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1、07石春祯的动词词组总结2石春祯的动词词组总结!石春祯的动词词组总结!01. account for 1说明(原因等);EG: His illness account for his absence from school. 他因病未能去上学。That accounts for it. 原来如此。 2(将保管的款项)记账; 3对负责( answer for )。02. add up to 1合计,总计(amount to ,count up to ); EG: These figures add up to 117. 2结果。03. allow for 1考虑到(take into consi

2、deration); 2原谅,体谅。 EG: You should allow for his youth. 你应当体谅他还年轻。04. arrive at *在表示“到达”的具体含义时,arrive at/in =get to =reach ;在表示“达成”等抽象含义时,只用arrive at或 reach。.05. ask after 探望,问候EG: She asked after your health. 她问候你。06. ask for 1(向人)请求见面;2央求。EG: ask for help.07. avail (oneself) of 利用(机会等) EG: You must

3、 avail yourself of every opportunity to speak foreign languages.08. back up 1支持,援助; 2倒退,后退; 3使(交通等)停滞;(车子)倒车; 4支撑(身体等)。09. bear/keep in mind 记住 EG: We have no vacations now, but well certainly bear your application in mind. 010. break away (from) 脱离,逃跑EG: He considered breaking away from the clan. 他

4、考虑同那伙人分道扬镳。 *break away (from) & get away from 都是vi. 前者Escape with a sudden violent effort. 后者Escape from the scene of a crime or from being caught.011. break down 损坏,分解,瓦解另有:1(元气等)受挫,筋疲力尽,(健康)衰弱; 2(感情)失控,(因伤心过度而)哭泣; 3分析,分类。012. break in 1强行进入,闯入; 2(on) 打断,插嘴; 3驯服(动物等)。013. break into 1闯入; 2突然打断(话)。

5、014. break off 1断绝,结束; 2中断; 3绝交,突然停止(工作等),突然脱离。015. break out 1爆发,突然发生(战争、火灾、事故等); 2脱逃。016. break through 1突破(障碍等); 2(太阳)从云中出现。017. break up 1中止,结束; 2打碎,拆散; 3(身体)变虚弱,衰弱; 4崩溃,损坏。018. bring about 带来,造成 (=give rise to, lead to, result to )019. bring down 1打倒,挫伤; EG: The wind brought down a number oftre

6、es. 2降低; EG: Good Harvest will bring down the price. 3卸下(行李、货物); 4使蒙受(责罚等)on; 5继续,持续(记录)to;020. bring forth 1产生; EG:Trees bring forth fruit. 2提出。 EG:bring forth a question.021. bring forward 1提出;EG: Can you bring forward any proof of what you said ?2(簿记)过次,转入下页;3(日期等)提早,提前。022. bring out 1使出现,使明显;EG

7、: This essay fully brings out his ability. 这篇论文充分显示出他的才能。2公布,出版。bring out a new book 3把某人(尤其指女孩)引进社交界;4发挥(才能等)。023. bring to 1使恢复知觉;EG: A glass of water brought him to.2停船,使停船。024. bring up教育,培养,使成长1提出(证据、计划等);2突然停(车等),使(船)停泊;3引起注意;4吐出(食物);5继续进一步(说明等)。 025. bring/put into practice 实施,实行026. build up

8、 1树立,逐步建立;2增进,锻炼;3积累,堵塞;4赞扬。027. burn out 1燃尽(物品)烧光;2(房屋等)失火,烧尽。028. burn up 1烧尽,烧完;EG: He burned up all the books after the failure in the entrance examination.2烧起来,旺起来;3(美国俗语)大发雷霆。 029. call for 1要求,需要;EG: The job calls for patience.2邀请,去取(接);EG: Ill call for you at your house. 我将到你家去找你。3求援。030. c

9、all forth 1引起,唤起;EG: The proposals called forth a good deal of hostile criticism. 这些建议引起许多敌意的批评。 2振作起,鼓起。call forth all ones energies 全力以赴031. call off取消,放弃(cancel)EG: He phoned me and called the appointment off.032. call on/upon 1拜访(某人); 2要求做(to do);call on him for a speech = call on him to make a

