school.5、There be 句型等同于一般的主谓宾俱全的句型OG89There is one PC for every 32 pupils in American four time as many as there were four yearsago(主语比较)There is one PC for every 32 pupils in American four time as many as DVD player(宾语比较)There is one PC for every 32 pupils in American four time as many as for school teachers.(介宾比较)There is one PC for every 32 pupils in American four time as many as in china(介宾比较)总结:主语比较,新的主语+动词;介宾比较、宾语比较,直接放介宾和宾语

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