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1、计算机专业英语1、It is possible to be familiar with various aspects of computer software without being concerned with the details of how the computers hardware operates.即使是一个不了解计算机硬件的工作细节的人,也可以精通计算机软件2、All instructions and data must be converted into binary data before they can be executed.所有的指令和文件在执行之前都会被转

2、换成二进制3、Every computer on the Internet has a unique numeric address called an IP address.每台计算机在互联网上都有一个独特的数字地址被称为IP地址4、The control unit tells the computer system how to carry out a programs instruction.控制器告诉计算机怎样执行程序指令5、After many years competition, the main CPU families occupy the computer markets,

3、the Intel series and the AMD series share the computer world.经过多年的竞争,两个系列的CPU在占领了计算机的市场:Intel系列和 AMD系列6、RAM is called temporary because as soon as the microcomputer is turned off, everything in RAM is lost.RAM被称为临时的,因为一旦计算机关闭,存放在RAM中的内容就会被丢失7、A recently released technology called Bluetooth promises

4、to allow a wide variety of nearby devices to communicate with one other without any physical connection.最近发布的所谓蓝牙技术的承诺允许在没有任何其他物理连接的情况下进行各种设备的交流。8、EDI refers to the electronic exchange of business information between two companies using a specific and structured format over private networks.EDI是指企业之

5、间通过专用网络使用特定的和结构化信息的电子交换格式的公司。9、Multimedia has many uses, and the only limitation is your imagination.多媒体有许多用途,唯一的限制是你的想象力10、Even if your computer does not have enough RAM to hold a program, it might be able to run the program using virtual memory.即使您的计算机没有足够的内存来容纳一个程序,它也可以使用虚拟内存来运行程序11、Remember that

6、 even in this age of widespread broadband, file size is critical for Web work - the smaller the better, as long as you can keep the quality up.请记住,即使在这种普遍的宽带时代,文件大小为Web工作的关键 - 越小越好,只要你能保持质量。12、A computer is a machine whose function is to accept data and process them into information.计算机是一种机器,其功能是接受数

7、据并将数据加工成信息。13、Once the program is loaded, the command processor gets control again, displays another prompt, and waits for the next command.一旦程序被加载,命令处理器再次获得控制,显示另一个提示,并等待下一个命令。14、Digital cameras are similar to traditional cameras except that images are recorded digitally in the cameras memory rathe

8、r than on film.数码相机和传统相机类似,除了数码相机的图像存储在相机的内存,而不是胶片上。15、This mechanism, called the Clipboard, means that information created in one context is recycled in another at once; you dont need to input information again.这种机制被称为剪贴板,意味着在文档中创建的信息在其他文档中立即被回收,你不必再次输入信息。16、A monitors clarity is indicated by its r

9、esolution, which is measured in pixels.一个显示器的清晰度是由分辨率决定的,分辨率是用像素来衡量17、Access time is the time between the computers request for data from secondary storage and the completion of the data transfer.访问时间是电脑数据从辅助存储器发出请求并完成数据传输的时间18、SQL Server is designed to allow thousands of users to access the databas

10、e at the same time and is a true client/server database system.SQL Server的设计,让成千上万的用户同时访问同一数据库时,是一个真正的客户机/服务器数据库系统。19、A small network may only connect two computers inside a home to share a single printer and Internet connection.一个小型网络连接可能只在一个家里两台电脑共享一台打印机和互联网连接。20、Although the Internet is made up o

11、f many diverse computers, together they work like one world-wide computer system.虽然互联网是由许多不同的电脑组成,他们一起工作,就像一个世界性的计算机系统。21、Some viruses infect other programs each time they are executed; other viruses infect only upon a certain cause.有些病毒在程序每次被执行时感染程序,其他病毒在特定情况下才会感染程序。1、In Windows, your computer scre

12、en shows you the first interface referred to a desktop. The desktop displays all icons in rectangular areas, which are linked with application programs or folders. If you click an icon two times, the screen will give you a window. You work with your applications and documents in the window. If you c

13、lick the Start button, you can quickly open a program, find a document or use the system tools. Switching programs by using “Task List” is as simple as switching a TV channel.在Windows中,计算机屏幕显示的第一个界面被称作桌面。该桌面在矩形区域中显示所有的图标,这些图标与一些应用程序和文件夹相链接。如果用鼠标单击图标两次,屏幕将显示一个窗口,用户可以在该窗口中使用应用程序或文件。通过单击“开始”按钮,可以迅速打开程序

14、,找到或使用系统工具。用“任务栏”切换程序就像切换电视频道一样简单。2、Photoshop is a tremendously powerful collection of tools, and offers the user many different ways of manipulating images. Most operations can be carried out successfully using any of three or four different tools. Because of this flexibility, Photoshop is as compl

15、icated as it is versatile. Users are faced with myriad menus, tools, palettes, panels and options.Photoshop是一个巨大的工具集,让用户可以用许多不同方法来处理图像。大多数的操作能通过任意的3或4个不同的工具来实现。由于这种灵活性,Photoshop非常复杂,就像他多种多样的功能一样。用户要面对大量的菜单、工具、调色板、面板和选项。3、The keyboard is an input device that provides data. There actually are varietie

16、s of input devices: keyboard which users use almost everyday, mouse, touch screen, light pen, bar codes which are widely used by supermarkets, microphone for voice input, and so on. The data stored in memory (main memory), which also holds a program. Under control of that program the Central Process

17、ing Unit manipulates the data, storing the results back into memory. Finally, the results flow from the computer to an output device. Additionally, most modern computers use secondary storage to extend memory capacity.键盘是一种输入设备,它提供数据。实际上输入设备有多种:用户几乎每天都用的键盘、鼠标、触摸屏、光笔,广泛用于超市的条形码,用于声音输入的麦克风等。数据被存储在存储器中