10、speech3请求。033. call up 1召集,动员;应征入伍; 2使人想起 call up scenes of childhoodring up; 3打电话=ring up; 4起床。 034. cant /couldnt help 禁不住,不得不I cant help laughing (+动名词) / but laugh (but+动词原形)035. care for 1照料,照顾; 2(主要用于疑问句和否定句中)喜好,希望; EG: Do you care for cheese? 你喜欢奶酪吗? 3忧虑,担心。036. carry off 1夺去;EG: Tom carried

11、off all the school prizes.2渡过,完成;3勇敢地面对,坚持。037. carry on 1继续下去,坚持下去; 2从事,经营;EG: The baker has carried on business here for years. 面包师傅在此地经营了许多年。3(口语)出丑,惊慌;4(口语)与调情,调戏;5加油;继续(中断的工作等)。038. carry out 贯彻,执行,实现carry out ones promise 实现承诺carry out experiments 做实验039. carry /bring into effect 实行,实现=accompl

12、ish040. cast /shade / throw light on/upon 对加以说明,澄清 041. catch fire =take fire 开始燃烧 042. catch on 1理解,明白;EG: I catch on to the job gradually. 渐渐地我明白这工作怎么做了。2受欢迎,流行。043. catch ones breath 吓一跳,屏息044. catch ones eye 引人注目045. catch sight of 看到046. catch up with 1追上,赶上;EG: Work hard and you will catch up

13、with your class.2把落后弥补上。047. check in 办理登记手续EG: You must check in at the airport an hour before your plane leaves.048. check out1结帐后离去check out of a hotel 2(美)签发支票(银行存款);3(登记)离去,离开。049. check up / (up) on 调查,检查,核对050. cheer up 1使高兴,使振奋;EG: The news cheered up everyday.2高兴起来,振作起来。EG: He cheered up at

14、 the news.051. clear away 扫除,收拾 the dishes 052. clear up 1解释,澄清;(make clear / explicit 弄清,澄清) to clear up the mystery/misunderstanding2(天气)变晴;3整理,收拾;4清除,解除。053. come off 1实现,成功,奏效;2离开,掉下,脱落;3脱离,退出,断绝关系。 054. come on 1请,来吧,跟着来,慢点; 2进展,发展; 3开始,来临; 4出场,上演。055. come out 1出版,刊出; 2出现,显露,长出; 3结果是,结局是; 4被解出

15、。056. come round /around 1来访,前来; 2苏醒,复原。057. come through 经历,脱险058. come to 1苏醒,复苏; 2共计,达到。059. come to the point060. come true(梦等)实现,如愿以偿061. come up 1走近,上来; 2发生被提出。062. come up to 达到,符合063. come up with 提出,提供064. come /go into effect 生效,实施065. come /go into force 生效,实施066. come /go into operation

16、开始生效,开始 运转,开工067. compareto 1与比较; 2把比做。EG: He compares my book to his.He compares books to friends.068. count on 依靠,指望,期待depend /reckon/rely on sth (依靠,指望)069. count up把相加 (=add up) 070. cover up 掩盖,掩饰EG: How can we cover up our mistakes?071. cross out 注销cross out 2 words 删去2个字072. cut across1走捷径,抄近

17、路;2超出的范围,超越。073. cut back 1削减,降低;2修剪(树枝);3(在电影、小说等中)重提前情。074. cut down 1削减,减少(经费等);2砍倒(树);3修改(衣服)使变小;4(人为疾病所)击倒,砍杀。 075. cut in 1(汽车)抢档;2插嘴,打断。076. cut out1割掉,除去;2除掉,删掉(省略);3抢先(某人),取代(某人);4以的形状裁制衣服;5断绝,分离;6停止。077. cut short 突然停止EG: He cut short his tour abroad and retained to Paris.078. derive from

18、渊源于,(从)取得079. die down 渐渐消失,平息080. die off 相继死去081. die out 灭绝,消失 (out = completely)082. do away with 废除,去掉083. do without 没有也行 (= go without)084. do /try ones best 尽力085. double up1把折叠起来;2弯腰。086. doze off 打瞌睡087. draw in (火车、汽车)到站088. draw on 1动用,利用;draw on ones imagination 运用想象力2吸,抽烟。089. draw up

