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1、浙江温州二模英语2013年温州市高三第二次适应性测试英语试题 2013.41.May I have a word with you, Shelly? -Of course. _?A. Whats the problem B. I beg your pardon C. Can I help you D. Why do you ask2.Last year I had _ narrow escape, and I dont want to risk my life_ second time.A. the .the B. a . / C. a . a D. the . a3. Wed better_

2、 these tubes for the time being. They may be of use for future experiments.A. keep out B. pick out C. give away D. put away4.Nowadays some people tend to take pride in doing things_ they should feel ashamed.A. by which B. of which C. in which D. from which5.According to the witness, a very big mouth

3、 is the criminals facial _. A. outline B. gesture C. expression D. feature6. If you are invited to dinner, you are supposed to arrive not later than the_ time.A. appoint B. appointing C. appointed D. appointment7. The pre-Christmas rush in November is_ there are many sales of online shopping.A. what

4、 B. when C. why D. how8.She felt embarrassed when she attended the wedding ceremony in such a_ dress.A. formal B. casual C. precious D. comfortable9.Although learning to drive_ be difficult at times, it is well worth the efforts.A. shall B. can C. would D. should10. Years ago it was easy for me to c

5、ome up with new ideas, but now I have_. A. little B. no C. nothing D. none11.一I saw our teacher at the hospital the other day. His daughter just had a baby and he_ to her.A. had paid a visit B. is paying a visit C. was paying a visit D. has paid a visit12. When you meet someone, you will _the first

6、impression based on his body language.A. convey B. give C. form D. leave13.You can get into a booking website_ admission tickets for the live concertA. besides B. via C. without D. for14._ these brochures among the tourists before you leave, will you?A. Having distributed B. To distribute C. Distrib

7、ute D. Distributing15.The manager has a strong preference for a job interview, for it evaluates a candidate more_ .A. thoroughly B. roughly C. frequently D. smoothly16.Various efforts over the centuries to predict earthquakes to reduce the damage.A. are being made B. have been made C. were made D. w

8、ere being made17.They say you are going to Hawaii for summer vacation. 一Well, _I can get my visa.A. as far as B. so long as C. now that D. even if18.With three goals in the first period they had a promising victory, but they lost.A. somehow B. besides C. otherwise D. therefore19.Im fed up with this

9、wet weather. It is time we _some sunshine for a picnic.A. have B. will have C. had had D. had20.-Could you be so kind as to work an hour overtime, Portia? _,if you think it is necessary.A. Go ahead B. Yes, please C. Im afraid not D. With pleasure 1第二节完形填空:(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)Two devoted friends, Sam

10、and Jason, met with an accident on their way to Boston City. Jason woke up 21 a couple of days later, and Sam was 22 unconscious (昏迷的).Dr. Berkeley kept standing at Sams bedside looking at his health chart. When he found Sam 23_,he smiled at him and asked. “How are you 24 today, kid?” Sam tried to a

11、ppear 25, saying, “absolutely wonderful, Doctor.” Dr Berkeley was 26 by what Sam had decided to do for his best friend Jason. But what he 27 say was, “You are very strong in heart and God bless you”. While he was moving 28 the next patient, Sam called back at him almost pleading (祈求),“_29 me that yo

12、u wont tell Jason anything”. “I wont do that. Trust me.” said the doctor.Months later, when Jason had recovered completely, he stopped 30 with Sam. He felt discouraged and embarrassed to spend time with a(n) 31 person like Sam. Sam was lonely and depressed, 32 he didnt have anybody else other than J

13、ason to 33 . Things went from bad to worse. And eventually one day Sam died in 34. When Jason was called to hospital, he 35 a letter left by Sam, which said: “ Dear Jason, I have made up my mind in the end to lend you my 36. Now Im so glad that you will see the world through my eyes.”“I had promised

14、 Sam to keep the sacrifice (牺牲)he made as a 37, said Dr. Berkeley, “But 38 I wish I didnt stick to it, because I dont think it was worthwhile.” 39 that was left for Jason was tears of regret and memories of Sam for the rest of his life .No matter 40 happens, if we make a friend, we should stick by h

15、im till the end. Life is meaningless without a friend to be with you through thick and thin.21. A. blindB. deafC. armlessD. legless22. A. soonB. evenC. stillD. also23. A. awakeB. secureC. sleepyD. energetic24. A. preparingB. behavingC. performingD. feeling25. A. fearfulB. braveC. seriousD. sad26. A.

