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1、初二英语笔记大纲初二英语笔记整理Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation?一、重点语法:不定代词的用法1. someone, anybody, anyone, no one, everyone指人;Something, anything, nothing, everything指物; 2. something,someone,somebody通常用于肯定句中,而anything,anyone,anybody一般用于否定句,疑问句中。3. 复合不定代词+形容词4. 在表示请求、邀请、提建议等带有委婉语气的疑问句,和希望得到对方肯定答复的疑问句,以及表示反问的问句中,

2、也用something,someone,somebody等复合不定代词。例如. Would you like something to eat?当anything表示“任何事(物),无论何事(物)”,anyone,anybody表示“无论谁,任何人”等意义时,它们也可以用于肯定句中。【典型例题】1.I amhungry.Iwant_B_toeat.A.anything B.somethingC.everything D.nothing 2.-Doyouhave_D_tosayforyourself?-No,Ihave_tosay.A.something;everythingB.nothing;

3、somethingC.everything;anything D.anything;nothing 二、重点短语1.goonvacation 去度假 2.stay at home 待在在家 3.go to the mountains 去爬山 4.go to the beach 去沙滩 5.visit museums 参观博物馆6.go to summer camp 去夏令营 7.quite a few 相当多,不少 8. go out 出去 9.most of the time大多数时间 10.taste good 尝起来不错 11.have a good time 玩得高兴 12.of co

4、urse 当然13.go shopping 去购物14.walk around 到处走走 15.too many太多 16.because of 因为 bowl of 一碗18.take quite a few photos 拍一些照片 19.something important 重要的事情 e up 升起 21.find out 查明,找出22.keep a diary 写日记 23.go on 继续三、重点句型1. -Where did you go on vacation? -I went to New York City. 2. -Did you go out with

5、 anyone? -No, No one was here. Everyone was on vacation. 3. -Did you buy anything special? -Yes, I bought something for my father. -No, I bought nothing.4. -How was the food? -Everything tasted really good. 5. -Did everyone have a good time? -Oh, yes. Everything was excellent.四、重点单词用法1. buy sth for

6、sb. / buy sb. sth 为某人买某物 2. seem + (to be) +形容词 看起来3. arrive in + 大地点 arrive at + 小地点 到达某地 4. decide to do sth. 决定做某事 5. try doing sth. 尝试做某事 try to do sth. 尽力做某事 6. enjoy doing sth. 喜欢做某事 7. start doing sth. 开始做某事8. dislike doing sth. 不喜欢做某事 9. so+形容词+that+从句 如此以至于 10 feel like doing sth./want to d

7、o sth./would like to do sth. 想要做某事11. keep doing sth. 继续做某事 12. forget to do sth. 忘记去做某事forget doing sth. 忘记做过某事 Unit 2 How often do you exercise?一、语法归纳:频度副词概念:频度副词是用来表示动作发生频率的词,常用来表示不确定时间,主要包括always, usually, often, sometimes, hardly, ever, never等,如果表示具体频度次数,可采用次数加单位时间。例如:once a week 一周一次 twice a m

8、onth 每月两次常用频度副词的区别always 意为“总是,永远”,表示频度最高。usually意为“通常”,即很少有例外,多用于一般现在时。often意为“经常”,在频度上不如usually那么频繁。 sometimes意为“有时,偶尔”。hardly ever 意为“几乎不,很少”,表示否定意义。never 意为“从来没有,绝不”,表示否定意义。以上几个频度副词所表示的频度,从高到低为:alwaysuauallyoftensometimeshardly evernever二、难点讲解:1.How often do you exercise? 你多久锻炼一次?(1)“how often”是

9、对表示频度的时间状语的提问,可翻译为“多久(一次)”。例如: Eg:How often do you watch TV?你多久看一次电视?【拓展】与how有关的短语: How long 意为“多久、多长时间”, 是对一段时间进行提问,答语(for)three +时间段,它可用于各种时态. Eg:How long were you not at school last year?去年你多久没上学?About two weeks.约两周.How soon意为“还要多久”,是对从某个基本时间到将来某动作结束或某动作发生这段时间提问,答语是“in + 一段时间”.“since + 具体时间”,如:-H

10、ow long are you feeling like this? 像这样已经多久了?-Since last night.从昨晚到现在.Eg:How soon can you finish the work?还要多久你能完成这项工作?In half an hour.半小时后. How far. “多远”,询问路程、距离.如:How far is it from here to school? 从这儿到学校有多远 good for 意为“对有益”,其反义词组为be bad for, 意为“对有害”。例如:Eg:Eating too much meat isnt good for you