18、(主存储器)。存储器也存放程序。在程序的控制下,中央处理器处理数据,将结果存回存储器。最后的结果从输出设备输出。此外,大多数现代计算机均采用辅助存储器,以扩展存储器的容量4、What exactly dose an operating system do? Basically, it performs a number of support functions. For example, picture an application program stored on disk. Before the program can be executed, it must first be copi

19、ed into main memory because the program that controls a computer must be in main memory. The process of copying a program for disk to memory involves considerable logic. The source of a computers logic is software. Thus, if the application program is to be loaded, there must be a program in memory t

20、o control the loading process. That program is the operating system.操作系统究竟起什么作用呢?从根本上讲,他完成大量的支撑功能。例如,复制存储在磁盘上的应用程序。程序在执行之前必须先复制到主存中,因为控制电脑的程序必须放在主存中。把程序从磁盘复制到主存的过程需要大量的逻辑计算,计算机的逻辑计算能力来源于软件。因此,如果要装入应用程序,主存中必须有一个控制加载过程的程序,这个程序就属于操作系统5、The system software package that handles the difficult tasks associ

21、ated with creating, accessing and maintaining data base records is called a data base management system (DBMS). A DBMS will usually be handling multiple data calls concurrently. It must organize its system buffers so that different data operations can be in process together. It provides a data defin

22、ition language to specify the conceptual schema and most likely, some of the details regarding the implementation of the conceptual schema by the physical schema. The data definition language is a high-level language, enabling one to describe the conceptual schema in terms of a “data model”.处理与创建、访问

23、及维护数据库记录有关的复杂任务的系统软件包叫做数据库管理系统(DBMS)。一个数据库管理系统通常用于处理多个数据调用,他必须组织系统缓冲以使不同的数据操作能够同时进行。他提供一种数据定义语言以指定概念模式,特别是用物理模式实现概念模式的一些细节。数据定义语言是一种高级语言,能够借用数据模型描述概念模型Chapter3中央处理器central processing unit主机Host指令控制器instruction control unit逻辑算数运算器Arithmetic and logical unit寄存器Register主频Main frequency外频External freque

24、ncy倍频Cpu ratio指令集 Instruction set随机存储器Random access memory只读存储器Read only memory墨盒Cartridge高速缓存Cache点距Element distance/dot pitch视频带宽Video bandwidth分辨率Resolution刷新率Frame-refreshed rate温度Temprature湿度Humidity垂直扫描频率Vertical scan rate水平扫描频率Horizontal scan rate矩阵Matrix阴极射线管显示器CRT液晶显示器LCD调制解调器Modem模拟analogC

25、hapter4操作系统Operating system系统软件System software应用软件Application software提示符Pormt调度程序(调度器)Dispather电子数据表Spredsheet终端用户End-user扇区Sector多道程序设计Multiprogramming用户图形界面Graphical user interface用户字符界面Character user interface实用程序Utility program主文件名Main filename扩展名Filename extension盘符Drive letter界面、接口Interface文件

26、File文件夹Folder目录Directory子目录Subdirectory根Root格式化Formatting病毒Virus开关Swich滚动条Scroll-bar对话框Dialog box多媒体Multimedia多重任务处理Multitasking壁纸Wallpaper桌面Desktop图标Icon初始化Initialization动态数据交换(DDE)Dymatic data exchange剪贴板Clipboard 资源管理器Resource manager容错性Fault tolerance特点Feature统一资源定位器(URL)Uniform resource locator

27、通用命名规则(UNC)Universal naming convention高性能计算集群(HPC)High performance computing节点NodeRHELRed Hat Enterprise Linux 量、批量volumeChapter5数据库(DB)Database数据库管理系统(DBMS)Database management system管理信息系统(MIS)Management information system关系型数据库Relational database记录Record字段Field(字段)属性Attribute方案Scheme/schema过程,程序Pr

28、ocedure结构化查询语言(SQL)Structured query language数据定义语言(DDL)Data definition language数据类型Data type整型Integer实型Real字符型Character字符串型String功能性Functionality游标Cursor面向对象的(OO)Object-oriented以数据为中心的Data-centric特性,功能Feature终端用户End user可扩展标记语言(XML)Extensible markup language超文本标记语言(HTML)Hyper text markup language版本V

29、ersion/edition(窗口,文件夹等)属性Property字体Font数据分析Data analysis数据挖掘Data mining互联网信息服务(IIS)Internet information service动态服务器页面(ASP)Active server pages授权,订购Subscription 使用周期Lifecycle向导Wizard标题栏Title bar快捷方式Shortcut兼容的Compatible可靠的Reliable可用的AvailableVERB检索(数据)Retrieve操纵(数据)manipulate维护maintain说明,详细说明Specify实

30、施,执行Implement配置Deploy/configure安装install发布ReleaseChapter6互联网协议组Internet protocols传输控制协议 TCPTransmission control protocol文件传输协议 FTPFile transfer protocol网际协议 IPInternet protocol数据包Datagram参考模型Reference model应用层Application layer表示层Presentation layer会话层Session layer传输层Transport layer网络层Network layer链接层Link layer物理层Physical layer局域网 LANLocal Area Network广域网 WANWide Area Network城域网 MANMetropolitan Area Network三次握手机制Three-way handshake mechanism序列号 SNSequence Number 源代码Source code流数据Stream data搜索引擎Search engine 集成开发环境(工具)IDEIntegrated development environment 剪切Cut调整大小Resize裁剪Corp粘贴Paste加密Encry

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