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1、连接词大全连接词大全来源:王静怡的日志论文1)先后次序关系:at this time; first; sec on d; at last; next ; previously; simultaneously 同时地;eventually ; last but not lea st ; to begin with ; to start with ; to end with ; fin ally ; see in g 由于,因为;since then ; first of all ; afterwards 后来;follo wi ng this; precedi ng 先前的 ;origi nal

2、ly 最 初的ultimate 最终的,极限的,根本的2) 因果关系:because ; because of this ; being that (口语)既然,因为; ano ther importa ntfactor /reason of.;since ;as ; for;inthat.;owi ngto由于,通常负面;dueto由于;for the reason that.;in viewof鉴于,考虑到result from归因于 the reason seems to be obvious;there are about. ; for this reason; asa result

3、of this ; therefore ; .and so.;consequently 所以,因此;as a result ; t hus这样,如此,因而; hence 因此;so ; so that. ; in consequenee 结果,结果; a s a eon seque nee ; accord in gly 因此,于是, 相应地;inevitably 不可避免地;under these conditions thereupon 因此于是 upon 迫近3)转折关系:but ; even so ; however ; th ough ; even though ; independ

4、ent of ; reckless of 不顾;despite that ; in spite of that ; regardless of 不顾;yet. ; and yet ; but uni ess. Non etheless 尽管如此4) 并列关系: and; also ; too ; as well as ; either. ,or. ; both.and.5) (补充)递进关系:furthermore 此外,而且; moreover 而且,此外;further 进一步 地,此外;In this way ; still ; not only. but also. ; not.but

5、. ; in addition (to) ; additi on ally, much more in teresti ng,more specifically 更具体地说,next, besi des ; as far as. is concerned 至于; mor eover 此外;in other words ;along this line of consideration ; on (th e) one hand在一方面,on the other ha nd. ; even ; as a saying goes. ; in o rder to do it.; meanwhile 同

6、时; at the same time ; accordingly 因此; In thefirst place. , inthe secondplace.;equally important;of evengreater appeal.6)比较关系:similarly; inlike manner, in comparisonwith ; whencomparedwith ; comparedwith ; whenin fact.; like. ; likewise同样地,也;similarly importa nt ; apartfrom (do in g).;. rather than.

7、, by doing so ; both and.; in the same way; not only.but (also).7)对照(不同点):yet; still; for all of t hat; notwithstanding 虽然,尽管;rather当然,的确,宁愿,相当;neither . nor; al though; though; but; however; somethi ng is just the other way around ; yet; conversely 相反的; unlike ; opposed to; as opposed to this 与不同 ;

8、in contrast (to) ; by way of; on the contrary ; diff erent from this ; nevertheless 然而,不过,虽然如此;contrary to ; whereas 但是,鉴于; while ; but on the other hand8)举例关系:for example ; for instanc e例如;in this case既然假若这样;namel y也就是instanee例子实例 换句话说; as you know ; you may as /say ; as he explains ; like ; such a

9、s ; a case in point is 一个恰当的例子是 ;co nsider. ; in particular 尤其特另U ; includi ng;for one thing 首先,for another.; put it simply ; stated roughly 粗糙地,概 略地; as an illustration , I will say.;a good example (of.)would be. ; to detail this , I would like to. ; It is int eresting to note that. ; in this situa

10、tio n; as proof; take the case of; take as example (something) ; as for; as regar ds; as to ; according to; on this occas ion.9)强调关系:in fact; especially ; partic ularly 特别,尤其; moreover( 此夕卜);natur ally; what is more important ; in reality 事实上;certa in ly; of course; in deed; in particular ; not to m

11、ention ;believe itor not ; undeniably( 无可置疑);other thing being equal ; it is certain /sure tha t. ; to be strict; to be true ; by definiti on; definitely 明确地,肯定地;undoubtedly; without a doubt; in truth, in any event(不论怎样);without reservation( 毫无保留地);obviously,not only.but(also),both. an d.10)条件关系:if;

12、uni ess; lest ; provided that ; if it is thecase ; inthis sense ;once. ; if possible;if necessary ; if so;if not all; if anything.11)归纳总结类:in a word/ in sum/ in shortin brief / in conclusion / in summarytherefore 因此,所以/ hence因此,今后 to sum up / to con eludethe conclusion can be drawn thatfor this reas

13、on / on the whole12)地点关系:beyond; oppositeto; adjacent邻近 to; at thesame place;there;over;in the middle;around; infrontof; inthe distanee;farther; hereand there;above; below;at the right;between;on this side.13)目的关系:with this object 无证;for this purpose; in order that; in this way, since; so that; on t

14、hat account 由 于。缘故;in case 万一;with a view t o 考虑至U; for the same reason.14)重申关系:in other words; that is to say; as I have said; again; once ag ain.15) 结果关系: accordingly; thus; consequently(因此匕);hence; therefore; there upon; in evitably; un der these con diti ons; as a result; as a consequenee; becau