11、.吃太多肉对你并没有好处。 【拓展】be good to 对友好(和善),be good at擅长,善于3.It is good to relax by using the Internet or watching game shows, but we think the best way to relax is through exercise.通过上网或看娱乐节目放松是好的,但是我们认为最好的放松方式是通过锻炼。(1)Its good to do sth. 意为“做某事好”,它是“Its+adj.+to do sth.”句型的一种形式,it作形式主语,to do sth.是真正的主语。例如

12、: Eg:Its good to run in the morning. 早上跑步是好的。(2)the best way to do sth.意为“做某事最好的方法”,其中to do sth.是动词不定式作后置定语,也可表达为the best way of doing sth.例如:Eg:I have a good way to do with the problem.我有一个处理这个问题的好方法。4.the other:其余的,另外的妙辨异同:other:不能单独使用,永爱修饰可数名词的复数 The other:onethe other:一个另一个 Others: someothers“一些

13、另一些” The others: 一定范围内除去一个活一部分后,余下的人或事物的全部5.popular(受欢迎的,流行的)unpopular(不受欢迎的) be popular with: 受的欢迎6.busy: be busy doing sth/be busy with with:忙于做某事7.full:忙的 例:He is too full today,他今天太忙了 慢的,充满的 be full of:充满的 例:The box was full of books8.spend:(v)花费(时间,金钱)“spend+时间+with sb”和某人呆了多长时间 spend+time/mone

14、y+on(sth)/in doing sth: 某人在某物/在做某事上花费时间/金钱9.Afraid(adj):害怕的,犯愁的; 用法 afraid to do sth: Tom is afraid to walk alone at night afraid of doing sth: Jack is afraid of having PE class C. Be afraid of sth/sb: Jane is afraid of dogs10.I go to the movies maybe once a month.我大概一个月去看一次电影。maybe意为“大概,或

15、许”,表示推测,通常用于句首,在句中作状语。例如:maybe shes at home.或许她在家里。三、重点短语1. help with housework 帮助做家务 2. on weekends 在周末 on weekdays 在工作日3. how often 多少一次 4. hardly ever 几乎从不 5. once a week 一周一次 6. twice a month 一月两次 7. go to the movies 去看电影 8. every day 每天 9. use the Internet 上网 10. be free=have time 有空11. be good

16、 for 对.有好处 12. stay up late 熬夜 13. at least 至少 ones free time 在某人的空余时间里 15. old habits die hard 旧习难改 16.less than 少于 17. the answer to 的答案 18. teeth cleaning 牙齿清洁 19. the most popular 最受欢迎的 to three times a week 一周一至三次【典型例题】1_C_do you surf the Internet ? Once a week.A.How B.How old C.Ho

17、w often D.How many times2.- _A_does it take you to watch TV? -About forty minutes. A. How long B. How much C. How often D. How many Unit 3 Im more outgoing than my sister【语法】:形容词比较级 做题关键是找到两者的比较之处,than是重点1、比较级表示法 much/far/a lot, even ,still ,a little/a bit 修饰比较级,表示程度. “A+谓语+as+形容词原级+as+B”表示A和B同等程度。

18、Eg: Im not as tall as he.我没有他高。 (2)“A+谓语+形容词比较级+than+B”表示A超过B。 eg. The first is better than the second第一个比第二个好。 (3) “the+比较级,the+比较级”表示B随着A的增长程度而平行增长,译为“越越”。 eg. The busier I am,the happier I feel.我越忙,越高兴。 The lazier you are,the poorer you will be.你越懒,就越穷。 (4) “比较级+and+比较级”表示“越来越”。 eg. As he got old

19、er,he became more and more fond of comfort.随着年龄的增长,他越来越喜欢安逸。 The summer is coming,it is getting hotter and hotter.夏天来了,天气越来越热。 Things are getting better and better.情况一天比一天好起来。 (5) A+谓语+倍数+as+形容词原级+as+B A+谓语+倍数+比较级+than+B A+谓语+倍数+the size/height/length/weight of+B eg. Asia is four times larger than E

20、urope.亚洲比欧洲大3倍。 This desk is twice the size of that one.这张桌子是那张桌子的两倍大。(6)表示两者之间的选择,可用“Which/Who + 比较,or?”.eg:Who runs faster, he or she?(表示不及另一方时,用“less+原级+than”) 【典型例题】: 1) - Are you feeling _? - Yes,Im fine now. A. any well B. any better C. quite good D. quite better 答案:B. any 可修饰比较级,quite修饰原级,wel

21、l的比较级为better. 2)The experiment was_ easier than we had expected. A. more B. much more C. much D. more much 答案:C. much可修饰比较级,因此B,C都说得通,但easier本身已是比较级,不需more,因此C为正确答案. 二、构成法 1.单音节词末尾加-er greatgreater 2.单音节词如以-e结尾,只加-r bravebraver 3.闭音节单音节词如末尾只有一个 辅音字母,须双写该辅音字母,再加-er big bigger4.少数以-y,-er,-ow, -ble结尾的双

