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仁爱英语八年级下 第3032课时.docx

1、仁爱英语八年级下 第3032课时第三十课时 八年级(下) Unit 8-1重点词汇重点单词服饰_ (蚕)丝,丝织品 silk _ (妇女穿的)短上衣,衬衫blouse_ 领带;绳子tie _ 短袜 sock _ 厚运动衫,毛衣sweater _ 口袋 pocket其他_ 女用皮包,手提包 handbag _ 生意,公事 business _ 买得起;能做 afford _ 英俊的 handsome _ 尺寸,大小 size _漂亮的;相当,十分 pretty 词形转换1. _ adj.平坦的;光滑的 _ adv.平稳地;平整地smooth; smoothly2. _skfn.围巾,领巾_(复数

2、)scarf; scarfs/scarves 3. _v.拥有_ n.拥有者 own;owner4. _v.成功_ n.成功 _adj.成功的 _adv.成功地 succeed; success; successful; successfully5. _kstmn. 顾客_n. 风俗 customer; custom6. _smp()l adj._adv.简单地simple; simply7. _dsksv. _n. 讨论 discuss; discussion8. _n.意义_adj.有意义的 _v.意味,指 meaning; meaningful;mean重点句型1. My old coa

3、ts are _ short _I _ _ _some new ones.我的旧外套太短了, 我想买些新的。so; that ; want to buy 2. I want to buy a windbreaker _ _I will look great.我想买一件风衣,以便我看上去帅一些。so that 3. Its _ _ cool windbreaker _ you should buy it at once.这是一件很酷的风衣,你应该立刻买一件。such a; that 4. Excuse me, can you tell me _ _ _ a scarf? 请问哪里能买到围巾?wh

4、ere to buy情景交际约会1. _ _ _ at the school gate at 8:00 a.m.?明天我们8点在学校门口见,好吗? All right.好吧。 Shall we meet购物2._ _ do you take?你想要什么尺码的?What size Size M. M码。3. _ _ the blue one?蓝色的那个怎么样? What about / How about Perfect.完美。语法项目so that, so.that.和such.that.的用法和区别单元话题Our clothesTopic 1 We will have a class fas

5、hion now.重难帮突破重难拿高分重难点 1 辨析so.that, such.that和so that【典例剖析】(2016宿迁)They spoke quietly I can harly hear them.A.such .that C.neither.norD.both.andB.【提分指南】考查连词,题干意思为:“他们说得那么快我几乎听不到”A.such .that 如此.以至于,such是形容词性不能接quietly。如此.以至于,so是副词容词性可以接quietly。 C.neither.nor既不.也不,D.both.and 两者都。结合

6、句意应该选择B。【失分陷阱】such .that 因为such是形容词性其后要加名词,so.that so是副词,其后要加形容词,相同点是他们都可以表示“如此.以至于”这一点容易混淆而失分。重难点 2 succeed的用法【典例剖析】Could you tell me which colour can bring people _?A.success B.successful C. succeed D. successfully【提分指南】考查词汇。句意为:你能不能告诉我,哪种颜色能带给人成功。A.success名词成功 B.successful形容词成功的 C. succeed动词成功 D.

7、 successfully副词成功地bring sb sth.应该选择名词。故选A。【失分陷阱】本题很容易理解为successful做people的宾补,而选择B。重难点 3 afford的用法【典例剖析】(2015重庆A卷,)Theywalkedhomelastnightbecausetheycouldnt_totakeataxi.A.leaveB.buyC.affordD.allow【提分指南】句意:昨晚,他们走着回家,因为他们付不起钱打的士。A.leave离开B.buy买C.afford买得起D.allow允许。结合句意应该选择C。【失分陷阱】本题allow to do sth.是干扰项

8、,很容易选错。意为允许做某事。相比之下,选C更加贴切。重难点 4 辨析be made of, be made from和be made in【典例剖析】(2017.宿迁)Your gloves should be made _ leather, for they feel soft and smooth.A. in B. on C. for D. of【答案】D【提分指南】句意:你的手套应该是皮革做的,因为它们摸起来柔软光滑。make制作,be made 后面常跟两个介词,一是in,一是of。be made in在制造,后接地点名词,如made in China,而be made of由做成,

9、后面跟的是材料名词。故选D。考点:考查介词用法。【失分陷阱】be made in在某地生产,be made of 由.制成。产品看得出原材料。be made from 由.制成。产品看不出原材料。本题很容易记混淆而选择in。随堂帮做一通百.夺满分(32开单独成册)满分:20 时间:15分钟( )1. _ shoes would you like to buy? 39. A. How long B. What size of C. How wide ( )2. _ weather today is! Yes. But the radio says it will get worse later.

10、 A. How a bad B. How bad C. What bad( )3. Lily, who is the girl _ red? Oh, she is my sister Kitty. A. wears B. wear C. in ( )4. Why dont you take the dress, Linda? I have only $10. I cant _ it. A. borrow B. afford C. sell ( )5. How much is your new T-shirt? Oh, I _ fifty yuan for it yesterday aftern

11、oon. A. cost B. paid C. spent 填空(阅读填空)根据汉语或首字母提示填空。1. This _ (丝) blouse is nicer than the cotton one. 2. The s_ around the girls neck makes her more lovely and beautiful. 3. The girl opened her h_ and took out a postcard with a British stamp on it. 4. The young man in a leather jacket looks h_. Many

12、 girls like him.5. Grandpa Wang lives a _ (简易的) life. He never wastes show wonderful like dress 3where sportswear find 4.the Tang costume stand Chinese history knot in China make 4情景交际1.当你想表达你愿意和我一起去吗?你可以说 2.当你想问对方是怎么知道的,你可以这样说 3.当你想知道活动的时间和地点时,你可以问 4.当有人问你How do you