19、1写出,画出;2草拟;3(车子)停住。EG: The car drew up to me.090. dress up 穿上盛装,打扮地漂漂亮亮EG: Helen has invited us to dinner but says we shouldnt bother to dress up.091. drop by /in 顺便走访EG: Would you drop in on me /at my house this evening?092. drop off 1减弱,减少;2打瞌睡;=doze off 093. drop out 1退出,离队;2不参与,弃权。094. dwell on

20、/upon 1深思熟虑,再三考虑;2详述。095. embark on /upon 从事,着手,开始工作 EG: China embarked on a massive programme of reform. 中国开始实施大规模的改革计划。096. face up to 大胆面向EG: He has never been able to face up to the realities. 他从来都不能大胆面对现实。097. fail to未能098. fall back on 转而依靠,求助于099. fall behind 1落后;2(付款等)逾期。100. fall in love (w

21、ith) 相爱,爱上EG: I fell in love with her at first sight. 我对她一见钟情。101. fall in with 1符合,与一致;2碰见(偶然)。102. fall out 1争吵,争执;2发生,变成(的结果),结果是;3(军)离开队伍。103. fall through 落空,失败104. feed in 输入EG: You feed in coin here and the coffee comes out there. 105. feel like (doing) 欲,想要,一般用于否定句或疑问句中EG: I dont feel like e

22、ating now.106. fill in(英) /out(美) 填充,填写107. find fault (with) 埋怨,挑剔;吹毛求疵,批评108. find out 1发现;想出;解决;2识破(违法);暴露。find与find out(1) find是一种客观结果,find out实指主观有意识的动作;(2) look for“寻找”具体事物,find out(找出,查明)的通常是抽象的事因、复杂的真相等。 109. flare up 1突然燃起来;2突然发怒。fire /flame /flare /blaze up 皆为“发火”110. gain /have an advanta

23、ge over 胜过,优于111. get across 使人了解,使人清楚 EG: The idea got across to all.put across 解释清楚112. get along /on with 1进展(get on);EG: How is your work getting along?2过活,生活(get by);EG: How are you getting along?3相处融洽。113. get round /around 1走动,旅行;2(消息)传开。114. get around /round to 找时间做,开始考虑 115. get at 1得到,接近(

24、reach);EG: I cant get at the tool on the shelf.2意思是(mean)。EG: What are you getting at ? 你的意思是什么?116. get away 1离开;EG: Im too busy to get away.2逃脱(break away 强行逃脱)。EG: One of the mice got away.117. get better of 胜过,占上风118. get by (get along) 1通过,经过(get along);EG: The parade has got by.2过活。EG: She can

25、t get by on such a small income.119. get down 1从下来;EG: He got down from his horse.2写下(write down, put down)。EG: Get what he says down in writing.120. get down to 开始,着手(set about, take up)EG: Get down to work.121. get hold of 1抓住,掌握;2接触。122. get in 1进入(join in);EG: They got in and drove off. 他们一上车,车就

26、开了。2收获,收集;EG: The farmers are getting the crops in.3插入(话)。EG: She talks so much that you cant get a word in.123. get into 1(口语)穿上(衣服鞋子等)=put on;2进入,从事。124. get off 1从下来;EG: They got off the bus.2逃脱惩罚。EG: The thief got off lightly. 这个贼被从轻发落。125. get out of 1出自(issue from);逃脱(escape from);2弃绝(癖好、习惯等);

27、3避免(做)(doing);4自(某人处)取得(金钱、消息)。126. get over (recover) 1从(疾病中)恢复过来(recover);EG: The man returned to work after he got over his illness.2克服困难(overcome);EG: The committee will have to find means to get over the difficulty.3解决问题(solve,settle)。EG: How shall we get over these problems?127. get rid of 1处理掉,丢弃; EG: These goods are difficult to get rid of. 2摆脱,除去。EG: He cant get rid of the cold.128. get the best of 胜过(他人)129. get the better of 打败,胜过EG: Ill get the better of him some day.130. get through 1结束(工作),完成(任务)(finish);EG: As soon as I get through my work, I will go and see you.2接通电话;

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