22、音节词,末尾加-er,(以-y结尾的词,如-y前是辅音 字母,则变y为i,再加-er;以-e结尾的词仍只加-r happyhappier clever cleverer 5.其他双音节和多音节词皆在前面加单词more difficult more difficult 三、重点短语、句型1. more outgoing更外向 2. asas 与一样 3. be talented in music有音乐天赋 4. the same as 和相同;与一致 5. be different from 与不同 6. care about关心;在意 7. be like a mirror像一面镜子 8. a

23、s long as只要;既然 9. be similar to与相像的/类似的 10. bring out使显现;使表现出 11. reach for one hand伸手帮某人一把 fact事实上;实际上13. make friends交朋友 14. touch ones heart 感动某人 15. be good at擅长 16. callat 拨打找 17. laugh at 嘲笑1. -Is Tom smarter than Sam? -No, he isnt. Sam is smarter than Tom. 2. -Are you as friendly as you

24、r sister? -No, Im not. Im friendlier. 3. -Does Tara work as hard as Tina? -Yes, she does. 4. -Whos more hardworking at school? -Tina thinks she works harder than me.Unit 4 Whats the best movie theater?一、【语法】:形容词或副词最高级形容词或副词最高级用于三者或三者以上的人或物之间的比较,在表示最高程度,即其中一个在某方面“最.”时使用,最高级前一般要加定冠词the,副词的最高级前省略the,句子

25、中常含有表示比较范围的介词of或in. Of 后边一般接表示一群人或事物的代词或名词。In后边一般接表示单位或场所的名词。形容词最高级三种特殊的用法:1)序数词后用最高级。在表达“第几”(长,大,远.)时,序数词后用形容词的最高级。The Yellow River is the second longest river in China.黄河是中国的第二大长河。2)在表达“最.的.之一”时,用最高级,一般构成“one of the +形容词的最高级”形式。Bei jing is one of the biggest cities in China.北京市中国最大的城市之一。3)在表达“某人的最

26、.”时,用“某人的+形容词最高级+名词”结构。Linda is my younger sisters best friend.琳达是我妹妹最好的朋友。4)形容最高级修饰作表语或介词宾语的名词,代词时,被修饰的词往往省略。例如:He is the laziest (student) in our class.5)表示三者或三者以上比较,可用”Which/Who +最高级,or ?”表示.Who is the tallest, Tom , Mike , or Jack?2、构成:形容词比较级和最高级的构成规则变化a.一般情况下,单音节或双音节的形容词比较级直接加-er, 最高级直接加-est。如:

27、 clever cleverest smalsmallest youngyoungestb. 以-e 结尾的形容词,比较级+ -r,最高级+ -st。如: largelargerlargest nicenicernicestc. 以辅音字母+y结尾的形容词,变y为i +er或+est。 busybusiest heavyheaviest easyeasiest d. 以重读闭音节结尾,末尾只有一个辅音字母结 尾的词,双写最后一个辅音字母,再 +est。 如: bigbiggest thinthinnest fatfattest hothotteste. 多音节和部分双音节形容词,需在原级前+m

28、ore 构成比较级,+ most 构成最高级。如:importantmost important beautiful most beautiful difficultmost difficult 口诀:最高级,很容易,一般词尾加est。 (cheap-the cheapest)词尾若有哑音e, 直接就加st。(close-the closest)重读闭音节, 单辅音字母要双写。(big-the biggest)辅音字母加y, 记得把y变为i。(friendly-the friendliest) 多音节,考考你,the most到底加哪里?(popular-the most popular)三、

29、重点短语、句型1. movie theater电影院 2. be close to离近 3. so far到目前为止 表示时间,经常与完成时连用 4. no problem 没问题,不客气5. 10 minutes by bus坐公共汽车10分钟的路程 Its +基数词+minutes/hours+walk/ride从.步行/骑车.多少分钟6. have a talent for有.的天赋 7. havein common有共同特征 8. around the world世界各地;全世界 9. more and more 越来越 10. and so on等等 11. all

30、 kinds of各种各样的12. be up to是的职责;由决定 13. make up编造(故事、谎言等)14. play a role发挥作用;有影响 15. for example例如 16. takeseriously认真对待17. come true(梦想、希望)实现;达到18.Thanks /Thank you for doing sth. 因做某事而感谢 19. watch sb do sth.观看某人做某事 20.What do you think of.?你认为.怎么样?21.Its +adj for sb. to do sth.对某人来说干.是.的。 Its +adj of sb. to do sth.4、【典型例题】1.As we know,the Yangtze River is one of _rivers in the world.A.long B.longer C.longest D.the longest2. Who does homework _ in your class? A. carefully B. most carefully C. more carefully carefully as3. Jack has three friends. Mike is the

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