16、 puzzledB. amusedC. movedD. annoyed27. A. couldB. shouldC. wouldD. might28. A. away fromB. on toC. along withD. back into29. A. persuadeB. comfortC. informD. promise30. A. working together B. getting homeC. running aboutD. hanging around31. A. rudeB. abnormalC. ordinaryD. frightened32. A. ifB. befor

17、eC. althoughD. since33. A. hear fromB. search forC. depend onD. worry about34. A. sadnessB. happinessC. wonderD. panic35. A. presentedB. foundC. missedD. tore36. A. eyesB. moneyC. glassesD. medicine37. A. dreamB. memoryC. honorD. secret38. A. thereB. hereC. nowD. then39. A. AllB. SomethingC. MuchD.

18、Nothing40. A. whichB. whereC. whatD. how 2第二部分阅读理解:(第一节20小题,第二节5小题;每小题2分,满分50分)AIs the world clear out of geniuses (天才)? Will we ever have another Copernicus, another Darwin, another Einstein to shake our beliefs?Keith Simonton, professor of psychology at the University of California, has devoted th

19、e better part of his career to studying geniuses people who possess what he calls the highest level of scientific creativity. Simonton is talking about more than just wisdom. A true genius, the rare member of society, is a Renaissance human who can completely change the way we understand the world.

20、Geniuses are people who come up with “surprising ideas that are not a mere extension (延伸)of what is already known”.A historical tour through the scientific revolution contains many people who fit this definition (定义),such as Einstein, Copernicus, Darwin, Galileo, Newton and Marie Curie. Each man and

21、 woman totally upended (颠覆)entire fields of research, or created entirely new ones. Simonton argues: “When was the last time that someone forced us to rewrite the textbooks in some field? Can you think of anybody since DNA? Stephen Hawking? Im not so sure by my definition. Just a highly creative sci

22、entist.”So lets agree weve lost modem geniuses. Actually people are not duller as a whole and certainly scientists have high IQs. They probably have more original intelligence than people like Copernicus, because they have to gain so much more experience and knowledge to even become practiced in the

23、ir fields. “Once you didnt need to go to college to become a great scientist. Later you needed college but not graduate school (研究生院).Then graduate school but not a post-doctoral school.” Simonton said. “Its becoming increasingly difficult to be a learned scientist.”The biggest and most fundamental

24、problems in science have been solved. Every new advancement is just fitting in a piece in a larger puzzle. The scientists who will do this are still honorable individuals: Simonton compares them to Olympians. Just as athletes can win an Olympic gold medal by beating the world record only by a small

25、part of a second, scientists can receive Nobel prizes for improving a small bit of theories.But the next great advances in research are combination of the classic subjects, Simonton points out. In the last century, weve gained astro-biology, astro-physics, bio-chemistry, and the like. When two subje

26、cts are mixed now, the result builds upon the work in the two subjects.Are there any great chances for combination of the major subjects? For biology, maybe its the origin of life: Whats the spark that got amino acids (氨基酸)to form proteins that eventually result in cells? In physics, maybe its the i

27、nability to unite gravity with the three other forces of nature. “It ;nay well be that the only way to unite the four forces of nature is to rebuild physics from the ground up. That would take a major revolution. It takes only one new scientific genius to do that,” he wrote.41.How many geniuses does

28、 Keith Simonton mention in the passage?A. 3 B. 5 C. 6 D. 742.What is a genius according to Mr. Simontons definition?A.A creative man who can invent many thingsB.A wise human born in the Renaissance daysC.A person who can change the idea of the worldD.A scientist who extends our knowledge greatly43.S

29、imonton believes people nowadays .A. are less intelligent than former generations B. cant think as properly as Copernicus didC. are not working hard to be knowledgeable D. need more education to become scientists44.In Simontons eyes, modem scientists are making their contribution by A. improving the

30、ories a bit B. solving biggest problemsC. performing honorable deeds D. receiving Nobel prizes45.From the last two paragraphs, we learn that future scientific geniuses .A. will know a classic subject thoroughly B. should work on more than one subjectC. must understand amino acids and cells D. can ex

31、plain the four forces of nature 3BStarting to learn how to swim can be scary and for adults, embarrassing. This is a way you can learn how to swim by yourself without another person. The steps are detailed to help explain the exercise. Once you are comfortable with the exercises, go to the next step. Now, get out there and have fun!Step 1First find the area you will practice in. Water should be at least to your waist but lower than your neck. If you experience any problems all yo

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