15、se; because of; so that; not onlybut(also.); so. as to.16) 顺序关系:firs t; seco nd; thirdly; next; then; at the outset( 在开始时),following this; at this time; now; at this p oint; after; afterward 后来;after this; s ubseque ntly 后来;lastly 最终;fin ally; consequently 所以,因此匕;before this; previo usly; precedi ng

16、 this; simulta neously 同时地;concurrently( 同时发生的)17) 时间关系:at once; immediately; a t length 终于,最后;in the mean time 同 时;meanwhile; at the same time; in th e end; then; soon; not long after; later;at on ce; at last; fin ally; some time ag o; at present; all of a sudden 突然;from this time on; from time to

17、time; since then; when; whenever; nexta few minutes later; formerly;sin ce; occasi on ally 偶然地;in a t shortly 立刻;whereupon 于是, eviouslyHen ceforth 今后介词prep. All of十足1.在.以前Only two days remained beforeami nati on.考前只剩下两天了。2.(指顺序、重要性等)在之前,先于Your name comes before mine.你的名字在我之前。Pride comes before a fal

18、l.骄必败。3.由考虑中We will put the matter before mittee.我将把此事提交委员会考虑。4.在前面;在面前poi nt;as; once;mome n因此;prthe exthe combeforeShe said she had never spokenan audienee.她说她从未在大庭广众讲演过。状语从句引导词时间状语从句when, as, while, as soon as, before, af ter, si nee , till, un til 特殊引导词:theminute, the moment, the seeond, every t

19、ime, the day,the instant, immediately , directly, no sooner than, hardlywhen, scarcely when 倒装地点状语从句常用引导词:where 特殊引导词:Wherever, any where, everywhere原因状语从句常用弓丨导词: because, since, as, for 特殊引导词:see ing that, now that, i n that, considering that, given that.目的状语从句常用弓丨导词: so that, in order that 特殊引导词:l

20、est, in case, for fear that ,in the hope that, for the purpose that, to the end that结果状语从句常用引导词:sothat,such that,特殊引导词:suchthat,to the degreethat, to the extentthat,to such a degree that,程度条件状语从句常用引导词:if, unless,特殊引导词:as/so long as, onlyif, providing/provided that, supposingthat,in case that,on cond

21、ition that让步状语从句常用引导词:though, although, even if, even though 特殊引导词:as(用在让步状语从句中必须要倒装),while ( 一般用 在句首),no matter ,in spite of the fact that, while, whatever, whoever, w herever, whe never, however, whichever8 .比较状语从句常用引导词:as(同级比较),than(不同程 度的比较) 特殊引导词:the more the more ;just as , so ;A is to B what

22、/as X is to Y; no more than; not A so much as B方式状语从句常用引导词:as, as if, how 特殊引 导词:the wayFrom the invaders arrived, breathed our air, ate and drank, they were doo med. They were undone,destroyed,after all of man sweapons and devices hadfailed,by the tiniest creatures that Go d in his wisdom put upon

23、this earth.By the toll of a billiondeaths, imanhad earned his immunity,his righttosurvive among this planetinfinite无限的organisms 有机体.Andthat rightisoursagainst all challenges.For neither do men live nor dieinvai nIN VAIN徒劳,白白 poi ntpoint ? ?英音:p?int ? ?美音:p?nt ?名词n.1.尖,尖端,尖头C(+of)Do you have a pencil

24、 with a sharper p oin t?你有尖一点的铅笔吗?2.(空间的)一点,处,地方,位置C3.特点,特征CDancing is not her strong point.支撑点,据点她不擅长跳舞。4.(时间上的)一点,(特定)时刻;瞬间CU5.分数;(比赛等的)得分CIn the game we got ten points while t he Medical School got only three.比赛中我们得了十分,而医学院只得了三分。6.思想;论点C7.要点冲心思想the SspeeTheyHe missed the whole point of my ch.他完全没

25、抓住我讲话的要点。8.意义;目的;用途U(+in/of)There is no point in complaining.cant do anything to help you.抱怨于事无补;他们没办法帮助你。9.【数】点;小数点;标点C10.一小点,斑点C(+of)11.岬Ccape12.(电的)接触点;【英】插座及物动词vt.1.把.指向,把.对准;瞄准(+at/towards)Its rude to point your fin gers at people.用手指指人是很不礼貌的。2.指出(+out)He pointed out that they were mistake n.他指出他们错了。3.强调(+up)emphasize 动词 stress4.弄尖,削尖She pointed the pencil for her sister.她给妹妹削铅笔。5.给加标点;给加小数点不及物动词vi.1.指,指出,指明(+at/to)He poin ted at the book he wan ted.他指着他要的那一本书。指向,对准;朝向Q(+to/towards)toThe hands of the clock now pointed half past three.这时时针指向三点半。3.显示,表明;证明(+at/to/towards)

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