13、like the show?你可以说 5.当有人问你Can we take photoes with you,你可以说 作业帮做一通百夺满分(16开单独成册)完形填空。(10分)Mrs. Smith was looking at the show window of a shop selling shirts. She wanted to buy a 16 for Mr. Smith, her husband. There were so many beautiful shirts that she couldnt decide 17 . At last, she chose one and

14、bought it home.While Mr. Smith was reading a newspaper, she showed him the shirt. She wanted to know whether it would fit her husband or not. Her husband 18 the shirt. But it didnt fit him 19 . It was both too long and too big. Then Mrs. Smith washed it in order to make it become smaller. But the sh

15、irt 20 didnt fit him. Now it was too small for him. She asked Tom, his son, to 21 , and he did so. The shirt didnt fit him, 22 . Then the woman began to wash the shirt once more to make it 23 . But this time the shirt became too short after she washed it again.Now the little girl, her daughter was 2

16、4 when her mother dressed her in the shirt. Why? Because it was too large, she didnt like it at all. None of them knew 25 . Mrs. Smith felt so upset. ( )16. A. shirt B. shoes C. clothes D. short( )17. A. she chose which one B. to choose which one C. that which one she chose D. which one to choose( )

17、18. A. tried on B. tried out C. wore D. put on( )19. A. not at all B. at all C. any longer D. any more( )20. A. usually B. still C. ever D. always( )21. A. put on it B. put it on C. have on it D. have it on( )22. A. also B. too C. as well as D. either( )23. A. smaller B. bigger C. the smallest D. th

18、e biggest( )24. A. happy B. nervous C. worried D. unhappy( )25. A. how to do with B. what to do C. when to do D. how to do二、阅读理解(共15小题,计30分)Whats the coolest kind of transportation(交通) for middle school students back from winter holidays? A racing bike? A car? No, its a special kind of shoes called

19、Heelys(暴走鞋). Heelys look just like common sports shoes, but they have a wheel(轮子) hidden(藏) in the heel(鞋跟). So instead of walking, kids can “fly” around in them.“Wearing Heelys is fun and cool!” said Wu Peng, a boy who wore them on his first day back at No. 6 Middle School in Beijing. Wu Peng said

20、he loves the shoes so much that he wears them to go here and there. Sometimes he even follows his parents car to the supermarket in his Heelys!Other students also think they are very cool, but some arent so lucky with their Heelys. Its said that some children fell down and got hurt while wearing the

21、se shoes. “Heelys wheels are in the heels of the shoes, so its easy to fall,” said Liu Rui, a doctor at the Hong Kong International Medical Clinic, Beijing. Even worse, Liu said, “Wearing Heelys for a long time could stop young people from developing their legs. ”根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。( )31. Whats the coole

22、st kind of transportation according to the passage? A. A car. B. A racing bike. C. A pair of Heelys. ( )32. Why do kids like Heelys when they wear them? A. Because they can fly in space. B. Because they can walk fast. C. Because they are fun and cool. ( )33. Heelys are common shoes with _ the heel.

23、A. a wheel hidden in B. a wheel in front of C. an arm hidden in ( )34. Not all the kids are lucky because some of them _. A. have no money to buy them B. are afraid of falling down C. fell down and got hurt( )35. What does the doctor think of Heelys? A. They are too expensive to buy. B. They are too

24、 fast to go. C. They are bad for kids health. BNancy is an English school girl. She studies (学习) in a middle school. She has a little brother. His name is John. John is only four. Nancy likes him very much. Today is Sunday. Nancy wants to do her homework. She takes out(拿出)her pencil-box and opens it

25、. “Oh, dear! Wheres my pen?” She cant find her pen. She goes to ask her brother in his bedroom.“John! I cant find my pen. Can you see? Oh, what are you doing with my pen?”“Im writing(写信)to my friend, Peter.” John answers.“But how can you? You dont know how to write!”“It doesnt matter (没关系). Peter ca

26、nt read.” John says.根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。26. How old is Nancys brother? A. Five. B. Four. C. Six. 27. _ cant find her pen. A. Nancy B. Peter C. John 28. Wheres John? A. In the school. B. In a shop C. In his bedroom. 29. Which is not right? A. Nancy finds her pen in Johns room. B. John cant write. C.Peter c

27、an read.30. John and Peter are _. A. friends B. English C. at home 短文填空:When you want to go shopping, you will decide 1. you can pay for new clothes and think about the kind of clothes you really need. 2. Therere labels(标签) inside all new clothes. The labels tell you how to take care of your clothes

28、. The labels may say “dry-clean only”. If you put these clothes into the water to wash them,3 . Many clothes today must be dry-cleaned. Dry-cleaning is expensive. So when you buy new clothes, check if they will need to be dry-cleaned. Youll save money if your clothes can be washed in water.You can a

29、lso save money if you buy clothes that are well-made. Well-made clothes last longer. They look good even after4. Clothes that cost more money are not always made better. They dont always fit better. Sometimes the less expensive clothes look and fit better than 5. much moneyB.Then you just only look for those clothes.C.ou may ruin(损坏) them.D. they have been washed many times.E.the more expensive ones.第三十一课时 八年级(下) Unit 8-2重点词汇重点单词_ v.调查,查看;n.民意调查survey _ n.温度 v. 把加热 heat_ 膝盖 knee _ 飞机场 airport _ 正文,文本 text 重点短语_ 取决于;依靠,依赖depend on

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